On a 2005 Nissan Altima V6 Auto Transmission (5sp)
Was driving home yesterday and heard the transmission shift funny and then now it seems to be in limp mode as it feels as though it is stuck on 2nd gear.
Had an OBD2 dongle handy and the error code was:
P0797 - Powertrain - Transmission - ISO/SAE Controlled
Pressure Control Solenoid "C" Stuck On
Wondering if anyone has dealt with this issue before and what was the damage (on the car and on the wallet). I believe the fluids in it was due for a change (funny enough I had an appointment to bring it in for that very thing next week) current mileage is about 106K, I believe I had the fluids done last time at around 50-60K. I've had rough shifting from 1st to 2nd the last few weeks as well