BC CRX Meet Saturday July 12 2014
The date for the 2014 BC CRX Meet has now been set for Saturday July 12, so plan on coming out, 4th generation (1988-1991) Honda Civics are also welcome to attend. Let's make this one of the largest meets we've had so spread the word.
9:30am - Meet at the Langley Shoppers Drug Mart parking lot 20159 88 Ave (east side of building)
10:30am - Cruise out to the Canadian Museum of Flight located at the Langley Airport 5333 216 St for a tour of the facility and check out some planes ($7.00 per person cost, please bring exact change)
1:30pm - Cruise over to Boston Pizza for lunch in Langley 20090 91A (near Colossus theatre)
3:30pm - Cruise to Cypress Mountain for pictures and door prizes