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Vacations and World Travel Visiting our beautiful city? Come stay at the Arbutus Vista - Vancouver's Bed & Breakfast.
How was your trip? Which tour packages would you recommend/avoid? Must do's and must eats? Share tips, photos and experiences with other senior RS members who just want to get away..

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Old 04-03-2016, 11:29 PM   #1
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Ze Autobahn! Ze Alps! (Road Trip Ideas / Route Help)

Looking to do a ~10 day road trip around Bavaria, Switzerland, and/or Austria and northern Italy. Probably a 1-way car rental trip. Mid-late August.

My original plan was to do a very leisurely, roundabout, scenic trip from Munich to Milan... but I think that would miss a lot of cool shit, so.... suggest me better route??

Want: Autobahns, picturesque scenic Alps landscapes, quaint Bavarian back roads, Germanic precision, Swiss wealth, old wooden farm houses, mix of city and rural. Want to keep it very relaxed (maybe even spend 2-3 nights at a couple spots?) and only drive a couple hours per day. Prefer nice hotels, but I'm willing to stay anywhere that is not full of drunken Aussies. Our budget is generous but certainly not unlimited.

Don't want: Endless boring museums and old buildings (culture is cool but not into endless art galleries and history tours and shit), insane crowds, shitty weather, excessive language barriers (unlikely I'd imagine), or to feel rushed at any point. Also prefer to start and end the trip near major airport hubs as we're flying in from London and flying onwards to Asia thereafter.

Would very much appreciate any tips or ideas on: route planning, must-see towns and cities, places to avoid, insanely expensive shit to be aware of, and so on....

JA!!! DANKE!!!

Last edited by Amaru; 04-03-2016 at 11:34 PM.
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Old 04-04-2016, 12:15 PM   #2
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Everywhere in Switzerland is insanely expensive lol.

But I'd definitely make an effort to drive through, what a country. I can't really help in terms of driving routes as we trained everywhere, but we went to Bern, interlaken, and the surrounding regions. Bern is pretty cool, but -everything- is closed on Sunday
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Old 04-04-2016, 09:21 PM   #3
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i'm leaving to stuggart and hamburg so i'll report back if they are fun to stay / go to.
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Old 05-01-2016, 10:16 PM   #4
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Just got back from Hamburg and Stuttgart last night.

Yes Autobahn is awesome, keep in mind, you better watch your speed limits on NON autobahn roads cause you will NEVER be able to tell the photo radar. My buddy got 3 tickets within 3 hours.

There will constantly be a Porsche riding your taillight.

Not sure where you are going, just be sure you have a GPS that works and just enjoy the drive. I went all way up North to Saint Peter-Ording
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Old 05-12-2016, 09:03 PM   #5
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report on Stuttgart please, I am going in june for Mercedes/Porsche manufacturing factory tours then to Salzburg to the KTM factory. Would like to do a day trip to the ring as well. Any suggestions? I will have a rental.
How many corvettes did you see?
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Old 05-13-2016, 09:24 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by sdubfid View Post
report on Stuttgart please, I am going in june for Mercedes/Porsche manufacturing factory tours then to Salzburg to the KTM factory. Would like to do a day trip to the ring as well. Any suggestions? I will have a rental.
How many corvettes did you see?


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Last edited by CivicBlues; 05-13-2016 at 09:32 AM.
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Old 05-14-2016, 06:54 PM   #7
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Stuttgart is an interesting city. Very small. They belong to the southwest Germany; Swabian dialect is what they also have, it's like Chinese with many dialects but it's a totally different as in they have totally different words.

I took 5 German lessons in Vancouver, picked up 25 phrases (for shopping, asking questions etc) and it was awesome; nothing better than an Asian dude speaking German.

1) The train head station was pretty, it had the Benz insignia on top. You can go on top of the train station; there's a 360 viewing deck. Free admission.

This is the OLD train station, got too big, so they built a new one. Now the train station is a shopping strip.

2) Stuttgart has rolling hills and has one of the highest concrete TV towers back in the days. You pay 8 Euros to go on top, very very windy, you get to see the rolling hills and 360 view. Not too shabby.

3) There was Springfest, which is similar to Octoberfest; just a smaller version. It was POURING rain and cold and snowing when I was there (it's spring so unpredictable weather). It's similar to PNE + Nightmarket. While it was only 6 degrees, you still see slutty girls in their traditional German clothing. Lots of drinking just like PNE.

4) Their trains are very easy to take, you can just get off the Benz station and go on their tours.

5) Downtown core is similar to Robson shopping street (meh on shopping), they have a water Fountain at Schlossplatz. It's also where their city / parliament is. You won't miss it. Downtown Opera is also there. Across from plaza, there is a place called "the cube" All glass, 1st floor is coffee + drinks, go to the top floor (free), there is a high end restaurant.

There was some youtube celeb and kids were flocking all over.

6) Planetarium has re-opened, it was free for all. Just remember it's all in German. I felt asleep within 30 secs with amazing new chairs as they have just reno-ed the place.

* I met a German girl lining up in front of me, she's coming to Vancouver to visit in Aug. What are the odds.

7) If you drive to the "west Van" part of Stuggart, amazing hillside and no traffic lights with amazing curvy roads. You get to get off your card and take pics of breathtaking views.

8) You will spend the whole day at the museums. Go early, and save the afternoon to eat if you end early.

9) One of their famous dish; ravioli but doesn't have the meat sauce. Same same but different. Had to try it but meh.

10) Stuttgart is famous for their wineries. Do go try, I polished a bottle each night I was there. It's good quality for non-fucken-heavy-taxed Canadian wine. Go crazy. Glass of wine is $6 CDN, bottle for $40 at a wine bar, I drank like a fish cause it was so cheap.

a) You're NOT going to see japadog / hot dog stands. It's just not their thing even though we think of them as a sausage country.

Swabian sausages are usually severed in a bowl of soup + pretzel. You have to peel the casing of the sausages. (ONLY Swabian type sausages eg// Stuttgart sausages).

b) Stein glasses are NOT COMMON in Germany. It's only certain parts of town. I was there for 10 days North and South and no one owned one.

c) Radler: is their beer + 7 up. Legit and have to try. If their beer doesn't have head (foam) on the top, it's considered wtf and you send it back.
d) Literal translation, meat cheese, but it's similar to meat loaf. VERY VERY good.

e) I lived at my friend's place, very small town, just love the rolling hills. Again, April is unpredictable weather, it should be much much warmer in June.

f) Meat is considered expensive (think meat shop prices in Vancouver but you're shopping in Save on Foods). 2 different slices of steak (US + German), salad greens, and misc breakfast items (ham, cheese, juice). Bill came to $60 EUROs, wtf.

Eg// Food is NOT the same as Vancouver. Went to a Italian restaurant; Caesar salad had a vinaigrette and lettuce, wtf. It was so weird. Just cause they had 2 slices of parmesan cheese, it's not caesar salad.

g) DO NOT carry 500 Euros, no one will be able to give you change, use $100 and $50s.

h) Bathrooms are 50 cents at their downtown mall (eg// pacific center), and you get a receipt. If you eat in the mall, you can use the receipt as cash. *bring change.

i) I went for a drive to the universities, not too worthy. No hot german chicks, just fyi.

j) Stuttgart was destroyed during the war, so everything is rebuilt. You're not going to see old buildings and you're not going to see dirty places (compared to Hamburg). It's common once in a blue moon they dig up old bombs / missiles during house / apartment constructions.

k) Pasties are the bomb. No one buys bread from save on foods. Every bakery is awesome, go and eat eat eat anything. You will realize bread here in US and Cdn is shit. Go enjoy pastries and bread in Euro.
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Old 05-16-2016, 01:56 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by sdubfid View Post
report on Stuttgart please, I am going in june for Mercedes/Porsche manufacturing factory tours then to Salzburg to the KTM factory. Would like to do a day trip to the ring as well. Any suggestions? I will have a rental.
How many corvettes did you see?
if you want to see cars other than Merc and Porsche, drop by MotorWorld in Stuttgart
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