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Harvey Specter 09-13-2015 01:34 AM

LaFerrari owner goes apesh!t on a residential street in Beverly Hills...
I'm speechless...

Gucci Mane 09-13-2015 02:19 AM

he's just having fun with his new toy. boys will be boys after all!!

WTF. anyone know who this guy is? poor ferrari the ferrari.. i wasnt really paying attention the first time i watched it but those plates on the la ferrari are from the middle east. damn.. some rich oil sheikh's son just destroying a ferrari for fun maybe..

bcedhk 09-13-2015 04:27 AM

700 Walden Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 | Zillow

his place is for rent, for a cool 45k a month

68style 09-13-2015 06:20 AM

I like the 2 chairs pointed straight at the bed for viewing parties

thumper 09-13-2015 07:29 AM

youtube and online comments says the license plate shows as being registered to the qatari royal family so short of this idiot killing someone on us soil the police cannot touch him?

E-SPEC 09-13-2015 08:36 AM

Goes apeshit?? And just how did he do that?

nns 09-13-2015 09:56 AM

Your video is better than the one on Jalopnik. Their video doesn't show the cops coming so it felt like there was nothing close to justice.

twitchyzero 09-13-2015 10:25 AM


the person filming in OP's video isn't too smart either...standing pretty close by when the two cars blew past the 4-way stop

bcuzracecarz 09-13-2015 10:45 AM

I still feel like these guys will have some butthurt coming their way after this stunt. disgusting

GS8 09-13-2015 11:11 AM

Fuck these guys. So sick of seeing people think they're above the rule of law just because they have more money than the working poor.

Why not use some of that wealth for a brain transplant seeing as having a brain isn't required to own a La Ferrari...

StylinRed 09-13-2015 12:31 PM

seems like his security detail from the US and from his private security was blocking most of the streets, ridiculous certainly but maybe not as bad as people think

twitchyzero 09-13-2015 02:39 PM

:rukidding: perhaps you missed the children and the cyclist in the video

StylinRed 09-13-2015 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by twitchyzero (Post 8679998)
:rukidding: perhaps you missed the children and the cyclist in the video

oh dont get me wrong, as mentioned his actions were ridiculous, but one of the things that got me was blowing through the intersection etc, but then i noticed some pylons and his security detail slightly off camera

im not saying what he did was right in any way, or deserving of a pass, just that maybe it doesnt seem as crazy as it appears/initially thought :P

Harvey Specter 09-13-2015 09:26 PM

Didn't know the owner was from the royal family, if that's the case than he has diplomatic immunity and can't be touched by the cops. They'll have to get the state department involved and doubt the state department would sour relations over with Qatar for what they would perceive as a very minor incident. I guess we got a glimpse of the life of the ultra rich and untouchables.

iHeat 09-14-2015 03:20 AM

whatever its just a La Ferrari ........ :badpokerface:

Timpo 09-14-2015 05:44 PM

pastarocket 09-14-2015 07:34 PM

A baller who really wants to experience the performance limits of his La Ferrari should take his ride to a race track.

What kind of dumbass races a $1.75 million US super car on residential streets?

Is he trying to be a Bieber wanna be? :fulloffuck:

Zulu 09-14-2015 09:33 PM

He's actually an uber driver and the flex time is hawt in LA


Zulu 09-14-2015 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by pastarocket (Post 8680412)
A baller who really wants to experience the performance limits of his La Ferrari should take his ride to a race track.

What kind of dumbass races a $1.75 million US super car on residential streets?

Is he trying to be a Bieber wanna be? :fulloffuck:

The kind of dumbass that shits out half a billion dollars for breakfast.

Indyjones 09-15-2015 08:47 AM

Enzo Ferrari would turn in his grave...
I'm sure the people over at Ferrari have seen this video. Wonder what their reaction is.

Eff-1 09-15-2015 09:06 AM

Update: Owner is claiming dipolmatic immunity. lol

LaFerrari Asshat Who Terrorized A Beverly Hills Neighborhood Claims 'Diplomatic Immunity'

6o4__boi 09-15-2015 10:26 AM

pastarocket 09-15-2015 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Eff-1 (Post 8680588)

That Diplomatic Immunity "avoid jail" card only works if this driver doesn't cause serious injury or death to another person on U.S. soil.

One of these karma is gonna catch up to this idiot.

Does anyone know if "diplomatic immunity" also prevent this guy from getting speeding tickets?

Harvey Specter 09-15-2015 01:37 PM

This guy probably has full immunity so no, cops are basically powerless. It falls back to the state dept. and host country.

trollguy 09-15-2015 01:50 PM

off topic but how did you decide you wanted your screen name to be that of a TV series character?

i'd understand if you were assuming character and trolling forums as "Harvey Specter" giving legal opinions based on past episodes....

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