Originally Posted by supafamous Yep. That's why I pointed out that I don't agree with it. I'm not a vengeance person, I see eye for an eye as the path leads us to the former Yugoslavia, the current Israeli/Palestinian war etc. I hope we can respectfully disagree on this topic.
Happy to read any research you've encountered that says that cops are don't suffer from the same impairment as others when distracted. Everything I've ever read on distracted driving is that it increases risk and in the case of the cops I'd assume that their distracted driving is considered an acceptable risk for them to do their job.
Don't disagree with that. I'm just pointing out that there's another way to approach it.
So because texting is a newer threat and being tired is not a publicized threat we should be more lenient to people who kill others in a car crash? So if the cause of this accident was more than speed and alcohol and it was because he was using his phone would that mean he doesn't deserve a slow death in hell?
Alternatively, the trend of baby deaths in hot cars is a new trend - it picked up about 20 years ago when rear facing seats became the norm. Before I pointed out that the topic was more complicated than simple murder the pitchforkers wanted those parents to die a slow death in hell too.
I agree that drunk driving is worse than texting while driving or driving while tired - you're right that we educate people a lot more about this than about texting and thank goodness for that. I only hope we take the same approach with distracted driving soon - 30 years from now I hope we look back and are horrified that it was considered acceptable to drive while distracted by your phone.
I'm not fighting your right or others rights to want to see this guy die (along with other drunk drivers). We see things differently and I think we both are allowed to disagree with each other on it. |
Wow, you're really digging deep to stay aloft in that high horse of yours. Congrats, you're not a "pitchforker", give yourself a pat on the head; but let me correct you on one thing:
It doesn't matter if an individual is drunk, texting, applying makeup behind the wheel, leaving a baby in a car, if you cause the death of others by way of
willfull ignorance and disregard for others, I GUARANTEE you that they will recieve the same vehemence from the public. So your PSA about the other driving hazards is really unneccessary in this thread.
Maybe people are just being narrowed by the proximity of alcohol and the resulting tragedy and are labelling their fury as an anti-drinking-&-driving sentiment when really, everybody gets just as angry when a death is the result of extreme disregard of others, and/or self centered - self serving motivations.