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Old 08-07-2014, 12:31 AM   #76
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If you have met her, you would understand why the response has been what it is. If you haven't met her, then you won't get it. If $25k is raised in 48hrs, that speaks to her character as a kind person and the network she has made for herself. Why question it??
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Old 08-07-2014, 12:40 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Ronin View Post
I don't understand why this part is so hard for some of you people to understand.
i don't get why it's important.

some people like to be popular, some people can't live without having loads of friends... others prefer a quieter life... so she has loads of friends who want to help her out - good for her, it's none of our business. if you don't want to donate, don't. there are millions of charities out there, you can't donate to them all - put this in that category
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:50 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero View Post
i'm trying to understand the significance of this question

if someone is out and about past 2am are you implying they might be up to no good? we don't live in a police state with martial law.
read quote below

Originally Posted by 4444 View Post
i think for a lot of people it is just wonderment. 4am is a relatively abnormal time for most people to be at or around pacific and abott - granville, gastown, yaletown is probably more acceptable, but the question is more of was she at the cross walk, or was she jaywalking, was this a horrid accident where she was intoxicated and accidently stumbled into the road?
^^ what 4444 said is exactly what i meant
so many posts since i last asked the question and yet it remains unanswered whether she was jaywalking/texting/drunk or if she was sober and and did nothing wrong, the point is people still need to know the events that occurred before the incident, especially those who does not even know her and made donations

whatever happened to knowing both sides of the story? what's the reason why people wont post it here, on the donations website, on vancity buzz, fb, etc etc??
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:57 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by you! View Post
whatever happened to knowing both sides of the story? what's the reason why people wont post it here, on the donations website, on vancity buzz, fb, etc etc??
I agree kind of.

But knowing both sides of the story kind of went out the window the moment the dumbass Civic driver decided to run.

Now it doesn't matter anymore what happened leading up to the event, that guy is the villain.

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Old 08-07-2014, 12:02 PM   #80
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Old 08-07-2014, 12:03 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by you! View Post
whatever happened to knowing both sides of the story? what's the reason why people wont post it here, on the donations website, on vancity buzz, fb, etc etc??
Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps the reason that nobody has said anything regarding this is because she was alone? She lives downtown, so it's not unimaginable that she was just walking home after a night out with friends.

I'm sure there have been nights where we've stayed out until 3-4am. Seriously, she knows everybody. Wouldn't be surprised if she's always being invited to events around the city.
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Old 08-07-2014, 12:13 PM   #82
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i know what u mean but yeh sure i could just be walking home too after a night out with friends but at the same time while walking home i may just want to get there faster by jaywalking, or maybe i could be texting/talking to someone, may just be really tired and not too attentive of my surroundings or i may be doing none of those and just walking home in a normal manner

its more for public awareness the way i see it - ive never been at that area, i frequent dt but im not familiar with the area where the incident happened so it's also good to know about the potential hazards around that area

like if im just walking by robson and thurlow area around rush hour it is very common to see ppl jaywalking or on the phone but the area she was at during the time of incident may be 10x more dangerous
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Old 08-07-2014, 12:22 PM   #83
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First walking at 4am alone isn't a good choice. Second, We don't know what really happened, but there could've been multiple scenarios. she might have jaywalked; she could've walked across the street legally but didn't scan the intersection. maybe she looked at her phone. I have seen both scenarios in downtime too many times. Jaywalkers; people dashing across the street not making eye contact with the left turning car or right turning car or not making sure if the car with red light has fully stopped. Not to mention it was 4am, people should've been even more cautious.
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Old 08-07-2014, 12:24 PM   #84
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Jay walking drunk at 4am hit by drunk driver heading home

If you hit a jaywalker when your sober or Somone just stepped out in front of you, you might as well stick around because it will be on the person walking. However public opinion will always be on the driver and with stories like the stupid $30 pizza one here, even if you are sober you'd probably be tempted to drive away then have your name dragged through the mud for Somone else's fault.

Not saying directly in this case but pedestrians in general should be more accountable or at least use their heads before stepping out in front of a 3000 lb car and thinking they're in the right.
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Old 08-07-2014, 01:01 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
Jay walking drunk at 4am hit by drunk driver heading home

If you hit a jaywalker when your sober or Somone just stepped out in front of you, you might as well stick around because it will be on the person walking. However public opinion will always be on the driver and with stories like the stupid $30 pizza one here, even if you are sober you'd probably be tempted to drive away then have your name dragged through the mud for Somone else's fault.

Not saying directly in this case but pedestrians in general should be more accountable or at least use their heads before stepping out in front of a 3000 lb car and thinking they're in the right.
That's one hell of a stretch, that I've ever seen, about arguing for the party who hit-n-ran.
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Old 08-07-2014, 02:38 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
Jay walking drunk at 4am hit by drunk driver heading home

If you hit a jaywalker when your sober or Somone just stepped out in front of you, you might as well stick around because it will be on the person walking. However public opinion will always be on the driver and with stories like the stupid $30 pizza one here, even if you are sober you'd probably be tempted to drive away then have your name dragged through the mud for Somone else's fault.

Not saying directly in this case but pedestrians in general should be more accountable or at least use their heads before stepping out in front of a 3000 lb car and thinking they're in the right.
True, my buddy hit some crackhead last month in the Vancouver Eastside on his way home from work. The guy stumbled into the side of his truck, bounced his head off side of the truck (hard enough to dent it) and then proceeded to get his legs run over as he fell under the back tire. The ambulance and cops came, the police told him it's a daily thing down here nothing you could do, took his statement and waived him along. The guy who got ran over wasn't very cooperative with the Police or the ambulance.

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Old 08-07-2014, 03:26 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by noclue View Post
I think the reason why people are touchy about money crowd funding is that they still remember that grandma who got bullied on youtube and people crowd funded her $780,000USD... which is like winning the lottery. Ever since that story theres been lots of crowd-funding scams so people are more skeptic.
Better still, remember Kony 2012? Of course that was a total scam, but I'm still hesitant to crowdfund something that may not need funding. I haven't seen anything here yet to show she'll be paying for anything out of pocket so fundraising for bills she doesn't have seems a bit silly. I'd be more likely to donate to "she's stuck with a $xx bill" vs "she might have bills".

Originally Posted by meme405 View Post
I agree kind of.

But knowing both sides of the story kind of went out the window the moment the dumbass Civic driver decided to run.

Now it doesn't matter anymore what happened leading up to the event, that guy is the villain.
I wouldn't jump to that 100%, but it's leaning heavily in that direction.
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Originally Posted by maksimizer View Post
half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF.
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OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry:
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Old 08-07-2014, 03:38 PM   #88
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The money would be good to cover all the work she's going to miss. It's going to be a LONG road back before she can even think of working. Having all this money would help so she wouldn't have to think about how she's going to cover her mortgage/loans etc.

Either way, like it's been said before, if you don't want to donate, don't. I'm sure if it was your sister/mom who got hit and runned, you would be singing a different tune.
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Old 08-07-2014, 03:41 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by underscore View Post
Better still, remember Kony 2012? Of course that was a total scam, but I'm still hesitant to crowdfund something that may not need funding. I haven't seen anything here yet to show she'll be paying for anything out of pocket so fundraising for bills she doesn't have seems a bit silly. I'd be more likely to donate to "she's stuck with a $xx bill" vs "she might have bills".

I wouldn't jump to that 100%, but it's leaning heavily in that direction.
I think the point is not about recuperating and is moreso about compensating.

Yes, theoretically insurance should cover her recuperation, but i think the compensation aspect is more along the lines similar to:

- When you buy a friend a beer on a bad day.
- when you buy a friend who's down on his luck a meal.

Of course, we're talking about severe brain trauma and possibly life altering disabilities, so the concept is magnified. So instead of buying her a meal, it's more like her friends, family and anonymous well-wishers pooled together to make sure she's comfortable for the next year or two; which to me doesn't feel like an offensive or scammy a sentiment.

Now, if the friends and family was using guilt to raise funds like those random Filipina Charity beggars you get around town, then it would feel scammy. But it doesn't seem like that at the moment.

Edit: nm. Looks like there's a better answer below

Last edited by Noir; 08-07-2014 at 03:53 PM.
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Old 08-07-2014, 03:45 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by underscore View Post
Better still, remember Kony 2012? Of course that was a total scam, but I'm still hesitant to crowdfund something that may not need funding. I haven't seen anything here yet to show she'll be paying for anything out of pocket so fundraising for bills she doesn't have seems a bit silly. I'd be more likely to donate to "she's stuck with a $xx bill" vs "she might have bills".
There's actually a description in the webpage of where the proceeds will likely be going to. To quote:
What will the funds be used for?

The funds will be used for medical and non-medical expenses incurred during Ovey's recovery process. It will also be used to offset general living expenses. In serious injuries, the recovery can be long and involve multiple expenses that are not covered by MSP. Examples include wheelchair, medicine, physiotherapy, and home care (when patients are not able to care for themselves).

Won't these expenses be covered?

It is difficult to say what will or will not be covered, and when any settlement(s) would be finalized. Ovey was a pedestrian in a hit-and-run accident, which involved a car and a driver that has not yet been identified. Settlements typically take time and do not help with short-term expenses incurred by the victim and their family.
Keep in mind, this isn't a plea from Ovey's family. Ovey's FRIENDS had put this together for her family to hopefully minimize financial burden.
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Old 08-07-2014, 03:48 PM   #91
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Just out of curiosity, and nothing facetious, at all meant by this.

What kind of condition is she in?

I mean I know she was put in an induced coma (supposedly). I mean the only thing I see in the media is that she was in critical condition.

There are people talking about like quadriplegia and brain damage. I just don't really know where people are getting this information. Not saying its not true, just wondering if there is a source...

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Old 08-07-2014, 04:05 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by meme405 View Post
Just out of curiosity, and nothing facetious, at all meant by this.

What kind of condition is she in?

I mean I know she was put in an induced coma (supposedly). I mean the only thing I see in the media is that she was in critical condition.

There are people talking about like quadriplegia and brain damage. I just don't really know where people are getting this information. Not saying its not true, just wondering if there is a source...
5 hours ago

Thank you to friends who have respected the doctors' wishes by not visiting the hospital. We need your help in not calling the hospital to ask for Ovey's status. This interrupts the medical professionals' care for Ovey. Ovey's status is unchanged but stable and is still not able to see visitors.

Our family would also like to thank everyone for all the support, love, and kind words.

Clara Yeung
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Old 08-07-2014, 06:21 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Ulic Qel-Droma View Post
the answer is obvious.

you would call the cops and fold w the civic and try to get a licence plate.

what are u gonna do to help the victim? you a doctor? you a paramedic? you have the proper equipment? paramedics are coming anyway. but the civic is getting away every second you hesitate to follow it.

the damage has already been done, nothing you can do to lessen the physical harm done unless they were literally bleeding out and you knew how to stop the blood.
So what if the black civic driver runs multiple red lights? Will you run those reds too?
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Old 08-07-2014, 07:07 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by underscore View Post
Better still, remember Kony 2012? Of course that was a total scam, but I'm still hesitant to crowdfund something that may not need funding. I haven't seen anything here yet to show she'll be paying for anything out of pocket so fundraising for bills she doesn't have seems a bit silly. I'd be more likely to donate to "she's stuck with a $xx bill" vs "she might have bills".
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Old 08-07-2014, 10:15 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp View Post
That's the power of media. I don't think a lot of people know her personally. Most likely is friends of friends knows her.
Originally Posted by Ronin View Post
I don't understand why this part is so hard for some of you people to understand.
to answer my own question.

she was a publicist and VP of a tech startup. chances are because of what she did, she had a lot of networks/connections.

to the folks that say, do you need to know someone to help. Of course you don't. BUT you are more willing to help if you have at least heard of their name before multiplied by the publicity the story receives.

Sometimes we tend to be in despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, it's not our loss, but theirs, for they left the only person who couldn't give up on them.

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Old 08-07-2014, 10:18 PM   #96
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A VP and Publicist...sounds like she made good coin.
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Old 08-07-2014, 10:21 PM   #97
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The doctors and nurses won't fully know until the patient is awake and off sedation. At this point it is all conjecture.

Induced coma gives the body's autonomic (ie more basic functions) to heal the body without interference.

As for funding, I assume it is to pay immediate bills like cables, rent etc while she is off work.

Originally Posted by meme405 View Post
I mean I know she was put in an induced coma (supposedly). I mean the only thing I see in the media is that she was in critical condition.
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Old 08-07-2014, 10:37 PM   #98
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the brain is in a closed system (the skull). When we fall, there is bruising/swelling. The drug induced coma is to allow the swelling in the brain to reside as well as giving the doctors time to repair damaged blood vessels for example.

The words "critical" and stable are generic terms which doctors don't use themselves and is for the purposes of media. If the doctors give the specific conditions, it would be pages and pages of facts as well as patient confidentiality which doesn't allow the doctors to give details without the family's consent.

If one is able to see the surveillance videos, they can get an approximate speed of the impact (time of video with displacement of the car physics problem). This info could be compared to past similar collision cases (e.g. court filings) and can indirectly deduce her "condition" into the educated guess category versus speculation.

Last edited by Terwg; 08-07-2014 at 10:56 PM.
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Old 08-07-2014, 10:37 PM   #99
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So should we crowd fund all victims of hit and runs or other accidents?
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Old 08-07-2014, 10:47 PM   #100
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