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Old 02-11-2015, 12:15 AM   #1
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Bad tenant

I have a tenant whom I've wanted gone for a while because he's messy, always late on rent and much more but I'll leave it at that. I finally got news from him back in November that he will be moving out mid January. I was actually very surprised he gave me two months notice.

Mid December rolls around and he asks if he can stay another two weeks (feb 1st) and I say yes not a problem as I have not listed the property yet. I also asked him if he could give me at least a months notice if he were to request any additional extensions to which he agreed.

Two weeks later he calls me and says he found a place and wants to move out within two weeks. I'm pissed and this basically leaves me with 2 weeks notice which is absurd. I tell him no that's not happening you're staying until the time that we agreed on because there's no way I can get someone in within two weeks. He says OK he will pay me out for that time but then 2 days later he tells me that he ended up not getting the place and would like to stay until mid Feb instead. Alright not a problem I give him his extension.

Two weeks roll by and he wants another extension to march 1st. This was was I said alright buddy is this your final decision? and he says yes. This gives me a little over a month to get someone in.

Its the end of January now and I schedule a day with him for me to come take pictures of the place and ask if he can tidy up a bit. I told him that I don't need it to be super clean just not cluttered. He agrees but when I get there It's cluttered as fuck and he even tries to stand in the way of my pictures. I managed to get a few decent pictures and this is when I asked him if he wants a final extension and because once this is posted tonight there's no turning back. He said no extension as agreed March 1st will be his last day.

I spent a few hours this weekend showing the place to a bunch of potential candidates and have found what I believe to be the ideal tenants . I have even signed a lease with them and collected their deposit.

Literally a few hour later my current tenant calls me and said the place he found did not work out and he needs to stay a little longer. I tell him no I've given him many chances and I'm still expecting him to be out by March 1st. He said he will try his best.

I'm not sure what to do now. I'm worried he won't leave by March 1st. If he doesn't move out by March 1st can I call the cops? Is there anything that I can do ahead of time to make sure hes out by then? To add I also have texts to back everything up.

Last edited by chince; 02-11-2015 at 12:30 AM.
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Old 02-11-2015, 12:33 AM   #2, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Call the tenancy board of BC and tell them what you told us here and inquire that If he is not moved out by the 1st if you can call the police for assistance on the eviction. They will know the true legality behind it
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Old 02-11-2015, 06:48 AM   #3
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320icar, have you done this before?

I don't think cops are here to help you with evictions. You are not in danger, you are not being threaten in anyway, please do not mis-use our resources.

there is NO way to "force" him. The best method would be to schedule a visit every 3 days to do an "inspection" and giving him reminders. The fact that you have been pushed over so many times will make it hard.
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Old 02-11-2015, 07:36 AM   #4
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Cut your loses and just let him leave. There are a ton of stuff he could have done to make your life a living hell.
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Old 02-11-2015, 08:45 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp View Post
Cut your loses and just let him leave. There are a ton of stuff he could have done to make your life a living hell.
Sorry I'm having difficulty understanding what you mean by cutting my losses by letting him leave. I want him to leave lol. If he doesn't leave that's when the problems really begin.
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Old 02-11-2015, 01:21 PM   #6
RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Hire the RS beatdown crew to come move his ass out on the 1st of march.

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Old 02-11-2015, 02:37 PM   #7
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If the guy is such a shit tenant I would have taken the short notice the first go around just to get him out, but that's just me.
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Originally Posted by maksimizer View Post
half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF.
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reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z
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OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry:
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Old 02-11-2015, 04:34 PM   #8
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regardless of what you've agreed on....if he doesn't leave, there's nothing you can do until after the agreed you're screwed with the new tenants.....just hope this guys leaves
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Old 02-11-2015, 05:17 PM   #9
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Did you get ANY of these move-out dates in writing? You know, a simple "bitch agrees to be out by such-and-such date" signed by both of you? Without that, it's gonna be a he-said/he-said situation if you kick him out and he decides to make a fuss over it.

I would have had him sign something EVERY SINGLE TIME you agreed to an extension and/or move-out date - besides being proof of his agreeing to it, it also shows what a waffling fucktwit he is.

So just tell him: you have new tenants coming in March 1, and his shit WILL be out of the unit BEFORE that... whether he takes it away or you park it on the lawn, it WILL be out.
Originally Posted by Godzira View Post
Does anyone know how many to a signature?
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Not a sebberry post goes by where I don't frown and think to myself "so..?"
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Old 02-11-2015, 05:49 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by underscore View Post
If the guy is such a shit tenant I would have taken the short notice the first go around just to get him out, but that's just me.
I agree with you 100% but he wasn't always like this. He's been renting from me for 3 years and the first two were fine but now his life is crumbling because he's in the middle of a divorce. His wife is a big bitch, never works and he has two kids. I feel bad for him but I gotta put myself first and he screwed me over.

So I spoke with the tenant and landlord office and they basically are saying what you guys are. I'm screwed! Even though I have all the move out notice dates on pen and paper + signature there ain't jack I can do if he doesn't want to move out even with the notice of him agreeing to move out on Mar 1st. I'd have to go through the court system to get that done and that takes months. Even if I sued him and won if he doesn't want to pay there's not much I can do because they don't really enforce it.

So as per the tenant and landlord office I should try to pay out either the future tenant to get them to nullify the agreement or give some money to the current tenant as an incentive to leave.

I was able to work out a deal to get the new lease agreement nullified. They agreed to 300 which I was happy to get it over and done with. As for the current tenant I'll let him keep staying. He's a sloppy fucker and sometimes pays his rent late but he still pays. This doesn't mean I'm not going to try to get him out the first chance I get.

Any of you guys renting out there should know that we landlords are your bitches and you guys can bend us over any time.

Thanks for all the help guys gotta bite the bullet this time.
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Old 02-11-2015, 10:35 PM   #11
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you mentioned that he pays his rent late sometimes. define "sometimes". if i recall, theres a form for late rental payment and you can actually evict him.

Paying Rent - During a Tenancy

Unpaid Rent or Utilities

A landlord can give a 10 Day Notice to End Tenancy if rent or utilities are not paid by midnight on the due date. This notice may be served to a tenant:
  • The day after rent is due
  • 30 days after giving a written demand for a utility payment
The notice is cancelled and the tenancy can continue if the tenant pays all the rent and utilities owing within five days of receiving the notice.
Even if the rent isn’t paid on time, a landlord must not remove or limit access to any of the tenant’s personal property. The landlord can only do this if:
  • The court provides written permission
  • The landlord has followed the required procedure for abandoned property

theres a form on that site. you should probably take a look
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