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Serb death squads butchered 8-thousand Bosnian Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica over the course of four days in July 19-95. 20 years on, newly revealed documents show that the US, Britain and France were behind the worst massacre in Europe since the Second World War.
The bloodshed happened after Bosnian Serbs took the town, which was declared a UN-protected area. Now, declassified US diplomatic cables show that Washington urged UN troops to pull back from safe areas, while Paris and London agreed. Also former Dutch Defense Ministry officials has said that the UN provided 30-thousand liters of fuel gas to Serbs, facilitating the takeover of Srebrenica and the massacre there. All that, happened in the knowledge that Serb leaders had pledged to uproot Muslims even if there was blood up to their knees. The genocide was never mentioned in the peace negotiations with the Serb leaders. These revelations question the official Western line that has long described the Srebrenica massacre as a shocking and unforeseen event.
Canada being a constitutional monarch... to think they killed this many Anglo people only a few decades ago (in a span of four days) just really shows how much they care about us.
Heres what 8000 people look like.
Abbotsford Centre
Capacity(Seating): For hockey the seating capacity is 7,000. For concerts and events the capacity varies from 1,000-8,500
Nice you brought up Dean Henderson, although didn't have the time yet to read the whole article. He can be a little out of line but is a very knowledgeable man and for some time.
Read a subsection he wrote describing the war and support of the Sicilian Mafia during what was otherwise a time you might not want to be playing with toy cars of that era.
Didn't use as much referencing as one would like, nonetheless, thousands were killed as well.
Strange to know characters around that time were functioning at a high, artistic level.. With all the fentanyl laced narcotics on the streets, let's hope we don't see any needless deaths.
But I didnt know he was the same guy giving some of the best PressTV news interviews until today.
If I had more patience I'd read his book even but I'll just watch his videos for now
is this actually legit, or another 'false flag' cracker CiC thing?
( i didn't watch... due to CiC's history)
That's actually something I've brought up in the past. There have been so many inane posts of his that even if something gets written that's genuinely legit, most people are going to skim over it and think it's just another tin foil conspiracy.
Lomac youve said some inane things yourself... like thinking the Boston bombings were an actual terror event when its obvious now that it was a staged event. Well maybe not so obvious if you still havent woken up yet.
Someone should ask 4444 if he knows why our buildings (actually the whole western world) lack the number 13 as a floor?
The Illuminati
The Illuminati serves as ruling council to all secret societies. Its roots go back to the Guardians of Light in Atlantis, the Brotherhood of the Snake in Sumeria, the Afghan Roshaniya, the Egyptian Mystery Schools and the Genoese families who bankrolled the Roman Empire. British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, who “handled” mafia-founder and 33rd Degree Mason Guiseppe Mazzini, alluded to the Illuminati in a speech before the House of Commons in 1856 warning, “There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention. I mean the secret societies. Europe…is covered with a network of secret societies just as the surfaces of the earth are covered with a network of railroads.”[13]
The Illuminati is to these secret societies what the Bank of International Settlements is to the Eight Families central bankers. And their constituencies are exactly the same.
The forerunners of the Freemasons -the Knights Templar- founded the concept of banking and created a bond market as a means to control European nobles through war debts. By the 13th century the Templars had used their looted Crusades gold to buy 9,000 castles throughout Europe and ran an empire stretching from Copenhagen to Damascus. They founded modern banking techniques and legitimized usury via interest payments. Templars’ bank branches popped up everywhere, backed by their ill-gotten gold. They charged up to 60% interest on loans, launched the concept of trust accounts and introduced a credit card system for Holy Land pilgrims. They acted as tax collectors, though themselves exempted by Roman authorities, and built the great cathedrals of Europe, having also found instructions regarding secret building techniques alongside the gold they pilfered beneath Solomon’s Temple. The stained glass used in the cathedrals resulted from a secret Gothic technique known by few. One who had perfected this art was Omar Khayvam, a good friend of Assassin founder Hasan bin Sabah. [14]
The Templars controlled a huge fleet of ships and their own naval fleet based at the French Atlantic Port of La Rochelle. They were especially cozy with the royals of England. They purchased the island of Cyprus from Richard the Lion Heart, but were later overrun by the Turks. On Friday October 13, 1307 King Philip IV of France joined forces with Pope Clement V and began rounding up Templars on charges ranging from necromancy to the use of black magic. Friday the 13th would from that day forward carry negative connotations. “Sion” is believed to be a transliteration of Zion, itself a transliteration for the ancient Hebrew name Jerusalem. The Priory of Sion came into public view in July 1956. A 1981 notice in the French press listed 121 dignitaries as Priory members. All were bankers, royalty or members of the international political jet set. Pierre Plantard was listed as Grand Master. Plantard is a direct descendent, through King Dagobert II, of the Merovingan Kings. Plantard, who owns property in the Rennes-le-Chateau area of southern France where the Priory of Sion is based, has stated that the order has in its possession lost treasure recovered from beneath Solomon’s Temple and that it will be returned to Israel when the time is right. He also stated that in the near future monarchy would be restored to France and other nations. The Templars claim to possess secret knowledge that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene, fathered children to launch the Merovingan bloodline and was the son of Joseph of Arimathea. [15]
Might as well ask why there's a lack of a 4th floor in many new buildings as well.
Superstitions, as stupid as they are, can affect people's ability to pay to dollar for their hotel room or new condo. Sadly, money talks and that lets architects design buildings that skip the 4th and 13th numbers.
That said, plenty of buildings in the western world still have those floors numbered. Just depends on the architect and area it's built.
Lomac youve said some inane things yourself... like thinking the Boston bombings were an actual terror event when its obvious now that it was a staged event. Well maybe not so obvious if you still havent woken up yet.
Someone should ask 4444 if he knows why our buildings (actually the whole western world) lack the number 13 as a floor?
Russia on Wednesday vetoed a draft UN resolution recognizing the Srebrenica massacre as genocide, blocking a measure that had angered Serbia and Bosnian Serbs.
Four other countries at the Security Council - Angola, China, Nigeria and Venezuela - abstained from the vote condemning the mass killing 20 years ago as an act of genocide.
The carnage took place after Bosnian Serbs ran over the Bosnian town, even though it was formally declared a UN-protected area. Serb troops overran the zone despite the presence of hundreds of Western troops tasked with protecting innocent civilians.
US, UK, French complicity
According to recently declassified US cables, cited in a Saturday report by the UK-based daily The Guardian, British, American and French governments were prepared to cede UN-protected safe areas to armed Serb militias during the war in Bosnia.
A former Dutch Defense Ministry official has also said that the UN facilitated the takeover of Srebrenica and the brutal carnage there by providing 30,000 liters of fuel gas to Serbs.
The new revelations pose a serious challenge to the official Western version of events.
Perhaps Russia thinks the West is going to use this U.N. recognition of genocide against the Serbs as a method to further divide the ethnicities in the future and overlook the complicity involved.
Originally Posted by Lomac
Might as well ask why there's a lack of a 4th floor in many new buildings as well.
Superstitions, as stupid as they are, can affect people's ability to pay to dollar for their hotel room or new condo. Sadly, money talks and that lets architects design buildings that skip the 4th and 13th numbers.
That said, plenty of buildings in the western world still have those floors numbered. Just depends on the architect and area it's built.
Many buildings without the 4th floor... many buildings have the 13th floor.
Do you understand the meaning of the word many?
1. a large number of.
[spoiler]synonyms: numerous, a great/good deal of, a lot of, plenty of, countless, innumerable, scores of, crowds of, droves of, an army of, a horde of, a multitude of, a multiplicity of, multitudinous, multiple, untold; several, various, sundry, diverse, assorted, multifarious;
copious, abundant, profuse, an abundance of, umpteen, loads of, masses of, stacks of, .
. Do you still think your choice of the word many in context to the western world is still valid???
What is the source event of this superstition?
Why is Friday the thirteenth an unlucky day also?
What entity decided for these large nations to adopt this superstition?
Sadly its not like we ever really debate history when it comes to these rulers... just mysterious things that are present in our present lives.
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Originally Posted by 4444
is this actually legit, or another 'false flag' cracker CiC thing?
( i didn't watch... due to CiC's history)
yes it's legit, as reported by the guardian and the bbc etc. but as Lomac pointed out, it's a shame that CiC brought it up because most will just dismiss it
on a related note the US and UK wanted the issue officially defined as a Genocide at the UN today (well yesterday now) and Russia vetoed
yes it's legit, as reported by the guardian and the bbc etc. but as Lomac pointed out, it's a shame that CiC brought it up because most will just dismiss it
on a related note the US and UK wanted the issue officially defined as a Genocide at the UN today (well yesterday now) and Russia vetoed
Lomac youve said some inane things yourself... like thinking the Boston bombings were an actual terror event when its obvious now that it was a staged event.
please, go on... explain the obvious fact that it was staged.
while you're at it, can you contact all the families of those that died or those that were permanently maimed or emotionally scarred from the bombing and explain to them that it wasn't real and was in fact staged.
why don't you go and do it in person, please, I beg of you.
yes it's legit, as reported by the guardian and the bbc etc. but as Lomac pointed out, it's a shame that CiC brought it up because most will just dismiss it
Originally Posted by 4444
it's the boy that cried wolf.. now everything CiC says is tainted with crazy
I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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Originally Posted by CharlesInCharge
I also bet StylinRed will do one of his disappearing tricks again since the questions got hot.
Baiting succeeded, I disengage on topics I'm interested in when the discussions gone in circles several times and everyone's points have been made, at that point it's just a baiting argument to pull in off topic bs as people want to keep the argument going but not on the points they've lost to
As for your topic, there's nothing to brought to light a worthy topic regarding the Bosnian War, I supported the topic and even thanked you for it... Anything else youve brought up or want to bring up has just done this topic a disservice
You said that its a shame that I posted such an article and members will just disregard it.
The reality is that its a shame the world is filled with so many brainwashed individuals that the message will never go through.
You make it worse by acting like Ive been wrong about subjects when in fact you have when you've opposed me on some subjects and events.
If you're not a truther, dont play these games if you cant follow through for whatever reason, be it youre afraid to be on some FBI watch list or buddying it up with the trolls on this forum.
I find it interesting that you like to troll political threads where people have been murdered in mass numbers.
I also bet StylinRed will do one of his disappearing tricks again since the questions got hot.
Lastly how disgraceful of Hondaracer... wheres the decency and intellect in todays people?
you're like a child, you say something (or post something) that is completely cracker jack, and then expect some kind of response. when there is no response (because where do you start with all your false flag rubbish), you say everyone is trolling.
i don't think you realize that things on the internet aren't all real, and that there's something called two sides to every story
CiC there is such a thing as a TOO open mind... I agree many people are sheep but when you hammer people with so much information and "knowledge" at once, they balk. Baby steps man, baby steps.
Keep on enlightening people but leave a trail of bread crumbs, don't start slapping people upside the head with the whole loaf.