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suntunnels 05-13-2015 07:08 AM

ICBC discounts for drivers new to BC
I'm trying to sort out the situation on getting a discount for insurance as a new to BC driver. We're from the USA, but have not owned cars for a LONG time, so this have not had any insurance. However we've both been licensed for many years. It seems kind of crazy to me that that doesn't count for at least one or two levels of discount? Seeing as how one can get discounts for every year licensed in BC? But maybe I am just SOL here and need to suck it up and pay the base rate.

On a related note, we have had licenses in BC since last August, but we've not owned a car until now. Since the ICBC insurance terms are for one year, does this mean we won't get the one year discount until one year from now, or would we get a discount in August one our BC licenses have been valid for one year?


fliptuner 05-13-2015 07:15 AM

Your discount level changes based on your license, not insurance.

Your best course of action to determine if any of your US driving experience can be applied to BC, is to call ICBC directly.


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meme405 05-13-2015 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by suntunnels (Post 8635912)
I'm trying to sort out the situation on getting a discount for insurance as a new to BC driver. We're from the USA, but have not owned cars for a LONG time, so this have not had any insurance. However we've both been licensed for many years. It seems kind of crazy to me that that doesn't count for at least one or two levels of discount? Seeing as how one can get discounts for every year licensed in BC? But maybe I am just SOL here and need to suck it up and pay the base rate.

On a related note, we have had licenses in BC since last August, but we've not owned a car until now. Since the ICBC insurance terms are for one year, does this mean we won't get the one year discount until one year from now, or would we get a discount in August one our BC licenses have been valid for one year?


I can't speak on how your situation will be worked out by ICBC, but speaking broadly:

The system is a bit screwed up here in BC even for residents, if you have your license for 10 years, but don't own a car they give you the discount as if you have been driving around without an accident for 10 years.

Let that sink in for a moment; you havn't owned a car or registered a car in your name for 10 years, yet they use that period of inactivity as if you are such an amazing person that you didn't get into an accident.

Of course you didnt get into an accident during that period, chances are you weren't driving around very much considering you don't own a fucking car.

I think it makes much more sense to give people a discount based on how many years they actually paid for insurance and didn't get into an accident. Or at the very least how many years you were listed as a driver on someones insurance.

Just giving people discounts because they had a drivers license is ridiculous, having a drivers license for a long period of time has no bearing on being a safe driver. Actually being a safe driver has everything to do with being a safe driver.

smoothie. 05-13-2015 07:48 AM

should be mandatory road test every 2 years for people under 20, and over 60.

every 5 years in between.

will it help? probably not.

GLOW 05-13-2015 08:04 AM

if moving from the US is anything like moving from another province, in order to get any discount you need to prove you've been driving for X years. in order to do that, you need to get your insurance history from your past location. it sucks but it makes sense.

when my family moved back to BC my dad & sister got their discounts b/c both of them had their own cars and insurance for years and had paperwork to prove it. i had a license but no car/insurance under my name so no discount for me. however once i switched over to a BC license i built up my discount even without owning/insuring a car :lol

meme405 05-13-2015 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by smoothie. (Post 8635921)
should be mandatory road test every 2 years for people under 20, and over 60.

every 5 years in between.

will it help? probably not.

Realistically they need to stop accepting foreign drivers licenses before they can even consider re-examinations.

fliptuner 05-13-2015 08:24 AM

If you get your license at 16 and don't get into an at-fault accident, your discount will be maxed out at age 36. Say the average guy will drive til he's at least 65 or so. So for 30+ years, in respect to effecting insurance cost, there's no incentive to avoid getting into an accident. For those that have a car insured under their name and are accident free, the discounts should continue to go up, indefinitely.

~end rant

Expresso 05-13-2015 08:33 AM

You should get your 1 year discount in August, but really you should just talk to a broker or call ICBC.

Edison_Chen 05-13-2015 09:33 AM

If you were from the US, and currently living in BC, and you currently have and held an active BCDL, you will be probably entitled to -1(5%) in august.

As for as I know, if you coming from outside of BC (except in SK or in MB), you will need claims history letter from your previous insurance companies to show you had coverage in the last 8 years prior to coming to BC.

If your from SK or MB, they work like BC (government owned insurance) and we will take driver's abstract and claims letters.

Traum 05-13-2015 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by ICE BOY (Post 8635929)
If you get your license at 16 and don't get into an at-fault accident, your discount will be maxed out at age 36.

Huh? Why would it take that long? If you are accident free, you get a 5% discount every year, with basic insurance maxing out at 43% in year 9. And then you get the 10 year driver experience discount afterwards. So you should only be 26 by the time you get your maximum discount.

fliptuner 05-13-2015 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Traum (Post 8635957)
Huh? Why would it take that long? If you are accident free, you get a 5% discount every year, with basic insurance maxing out at 43% in year 9. And then you get the 10 year driver experience discount afterwards. So you should only be 26 by the time you get your maximum discount.

43% on basic insurance, yes, but you get a higher discount on optional coverage until -20 CRS.

Traum 05-13-2015 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by ICE BOY (Post 8635966)
43% on basic insurance, yes, but you get a higher discount on optional coverage until -20 CRS.

Hmm... Are you certain about that? I thought we are also entitled to 5% annual discounts on optional insurance as well, up to a max of 43% discount. I thought the CRS stuff is only used to determine how many steps you get sent back in the event of an accident.

But honestly, I am not 100% certain myself, and I can't seem to find any info about optional insurance discount percentages on ICBC's website.

Gucci Mane 05-13-2015 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Traum (Post 8635957)
Huh? Why would it take that long? If you are accident free, you get a 5% discount every year, with basic insurance maxing out at 43% in year 9. And then you get the 10 year driver experience discount afterwards. So you should only be 26 by the time you get your maximum discount.

you're correct. i had one at fault accident when i was 18 and last year i turned 28 and got the maximum discount. 43%, roadstar and the 10 year driver experience discount.

Edison_Chen 05-13-2015 11:28 AM

As per ICBC website, you cap out (maximum) at -20(43%). There are minimum premium differences between ie: level -9(43%) vs -10(43%). There is a behind the scenes additional discount on top of the optional. Its really easy to find out, just ask the insurance broker to do a crs quote between a -9 and -10 with optional ICBC coverage.

v_tec 05-13-2015 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by smoothie. (Post 8635921)
should be mandatory road test every 2 years for people under 20, and over 60.

every 5 years in between.

will it help? probably not.

Under 20 is useless as you get your L at 16. Then if all goes well, you will have two road tests until your Class 5 anyways.

I would make it every 2 yrs for those under 25, or...even say, 30. I'm sure ICBC has the statistics out there in terms of age vs. accidents.

fliptuner 05-13-2015 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Traum (Post 8635973)
Hmm... Are you certain about that? I thought we are also entitled to 5% annual discounts on optional insurance as well, up to a max of 43% discount. I thought the CRS stuff is only used to determine how many steps you get sent back in the event of an accident.

But honestly, I am not 100% certain myself, and I can't seem to find any info about optional insurance discount percentages on ICBC's website.

Yes, I'm sure that after 43% (CRS -9), you continue to get additional discounts on optional coverage until CRS -20. The difference might be very small but they're still discounts. There's also the advantage of moving back fewer steps to get back to your CRS level, should you make an at-fault claim.

That aside, my point is that there's no incentive for good drivers after CRS -20. At the very least, after you max out your discount, they should send you a rebate at the end of each year you don't make a claim but they know they have you by the balls cause there's no competition.

freakshow 05-13-2015 02:10 PM

I don't think you actually get a discount for being on a CRS passed -10, however, they do take your age into account when calculating your insurance, so maybe thats where the additional discount is.

Either way, it's completely accurate to say that you max out your discount at 36. Being at -10 on the CRS and -20 is NOT the same, despite both giving a 43% discount. As mentioned, the fact that an accident would only move you 3 steps at -20 is huge.

underscore 05-13-2015 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by ICE BOY (Post 8635992)
At the very least, after you max out your discount, they should send you a rebate at the end of each year you don't make a claim but they know they have you by the balls cause there's no competition.

Err, why? Does any kind of insurance do that? Hell, does any other kind of insurance even give discounts?

tinico 05-13-2015 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by GLOW (Post 8635925)
if moving from the US is anything like moving from another province, in order to get any discount you need to prove you've been driving for X years. in order to do that, you need to get your insurance history from your past location. it sucks but it makes sense.

when my family moved back to BC my dad & sister got their discounts b/c both of them had their own cars and insurance for years and had paperwork to prove it. i had a license but no car/insurance under my name so no discount for me. however once i switched over to a BC license i built up my discount even without owning/insuring a car :lol

I would add, if you did not own the car (ie, company car), the company should write a letter stating the length of time the vehicle was assigned to you + the company needs to give you a letter from the insurance they were using to report the vehicle claims history during that same period.

Another thing if you already paid your premium, and you get those letters later (dead line ofmax 60 days if i remember correctly) they will refund you the difference by mail, if a discount was applicable.

If you did not drive at all, I was informed it did not count. In my case I have had my out of Canada license for the past 12 years and was informed it did not matter unless I have proof of insurance company and/or company.

Soundy 05-13-2015 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by ICE BOY (Post 8635929)
If you get your license at 16 and don't get into an at-fault accident, your discount will be maxed out at age 36. Say the average guy will drive til he's at least 65 or so. So for 30+ years, in respect to effecting insurance cost, there's no incentive to avoid getting into an accident.

How do you figure that? You get into an accident, you lose some or all of your discount (not figuring in "accident forgiveness" for those with 10+ years at CRS-20). KEEP getting into accidents, you start paying extra.

Anyway, as others have said... OP, you should be able to get a discount if you've already been driving a long time. When my wife moved here from Illinois, she brought a letter from her previous insurance company stating she was claim-free (she was almost 24 at the time, so she would have had almost 8 years on her record), and ICBC started her off at full discount (the steps went down faster then). Handed over her Illinois license, they snapped her picture, and she got the BCDL, just like that.

If you haven't insured your own vehicle before, or have done so infrequently, you could try bringing along your abstract from the DMV you got your license through.

Edison_Chen 05-13-2015 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by tinico (Post 8636045)
I would add, if you did not own the car (ie, company car), the company should write a letter stating the length of time the vehicle was assigned to you + the company needs to give you a letter from the insurance they were using to report the vehicle claims history during that same period.

Another thing if you already paid your premium, and you get those letters later (dead line ofmax 60 days if i remember correctly) they will refund you the difference by mail, if a discount was applicable.

If you did not drive at all, I was informed it did not count. In my case I have had my out of Canada license for the past 12 years and was informed it did not matter unless I have proof of insurance company and/or company.

If you were driving a company vehicles, it only applies if you use the vehicle for work and pleasure purposes. In this situation you need 2 letters: one from the company you worked for, and the second letter must be from the insurance company.

If you are a new resident to BC, after getting your first plate, you have to to 6 months to send in the claims letters and application form and $20 to ICBC for a full refund for that one vehicle. After 6 months, they will still refund you, they will only refund to the date they get the application.

fliptuner 05-13-2015 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by ICE BOY (Post 8635929)
If you get your license at 16 and don't get into an at-fault accident, your discount will be maxed out at age 36. Say the average guy will drive til he's at least 65 or so. So for 30+ years, in respect to effecting insurance cost, there's no incentive to avoid getting into an accident. For those that have a car insured under their name and are accident free, the discounts should continue to go up, indefinitely.

~end rant


Originally Posted by Soundy (Post 8636055)
How do you figure that? You get into an accident, you lose some or all of your discount (not figuring in "accident forgiveness" for those with 10+ years at CRS-20). KEEP getting into accidents, you start paying extra.

I think you misread my post.

tiger_handheld 05-13-2015 07:43 PM

I wish we had state farm here, they reward good drivers. I would go as far as plugging in 'big brother' into my OBD2 if it's gonna reduce my insurance in any significant manner.

also speaking of insurance, have you guys heard that Jake from State Farm is dating Flo from Progressive ;)

suntunnels 05-15-2015 08:04 AM

well, seems like we couldn't swing any discount for having licenses (from the USA) for more than 20 years as neither of us were insured for the majority of that time. Last time I was insured was for a year in 1996-7, and i have no records to show that. Ended up having to pay $179/mo for basic liability. I guess that's just part of the cost of living in BC....

Qmx323 05-15-2015 09:11 AM

^ Try getting insurance for new drivers in Ontario.


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