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Old 08-06-2014, 03:03 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Ulic Qel-Droma View Post
the answer is obvious.

you would call the cops and follow the civic and try to get a licence plate.

what are u gonna do to help the victim? you a doctor? you a paramedic? you have the proper equipment? paramedics are coming anyway. but the civic is getting away every second you hesitate to follow it.

the damage has already been done, nothing you can do to lessen the physical harm done unless they were literally bleeding out and you knew how to stop the blood.
I have first aid level 1.. May not be much I do the proper basic technique which could help stablize the victim little a and increase the chances of survival via 911 operator... At the same time i dont want those bastards to get away... Hmmm....
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Old 08-06-2014, 03:33 PM   #52
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ok so it seems like quite a handful of ppl here knows the victim or has been somewhat related to her before but the question is still left unanswered...

what exactly was she doing at 4am when the accident happened?
not playing the blame game but i'm sure everyone else is curious, especially those who participated in donations despite not knowing her i would imagine at least deserves to hear her side of the story
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Old 08-06-2014, 04:16 PM   #53
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lol i honestly dont want some fund made up for me lol. they seem to pop up faster and faster each day.

wrong guess though ronin, but im not mad nor upset in the slightest. ive never heard of her, just as you've never heard of me. plain and simple. if she was that big of a deal, i'd have known who she is. vice versa

Originally Posted by Ulic Qel-Droma View Post
the answer is obvious.

you would call the cops and follow the civic and try to get a licence plate.

what are u gonna do to help the victim? you a doctor? you a paramedic? you have the proper equipment? paramedics are coming anyway. but the civic is getting away every second you hesitate to follow it.

the damage has already been done, nothing you can do to lessen the physical harm done unless they were literally bleeding out and you knew how to stop the blood.
depending on your first aid level you'd either stay or follow. for me, i wouldnt be able to leave once ive acknowleged the accident. ive the same first aid level a fire fighter has, and im still taking more courses to further that level.
am i a doctor? no.
a paramedic? no.
equipment? a simple t-shirt can be used as a tourniquet.
as long as your not trying to do more harm than whats already done, and trying to help, its better than doing nothing. the car can only go so many places without being seen by a camera.

just my 2 cents on this thread though.
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Old 08-06-2014, 04:49 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by stewie View Post

wrong guess though ronin, but im not mad nor upset in the slightest. ive never heard of her, just as you've never heard of me. plain and simple. if she was that big of a deal, i'd have known who she is. vice versa
i did enjoy ronin's assumption of the people you know though, and his subsequent bake sale comment.
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Old 08-06-2014, 04:49 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by you! View Post
what exactly was she doing at 4am when the accident happened?
i'm trying to understand the significance of this question

if someone is out and about past 2am are you implying they might be up to no good? we don't live in a police state with martial law.
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Old 08-06-2014, 05:01 PM   #56 has a homepage?!
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero View Post
i'm trying to understand the significance of this question

if someone is out and about past 2am are you implying they might be up to no good? we don't live in a police state with martial law.
I think he's just wondering if she was putting herself into danger in the first place? I've been around that area around 4am and cars just rip down Pacific Blvd. It's also one of the worst places and times to get a cab, even though there are two nightclubs and a casino.
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Old 08-06-2014, 05:07 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero View Post
i'm trying to understand the significance of this question

if someone is out and about past 2am are you implying they might be up to no good? we don't live in a police state with martial law.
There's nothing wrong with going out at 4AM or 2AM but I'm also curious as to why/how she got hit down at Pacific Blvd?

I'm guessing jaywalking?

I hope she makes a speedy recovery but jaywalking across that area or whatever the reason was is just trouble.
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Old 08-06-2014, 05:08 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by you! View Post
ok so it seems like quite a handful of ppl here knows the victim or has been somewhat related to her before but the question is still left unanswered...

what exactly was she doing at 4am when the accident happened?

not playing the blame game but i'm sure everyone else is curious, especially those who participated in donations despite not knowing her i would imagine at least deserves to hear her side of the story
What's relevance does the TOA have on the incident? There's no hour in the 24hr clock that anyone is fair game for a hit and run.

What if she was slutting it up and coming home from a one night stand? What difference does that make?

Let's not hide behind the "not playing the blame game/just curious" statement when its obviously untrue. We all know how it looks or sounds when a young lady is still out and about in ungodly hours. The point is, it still doesn't matter.

Originally Posted by jeedee View Post
There's nothing wrong with going out at 4AM or 2AM but I'm also curious as to why/how she got hit down at Pacific Blvd?

I'm guessing jaywalking?

I hope she makes a speedy recovery but jaywalking across that area is just asking for trouble when it's a road for people who speed IMO

This is probably the more appropriate inquiry. What was she doing at the time of the accident, was she jaywalking, was she texting and crossing the street, etc, or not.

However, when the emphasis of the inquiry is more in regards to the time, rather than the nature of the incident... it's plain as daylight what a guy/girl is thinking instead.
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Old 08-06-2014, 05:13 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by stewie View Post
hope the best for her.

but i just need to know...why does everyone care so damn much about this? this happens all the time and nobody else sets up a donation for medical bills for that person. ive actually never even heard of this girl before so really ive no emotional attachment to her/this scenario. i see person after person on my facebook feed posting this saying "lets help her" or "shes the best" etc etc, yet not a single one of them are friends with her (or so their friends list says).
so u need to know the person in order to help them? typical selfish revscene poster. u must be asian and 18 as well.
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Old 08-06-2014, 06:12 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Stormspirit View Post
so u need to know the person in order to help them? typical selfish revscene poster. u must be asian and 18 as well.
You idiot.


I think most people are just confused at the fact that this new phenomenon of crowd funding is being used to fund really odd things. I don't think anyone is bashing her, they are just curious on how this became a new norm so quickly.

Realistically this thing has raised like 25k in less than 12 hours, and is supposed to go on for almost a month. Even declining returns mean that if this story stays in the spotlight for the next little bit, it could easily surpass 50k. People do realize health care in Canada is free right? I mean I know, she can't go to work, and she might have physio, or medication, but 50 grand worth?

Like stewie said, this sort of things happens to others all the time. Most of them never receive anything like this, except for very rare instances.

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Old 08-06-2014, 06:23 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Stormspirit View Post
so u need to know the person in order to help them? typical selfish revscene poster. u must be asian and 18 as well.
sorry bud, im white. i was 18 almost a decade ago...2 months till a decade actually. unless i was 8ish when i signed up in 2005...

selfish? no. theres a million charities around, i dont donate to any of them so why should this be an exception? cause shes a popular girl? whoop-dee-doo...

if your calling me selfish im only assuming that you've helped donate to her with or without knowing her? if not, quit being selfish and go donate. while your at it go donate to that christians childrens fund with all the starving kids in 3rd world countries.

but yes, if i dont know someone, never will, and have no intentions on ever knowing them. then why should i care? the most care ill give to a random person is the medical care im capable of giving, whether its an emergency child birth, car crash, burn victim, or cpr related...but just remember, its "life over limb", if your ever in a car crash, and your leg is completely pinched under the wheel with no chance of being able to squeeze it out, cars on fire and about to set you on fire and kill you...i will cut your leg off with whatever i have that can be used. inside my truck theres usually a hammer, crow bar, hacksaw, and hatchet since i go camping all the time.
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Old 08-06-2014, 06:49 PM   #62
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well i guess it just goes to show, being known and having lots of friends does make a difference.

that being said, even if the crowd funding gets to 300k, i bet she'd still rather reverse the injury than take the money.

I know a handful of people that have received a million dollar payout for being injured. they would ALL give back the million in a heartbeat if it meant reversing incident.
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Old 08-06-2014, 07:08 PM   #63 the world.
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Originally Posted by Stormspirit View Post
so u need to know the person in order to help them? typical selfish revscene poster. u must be asian and 18 as well.
Why is that selfish?

I only have so much money and care to go around. The number of people that I don't know far outnumbers the people I do. Wouldn't it make sense for everyone to donate money and time to the causes that affect them and those around them that they know personally?

Just giving money willy nilly to everyone that has a sob story about world hunger or some disease or whatever is financially irresponsible. I write cheques once a year to the causes I support and then I don't donate anything the rest of the time unless they're people I know or someone's kid wants me to buy cookies for their school fundraiser. I figure all those other charities will be funded by people that care about them far more than I do.
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Old 08-06-2014, 07:34 PM   #64
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I hope Ovey makes a successful recovery.

The truth is that she will never be the same again. Damages to the brain are practically impossible to repair without side effects. In the best case scenario, she has to learn a lot of what she knew before again as well as the pain caused by the accident.

She is currently stable condition meaning that she won't die but the long term effects are most likely going to be lifelong. Even if she miraculously fully recovers, there will be emotional, personality changes (for someone like her who is very positive extravert, friendly, it would most likely be in the opposite direction of this), depression, short term memory loss, etc.

MSP/ICBC will cover most of the short term medical costs, lost wages, etc but the long term costs/accommodations would still be substantial. Also, one would know it is seriously when a Vancouver hospital heart surgeon department head makes a sizable donation on her donation page.

A lot of the students know her from Vancouver either through school, friends, events, etc and she has added value to people's lives so this is their way of giving back to her. Furthermore, she knows many people in media/social media and they are sharing the donation page link.

From my calculations, her out of pocket costs will most likely run into the 6 figures so the 25k is underestimating. If the driver is found, a 7 figure settlement is likely and she might not need the donation funds in the short term. If the driver is not found, the settlement might be in the 6 figure range out of the ICBC hit and run fund and she will need the donated funds.
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Old 08-06-2014, 08:16 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Terwg View Post
I hope Ovey makes a successful recovery.

The truth is that she will never be the same again. Damages to the brain are practically impossible to repair without side effects. In the best case scenario, she has to learn a lot of what she knew before again as well as the pain caused by the accident.

She is currently stable condition meaning that she won't die but the long term effects are most likely going to be lifelong. Even if she miraculously fully recovers, there will be emotional, personality changes (for someone like her who is very positive extravert, friendly, it would most likely be in the opposite direction of this), depression, short term memory loss, etc.

MSP/ICBC will cover most of the short term medical costs, lost wages, etc but the long term costs/accommodations would still be substantial. Also, one would know it is seriously when a Vancouver hospital heart surgeon department head makes a sizable donation on her donation page.

A lot of the students know her from Vancouver either through school, friends, events, etc and she has added value to people's lives so this is their way of giving back to her. Furthermore, she knows many people in media/social media and they are sharing the donation page link.

From my calculations, her out of pocket costs will most likely run into the 6 figures so the 25k is underestimating. If the driver is found, a 7 figure settlement is likely and she might not need the donation funds in the short term. If the driver is not found, the settlement might be in the 6 figure range out of the ICBC hit and run fund and she will need the donated funds.
Sorry, but who the fuck are you?


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Old 08-06-2014, 09:30 PM   #66
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I think the reason why people are touchy about money crowd funding is that they still remember that grandma who got bullied on youtube and people crowd funded her $780,000USD... which is like winning the lottery. Ever since that story theres been lots of crowd-funding scams so people are more skeptic.
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Old 08-06-2014, 09:35 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by noclue View Post
I think the reason why people are touchy about money crowd funding is that they still remember that grandma who got bullied on youtube and people crowd funded her $780,000USD... which is like winning the lottery. Ever since that story theres been lots of crowd-funding scams so people are more skeptic.
noclue, ive no clue what your talking about a grandma on youtube being bullied... :/
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Old 08-06-2014, 09:39 PM   #68
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This thread is about helping someone that legitimately needs help. It isn't about why you hate donating your money or defending your selfishness etc......If you have nothing nice to contribute, please keep your opinions to yourself.

Last edited by dvst8; 08-06-2014 at 09:59 PM.
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Old 08-06-2014, 09:53 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by stewie View Post
noclue, ive no clue what your talking about a grandma on youtube being bullied... :/
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Old 08-06-2014, 10:22 PM   #70
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Haven't read the last 3 pages, but how do a lot of people know her? Even if it's highschool , thats only about 2-300 people? seems like half the city knows her..

Sometimes we tend to be in despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, it's not our loss, but theirs, for they left the only person who couldn't give up on them.

Make the effort and take the risk..

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Old 08-06-2014, 11:09 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by tiger_handheld View Post
Haven't read the last 3 pages, but how do a lot of people know her? Even if it's highschool , thats only about 2-300 people? seems like half the city knows her..
That's the power of media. I don't think a lot of people know her personally. Most likely is friends of friends knows her.
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Old 08-06-2014, 11:36 PM   #72
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If it was me in her spot, I would probably still be lying on the road due to lack of friends.

What happened to her was tragic. Whatever people's intentions are to only give money to the 'famous victim' is their own. I wouldn't even bother trying to understand the psychology behind it. I just know that some pedestrians get hurt / killed through no fault of their own like the woman on her scooter who got killed by a truck in Port Moody a couple of months ago.
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Old 08-06-2014, 11:51 PM   #73
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Alot of you in this thread needs to get hit by a car.
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Old 08-07-2014, 12:20 AM   #74 the world.
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Originally Posted by tiger_handheld View Post
Haven't read the last 3 pages, but how do a lot of people know her? Even if it's highschool , thats only about 2-300 people? seems like half the city knows her..
I don't understand why this part is so hard for some of you people to understand.
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Old 08-07-2014, 12:27 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero View Post
i'm trying to understand the significance of this question

if someone is out and about past 2am are you implying they might be up to no good? we don't live in a police state with martial law.
i think for a lot of people it is just wonderment. 4am is a relatively abnormal time for most people to be at or around pacific and abott - granville, gastown, yaletown is probably more acceptable, but the question is more of was she at the cross walk, or was she jaywalking, was this a horrid accident where she was intoxicated and accidently stumbled into the road?

the surrounding information is totally irrelevant as fundamentally she was hit, is severely injured and the driver scarpered. but certainly, some people will be intrigued as to the events precluding the accident, perhaps just to be more aware for themselves of the risks one exposes them to on a daily basis.

i feel terrible for her as a human being, popular or not, I would never feel anything but sadness for anyone that experienced this, and regardless of if she were jaywalking, intoxicated, or totally following the rules of the road - this is still a horrific accident for anyone to be exposed to. Again, i think this is more of a self preservation thing - what can we learn from this accident.
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