Hi folks!
I’m here from Paws for Hope charity in Vancouver, BC:
Paws for Hope Animal Foundation | Building sustainable animal welfare in BC
We want to stop the irresponsible sale of animals by pet shops and puppy mills this Christmas.
Every year hundreds of animals are sold irresponsibly and without real care to their wellbeing. Not all, but so many end up suffering from serious problems. Poor breeding leads to genetic deficiencies, poor vet care leads to illnesses and isolation can create behavioural problems. Too many of the animals end up in foster homes, rescues and kill-shelters. We want that to stop this Christmas but we need your help to spread the word!
Here’s how you can help:
1. Did your pet from a store or animal mill end up with health or behavioural problems? Did you fall in love with a dog you rescued? Let us know your stories and add a photo of your pet at:
Untitled Document or in a reply below for us to share.
2. Make a pledge to buy or adopt from responsible sources here:
Untitled Document
3. If you have a rescue pet or bought your pet from a reputable breeder, please post a photo of it on your social media with the hashtag #AdoptDontShop or #BreedResponsible, with a message about why you love your pet and a link to our pledge page.
Your help really does make a difference. Let’s spread the word and stop as many people buying from pet shops and mills as we can this Christmas. Help us remind people that our pets are not disposable, they are not toys, they are not products.
Thanks everyone!