looking to unload some wheels.
willing to discount multiple purchases if you want 2 or more sets. discount depends on the wheels aswell
1- Honda wheels made by enkie. 15x6 +50 5x114.3 $150

2-Toyota 15x6.5 +44 5x114.3 (2 sets) 150$ each

3-Toyota 15x6.5 +50 5x114.3 150$

4-L150 6 spoke 15x6.5 +50 4/5x114.3 150$

5-Volvo 15x6.5 +43 4x114.3 150$

6-L150 5 spoke 15x6.5 +45 5x114.3 150$

7-Borbet 15x7 +25 4x100 400$(perfect for miata)

8-BMW 15x7 +19 5x120 350$

9-Efini made by enkie 15x6.5 +50 5x114.3 (2sets) 150$ each

10-Toyota 15x6 +45 5x114.3 (3sets) 100$each

11-G-Square Break 16x7 +38 5x100 225$

12-Z32 300zx wheels 16x7.5 +45 5x114.3 300$

13-6x139.7 16x7 +10 truck wheels 300$

14-2 spoke 17x7 +25 4/5x114.3 300$

15-L150 5 spoke 15x6.5 +45 5x114.3 200$

16-Mazdaspeed 16x7 +50 5x114.3 (very very light) 200$
17- Phenix spoked wheels 16x7 +38 4/5x114.3 (One cracked) 200$

18-Atech Eurobein 15x7 +45 5x114.3 200$

19-Enkei 17x7 4/5 multi bolt +40 400$

20-DRAG 16x7 +35 5x114.3 250$