iphones camera roll reset and archive old photos?
Just got a new iphone 6s (up from 5)
Is there anyway to
1) reset the camera roll to start from 0001.jpg like on a new phone
2) move all the existing (old) photos from the current camera roll to like a backup, archive folders? (There are some old photos I want to have access to on my phone, but I found having them in the main camera roll is messy)
I found the photos numbering very confusing right now, since I went from a 4->5->6s. (restore from last phone)
The img # only goes up to 9999.jpg, but I've had over 18000 photos taken, which means a lot of the photos # are repeated, often more than once.
I selectively deleted most of the old photos after downloading it onto my PC, but kept others as I want them on my phone.