Originally Posted by Manic! You want to post pics of yourself so people can jerk off?
Also pics won't cut it soon or later they will want the real thing.
It's not like people are having less sex because of internet porn. |
the pics can be computer generated. fake. but so good it looks real. im sure that's possible.
yeah sooner or later they want the real thing. so that's what im saying. and the pedos are here to stay. so what are you gonna do about it? just keep saying no? lol they're GONNA GO GET THE REAL THING MAN.
Originally Posted by ZN6 |
yeah but you're not fixing the problem. you're just perpetuating the same thing that keeps happening then u ask yourself why these sick people exist.
but the true fact is, they've always existed and will exist forever. so what's the answer?
it's exactly like the war on drugs. except this is war on specific type of arousal.
u cant stop it. no amount of authority and rehabilitation will fix it. it will just keep coming.
so why not just LET them have it. give them doctored pictures of fake little kids. i mean why is it so "wrong" to have a pic of a naked little kid (even if its fake)... but its not wrong to have japanese hentai weird tentacles penetrating every hole in some girl that is drawn to look like she's 13 lol.
like, what you are proposing is a never ending chase. where YOU are ice skating uphill. you are trying to reprogram EVERY single person that is born. and new people are born every fucking second.
everyone always talks about controlling impulses... like they're some fucking buddhist monk. and then comparing us to animals... get real.
yeah ive seen super hot 11/10 girl walking down the street while im drunk and in my head im just like "fuck i'd fucking take her down right now and bang her on the streets".
sure that's wrong and i have control over that... because i get my fill of it by banging other chicks and jerking it off to unlimited porno.
put yourself in the shoes of a pedo... they want little kids... they don't get their fill ever... EVER. so they seek out these photos and then if they're brave enough, they seek out little kids.
they don't get to go home and just go on "youpornkiddyversion.com" or call up your local kiddy hooker or go to a club and pick up a 10 year old.
its like DRUGS to them. and like the war on drugs... they're gonna get their drugs no matter how hard u enforce it.
kinda get my drift?
u cannot compare anything with murderers... cuz NO one wants to be murdered. not a kid, not a gay, not an old person, not a young person.
but a kid wanting to have sex with an older person is subjective. the law says no, but in real life it's very different. i bet you, you can find plenty of testimonials of people that had sex with adults when they were under aged... and they will testify now (when they are adults) they they knew what they were doing, and wanted it, and have no regrets. so that area is grey and subjective.
so what you guys ARE saying is, hunt them down. the word witch hunt and justice can be interchanged easily in this case lol.
cuz there is no justice served, unless the child involved disagrees into their adulthood.
cuz i duno about you guys, but i've seen some pretty fucking hot 17 year olds. lol. if i didnt clue in they were still in HS, or the fact that they snuck into a club using a fake ID... i'm sure plenty of guys have been on the hook for that.
17? ok.. well that's fine in canada... 16? sure... starting to get strange right?
i duno about you guys, when i was in grade 6 i had a 24 year old super hot teacher, and i wanted to fuck her so bad. if she seduced me, i woulda fucked her. and i woulda totally banged her and still brag about it today and i would testify that i knew EXACTLY what i was doing. and i got EXACTLY what i want.
i think people treat kids like they're fucking retarded incompetent idiots or something. i can remember as far back down to my youth, i knew exactly what i wanted when i wanted it. and i manipulated many adults into giving me exactly what i want. and still to this day, couple decades later, i can testify that i, as a small child, KNEW exactly what i was getting myself into.
children are not fucking retarded puppies. they're highly intelligent. they know when to say no, and most kids, if they duno how to express it, they just scream, cry or run away.
but what if the kid doesnt scream cry or run away? are they REALLY being manipulated?
has anyone ever thought of. what if the kid LIKES it? what if the kid gets a boner from older partners?
i know girls that dated guys double their age. and they repeatedly keep doing that. 17-20 year olds that only date 30-40 year olds.
can you imagine what they were thinking when they were 12-16? they already fucking had that mindset. they KNEW what they wanted, and what they will become. and they made it come true.
i aint protecting pedo's. but im just being real. they're out there. and they're gonna get what they want. and there are "kids" out there that want that too. there's fucking proof lol.
how can we deal with it, EFFECTIVELY, without doing this whole bullshit of chasing tails all god damn day?
i seriously feel this is like the war on drugs. "drugs" are bad.
where do u think "drugs" come from? cuz u do coke or any other drug, youre supporting some big black market controlled by "bad" people. but those bad people are only supplying it because DRUG USERS EXIST. and THEY CRAVE for that shit.
discipline or not... 99.999% of all people have no discipline. otherwise foodies wouldnt be everywhere. we wouldnt have fat fucking fucks everywhere. everyone would have super star body with abs like a washboard. everyone would be a super soldier super zen monk. we are NOT like that.
u cant even ignore a small itch you have to scratch. now imagine repressing a sexual desire for your entire fucking life. lol. good luck bro.
i just feel sorry for these asshats cuz they like something that is so taboo, and it's SO obvious that they cant control it and it's hardwired in them.
like telling a dog not to sniff butts lol. it aint gonna happen.
watch a clockwork orange. that's what you are proposing. it aint gonna work.