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I was told that Ukrainian air control was in contact with flight MH17 just before & during the incident but they've yet to release the tape/transcript?
Assuming the Russians are heavily involved (which I'm assuming they are), I will officially never touch Russian Vodka ever again. I think more of us should do the same.
Thank God I can buy local Banff Glacier Vodka instead.
Also, while it's commendable that nations will not go to war with each other as easily as in the past, it's sad that it's probably due to economic interests rather than moral interests.
It's not really commendable, it's more sustainable.
We can't start going to war over every random act, where there is no clear evidence anyone did anything.
If Russia straight up said, "Yep, it was us. Too bad, so sad" and continues to threaten and hurt a speific country, then I can see how a War would be plausible. But, you can't expect Nations to go to War over an incident where no side really knows much.
reads most threads with his pants around his ankles, especially in the Forced Induction forum.
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Originally Posted by PeanutButter
It's not really commendable, it's more sustainable.
We can't start going to war over every random act, where there is no clear evidence anyone did anything.
If Russia straight up said, "Yep, it was us. Too bad, so sad" and continues to threaten and hurt a speific country, then I can see how a War would be plausible. But, you can't expect Nations to go to War over an incident where no side really knows much.
Even if there are prof that Russia is in it or at least be part of it, there will still be no war. This isn't like back in WW2 where nations are pretty close and mostly rely on themselves. Now there are too economy ties and business between different countries is impossible to go to war with Russia. Not to mention most likely China will back up Russia. If there is a war it won't be fought with tanks and bullets it will be digital and economic.
want sources? google it, this is an open statement by the "white house".
Forbes Magazine writes...
What is this Jewish banker doing here with his hands? Winning the hearts of his Nazi thugs?
Wikipedia describes Ukraine's new prime minister as
Ukrainian billionaire with Israeli citizenship owning the largest bank in Ukraine is appointed position as governor.
Igor Kolomoisky (left), one of the men behind the planned European Jewish Parliament, raises his glass for a toast with Israeli Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger in 2010
Is it tiring for you guys to keep following the same ZioAmerican news outlets, come on here to regurgitate the same story line, but to find out you were bamboozled once again?
you ask me to bring you proof - i'll ask you to do the same.
here's a deal for you, i won't post anything to this thread without proof, and you do the same.
all you do is provide conspiracy theories which are mostly baseless. i try to bring in a logical argument.
in the end of the day, proof is very hard to find as it often can be questioned. the court of law is based on the agreement of a group of peers - I believe we will end up with certain 'proof' with which everyone will end up trying to poke holes in, and a consensus of western powers will agree russia did it, and that is what we will have to accept.
we, the general public, do not have the information those involved do, and it is made harder by the Russian separatist intervention that is currently occurring... or is that all a zionist conspiracy?
i'd love to know, do you function normally in society? do you have a job? do you live in a bunker with a collection of tin foil hats?
ignoring the links you've posted, bc they're as batty as you, but it is VERY interesting why the flight was so far north... it makes no sense to be that far north, right? surely they should be flying over crimea area, not the donesk area?!
Don't bother having a rational argument with him. It's like trying to ask a priest to provide scientific proof of god. The two sides just can't reconcile. It's literally impossible because they literally can't be rational. They have to be, it's the only way.
SkinnyPupp you also spread mainstream media propaganda and will not answer to the facts I provide.
Show me you can rub two brain cells together and explain the question I ask below.
Listen I provided proof that the Nazi's and the Zionist have collaborated together on the behalf of the ZioAmerican empire, having killed many along the way by sniping and shelling innocent people in Ukraine. This was a coup.
Your rebuttal is to totally ignore this and say "consensus of western powers" is blah blah.
Try again... tell me why the Zionist and Nazi's are working together.
edit -
Looking back at the Boston bombings, people only care about current events when its hot to talk about but are not really interested many months down the line because after I provided new evidence of that false flag, no one cared.
Listen I provided proof that the Nazi's and the Zionist have collaborated together on the behalf of the ZioAmerican empire, having killed many along the way by sniping and shelling innocent people in Ukraine. This was a coup.
Your rebuttal is to totally ignore this and say "consensus of western powers" is blah blah.
Try again... tell me why the Zionist and Nazi's are working together.
nazi's, zionist...
your mind really is wired wrong
i am REALLY intrigued as to whether you have a normal real life or if you're a uni bomber in waiting, please tell us!
ignoring the links you've posted, bc they're as batty as you, but it is VERY interesting why the flight was so far north... it makes no sense to be that far north, right? surely they should be flying over crimea area, not the donesk area?!
Not really. They were on an approved flight path, so long as they stayed above the minimum air space. There's an image i can't link to right now (stupid phone) that shows another plane on the same path minutes before the attack.
SkinnyPupp you also spread mainstream media propaganda and will not answer to the facts I provide.
Show me you can rub two brain cells together and explain the question I ask below..
How is it any different then the conspiracy propaganda you spread? It's funny because you constantly call people sheep yet the only difference between yourself and everyone who disagrees with you is you get your truth from a different source. You take everything your conspiracy cohorts say as gospel no matter how convoluted or how much of a reach the story is and claim everyone else is being spoon fed when the reality is you're no different except for your source.
Do I think that everything mainstream media reports is true? Hell no. For you every single event that happens in the world is a cover up, a fallacy and a lie. If you don't see a problem with that you my friend are the sheep.
Is there some truth to some of the stuff you post? There probably is but it gets buried in the bullshit. You cry wolf so much that when you actually post anything with some real merit how can anyone believe it?
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I donīt care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it. You, me or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life. But ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. Thatīs how winning is done. Now, if you know what you worth, go out and get what you worth. - Rocky Balboa
SkinnyPupp you also spread mainstream media propaganda and will not answer to the facts I provide.
Show me you can rub two brain cells together and explain the question I ask below.
Listen I provided proof that the Nazi's and the Zionist have collaborated together on the behalf of the ZioAmerican empire, having killed many along the way by sniping and shelling innocent people in Ukraine. This was a coup.
Your rebuttal is to totally ignore this and say "consensus of western powers" is blah blah.
Try again... tell me why the Zionist and Nazi's are working together.
edit -
Looking back at the Boston bombings, people only care about current events when its hot to talk about but are not really interested many months down the line because after I provided new evidence of that false flag, no one cared.
I bring facts, people like you who talk this jazz dont.
Can you explain or refute the information i posted? On forums I deal with people like you all the time. When asked to challenge me people put their tail between their legs and leave... will you?
If you posted something I had an interest in I'd gladly argue my point of view. You like to throw around words like facts but when I think of facts I have to with the dictionary explanation, "something that actually exists; reality; truth". Generally speaking your not bringing facts your bringing 3rd party hear say and drawings lines between X and Y and stating it to be the truth. In fact most of your arguments are based on correlation not causation so they are actually not facts but opinions. Just because you call it a fact doesn't make it so, I know this because I keep telling my wife I have a 12" penis but she keeps saying I wish..........Fuck her it's a fact.
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I donīt care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it. You, me or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life. But ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. Thatīs how winning is done. Now, if you know what you worth, go out and get what you worth. - Rocky Balboa
Not really. They were on an approved flight path, so long as they stayed above the minimum air space. There's an image i can't link to right now (stupid phone) that shows another plane on the same path minutes before the attack.
i thought i saw a thing showing that compared to their normal path on that flight, the last x number of flights had been 300 miles south... but it could have come from some crack pot CiC site, which he is using as 'proof' even though it's doctored.
i'm not at all saying it's not a approved/valid path, just wondering if it's the normal one for that flight?
i really want to know what CiC is like in real life, i think he'd be fascinating, in an animal experiment kind of way
I agree, at first I thought he was just trolling but he gets way to emotionally involved to be trolling since he thinks his facts he provides us with are the truth and nothing else matters.
I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge
Listen I provided proof that the Nazi's and the Zionist have collaborated together on the behalf of the ZioAmerican empire, having killed many along the way by sniping and shelling innocent people in Ukraine. This was a coup.
Your rebuttal is to totally ignore this and say "consensus of western powers" is blah blah.
Try again... tell me why the Zionist and Nazi's are working together.
Just so CiC doesn't look completely bat shit crazy (i know most will say too late)
He's speaking of some neo-nazi right wing groups within the Ukrainian uprising working alongside some jewish ukrainian groups (i don't think i would call them zionists though CiC).
They had a common goal which was to oust Yanukovych and now to push out pro-russian separatists.
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" escapes him
That's one of the things that irks me a bit, when CiC presents lesser known facts in CiCs way, it makes everything look completely nutballs
and for those wondering why its relevant that there are/were neo-nazi groups fighting in ukraine; one of Russias justifications for intruding on the Ukraine issue is that there were neo-nazi groups working in Ukraine that were targeting Russian supporters and murdering them. A fact that was denied by the US & Ukraine even though it was covered/showcased by the BBC
Anyone whose a billionaire and has dual citizenship to isreal is a fat Zionist.
The main Nazi ideology at its root is to defeat world Jewry control over governments. The last thing they'd want is to terrorize their own people, like having those epic battles with the military, then give that power to those very "Jews" that they want to eliminate.
The reality of the situation is these Nazi groups, like Europe's Golden Dawn
are controlled opposition.
Once the Nazi's, with great US funds, were large enough in numbers to push for this coup... their leader [originally a chechen mercenary (AKA funded by the US by proxy again)] was later killed by the new police on an arrest order.
Some might remember him here with the hat roughing up a former government worker.
During the final stages even John McCain made an appearance to speak to the crowds... theres video of him walking the in the street.
This guy gets around, within those months he even visited his terrorist buddies in Syria http://socioecohistory.files.wordpre...ia_may2013.jpg
So I dont think this is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of case at all.
Anyways this shouldnt even be a surprise as these US backed "Orange" revolutions and its leaders have been at it for years and are back at their old posts.
People on this forum are easily spoon fed by the media and see Russia as this boogyman doing evil in the world where its actually the opposite.
Anyone whose a billionaire and has dual citizenship to isreal is a fat Zionist.
The main Nazi ideology at its root is to defeat world Jewry control over governments. The last thing they'd want is to terrorize their own people, like having those epic battles with the military, then give that power to those very "Jews" that they want to eliminate.
The reality of the situation is these Nazi groups, like Europe's Golden Dawn
are controlled opposition.
Once the Nazi's, with great US funds, were large enough in numbers to push for this coup... their leader [originally a chechen mercenary (AKA funded by the US by proxy again)] was later killed by the new police on an arrest order.
Some might remember him here with the hat roughing up a former government worker.
During the final stages even John McCain made an appearance to speak to the crowds... theres video of him walking the in the street.
This guy gets around, within those months he even visited his terrorist buddies in Syria http://socioecohistory.files.wordpre...ia_may2013.jpg
So I dont think this is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of case at all.
Anyways this shouldnt even be a surprise as these US backed "Orange" revolutions and its leaders have been at it for years and are back at their old posts.
People on this forum are easily spoon fed by the media and see Russia as this boogyman doing evil in the world where its actually the opposite.
Enough of me revealing the obvious...
Please let me understand this whole Zionist crazy you keep on referring to, pretty please!
I wonder if CiC actually has normal conversations with people in real life, or is way too paranoid to talk to anyone in public unless it's about some conspiracy. Seriously Charles start a YouTube channel and I will watch