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Old 07-28-2014, 11:42 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by FS1992EG View Post
I she got
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Old 07-28-2014, 11:51 PM   #52
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Given that there are so many idiots in this thread taking things at face value, I just want to say READ THE FUCKING ARTICLES before taking what some prat on RS has to say about it:

B.C. premier criticized for Israel support | Vancouver 24 hrs

"In a letter to the Ottawa-based Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, Clark stressed the importance of a ceasefire and went on to write, “British Columbia can be counted as a friend of Israel.”

Now, I hate Crusty as much as anyone, but she did make a valid point. Granted, what is she doing mixing it with international issues, she needs to keep her nose in her own business, that of BC's. But, let's not take this out of context, she is urging for peace, whether short term or otherwise, it is needed.

“Israel is an example not only to the region, but the world,” she wrote. “Support for Israel abroad makes a difference.”

Not sure what Crusty's on about here, probably needs more context. 24hrs is hardly the go to place for quality news.

"Hanna Kawas of the Canada Palestine Association, a group which has called for boycotts against Canadian companies supporting the Israeli government in the past, said Clark should stick to running the province.
“To start with, it’s none of her business to comment on foreign policy,” Kawas said. “We have enough fools and idiots in Ottawa commenting on the situation.”

So this is the 24hrs' claim for criticism of Crusty. Well, yes, it's from a Palestinian group, of course they will criticize, I would expect nothing less, but this should not be at all surprising.

"The premier’s office said Clark was asked to write the letter by the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver for an event Sunday night, but would not go into further detail about the issue."

I actually do wonder whether they got paid for this letter. I wonder if Crusty's opinion matches those of the people of BC. I do think Crusty should have said "i appreciate the offer, but as I am merely an inbred provincial leader, I should leave Canada's international affairs to the federal government." But, as said, Crusty is an idiot.
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Old 07-29-2014, 12:51 AM   #53
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No wonder you're pro-isreali, you can't recognize the propaganda move she made.

Originally Posted by inv4zn View Post
Charles, it's late, and I'm in a good mood because I found out what was wrong with my car stereo, so I'll go against my better judgment and make one request for you.

Can you, in a paragraph of about 3 or 4 sentences, give us your view of the world? One caveat, you cannot use the word Zionist, because I have no idea what it really means, and what you think it means.

I ask because a majority of the stuff you write seem nonsensical - and I'm asking you to explain what it is you're going on about all the fucking time, so I can at least try to understand.

Again, I'm only asking because I fixed my stereo.
Families from the middle ages to present day are trying to control the whole world.
Isreal and Jews are one of their present day tools... along the US for military might, London as a financial hub, and the Vatican for its spiritual backing.
There are facts in-between the lines, like how they slaughtered 250-300 million people during the worlds wars that they manufactured.
We are entering a 3rd world war phase and no one outside of the families know how far it will reach in our life time.
Independent countries outside of their control are Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and a handful of other countries like a few in Latin America.

The facts that have been revealed over time are what I use to backup my beliefs which cant be disputed, specially by the brainwashed pro isreali's as you can see none of them can challenge me.

This video shows the level of indiscriminate Gaza bombings they did in just one hour.
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Old 07-29-2014, 12:56 AM   #54
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lol, even if charles in charge is right... the question is, if not the zionists, then... who... ?

IF he is right, that means this kinda puppeteering has been going on for longer than we have been around. for 100's if not 1000's of years. it means this is the system in which humans operate in. it is inherent to humans to have a power structure where the top manipulates the bottom to do their bidding.

if not the zionists, then it would just simply be someone else. therefore, it doesn't matter, cuz we're not at that level. we're always going to be peons no matter what.

if he's wrong... well, then he's just crazy and the world works a lot different than he thought.

now let's assume he's right...

my question is now... so now what? is there a system that would work where there is no puppet master? a colony of ants without a queen? a matrix without an architect? free will without illusion?!?!?

Wouldn't another hidden power immediately rear it's ugly head (but no one would see cuz it's in the shadows), and slip into power and take over and continue to propagate the illusion of freedom to us lower peasants?

If these secret entities did exist, they're not spending most of their time trying to control us normal people... they're probably spending most of their time trying to ward off these other high level entities from taking over. like a medieval royal family constantly watching their backs from their very own people.
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Old 07-29-2014, 01:01 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge View Post
No wonder you're pro-isreali, you can't recognize the propaganda move she made.

Families from the middle ages to present day are trying to control the whole world.
Isreal and Jews are one of their present day tools... along the US for military might, London as a financial hub, and the Vatican for its spiritual backing.
There are facts in-between the lines, like how they slaughtered 250-300 million people during the worlds wars that they manufactured.
We are entering a 3rd world war phase and no one outside of the families know how far it will reach in our life time.
Independent countries outside of their control are Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and a handful of other countries like a few in Latin America.

The facts that have been revealed over time are what I use to backup my beliefs which cant be disputed, specially by the brainwashed pro isreali's as you can see none of them can challenge me.

This video shows the level of indiscriminate Gaza bombings they did in just one hour.
this is why you're such an idiot, you have classified me as pro Israeli. How? Why? I was merely pointing out the errors in bringing that Crusty Clark piece and coming to a conclusion.

I want there to be peace, that's all i want. i want people to stop killing in the name of religion. No side is right in this.
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Old 07-29-2014, 01:03 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge View Post
The facts that have been revealed over time are what I use to backup my beliefs which cant be disputed, specially by the brainwashed pro isreali's as you can see none of them can challenge me.
Where are these facts?

Why don't you present the facts in a well written, non crazy article to RS. Otherwise, shut up and go away with your crazy theories.

What do you think of David Icke? Do you think he's crazy, or is he one of 'your kind'
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Old 07-29-2014, 01:08 AM   #57
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@Ulic Qel-Droma
Or you can look over some of the facts... you write and read long paragraphs, Im surprised you dont dive into and acknowledge this stuff.

Zionist is a modern name among others... which fits more appropriately if you knew how its setup.

This entity has already killed countless people around the globe, it doesnt mean other power structures would do the same.
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Old 07-29-2014, 01:21 AM   #58
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You are pro isreali, look at what comment you thanked
post 6

Where are these facts?
Try reading the first post and its spoilers for starters.
Which was the same point I made in post 61 (2nd part) where I highlighted the important part.
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Old 07-29-2014, 02:22 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge View Post
You are pro isreali, look at what comment you thanked
post 6

it is sad that you deem that as me being pro israeli.

i'm anti terrorism.

i'm anti war.

i'm anti death.

i hate what the israelis are doing just as much as i hate what the palestinians are doing.

I also thank/fail a lot of posts based on the stupidity of the user and their comments being totally false and one sided, much like yours.
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Old 07-29-2014, 08:46 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge View Post
You are pro isreali, look at what comment you thanked
post 6

Try reading the first post and its spoilers for starters.
Which was the same point I made in post 61 (2nd part) where I highlighted the important part.
Hey Charles, well done with the reply - it was actually coherently written, and I'm mildly impressed.

So then, now I must ask, let us entertain the notion that the world is being run by Zionists (Now I understand! Yay!), and that all of us are mere puppets in this world, that all world politics are a sham, and every major event in history has some sort of hidden agenda behind it.

The notion actually sounds rather farfetched to me, but for the sake of debate, we'll entertain it. So now I must ask: What is the purpose that you, and those who think like you, desire to achieve? Is it education of the dumb, "brainwashed" masses, so that we rise against our Zionist overlords? Is it world peace you're after?

Your ideology isn't popular because you've branded everyone who disagrees with you as "pro-israeli", zionist, brainwashed, etc. It's the epitome of dualism and it does no good to convince or persuade people that what you're saying has merit. To the masses, it looks like you're saying something nobody really agrees with, and when they disagree with you, you say that they are exactly what you're talking about in the first place. Seems rather convenient, don't you?

If you wish for us to entertain an idea that you think is right, shouldn't you also entertain the idea that you may be wrong?

Also, I ask this: A lot of the "facts" that you post all over RS seems to be from various sources on the internet and youtube. If, as you say, the world is as it is, wouldn't it be very easy for the overlords to just delete any sort of information? And you must agree that the internet cannot be a trusty source for "facts." It's an incredible method of transporting and delivering information. However that information could be written by anyone; Just because someone wrote it on a website somewhere, doesn't mean it's true, does it?

So, to reiterate, and so you don't brand me pro-israeli, I summarize:
1: What do you wish to achieve
2: The dualist theory that if I don't agree with you, I'm automatically part of the problem seems very convenient in spreading an unpopular idea. What if you're the one that's wrong?
3: How are these "facts" you provide us, proven to be facts?

I'm spending way too much time on this, but, I'm also in a good mood this morning as our Jewish lords have granted me a healthy bowel movement. (Ha, no, that last one was thrown in for humour; you may ignore it, and please answer my questions in seriousness.)
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Old 07-29-2014, 12:20 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by inv4zn View Post
Hey Charles, well done with the reply - it was actually coherently written, and I'm mildly impressed.

So then, now I must ask, let us entertain the notion that the world is being run by Zionists (Now I understand! Yay!), and that all of us are mere puppets in this world, that all world politics are a sham, and every major event in history has some sort of hidden agenda behind it.

The notion actually sounds rather farfetched to me,
Look at the Bilderbergs group, could you explain why its board members are connected to so many corporations that influence our life?

A little question, but you will never get close to answering it without knowing history.
If we looked at the last 50 years, does that give us the full history of the automobile?
50 years ago would be 1964, if someone said car design and engineering started at this phase, we'd look at him as a complete idiot.

So if one wants to understand how these power structures came to be, you have to look at who controlled what in the past and where monarch powers really dissolved to.

You're not going to learn this in history class written by the same people who hold this power. They will not openly expose their lines of power and where and when they made coups or how they funded both sides of wars.

Members on this board are like pimple faced kids that dont know Lamborghini is really owned by Volkswagen until someone tells them.
Actually, even this company was born by the "Zionist" to be what it is today.

If you'd like to read into the history of these powers, look into the article I posted in the following thread (5th one) and then you can individually pick out parts of it and look for mainstream sources to match the truth.

Originally Posted by inv4zn View Post
but for the sake of debate, we'll entertain it. So now I must ask: What is the purpose that you, and those who think like you, desire to achieve? Is it education of the dumb, "brainwashed" masses, so that we rise against our Zionist overlords? Is it world peace you're after?
Its to be free. Its like why do people discuss what ICBC, Translink, and the other private monopoly goons are doing.

Your ideology isn't popular because you've branded everyone who disagrees with you as "pro-israeli", zionist, brainwashed, etc.
In member 4444's case that I called him pro-isreali, he followed the isreali propaganda line of today to give that thanks. He may not know it but let me tell you that of all the people that fail me, 4444 has given me the most fails.

It's the epitome of dualism and it does no good to convince or persuade people that what you're saying has merit. To the masses, it looks like you're saying something nobody really agrees with, and when they disagree with you, you say that they are exactly what you're talking about in the first place. Seems rather convenient, don't you?
I wonder if at the end of this post you will actually read and agree with my perspective or like many other posters, just ignore the historical information provided, not dispute it, and end the conversation. When someone disputes my view and rebuttals with name calling... Im only left to call them a brainwashed drone.

If you wish for us to entertain an idea that you think is right, shouldn't you also entertain the idea that you may be wrong?
No, when I have history on my side... my opposition doesnt.
If I ask why the US gives over 1000 Ferrari Italia's to isreal every month, people are dumb struck and ignore it, specially the pro-isreali's as seen in the other thread. Why not address the Rothschilds establishing isreal and at the same time funding the Nazi's?
At least someone could name call it a conspiracy and be done with it, but they dont even do that...

The other Isreali thread

Also, I ask this: A lot of the "facts" that you post all over RS seems to be from various sources on the internet and youtube. If, as you say, the world is as it is, wouldn't it be very easy for the overlords to just delete any sort of information? And you must agree that the internet cannot be a trusty source for "facts." It's an incredible method of transporting and delivering information. However that information could be written by anyone; Just because someone wrote it on a website somewhere, doesn't mean it's true, does it?
The isreali army, and "Jews" across the world (who are actually the enemy of Judaism), are spreading misinformation to do this and not everything can be deleted. People will keep posting it as the internet cant be totally censored. Look at how they cant stop torrents unless they send a letter to your house and take you to court. the threat of putting one in jail.
The YouTube video I posted about the 911 false flag (the first post in this thread), well you cant dispute that because the blueprints of the event are on all US currency. Does it matter that some girl shows us the truth in a homemade video?

So, to reiterate, and so you don't brand me pro-israeli, I summarize:
1: What do you wish to achieve
2: The dualist theory that if I don't agree with you, I'm automatically part of the problem seems very convenient in spreading an unpopular idea. What if you're the one that's wrong?
3: How are these "facts" you provide us, proven to be facts?

I'm spending way too much time on this, but, I'm also in a good mood this morning as our Jewish lords have granted me a healthy bowel movement. (Ha, no, that last one was thrown in for humour; you may ignore it, and please answer my questions in seriousness.)
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Last edited by CharlesInCharge; 07-29-2014 at 12:27 PM.
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Old 07-29-2014, 02:38 PM   #62
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Look at the Bilderbergs group, could you explain why its board members are connected to so many corporations that influence our life?

A little question, but you will never get close to answering it without knowing history.
If we looked at the last 50 years, does that give us the full history of the automobile?
50 years ago would be 1964, if someone said car design and engineering started at this phase, we'd look at him as a complete idiot.

I don't get where the question is you mentioned, nor how it's related. History of the automobile indeed does not begin 50 years ago, but it doesn't span thousands (or more according to you, I'm not sure) years either.
So if one wants to understand how these power structures came to be, you have to look at who controlled what in the past and where monarch powers really dissolved to.
Which monarch powers are these. And on the topic of history, well, it's said history is written by those victorious. If our notion of 'history' is false as we're brainwashed, how and where are the 'other' historical records?

You're not going to learn this in history class written by the same people who hold this power. They will not openly expose their lines of power and where and when they made coups or how they funded both sides of wars.
Same question as above.

Members on this board are like pimple faced kids that dont know Lamborghini is really owned by Volkswagen until someone tells them.
Actually, even this company was born by the "Zionist" to be what it is today.
This is different. If it were to be analogous, VW should be actively trying to hide from the public that it owns Lambo. What you're trying to do is convince members of Green Peace that their CEO hunts rhinos for fun.

If you'd like to read into the history of these powers, look into the article I posted in the following thread (5th one) and then you can individually pick out parts of it and look for mainstream sources to match the truth.[/quote]

Its to be free. Its like why do people discuss what ICBC, Translink, and the other private monopoly goons are doing.
Colour me brainwashed, but I feel pretty free, although I know you feel otherwise. So continuing the debate, say we overthrow the zionists and they no longer control the world. It seems to me that anarchy and chaos would ensue, a far worse premise then this supposed guise of freedom we live under today.

In member 4444's case that I called him pro-isreali, he followed the isreali propaganda line of today to give that thanks. He may not know it but let me tell you that of all the people that fail me, 4444 has given me the most fails.
I see that he's continuing to do so lol

I wonder if at the end of this post you will actually read and agree with my perspective or like many other posters, just ignore the historical information provided, not dispute it, and end the conversation. When someone disputes my view and rebuttals with name calling... Im only left to call them a brainwashed drone.
I've read, but will not agree, yet. You may call it ignoring historical information, but what you fail to understand is that you have to convince us that it's actually historical information. Imagine if I, wrote that Napoleon was a woman and that Ghandi was actually a bear in disguise, and said that this was historical information, and then do...well, what you seem to do often.

No, when I have history on my side... my opposition doesnt.
If I ask why the US gives over 1000 Ferrari Italia's to isreal every month, Source? (RELIABLE source please)people are dumb struck and ignore it, specially the pro-isreali's as seen in the other thread. Why not address the Rothschilds establishing isreal and at the same time funding the Nazi's?Source? (again, RELIABLE)
At least someone could name call it a conspiracy and be done with it, but they dont even do that...

The isreali army, and "Jews" across the world (who are actually the enemy of Judaism), are spreading misinformation to do this and not everything can be deleted. People will keep posting it as the internet cant be totally censored. Look at how they cant stop torrents unless they send a letter to your house and take you to court. the threat of putting one in jail.
The YouTube video I posted about the 911 false flag (the first post in this thread), well you cant dispute that because the blueprints of the event are on all US currency. Does it matter that some girl shows us the truth in a homemade video? Yes, of course it matters, because what a girl says in a house has little credibility as compared to an established news source. But to that you will say that the established news sources are actually controlled by the people that the girl is trying to expose, and again, we reach an impasse.

This is fun, don't you think?
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Old 07-29-2014, 02:55 PM   #63
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Fun yes, I like to expose all ignorance on RS.
Before I dive into your post, do you acknowledge the 911 false flag video in the first post and isreal's involvement?
If you dont, why?
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Old 07-29-2014, 08:54 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge View Post
Fun yes, I like to expose all ignorance on RS.
Before I dive into your post, do you acknowledge the 911 false flag video in the first post and isreal's involvement?
If you dont, why?
This shit is exactly why you'll never get an answer inv4zn. Notice he never addressed direct the questions at the end of your well thought out post? He'll never answer your direct questions until he gets an answer from one that he asks then spins it against you all while dodging your original questions posed when they're a pretty simple answer.
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Old 07-29-2014, 11:54 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge View Post
Fun yes, I like to expose all ignorance on RS.
Before I dive into your post, do you acknowledge the 911 false flag video in the first post and isreal's involvement?
If you dont, why?
First off, sorry I couldn't reply earlier, I had to work, and then I watched Lucy. Decent movie by the way, you may get a kick out of it.

Also, I listened to what you said to entertain you, but I was watching the Netanyahu video by mistake. I was increasingly angry because Fox news is garbage, and Netanyahu sounds like Yogi Bear, and then I realized it was the wrong video. FML.

Anyway, the 9/11 video. Ah. I'll write this as I watch it.

The Simpsons episode part is not persuasive. It's $9, and of course the twin towers are going to be on a NY brochure.

The Rockefeller bit wasn't any good either. Also, his watch does not point to 9 and 11. It looks like it's actually about 10:45, but you can judge. Here's a screenshot.

The US bills, this has been around the internet for a long long time. The $20 bill looking like the burning towers, yes, I can agree to the similarities.

However, saying that the blanks symbolize the people out of the windows, is absurd. Just because she's painted little red circles that look like the red circles in the picture next to it in similar locations, does not make it true. Not to me anyway.

The $50 bill. Why does the note circulated earlier show a later chronological event? Doesn't that just poke a massive hole in the entire theory?

The premise of the video is that 9/11 was "Foreshadowed" using US bills released in 1996. But they re-released a $50 in 2004 (after 9/11) that "shows" an earlier chronological order. So what, the Zionists had a brainfart and switched the two bills by accident?

The video very conveniently glazes over this fact, and she states, "I guess even arrogant psychotic satanists have to be a little bit subtle." Lost a lot of points from me there.

Continuing, why did building 7 and the water fountain inexplicably symbolize Solomon's temple? Explain this to me, I'm genuinely curious how the two relate.

Washington square park: So they moved the fountain under the guise that it's supposed to align with the arch. But it doesn't actually align with the arch, but with ground zero. But the arch "perfectly frames the twin towers." Logic eludes me here, and again, just seems like fact-twisting.

I don't know what that last bit with Rockefeller is supposed to be, but any "clip" of interviews cut and pasted together has as little importance as this video:

So, there, I've answered your question.

I watched the video, and do not agree with it due to the points made above. It does not give me enough credible information that 9/11 was planned for 100 years.
Also, where does it mention Israel in the video? Am I just supposed to infer it since Rockefeller was Jewish? Isn't that like saying Iran (I'm assuming you're Iranian btw, something I remember reading something somewhere - my apologies if you aren't) is trying to infiltrate RS because you're trying to "expose ignorance on RS"?

I guess I'm still not ready for enlightenment, but I do await your answers to my questions in my previous post.

I'm gonna go eat an ice-cream sandwich now.
Originally Posted by RacingMetro92 View Post
This shit is exactly why you'll never get an answer inv4zn. Notice he never addressed direct the questions at the end of your well thought out post? He'll never answer your direct questions until he gets an answer from one that he asks then spins it against you all while dodging your original questions posed when they're a pretty simple answer. but I've been in a good mood lately and this is mildly entertaining.
Who knows, maybe I'll end up on Charles' "only semi-brainwashed" list
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Old 07-30-2014, 12:56 AM   #66
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You are cluing in on some of it but not getting the big picture. For example the watch is actually pointing to 9 and 11 if one was wearing it but we are looking at it from the opposite side.
I now understand why members in the other Isreali war thread are talking in circles like how a hamster runs inside a wheel and goes nowhere.

These pictures should be easy enough for people to understand the planning phase of 911 designed on the currency.

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Old 07-30-2014, 01:19 AM   #67
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I found this from a few years back... talk about winning hearts and minds of the new generation of pop star followers.

Justin Bieber claims he's very much pro-kid during his stay in Israel, despite what appears to be a pissed off Prime Minister who abruptly canceled a meeting with the pop star.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 86'd a scheduled meeting with the Biebs, after he reportedly refused to meet with kids who survived a recent rocket attack in Gaza.

Bieber's rep is not denying Justin wouldn't meet the kids, but says it's more of a scheduling thing: "Despite some logistical challenges, Justin is enjoying his first trip to Israel."
On Another note, I wonder if rapper Kenya West was trying to protest the current isreali slaughter when he described his wife Kim as cool as a fighter jet or a dinosaur.

In currents events;
Israeli Scientist Exposes “Iron Dome” Hoax
An Israeli scientist and award-winning security expert has called the Iron Dome missile defence system “the biggest hoax the world has seen”

“Today, there is no missile which can intercept other missiles or rocket-propelled grenades, and the Iron Dome is a light audio system which blocks Israeli public opinion and, of course, itself. In fact, all the explosions that we have seen in the atmosphere are self-destruction. The Iron Dome did not launch any rocket that could intercept at least one missile fired from Gaza.”

“The missiles which were intercepted by the Iron Dome and did not reach the ground are hypothetical missiles produced and destroyed in the Dome’s computer control room; as of this moment, nobody has seen an intercepted missile fall to the ground.”

“The Iron Dome is a plot created by interest groups who are afraid of peace, including the security industry and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

When tied the Ukraine, ISIS and Gaza together as Israeli operations, we unleashed a flurry of “sleeper/zombie” bloggers, “truthers” and human garbage.

VT Has ?Pricked an Open Wound? | Veterans Today
He calls them mental midgets, lolz.

Hamas GoPro video shows tunnel infiltration which killed five Israeli soldiers in a watchtower (graphic?)

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Last edited by CharlesInCharge; 07-30-2014 at 01:46 AM. Reason: whole post updated
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Old 07-30-2014, 03:39 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by inv4zn View Post
First off, sorry I couldn't reply earlier, I had to work, and then I watched Lucy. Decent movie by the way, you may get a kick out of it.

Also, I listened to what you said to entertain you, but I was watching the Netanyahu video by mistake. I was increasingly angry because Fox news is garbage, and Netanyahu sounds like Yogi Bear, and then I realized it was the wrong video. FML.

Anyway, the 9/11 video. Ah. I'll write this as I watch it.

The Simpsons episode part is not persuasive. It's $9, and of course the twin towers are going to be on a NY brochure.

The Rockefeller bit wasn't any good either. Also, his watch does not point to 9 and 11. It looks like it's actually about 10:45, but you can judge. Here's a screenshot.

The US bills, this has been around the internet for a long long time. The $20 bill looking like the burning towers, yes, I can agree to the similarities.

However, saying that the blanks symbolize the people out of the windows, is absurd. Just because she's painted little red circles that look like the red circles in the picture next to it in similar locations, does not make it true. Not to me anyway.

The $50 bill. Why does the note circulated earlier show a later chronological event? Doesn't that just poke a massive hole in the entire theory?

The premise of the video is that 9/11 was "Foreshadowed" using US bills released in 1996. But they re-released a $50 in 2004 (after 9/11) that "shows" an earlier chronological order. So what, the Zionists had a brainfart and switched the two bills by accident?

The video very conveniently glazes over this fact, and she states, "I guess even arrogant psychotic satanists have to be a little bit subtle." Lost a lot of points from me there.

Continuing, why did building 7 and the water fountain inexplicably symbolize Solomon's temple? Explain this to me, I'm genuinely curious how the two relate.

Washington square park: So they moved the fountain under the guise that it's supposed to align with the arch. But it doesn't actually align with the arch, but with ground zero. But the arch "perfectly frames the twin towers." Logic eludes me here, and again, just seems like fact-twisting.

I don't know what that last bit with Rockefeller is supposed to be, but any "clip" of interviews cut and pasted together has as little importance as this video: Barack Obama Singing Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO - YouTube

So, there, I've answered your question.

I watched the video, and do not agree with it due to the points made above. It does not give me enough credible information that 9/11 was planned for 100 years.
Also, where does it mention Israel in the video? Am I just supposed to infer it since Rockefeller was Jewish? Isn't that like saying Iran (I'm assuming you're Iranian btw, something I remember reading something somewhere - my apologies if you aren't) is trying to infiltrate RS because you're trying to "expose ignorance on RS"?

I guess I'm still not ready for enlightenment, but I do await your answers to my questions in my previous post.

I'm gonna go eat an ice-cream sandwich now. but I've been in a good mood lately and this is mildly entertaining.
Who knows, maybe I'll end up on Charles' "only semi-brainwashed" list
well done, you're the only person who's willing to watch his cracker BS videos that he links to.

Any random coincidence over a person's life will automatically be a 'false flag' to this inbred.

i really want to know what CiC looks like, what he does, whether he's as mentally challeneged as he appears.

but, inv4zn, i take my hat off to you - you are clearly in a fantastic mood to respond to this prat!
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Old 07-30-2014, 06:49 AM   #69
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Charles, I'm disappointed.

I did all you asked me to do: I watched your video, brought up points I didn't agree with, and asked you questions regarding them.

But instead of answering them, you put up screenshots of a video that I already watched, gave me some more websites, and then indirectly called me a hamster.

What gives? I've already pointed out this trend in previous posts, but you seemed to glaze over them. I'd like my questions and concerns addressed please.

I'm not responding to your post until you do me the courtesy of responding to mine.

I wonder if at the end of this post you will actually read and agree with my perspective or like many other posters, just ignore the historical information provided, not dispute it, and end the conversation. When someone disputes my view and rebuttals with name calling... Im only left to call them a brainwashed drone.
You just did exactly what you accused others of doing, so please, answer my questions.

Edit: Also, Charles, the watch things, I said 10:45 from Rocefeller's perspective.
Here's a diagram: It looks like it says about 10:43.

Last edited by inv4zn; 07-30-2014 at 07:09 AM.
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Old 07-30-2014, 07:14 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge View Post
Fun yes, I like to expose all ignorance on RS.

Nothing like starting my morning with a good shot of irony.
I'm sure a lot of people, like myself, are just done with hitting the fail button on CiC. It's fatiguing when 99.99% of his posts are from the same bowl of tripe.
Romans 10:9
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Old 07-30-2014, 07:36 AM   #71
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I answered his questions to their fullest extent in his fight club thread. Then I asked the simple question of whether or not the Holocaust happened just to see his view on that and he refused to answer it.

Welcome to my world.
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Old 07-30-2014, 08:53 AM   #72
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wow....I did not imagine the extent of this...

origami with bills? seriously? you could probably fold a picture of dragons flying behind the white house if you tried hard enough...

watch dials?! come on...

you know you're doing a disservice to the issues you speak on when you also mention things like that?

hell you do a disservice to those passionate about the issue too look at the other thread the idiots actually lumped us together because our topics converge -_-
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Old 07-30-2014, 10:03 AM   #73
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Before I reply to other posts, StylinRed I think of you as one of the members with the most common sense.
Are you actually telling us the 911 sequence on the folded bills, and it being chronicled in the order of the denominations, is all a coincidence???
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Old 07-30-2014, 10:08 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge View Post
Before I reply to other posts, StylinRed I think of you as one of the members with the most common sense.
Are you actually telling us the 911 sequence on the folded bills, and it being chronicled in the order of the denominations, is all a coincidence???


fucking hell, CiC, you're too much, you actually believe your own drivel.

you point out mere coincidence (and manipulating something to make it look like something else is not even coincidence) and take that as a conspiracy theory.
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Old 07-30-2014, 10:11 AM   #75
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I think its the result of an imaginative mind that sees what they wish to see in origami, much like how we see images in the's a bit much
except in this case the origami images were created by the he created the images to suit his imagination
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