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Old 10-08-2015, 10:36 AM   #1
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Radar+Laser Detector/Jammers @ BPG(Escort K40 AntiLaser Beltronics Stinger)

Hello RS!

Have a heavy foot or often drive a little over the speed limit? Worried about getting your vehicle impounded or losing your licence? Come see us @ BPG Autosound for a consultation and see why we're the #1 choice for enthusiasts looking for laser defense. We offer testing service with an actual police issue LaserAlly Laser gun. So why take the chance with other shops that often improperly install the laser heads which may end up resulting in a ticket...or worse...impoundment.

We're the official retailer for these great products:

AntiLaser Priority, Escort, Beltronics, K40, Stinger Laser Defense, Cobra, Cheetah

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#8-2900 Smith St
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Old 10-08-2015, 10:49 AM   #2
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what is the legality with having a laser jammer active and mounted in the car?
Originally Posted by jasonturbo View Post
Too bad it isn't about flipping cars to lose money, I'm really good at that.
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This wouldn't happen if you didn't drive a peasant car like an Audi...
[14-05, 14:59] FastAnna You tiny bra wearing, gigantic son of a bitch
[15-05, 10:35] FastAnna Yeah I was dreaming of those big titties in that tiny bra
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I'd probably blow someone for that 911
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Old 10-08-2015, 10:55 AM   #3
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"Radar and laser jammers are another matter entirely. While they are not illegal to install they are illegal to use to defeat police speed measurement. In fact, if you are successfully prosecuted for using them, you will have a criminal record that could prove to be a significant handicap to you later in life. The offence is in obstructing a peace officer in the execution of his duty, in this case speed measurement."

Not illegal to have or have installed in the vehicle, just to use it.
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Old 10-08-2015, 12:11 PM   #4
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I've rarely had anyone pulled over for it. Afterall, it's meant to buy you a few seconds to slow down and let the officer clock your speed. Personally, I've sold and installed these for a couple RCMP officers in the past before. They're human too, they like cars, and they speed occasionally.

I did in a couple instances have a few clients get pulled over because they didn't setup their unit properly and got a Vehicle Inspection notice to remove the unit. Other than that, no fine, no speeding, Just V.I.

I often have officers tell me both detectors and diffusers are illegal. While it's not illegal, I somehow think cops tend to misinterpret the law.

Are radar detectors legal in Canada?
•Radar Detectors are legal in British Columbia (BC)
•Radar Detectors are legal in Alberta
•Radar Detectors are legal in Saskatchewan
•Radar Detectors are illegal in Manitoba
•Radar Detectors are illegal in Ontario
•Radar Detectors are illegal in Quebec
•Radar Detectors are illegal in New Brunswick
•Radar Detectors are illegal in Newfoundland
•Radar Detectors are illegal in Nova Scotia
•Radar Detectors are illegal in Prince Edward Island
•Radar Detectors are illegal in Yukon Territory
•Radar Detectors are illegal in Northwest Territory
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Old 10-08-2015, 12:17 PM   #5
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There has been and always will be “tough talk” from some police officers regarding the use of Laser Jammers in provinces that do not have specific laws against their use. They have been known to threaten, and have recommended criminal charges against people caught using these devices.

Section 129 of the criminal code. of the criminal code says: Every one who (a) resists or wilfully obstructs a public officer or peace officer in the execution of his duty or any person lawfully acting in aid of such an officer, (b) omits, without reasonable excuse, to assist a public officer or peace officer in the execution of his duty in arresting a person or in preserving the peace, after having reasonable notice that he is required to do so, or (c) resists or wilfully obstructs any person in the lawful execution of a process against lands or goods or in making a lawful distress or seizure, is guilty of (d) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or (e) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

However, given the very nature of speed traps which use laser enforcement, is it possible to willfully obstruct police if you do not know they are present and executing a duty? Police may intentionally use unmarked cars, hide somewhere on the side of the road or surprise drivers around a turn when using a LIDAR gun at distances of 1000 feet or more. Some officers would have you believe that yes, interfering with the speed trap is obstruction and on a cursory examination of the law it sounds plausible; however recent case law suggests otherwise. Recently, in the British Columbia case of R. v. Langthorne in December of last year a judge ruled that a person cannot willfully obstruct the police if not clearly informed that the police are executing a duty prior to the alleged obstruction.
Snippit from Take the ?trap? away from speed trap before laser jammers considered obstruction.
#8-2900 Smith St
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Last edited by Cman333; 10-08-2015 at 01:27 PM.
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Old 10-08-2015, 01:53 PM   #6
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hmmmm.....only reason I did not get a jammer in the past was because of the legalities of it.......ever installed one on a bike?
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Old 10-08-2015, 02:23 PM   #7
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The law is so easily misinterpreted some times. One cops says it's legal, another says no. Had a cop tell me my air freshner was illegal on top of the dash. He thought it was a radar detector, then I said it was an air freshner, then I guess he didn't want to look like an idiot and told me it was illegal on my dash because it was a hazard. Either or, he let me go. I've had cops take my radar detector from me twice only to be told to pick it back up from front desk the next morning. Like what is the point of that.

Either or. They're legal. It's just a matter of if you happen to find that cop that will tell you it's illegal. The point is to buy yourself time to let them clock you at a normal speed. These really aren't meant to be used for excessive speeders/irresponsible drivers. A cop doesn't need laser to see if you're going 150 in a 50. These are meant as a way to buy yourself a few seconds to slow down, much like how a radar detector was let you know there's radar nearby and you should slow down.

Yes we've done bikes. Every bike has it's own challenges. I'd have to have a look to get you an estimate.
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Old 10-08-2015, 04:08 PM   #8
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Bottom line is Laser Jammers are illegal in BC.
Radar and Laser Jammers | DriveSmartBC
Radar and Laser Detectors are legal in BC always have been. If your traveling in the States or across Canada you should check each Province city or town before using it.
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Old 10-08-2015, 07:18 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Urrtoast View Post
Bottom line is Laser Jammers are illegal in BC.
Radar and Laser Jammers | DriveSmartBC
Radar and Laser Detectors are legal in BC always have been. If your traveling in the States or across Canada you should check each Province city or town before using it.
It's a private website, written by a retired cop. Again easily misinterpreted. This is his interpretation.

Straight from the site
"Nothing in this web site is intended to provide legal advice or to be relied on as binding. "

"The reason cited by the police in this case for detaining the suspect was “information gathering”. I believe it is reasonable to consider running a speed enforcement trap is a form of information gathering. And until a citizen is made aware, by the police that they are executing a duty, it is not possible for an obstruction to occur. It’s easy to come to the conclusion that officers hiding 1000 feet away, from an oncoming motorist, without their emergency lights on (or in an unmarked car behind a tree), clearly has no intention of letting the motorist know that they are executing a duty. Hiding is a vital part of the “speed trap” concept and as a result it is in most cases impossible for an obstruction charge to occur during the execution of a speed trap."

So basically it's legal in BC to sell,buy,install. Cops frown upon it, their only way to get rid of the problem is to charge someone as obstructing. So really, grey area. In 15+ years I've never heard anyone successfully prosecuted yet. Not to say there isn't any. I'm sure some douche weaving in and out of heavy traffic going 100+ in a 50 probably got charged.

Much like radar detectors, cops frown upon it. They'll tell you it illegal. I've argued with cops before that tried to confiscate my detectors. But no, it's legal. I've gotten them back from the front desk every time.

It's really a matter of WILL it happen. If it does, they'll bully you with scare tactics. Most people don't want to go to court, so bullying works. Just my opinion. But if used properly, you're suppose to avoid the whole fiasco.

I've only seen VI's issued, and in some cases cops themselves pull out/cut the sensors/display right on the spot.

Due to the fuzzy nature of the law, as Skidmark points out, some cops have taken it upon themselves to seize these devices as evidence of "interference of duties." This is the same charge that has been brought against drivers who flash their lights at oncomming motorists to warn them of a speed trap ahead. In other words, it's complete b.s. Let me tell you why I believe this charge will not hold up in court:

The traffic officers that are operating the LIDAR guns are also trained in visual estimations of speed and can write you a ticket SOLELY on visual estimation alone. Thus, there is NO legitimacy to the charge of obstruction of justice because a lidar jammer does not affect the officer's ability to estimate your speed.
#8-2900 Smith St
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Old 10-08-2015, 07:48 PM   #10, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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The OP is no different than shops selling suspension and wheels that are "for off-road use only and are not legal for public highways".

The OP's shop will sell and install the units for you, but do warn you of the potential of legal ramifications. No different than a shop that installs a test pipe to delete your catalytic converter

*edit* not affiliated lol
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Old 10-08-2015, 08:19 PM   #11
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I agree with you there,
But If you where to Jam and not allow a lock on your car eventually
that would be considered obstruction and I'm pretty sure that is where they say its illegal and pull you over.
Your should only be jamming long enough to slow down right.
and besides we only go 10-15 over the speed limit right.

Originally Posted by Cman333 View Post
It's a private website, written by a retired cop. Again easily misinterpreted. This is his interpretation.

Straight from the site
"Nothing in this web site is intended to provide legal advice or to be relied on as binding. "

"The reason cited by the police in this case for detaining the suspect was “information gathering”. I believe it is reasonable to consider running a speed enforcement trap is a form of information gathering. And until a citizen is made aware, by the police that they are executing a duty, it is not possible for an obstruction to occur. It’s easy to come to the conclusion that officers hiding 1000 feet away, from an oncoming motorist, without their emergency lights on (or in an unmarked car behind a tree), clearly has no intention of letting the motorist know that they are executing a duty. Hiding is a vital part of the “speed trap” concept and as a result it is in most cases impossible for an obstruction charge to occur during the execution of a speed trap."

So basically it's legal in BC to sell,buy,install. Cops frown upon it, their only way to get rid of the problem is to charge someone as obstructing. So really, grey area. In 15+ years I've never heard anyone successfully prosecuted yet. Not to say there isn't any. I'm sure some douche weaving in and out of heavy traffic going 100+ in a 50 probably got charged.

Much like radar detectors, cops frown upon it. They'll tell you it illegal. I've argued with cops before that tried to confiscate my detectors. But no, it's legal. I've gotten them back from the front desk every time.

It's really a matter of WILL it happen. If it does, they'll bully you with scare tactics. Most people don't want to go to court, so bullying works. Just my opinion. But if used properly, you're suppose to avoid the whole fiasco.

I've only seen VI's issued, and in some cases cops themselves pull out/cut the sensors/display right on the spot.
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Old 10-09-2015, 09:21 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Urrtoast View Post
I agree with you there,
But If you where to Jam and not allow a lock on your car eventually
that would be considered obstruction and I'm pretty sure that is where they say its illegal and pull you over.
Your should only be jamming long enough to slow down right.
and besides we only go 10-15 over the speed limit right.

Well if that was the case then that would be a user fail, the systems I recommend usually only diffuse for 3-4 seconds, enough time for you to slow down slightly. If they can't clock you then they'll likely suspect something and pull you over.

Again, I've had many guys with the Escort systems (which needs to be manually turned off) not turn it off and get pulled over. I've only seen VI's issued or cops damage the system themselves to prevent future use. Quite a few of my clients buy used cars that have them installed and don't even know they have them.
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Old 10-09-2015, 09:32 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by 320icar View Post
The OP is no different than shops selling suspension and wheels that are "for off-road use only and are not legal for public highways".

The OP's shop will sell and install the units for you, but do warn you of the potential of legal ramifications. No different than a shop that installs a test pipe to delete your catalytic converter

*edit* not affiliated lol
Pretty much. These are tools for smart drivers to help prevent tickets, but nothing is guaranteed. Much like front tint, non DOT headlights, aftermarket HIDs, Cat delete, Excessively loud exhausts, non street legal tires, etc. Except the fact that radars/jammers are legal are more of a grey area, vs the others are just straight up illegal in the MVA.

But again, police tend to bend the rules to their own tastes. I remember 15 years ago when we had a small RS meet, the some stupid ass mustang showed up to provoke us and started revving excessively and doing burnouts so bystanders called the cops. Cops came by to give almost everyone a VI (mustang was long gone). Including a 1.6EL that was 100% OEM (except some Kosei K1 wheels), no exhaust/engine mods/not lowered. Just because he could.
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Old 03-11-2016, 03:24 PM   #14
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TTT thanks
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Old 04-13-2016, 02:04 PM   #15
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Weather is starting to clear up. Jammer season is in effect.

Come see us for your laser defense.

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Old 09-14-2016, 03:32 PM   #16
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Looky looky... the dreaded Dragon Eye laser gun
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Old 12-03-2016, 11:47 AM   #17
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Old 02-16-2017, 09:04 AM   #18
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Spring is around the corner and Escort is launching their Max360CI!
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Old 06-12-2017, 10:11 PM   #19
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Summer Bump
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Old 11-10-2017, 09:06 AM   #20
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