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Ronin 01-30-2016 12:37 AM

Drunk Australian bros stop robbery, are awesome on TV

Original vid:

murd0c 01-30-2016 08:12 AM

I love Aussies, best nation of people to drink with hands down!!

b0unce. [?] 01-30-2016 10:50 AM

I understood at best 30% of what they were saying :lol

j.f0ng 01-30-2016 10:53 AM

No idea what any of that meant. Still laughed tho. :lawl:

SpartanAir 01-30-2016 10:56 AM

Couldn't understand half of what came out of his mouth. Hilarious. :joy:

murd0c 01-30-2016 10:59 AM

watch the actual video first and it makes more sense

mk1freak 01-30-2016 12:10 PM

All I heard was cunt 10/10 would drink with an aussie

fliptuner 01-30-2016 12:54 PM

This is James.
He's wasted, ginger, shirtless, wearing only stubby's and a busted plugga.
James only goes to the gym of Jim Beam.
Starving for noodles.
He does what has to be done,
Sort out the right from wrong.
James is an unsung hero.

GLOW 01-30-2016 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by j.f0ng (Post 8722080)
No idea what any of that meant. Still laughed tho. :lawl:

just do this

Preemo 01-30-2016 07:30 PM

After this interview, I've learned that a pair of pluggers are hilarious.

What are pluggers?

Mining 01-30-2016 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Preemo (Post 8722182)
After this interview, I've learned that a pair of pluggers are hilarious.

What are pluggers?

Hilarious, indeed.

fliptuner 01-30-2016 08:59 PM

GLOW 01-31-2016 11:21 AM

girl on right looks like she's doing a :troll:

GS8 01-31-2016 12:27 PM

rsx 02-01-2016 06:03 PM

What was the fishing team name?

E-40six 02-01-2016 06:40 PM

Moot Danga

Bebop 02-04-2016 04:06 PM

I love how the Aussie accent is so laid back, but is still cultivated like a British accent in ways (especially in the "o" vowels).

StylinRed 02-05-2016 08:03 AM

i thought he had diarrhea or was buying his gf tampons, with the 'busted plugger' comment :lol

CivicBlues 02-05-2016 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Bebop (Post 8723830)
I love how the Aussie accent is so laid back, but is still cultivated like a British accent in ways (especially in the "o" vowels).

Aussie accents are a weird animal, not so much region based as in North America, but more of a class or perceived-class division.

Generally you'll have guys that speak like:
1. Steve Irwin
2. Russell Crowe (I know he's not a real Aussie)
3. Straight of out London Queen's English

You can have 3 people born on the same street who have one of each of these accents.

syee 02-05-2016 11:55 AM

Hah, these guys are your redneck Aussies. They're the Texans of Australia. The city folk sound more like the TV show hosts. Can't say I've heard a native Aussie talk with the Brit English accent though...unless they're from the UK. I was born and raised in Australia and even I've never used the word plugger before.

On an unrelated note, you should check out the other Today Show vids on Youtube. Those hosts are hilarious and so not PC.

Bebop 02-05-2016 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by syee (Post 8724088)
Hah, these guys are your redneck Aussies. They're the Texans of Australia. The city folk sound more like the TV show hosts. Can't say I've heard a native Aussie talk with the Brit English accent though...unless they're from the UK. I was born and raised in Australia and even I've never used the word plugger before.

Actually, I've heard that the Adelaide/SA accent is very "posh" and has similarities to Received Pronunciation. Also, Aussies can do amazing American accents, but U.S. actors suck at them, I think because in the American accent, you enunciate vowels and tighten your mouth muscles. America is a melting pot, so accents assimilate. That means it's easier for non-Americans to emulate American accents (barring niche ones, e.g. Tidewater, Baltimore accents--though Dominic West does a good job in The Wire).

Also, while American accents assimilate, in the UK and in Anglophone countries with closer ties to the UK, accents can change every hundred metres or so. Despite this, American actors pigeonhole their British accents into RP or Cockney (Dick Van Dyke-esque). There are exceptions; Meryl Streep and a few of the actors from the Whedonverse are more versatile with accents from the British Isles.

A lot of the vowels in AuE are also in BrE. And the two countries share vocabulary (e.g. glandular fever, paramol, aubergine), whereas Canada is more likely to share vocab with America.

In fact, Canada has shaken off many of the ties to Britain that still endure in Commonwealth realms or even in ex-colonies like Hong Kong and Singapore. Our school system is based on the U.S. K-12 system, for instance, not the British-style O-level/A-level system.

Also, our judges don't wear wigs, and the role of solicitor and barrister is fused like it is in the U.S. Schoolchildren don't wear uniforms, just like in France and Germany. Canadians don't play cricket (except for Afghan, Indian, Pak, Bengali and Tamil immigrants), but the NFL is very popular in Canada. Shit, even NCAA college football is relatively popular in this country.

And we don't drive on the left, or have afternoon tea with scones with jam and clotted cream. (Unless you're at the Empress Hotel in Victoria.)

If you ask me, I think there are a few reasons for this:
  • Canada and the U.S. were colonized relatively early (17th-18th century), whereas other Commonwealth realms were colonized in large numbers only by the mid-late 19th century. So accents and culture had longer to diverge.
  • We're right next to the U.S., and are each others' largest trading partner. (3/4 of Canada's exports go to the U.S. and 2/3 of our imports come from there.)
  • The U.S. literally fought a war with the UK for its independence, so they had a poor relationship for a few hundred years. That relationship influenced Canada as well.
  • After the Second World War, the UK was broke, so it had to relinquish its Empire and focus on relations within Europe. It decided to let the U.S. protect Canada, and sustain its close ties with Aus, NZ, Seffrica, etc. Starting from the 50s and 60s, cultural ties between Canada and the U.S. deepened substantially.

The close ties between Canada and the U.S. cannot be underestimated. Just look at the Peace Arch in White Rock for an example of how close our relationship is. Moreover, if you watch combat footage videos on Youtube, check out FUNKER350's channel. His video intros show a U.S. and Canadian flag side by side. That's another example.

I don't know why I wrote all of this, but I hope you found it informative. :)

fliptuner 02-05-2016 01:42 PM

Aaannnnnddd.....the life of this thread just got sucked out.

GLOW 02-05-2016 01:45 PM

why what do you mean good sir???


white rocket 02-05-2016 02:03 PM

Bloody hilarious. Both the robber stoppers and the news hosts. Just brilliant. Aussie and British accents are off the chain. Love talking with them. The slang is just over the top awesome.

RRxtar 02-05-2016 03:42 PM

i actually think some british people and aussies are actually moving away from even using words lol. i swear they just roll noises together and mush whole phrases into one word.

sometimes talking to them i just stand there all like "you fuckin wot mate? i swear on me mum if ur avin a giggle cunt!"

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