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05-28-2015, 01:17 PM
#276 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by pengu I know people that commute from the Island because property there is so cheap. | I had a professor that did that, never understood it.
“The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I don´t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it. You, me or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life. But ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That´s how winning is done. Now, if you know what you worth, go out and get what you worth.” - Rocky Balboa |
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05-28-2015, 01:23 PM
#277 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by pengu 3 or 4 day work week's, walk on passenger. | Where do they sleep during those 3 or 4 days? |
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05-28-2015, 01:47 PM
#278 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by westopher I find it hard to believe that savings isn't negated by their 5 hours per work day wasted commuting never mind being raped by B.C. ferries. | Buy a float plane or helicopter with floats. He have a doctor here who does cancer research. Lives on Long Lake and fly's his helicopter everyday to work on the Fraser river. Better yet find a job in Nanaimo or some other place on the Island.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |
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05-28-2015, 03:25 PM
#279 | Banned (ABWS)
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I love Vancouver so much I spent some time cleaning up garbage at 3rd beach:
Damn so many cigarette butts. |
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05-28-2015, 04:57 PM
#280 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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05-28-2015, 05:45 PM
#281 | 2x Variable Nockenwellen Steuerung
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Plenty of people live on the islands and commute to Vancouver.. Bowen, Sunshine coast etc. Much like people commuting from Bainbridge Island to Seattle. Most people go to work and leave the family with larger space..
Personal choices.
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05-28-2015, 06:52 PM
#282 | Waxin’ Punks
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Originally Posted by multicartual I love Vancouver so much I spent some time cleaning up garbage at 3rd beach:
Damn so many cigarette butts.  | 500th post of your hipster bike's yellow rim. Congrats on the milestone!
If you drive like an asshole, you probably are one. Quote:
Originally Posted by MG1 punkwax, I don't care what your friends say about you, you are gold! | Quote:
Originally Posted by mikemhg What do your farts sound like then? | |
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05-29-2015, 10:05 AM
#283 | Banned (ABWS)
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Hipster VS Bike thief gypsies
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05-29-2015, 10:06 AM
#284 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by godwin Plenty of people live on the islands and commute to Vancouver.. Bowen, Sunshine coast etc. Much like people commuting from Bainbridge Island to Seattle. Most people go to work and leave the family with larger space..
Personal choices. | Id rather spend four hours a day more with my family.
__________________ Rise Auto Salon
11938 95a Ave Delta
I can be reached VIA text @ 778-232-1465 Oil change special $70 5 liters synthetic oil including OEM filter Fender rolling from $45 per fender Car Audio:
Focal, Morel, Genesis, Clarion, Scosche, Escort, Compustar, GReddy, Blitz, Tomei, Motul, Endless, Defi, Cusco, Nismo + More
We specialize in:
Custom Car Audio
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05-29-2015, 10:09 AM
#285 | I told him no, what y'all do?
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Originally Posted by multicartual
Hipster VS Bike thief gypsies | they spotted you, RUN FOR IT!!!!
__________________ Feedback Quote: Greenstoner 1 rat shit ruins the whole congee originalhypa You cannot live the life of a whore and expect a monument to your chastity | Quote:
[22-12, 08:51]mellomandidnt think and went in straight..scrapped like a bitch
[17-09, 12:07]FastAnna glowjob
[17-09, 12:08]FastAnna I like dat
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05-29-2015, 09:24 PM
#286 | 14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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Originally Posted by 4444 entirely depends on rent to own cost differential.
right now in vancouver, rent is so much cheaper than owning that the only sane choice is to rent and invest the differential.
again, my point is about the one sided stupidity of our media... but i'm happy the idiots are buying with mortgages, i just hope CMHC doesn't have to bail them out.
buy when there's blood on the street. | "buy when there's blood on the street" sounds like a very easy approach. How do you define this?
Just at the moment when you believe it's time to invest, even worse crash may yet to come. I am not saying you're wrong, it's easy to say "buy" if you have tons of spare cash enough to buy the whole property without mortgage (usually when bloods are on street, interest rate is usually sky rocket), and not to worry about getting layoff.
I think you have to realize investments always have risk, and some people are just not good investors. Perhaps real estate is not a bad tool to build asset for their retirement.
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05-29-2015, 09:35 PM
#287 | Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by Manic! Buy a float plane or helicopter with floats. He have a doctor here who does cancer research. Lives on Long Lake and fly's his helicopter everyday to work on the Fraser river. Better yet find a job in Nanaimo or some other place on the Island. | I doubt at that point it has anything to do with the cost savings. It has to do with his preference of living there. For someone with a "normal" job, buying a fucking helicopter to commute isn't really in the cards.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5 Quote:
Originally Posted by boostfever Westopher is correct. | Quote:
Originally Posted by fsy82 seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked | Quote:
Originally Posted by punkwax Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct. | |
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05-29-2015, 09:59 PM
#288 | Banned (ABWS)
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Layoff the crack pipe. Typical Yaletown yipster living paycheck to paycheck with a ' I'm so smart I barely work like you peons' mentality.
Next time you take a pot shot at surrey remember your nothing more than 14$ baller v2.0
Obviously you can't argue facts or logic. Quote:
Originally Posted by multicartual I don't pop pills...
Sure I have a little debt but I also have a steady good income  If I wanted to make 250k+ a year I could work 8 hours a day instead of 1-2... but then I wouldn't have a fun hipster lifestyle
You make it sound like owning a place is the #1 thing in life... I have great friends, an awesome lifestyle and I'm happy as fuck!
If you're who I think you are, go back to listening to Tom Leykis and hiring prostitutes because no woman ever wants your company! | |
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05-29-2015, 10:30 PM
#289 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by Nomomo Layoff the crack pipe. Typical Yaletown yipster living paycheck to paycheck with a ' I'm so smart I barely work like you peons' mentality.
Next time you take a pot shot at surrey remember your nothing more than 14$ baller v2.0
Obviously you can't argue facts or logic. |
Dude you're a basement dweller with 0 friends and you hate women. Your life is a nightmare of angst and loneliness.
My girlfriend just left and now I'm happy as hell to be home on a Friday night, free and comfortable to work on my 2nd book! |
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05-29-2015, 11:22 PM
#290 | Banned (ABWS)
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Another beautiful day renting in Vancouver...
After tossing the ball around for awhile, we cleaned up a bunch of the litter left by the local ghouls. We picked up probably like 50 shitty cigarette butts, 10+ cigarette wrappers, tons of those gross "snackables" processed, non-organic cheese packs. I bet the cows that cheese comes from aren't even grass-fed or free range.
I digress.
So many guys like Nomomo own property in this city but would never lift a finger to make their community nicer or more friendly. I go out of my way to make people feel welcome and have made a bunch of really good friends in Gastown. A lot of people who own property here are completely disconnected from their neighbors and live here simply to feel relevant in a trendy neighborhood. Walking around down here it is impossible to not have a friendly conversation with a neighbor, friendly crackhead, pretty girl or fellow hipster if you're a friendly person yourself.
A lot of property owners view renters like me as peasants who can't afford to buy in their neighborhood, fakers who are "paycheck to paycheck" because we do not have traditional assets. I've seen this attitude over and over again downtown, and many social groups are divided along renter/owner lines. What I'd like people to understand is that your time and your fulfillment of life can be more important than a mortgage. You're lead to believe that the crescendo of being an adult is land ownership, and that if you do not own your home you are somehow not an adult. This is false and can limit people's personal growth due to the time and money needed to purchase land/property rather than seeking out life experiences. What people may lack in financial assets they can make up for in cultural, social and experience assets; these assets can be just as valuable as property.
Cultural ties, social connections and life experience can provide a deeper sense of fulfillment than just financial success. It is something that took me years to learn. Many people aren't even aware of their own depression and the crushing loneliness they can't quite put their finger on. Many of those people can only find connection with others when drunk, on coke and banging. Life of solitude: A loneliness crisis is looming - The Globe and Mail
You can have all the money in the world, but it doesn't count for jack shit if you're miserable and nobody loves you!
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05-29-2015, 11:27 PM
#291 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by westopher I doubt at that point it has anything to do with the cost savings. It has to do with his preference of living there. For someone with a "normal" job, buying a fucking helicopter to commute isn't really in the cards. |
Hahaha I lost my shit when I read buddy suggesting "BUY A HELICOPTER" hahahaha... hahaha!!!
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05-30-2015, 08:11 AM
#292 | I told him no, what y'all do?
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impressive if you can buy a choppa and fly it. i always crash my copter when i play battlefield 3
__________________ Feedback Quote: Greenstoner 1 rat shit ruins the whole congee originalhypa You cannot live the life of a whore and expect a monument to your chastity | Quote:
[22-12, 08:51]mellomandidnt think and went in straight..scrapped like a bitch
[17-09, 12:07]FastAnna glowjob
[17-09, 12:08]FastAnna I like dat
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05-30-2015, 08:57 AM
#293 | Pull Out Towing. Women rescued for free.
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Originally Posted by GLOW impressive if you can buy a choppa and fly it. i always crash my copter when i play battlefield 3 | Quick to the Petercopter.
__________________ Originally posted by Iceman_19 you should have tried to touch his penis. that really throws them off. Originally posted by The7even SumAznGuy > Billboa Originally posted by 1990TSI SumAznGuy> Internet > tinytrix Quote:
Originally Posted by tofu1413 and icing on the cake, lady driving a newer chrysler 200 infront of me... jumped out of her car, dropped her pants, did an immediate squat and did probably the longest public relief ever...... steam and all. | (11-0-0) Buy/Sell rating Christine Shitvic Pull Out Towing |
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05-30-2015, 09:33 PM
#294 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Kind of off topic, but does anyone know how these "hotel" investments work out?
Is it really just a timeshare in disguise? 612-5911 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond, BC, Apt/Condo For Sale |
Last edited by Teriyaki; 05-30-2015 at 09:36 PM.
Reason: nevermind. basically glorified timeshare.
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05-31-2015, 07:13 PM
#295 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by multicartual Hahaha I lost my shit when I read buddy suggesting "BUY A HELICOPTER" hahahaha... hahaha!!! | People are paying over million for a tear down. You can buy a house on the lake for under a mill. Now you have like 800K left over for a plane or a helicopter.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |
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05-31-2015, 07:23 PM
#296 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by Manic! People are paying over million for a tear down. You can buy a house on the lake for under a mill. Now you have like 800K left over for a plane or a helicopter. |
The insane part is, it almost starts to make sense!!!
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06-01-2015, 11:27 PM
#297 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by Y2K_o__o "buy when there's blood on the street" sounds like a very easy approach. How do you define this?
Just at the moment when you believe it's time to invest, even worse crash may yet to come. I am not saying you're wrong, it's easy to say "buy" if you have tons of spare cash enough to buy the whole property without mortgage (usually when bloods are on street, interest rate is usually sky rocket), and not to worry about getting layoff.
I think you have to realize investments always have risk, and some people are just not good investors. Perhaps real estate is not a bad tool to build asset for their retirement. | it's an extremely simplistic view of being a contrarian.
What it means is buy things that are unpopular, sell things that are popular.
right now, don't buy real estate. if you were to buy real estate it would have been in the US 3 years ago, or would be perhaps some areas of Europe today.
canada? who knows when the right time will be, but it will be when it's not the leading news story on global
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