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Old 02-08-2015, 09:28 AM   #26 has a homepage?!
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-What was it?
2004 Echo Hatchback RS GOLD
-How long did you own it?
In my possession for almost half a decade
-What did you love about it?
It was/is still the most fun I've had in a car on the streets, no one bats an eye when you're flooring it.
-What did you hate about it?
Couldn't get up SFU mountain at more than 80KPH
-Why did you sell it?
It's still in my heart.
-Did you have sex in it?
Yes, surprisingly lots of room in the backseat
-Any other interesting facts?
Lots of offers to buy it surprising to us, we never sold it because the car was just great.

★ ☆ ★ TOP LINER ★ ☆ ★
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Old 02-08-2015, 10:15 AM   #27
My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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-What was it?

1984 Celica Supra p-type

-How long did you own it?

1 year

-What did you love about it?

It had double wishbone suspension, rwd and had pump lumbar support. Free being the key word really.

-What did you hate about it?

Rust, car looked like moldy swiss cheese

-Why did you sell it?

Science project ecosystem growing in the trunk everytime it rained.

-Did you have sex in it?

I didn't but I'm sure many other things did

-Any other interesting facts?

I learned a lot about a car as it is a backyard special. That and how to control the rear with throttle and steering input in the rain.

-Post some pics.

Didn't take any pics.
This is what I wish it looked like:

Despite the issues I loved the car.
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Old 02-08-2015, 11:07 AM   #28
I don't get it
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-What was it?

2006 corolla xrs

-How long did you own it?

just less than 4 years
-What did you love about it?

the 2zzge engine revving up to 8200rpm. it was extremely rare and only a few people know about this model.

-What did you hate about it?

hard to find mods, and usually expensive. high seating position, handling was ok...but not great.

-Why did you sell it?

totalled by an asian woman in april 2014.

-Did you have sex in it?

-Any other interesting facts?

my first manual experience. currently in rs jpark's caryard. dont remember the name of the caryard though...

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Old 02-08-2015, 11:33 AM   #29
Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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-What was it?
2006 mustang v6
-How long did you own it?
4 years
-What did you love about it?
speedy for a little 200hp v6,nice with the top down on hot days.
-What did you hate about it?
stock exhaust sounds like a blow dryer stomping the gas.
-Why did you sell it?
still own it
-Did you have sex in it?
keep it in the bedroom or shower

-Any other interesting facts?
paid only 6 grand with 60.000km on the engine from an old couple who were upgrading to newer v8
Fly Your Own Flag.

Last edited by Mr.Money; 02-08-2015 at 11:42 AM.
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Old 02-08-2015, 12:02 PM   #30
RS controls my life!
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-What was it?
1992 ford tempo. paid 600$ for it.
-How long did you own it?
2 years
-What did you love about it?
In alberta it's a pain in the ass to buy a used car because if it's older then 10 years you need to get an inspection done to register it. I bought it from a mechanic who did an inspection for me so I didn't have to deal with all that crap. It was pretty decent in the snow, it was an easy car to learn manual with and it was somewhat good on gas.
-What did you hate about it?
Previous owner put plastic c-tire hood scoops on it. for some dumb ass reason he also installed a passenger seat in the drivers seat and didn't reattach the seatbelt latch, and for some weird reason he stripped the bolt to attach a seatbelt latch. So the front seats only had one passenger belt. COMPLETELY ILLEGAL. If I ever had a passenger we would need to tie the seatbelts together. All other times I'd attach mine to the passenger latch. It was rusty as fuck. Every two months there would be a new problem. Battery issues, power steering went, then in the last 3 months I owned it the climate control fan went in a massive spark show. Last 3 months were during the summer so I had to suffer with no a/c. Then the key broke off in the ignition and I didn't have a spare. The previous owner broke off the door locks so no one could steal it. Eventually I locked myself out and had to break the window to get in. Didn't even both taping it up as I was getting a new car in a couple weeks. I had it crushed once I bought a new car. Curse this piece of illegal shit.
-Did you have sex in it?
foreveralone. funny story though. I picked up this smokin hot girl for a ice cream date and halfway to dairy queen sparks started to shoot out from under the dash. I get within a block of DQ and a massive puff of smoke comes from under the dash and the car completely stops. We had to push it to the side of the road. We then went to DQ and had our date then I dealt with my piece of shit car. Never seen that girl afterwards. turns out the previous owner installed a command start and the wire connecting it to the CPU caught on the gas pedal and it pulled out a few other wires and blew a fuse.
-Any other interesting facts?
I parked it at my moms acreage when i left for school. A year later I came home and needed it for work. when I opened the trunk a family of mice had made a large nest in there.

Sexy red interior with a smashed window.

Great thread btw, this brings back some horrible memories.
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Old 02-08-2015, 12:58 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by ZN6 View Post
-What was it?

1984 Celica Supra p-type

-How long did you own it?

1 year

-What did you love about it?

It had double wishbone suspension, rwd and had pump lumbar support. Free being the key word really.

-What did you hate about it?

Rust, car looked like moldy swiss cheese

-Why did you sell it?

Science project ecosystem growing in the trunk everytime it rained.

-Did you have sex in it?

I didn't but I'm sure many other things did

-Any other interesting facts?

I learned a lot about a car as it is a backyard special. That and how to control the rear with throttle and steering input in the rain.

-Post some pics.

Didn't take any pics.
This is what I wish it looked like:

Despite the issues I loved the car.

makes two of us

-What was it?

1984 Celica Supra P-type

-How long did you own it?

1 year

-What did you love about it?

The seats Straight six DOHC motor sounded awesome and was butter smooth. Handling by lotus. Factory wide flares on the P types. Factory Limited slip!!

-What did you hate about it?

Rust behind the rear wheels. A/c not working. No deck.

-Why did you sell it?

Too much going on. GF didn't like it. Never again am I parting ways with my car because of a girl.

-Did you have sex in it?


-Any other interesting facts?

The car's little features were ahead of its time! (auto climate control, those seats, double wishbone suspension)

-Post some pics.

13' Nissan DBA-R35 GT-R Black Ed - Black met. - "Sophia"

90' Honda EF Civic HB // 04' Honda Pilot Granite

- The Drinker of Many Many Coffees @ McLaren Vancouver
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Old 02-08-2015, 02:14 PM   #32
I *heart* very Muchie
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-What was it?
04 Honda S2000

-How long did you own it?
6 years

-What did you love about it?
Everything about it, with the obvious one being an extremely fun and nimble car to drive.

-What did you hate about it?
The car was much less tolerant of mistakes relative to other cars, especially during wet days.

-Why did you sell it?
Married. Got a bigger car. Definitely getting another one down the road.

-Did you have sex in it?
Fuck no.

-Any other interesting facts?
Some owners found out about the secret compartment years later. Some owners couldn't find gas cap release the first time they tried to fill gas.

-Post some pics.

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Old 02-08-2015, 02:33 PM   #33
I don't get it
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With the number of similar responses to the "Did you have sex in it?" question, the moral of the story here folks is.... DO NOT SIT IN THE BACKSEAT OF ANY CAR OWNED BY A REVSCENE MEMBER lol
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Old 02-08-2015, 03:09 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by flagella View Post
-What was it?
04 Honda S2000

-Any other interesting facts?
Some owners found out about the secret compartment years later. Some owners couldn't find gas cap release the first time they tried to fill gas.
I remember not knowing where the gas cap release was on mine, had to google it while at the gas station.
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Old 02-08-2015, 03:15 PM   #35
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Happened to my friend too lol. He thought it was a defect.
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Old 02-08-2015, 03:21 PM   #36
Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
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What was it?
2009 Chrysler Sebring Convertible (2.7L V6)

How long did you own it?
2 years under my name (4 years if you count when it was under my parent's name)

What did you love about it?

What did you hate about it?
Limited mod options

Why did you sell it?
Parents wanted me to upgrade to a "Safer" car

-Did you have sex in it?

Any other interesting facts?
In the 4 years of the car being in our family, it's been involved in 3 accidents. The total repair bill for the 3 accidents combined costed ICBC more than what we paid for the car. Yet, ICBC refuses to write it off. Lol

Post some pics.

Pictures of Accidents:
oOoOooOOo what does this space do

-2023 Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD - Current
-2018 BMW F30 340i M Performance Edition - Current
-2016 BMW F32 435i MPPK - Traded
-2011 BMW E92 335i - SOLD
-2009 Chrysler Sebring Convertible - SOLD

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Old 02-08-2015, 04:23 PM   #37
Head of HR....have a seat on that couch
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Originally Posted by HKSR View Post
With the number of similar responses to the "Did you have sex in it?" question, the moral of the story here folks is.... DO NOT SIT IN THE BACKSEAT OF ANY CAR OWNED BY A REVSCENE MEMBER lol
Who said it was in the back seat?


Originally posted by v.b.
can we stop, my pussy hurts...
Originally posted by asian_XL
fliptuner, I am gonna grab ur dick and pee in your face, then rub shit all over my face...:lol
Originally posted by Fei-Ji
haha i can taste the cum in my mouth
Originally posted by FastAnna
when I was 13 I wanted to be a video hoe so bad

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Old 02-09-2015, 03:50 AM   #38
Even when im right, is still right!
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This thread rocks.

-What was it?
1997 Acura Integra SE

-How long did you own it?
~3.5 years

-What did you love about it?
Unbelievably reliable. Torquey for a little 4-banger. Super practical hatchback. Pretty nice 5spd tranny.

-What did you hate about it?
Interior was dated before the car rolled off the assembly line. Pretty barren on the options list. Weird-looking front end.

-Why did you sell it?
Saved $20k, bought a BMW.

-Did you have sex in it?

-Any other interesting facts?
I sold the car to an Irish lady in her 70's. She was moving to rural France... and after buying the Integra from me, she packed up all her belongings into the hatchback and shipped it to Paris. It is now probably one of a handful of Integras in France, where the Acura brand does not exist.

-Post some pics.


High school ricer stage:

Somewhat more tasteful ricer stage:

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Old 02-09-2015, 07:33 AM   #39, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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-What was it?
1989 Audi 90 Quattro

-How long did you own it?
8 years, and 700,000km

-What did you love about it?
So many things...

- It was partially responsible for my love of rally. At 16 years old I was flipping channels and the Sprongl brothers went sliding by the screen in the same car my mom owned. I was hooked on rally from that moment on.

- The dashboard will forever be my favorite. There is just something about the B3 chassis dashboards that are so 'right'. Its the perfect design, and that orange-red lighting is perfect too. I could literally sit in the driver's seat for hours on end just enjoying the artistry of that design. To this day I carry the orange-red lighting over into each of my project cars as a homage to the car.

- Um, rally car? It started as my street car in high-school and Uni. Halfway through uni I stripped it for rally. We won races together, we lost races together, we wrecked and rebuilt together. I think my Audi was closer to having a great golden retriever than a car, if I'm honest...

-What did you hate about it?
Nothing. The last few years it was definitely underpowered, but after so many kilometers and experiences can't really hate anything about it.

-Why did you sell it?
I was honestly bored with it. Having moved to the west coast, classic cars were much more practical than in Toronto and I longed to return to my first love of VW beetles (I didn't _buy_ a beetle, so technically the Audi was my first...though I've been driving my '75 beetle since I was 13). After 800,000km the shell was getting a little long in the tooth, though without any major issues. The transmission was a problem due to a racing incident, and when I drained large (10mm) chunks of syncro out of it I knew it was a matter of time. I saved the car for my little brother, and when he got his N I tossed him the keys and told him it was his for as long as the transmission held out. He got a good few months before it lost Reverse, 2nd and 3rd gear. Then I put it up on CL

-Did you have sex in it?
I owned an Audi in High School and University, and then a race car in my 20's. What do you think?

-Any other interesting facts?
The first engine was swapped out for a more powerful unit at 600,000km. The original engine went into my street audi and did a further 200,000km before I sold the car. Apparently it was swapped into a third shell and kept going. Audi 5 cylinders for the win!
When I moved across country with the car, I brought all the wheels and tires I had for it as well. Between gravel tires, track tires and winter tires I had 48 tires/rims in storage plus the 6 that were on/in the car. For years after I sold it I was giving away rims and tires!
In the winter your feet would freeze because the metal floors were so cold. The foot-well heaters weren't very effective, and I have 1-size-up racing shoes just so I could fit wool socks in the winter. The summer, on the other-hand, was brutal. The transmission tunnel would get so hot it would burn your leg if you were wearing shorts. To this day I have less leg hair on my right outside calf than my left.

The day I bought the car:

And very near to the end:

Final gravel test-day in 2007:

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Old 02-09-2015, 08:54 AM   #40
To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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-What was it?
1987 Toyota Celica GTS Coupe

-How long did you own it?
~2 years

-What did you love about it?
It was a bright red 5 speed 2 door and I was 16, it doesn't get a whole lot better. The seats are still the comfiest I have ever sat in, it was fully loaded and absolutely everything worked, the interior was mint and of course I put a big stereo in it when the stock tape deck started launching tapes at me.

-What did you hate about it?
Not so great all season tires and stock shocks, and a little bit of rust. Oh and the oil leak was a bit of a hassle but not bad.

-Why did you sell it?
I spun a bearing at 468k, the JDM replacement engine I ordered was junk, and eventually I ran out of time and my parents made me scrap it

-Did you have sex in it?
Oh of course. Tonnes. Yep definitely lots of sex.

-Any other interesting facts?
I know the whole ownership history of the car, the original owner was the sales rep for Kelowna Toyota in the late 80's, he drove it for 2 years then switched to the 5th gen and the owner of the Penticton Kal Tire bought it and commuted from Kelowna to Pen and back every day. Because of that it had 437k and a flawless interior when I bought it since all it did was drive 1 guy up and down the highway every day (I found a shitload of french fries when I cleaned under the center console though). Eventually he traded in back into Kelowna Toyota and then I bought it at 15.

-Post some pics.
Not my pics but it looked like this:

1991 Toyota Celica GTFour RC // 2007 Toyota Rav4 V6 // 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1992 Toyota Celica GT-S ["sold"] \\ 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD [sold] \\ 2000 Jeep Cherokee [sold] \\ 1997 Honda Prelude [sold] \\ 1992 Jeep YJ [sold/crashed] \\ 1987 Mazda RX-7 [sold] \\ 1987 Toyota Celica GT-S [crushed]
Originally Posted by maksimizer View Post
half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF.
Originally Posted by RevYouUp View Post
reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z
Originally Posted by Good_KarMa View Post
OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry:

Last edited by underscore; 02-09-2015 at 09:48 AM.
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Old 02-09-2015, 09:05 AM   #41
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You can really tell how old some people are when some one has an actual photos of there first car
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Old 02-09-2015, 09:27 AM   #42
Say NO to blade grinders!
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Originally Posted by Energy View Post
I remember not knowing where the gas cap release was on mine, had to google it while at the gas station.
Same problem here.

Ill one up that and didnt know how to hit reverse. Had to google.
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Old 02-09-2015, 10:09 AM   #43
14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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-What was it?
1991 Mazda miata

-How long did you own it?
a little over 20hrs

-What did you love about it?
its a miata
has a lsd

-What did you hate about it?
brake line blew so i couldnt drive it home

-Why did you sell it?
still mine lol

-Did you have sex in it?

-Any other interesting facts?
bought it from resident rs chat troll lor

2016 Ablaze FRS
[02-07, 18:27] Jasonturbo: Fuckin RS, full of broke ass surrians, you guys are such downers

[07-07, 23:21] Inaii: I had some really shitty chinese tires on my fb... thing squealed like a chick getting fucked up the ass for the first time every time

[10-01, 23:38] jinxcrusader: should've stuck with stubbz in the back

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Old 02-09-2015, 10:17 AM   #44
Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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-What was it?
2004 Honda Element EX 2WD

-How long did you own it?
Still in my possession

-What did you love about it?
How versatile it is inside and how funky it looks plus Honda reliability and vtak

-What did you hate about it?
Treacherous to drive in crosswinds, people think I'm drunk or texting

-Why did you sell it?

-Did you have sex in it?

-Any other interesting facts?
The harder it gets driven, the better the gas mileage strangely
On its way to stage 2 of its life, getting a complete suspension overhaul not a single part spared with TEIN coils and OEM suspension parts all around plus a slam.
Shares underpinnings with the 2nd gen CR-V, however shares more parts with the DC5 and EP3 strangely.
Not worried about power, plenty enough for me already, has all the bolt-ons intake, tsx intake mani, catback.
[13-03, 11:25] MG1 when you hit the brakes, it shoots cum at pedestrian - bukkake

[12-03, 19:06] meme405 That e30 is so mexiflushed I thought we were in albuquerque

[12-03, 23:03] rb when i see a modded element. I have nothing but respect. either the parents kicked him out or the guy is killing hookers in the back
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Old 02-09-2015, 11:35 AM   #45
I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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-What was it?

1997 Prelude

-How long did you own it?

About a year and a half

-What did you love about it?

Leather seats

-What did you hate about it?

Faded paint
Replaced pretty much all the rubber seals in the engine

-Why did you sell it?

Still have it might sell it soon though

-Did you have sex in it?

-Any other interesting facts?

6 people can fit inside the interior
I can count the times I kicked in VTEC on one hand...and despite being not too lowered I can't get past the speed bumps at Lansdowne still

-Post some pics.
'16 WRX

'93 GSR


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Old 02-09-2015, 05:55 PM   #46
Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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1991 VW Passat G60 AWD

Owned it for about 4yrs

Loved that nobody could beat me... Especially in the Friday night meets back on river road in ft. Langley... If anyone remembers those

Hated that it was too heavy and was constantly fixing it.

Sold it because I bought a muscle car, and needed a change.

Of course had sex in it. Was a huge folding back seat and massive trunk. Made it in to a bed and had many great times in it.

Modded with upgrade blower, suspension, internals, and much much more.

Back in the day, nothing could beat it. That was back just before Fast and Furious 1 came out.

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Old 02-09-2015, 06:26 PM   #47
The Brown Reason
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-What was it?
Jeep WJ limited with a 4.7L HO engine put in before I bought it. I added a cold air intake, ported + polished throttle body, intake manifold, clutch fan delete, full exhaust with electric dumps right after the header, 94 octane engine tune / tranny software, tranny shift kit, eibach springs, shocks, swaybars, staggered SRT8 rims

-How long did you own it?
Still own it, parked for now. Was always a bit of a project/gas guzzler / impractical. I drive a civic now

-What did you love about it?
The power, the size, the ability to really go anywhere and not really give a crap. Also was stupid easy to work on, and had pretty decent aftermarket support for tuners / bolt ons. It was also a bit of a sleeper .. no one would imagine a soccer-mom truck would do sub 7-second 0-60

-What did you hate about it?
MPG's + student income =

-Why did you sell it?
Haven't sold it yet. I might one day.

-Did you have sex in it?

-Any other interesting facts?
0-60 in under 7 seconds, not bad for a 10 year old SUV!
Once fit ~14 people in it during high school, dem lunch time road trips.

-Post some pics.

And here's what happens when your hooning in the snow a little too fast and slam into a hidden curb:

Doesn't look too bad, but the entire front suspension was pushed in. This happened last February/March ... I got pissed and just parked it.
I've got the parts sitting in the garage ... now to just spend the time to get the rim fixed, put on the new parts, and get an alignment.

Maybe one day I'll get bored and throw a lift on it, and make it my winter car. But for now it's a paperweight in my garage
Originally Posted by bcrdukes
fuck this shit, i'm out

Last edited by BrRsn; 02-09-2015 at 06:32 PM.
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Old 02-09-2015, 07:12 PM   #48
14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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-What was it?
1981 Volvo 245DL wagon

-How long did you own it?
About 6-8 months

-What did you love about it?
4 speed with O/D manual transmission. It's what I learnt how to drive with

-What did you hate about it?
-Everything! floor boards were completely rotted through. The only thing keeping my feet from hitting the pavement below was the carpet.
-Drank/wasted fuel like crazy! nobody knew how to service/repair the stock single SU carb on it. The only places that did were MB and I didn't have the money for that. Only in the future did I find out that many decent motorcycle shops should be able to help me out. Too bad there wasn't many of those shops in Regina Sask back then.
-Trying to pick chics up in that thing.
-in the cold (anything below 1C) it would hiccup terribly and sputter regardless of how much I revved it. So bad that I'd be stranded in the middle of intersections with cars honking at me. So embarrassing.
-No a/c on the prairies and praying you dont' hit red lights
-Wiring was total shit. Literally all the insulation around the wires under the hood lost their insulation and started arching really bad (car wasn't even 20 years old at that point this was the late 90s). The starter would activate when the car was already it was possessed

-Why did you sell it?
See above

-Did you have sex in it?
I was too shy back then

-Any other interesting facts?

Since starting my reply to this thread, I will always have a respect for a stock, good running car. I guess that's how I can buy a $5500 ford Focus 2 years ago and be content with it. Sure it's nice to have a fancy car with doo dads with all the gizmos, but when I think about having it bad, I think back to when I graduated HS and was given this as my first car. I was sooo broke and hardly made any money at my part time jobs, yet was encouraged to go and get a student loan and start university as opposed to work to get a decent car. My parents were in no financial situation to help me out much either.

The good old days weren't always so good.

The car was exactly the same as the one below, but all the same shade of brown.
My GF at the time was amazed I was able to sell that thing!
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Last edited by StanleyR; 02-09-2015 at 07:18 PM.
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Originally Posted by CCA-Dave View Post
-What was it?
1989 Audi 90 Quattro

-How long did you own it?
8 years, and 700,000km
Wow, 700,000km.

Interesting history as well!

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Old 02-09-2015, 07:30 PM   #50
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2002 Ford escape xlt was a car my parents just gave to me haha... Current ride 2010 mazda rx8 r3 will be trading it in once the new cx3 comes out! Going to need something a little bigger for a car seat and my hockey gear, way too much of a bitch putting it in the back seat haha
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