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TOPEC 10-24-2016 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by 6thGear. (Post 8797156)
When my gf gets into the car to drive somewhere, her phone automatically tells her how long it'll take to get to the destination. Scares the shit out of her lol.

her phone is connected to the car's bluetooth? when google maps sees ur phone been connected to a car's bluetooth, it'll assume ur going somewhere, and it'll automatically calculate the time it takes to ur most frequent destination. in my case, my phone will always pop up a notification on how long it'll take for me to get to work during the day time, and in the evenings, it'll automatically pop a notification on how long it'll take to go home. just pray that when it pops up on her phone the destination is not to some other guy's house :lawl:

meme405 10-24-2016 09:19 PM

I tried this earlier.

I have an android Running newest software. I don't really turn off all the weird tracking shit, and whatever like I probably should. My settings are pretty loose.

So I picked a brand which I have no affiliation or previous experience with, A la OP I made sure it was a relatively easy, and single word brand. And a shoe company, just for good measure. So I yelled Vans at my phone for like 5 minutes (Like a crazy person literally).

It's now been 5 hours, surfed the web, drove home, switched off wifi, back on wifi, onto a new network, etc. And still no ads about Vans.

Obviously not a scientific test, but didn't work for me.

Skinny check your apps?

6thGear. 10-24-2016 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by TOPEC (Post 8797312)
her phone is connected to the car's bluetooth? when google maps sees ur phone been connected to a car's bluetooth, it'll assume ur going somewhere, and it'll automatically calculate the time it takes to ur most frequent destination. in my case, my phone will always pop up a notification on how long it'll take for me to get to work during the day time, and in the evenings, it'll automatically pop a notification on how long it'll take to go home. just pray that when it pops up on her phone the destination is not to some other guy's house :lawl:

If its based off of routine sure...but I'm talking random spots she's heading to when she leaves work or home. Her phone would send a notification if say she went to Metrotown or her moms etc.

Nlkko 10-25-2016 12:07 AM

Your wife probably look up Keds and forget about it. You only needs to search the terms. For example clicking on links on Facebook is a sure way to get personalized ads. I get Indochino ads all the time because I follow the TV series Suits. In fact, it could show up on one of the ads on RevScene too. Facebook is arguably the biggest data bank in the world that everybody deposits daily, for free. And you know what, it's probably good that they could do all kind of machine learning out of it.

Of course there is a legal side of it that can get people paranoid quickly and rightfully so but there is a good side of it too.

SkinnyPupp 10-25-2016 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Nlkko (Post 8797349)
Your wife probably look up Keds and forget about it. You only needs to search the terms. For example clicking on links on Facebook is a sure way to get personalized ads. I get Indochino ads all the time because I follow the TV series Suits. In fact, it could show up on one of the ads on RevScene too. Facebook is arguably the biggest data bank in the world that everybody deposits daily, for free. And you know what, it's probably good that they could do all kind of machine learning out of it.

Of course there is a legal side of it that can get people paranoid quickly and rightfully so but there is a good side of it too.

Like I said, she didn't know what Keds were until I told her. Also, she'd never do a search using my Google account. Also like I said, all ad tracking is turned off. I never get relevant ads to my searches and history, only ads related to the actual site I'm on. For instance on RS I get nothing but automotive ads, or in the gaming forum I'll game game ads, etc. Everywhere else I get random crap LUL

This is either a complete fluke or something sketchy is going on. I was just wondering if others had a similar experience. People on my facebook say they did. But I don't know if they are as secure with their tracking as I am.

Nlkko 10-25-2016 12:45 AM

You know I would not be surprise. If they are running such thing, it is more likely scenario is that it is a focus test run on certain groups and not on a large scale. That means if RevScener trying to speak to their phone now they would probably not get the desired result.

There are devices that can ping shoppers' phone in the mall (without being connected to any WiFi) and get some very basic info like if you are a return shopper and how long you spend in the store, how many people are in the store at any time. I can only imagine the data they can get with you connect to the WiFi. This is why I'm sketch about free WiFi services like Shaw Open.

SkinnyPupp 10-25-2016 01:16 AM

Yeah I avoid public wifi completely. I have no idea why it's even considered a service. Why do you need wifi when you most likely have fast mobile internet anyway? Unless you're downloading huge files or streaming, there's really no need to be on wifi.

Manic! 10-25-2016 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8797356)
Yeah I avoid public wifi completely. I have no idea why it's even considered a service. Why do you need wifi when you most likely have fast mobile internet anyway? Unless you're downloading huge files or streaming, there's really no need to be on wifi.

Data caps that's why. Some people only have a gig or less of data and shaw has wifi hotspots everywhere.

Time to start a kickstarter campaign: A cover for your phone that blocks the mic so the phone can't her you.

I'm going to make millions!!!!!

tacobell 10-25-2016 05:43 PM

it's only a matter of time this becomes reality

FerrariEnzo 10-25-2016 08:20 PM

google reads all your emails... lol how do you think google now (google assissant now) comes up with all these suggestions in your searches, trips, etc...

im sure apple is the same way in one way or another,...

Presto 10-25-2016 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8797356)
Yeah I avoid public wifi completely. I have no idea why it's even considered a service. Why do you need wifi when you most likely have fast mobile internet anyway? Unless you're downloading huge files or streaming, there's really no need to be on wifi.

I'm PAYG for voice/text for ~$10/month. I am not gonna shell out money for another internet connection. Data comes through wifi. Typically, one of the many ShawOpen hotspots that are all over the place.

Ulic Qel-Droma 10-25-2016 09:47 PM

Keds are pretty popular women's shoes.

If she even searched for shoes that could show up.

I wouldn't rely on memory for proof. Memory is very unreliable.

AzNightmare 10-25-2016 10:19 PM

So have you been able to replicate this?

This has never happened to me before.
But I am VERY interested in turning this into an experiment and am wondering if you were able to replicate this by saying something else.

Personally, I don't believe this is possible and it may be a fluke.

SkinnyPupp 10-26-2016 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Ulic Qel-Droma (Post 8797567)
Keds are pretty popular women's shoes.

If she even searched for shoes that could show up.

I wouldn't rely on memory for proof. Memory is very unreliable.

She never searched for damn shoes why do people keep trying to suggest this WutFace

If she ever did I would never have brought this up.

StylinRed 10-26-2016 06:23 AM

I'm using wind and it's slow af, so I love the shaw hotspots, that ae literally everywhere

SkinnyPupp 10-26-2016 08:24 AM

Is the mobile service really that bad? LUL

bcuzracecarz 10-26-2016 09:03 AM

Yea this backfired on me a bit lol my phone keeps popping up with ads for engagement rings on my phone, when I have purposely avoided searching for them on my phone for this very reason. Only on my computer and occasionally tablet. Gf is starting to suspect and asking questions lol

6o4__boi 10-26-2016 09:06 AM

i only ever browse in incognito and i've never had this issue happen to me before

CivicBlues 10-26-2016 09:45 AM

MG1 10-26-2016 10:18 AM

But, I think out loud and talk to myself.............

I don't answer in a different voice. That would be messed up, so I answer in a different language, instead.

GLOW 10-26-2016 11:18 AM

2 pages has CiC not yet posted in here??? :confused:

unit 10-26-2016 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Verdasco (Post 8797177)
would smash that asian model

would not pull out / 10

"would have sex with attractive member of the opposite sex"

Nlkko 10-26-2016 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by GLOW (Post 8797660)
2 pages has CiC not yet posted in here??? :confused:

Probably went off the grid after reading the OP.

Ducdesmo 10-27-2016 03:59 PM

Here you go..this is probably why
Facebook is using smartphones to listen to what people say, professor suggests | The Independent

SkinnyPupp 10-27-2016 05:05 PM

It wasn't facebook it was google. My facebook ad settings are so locked down, the ads and suggestions I get are actually ridiculous

Anyway, I'm going to enable google ad tracking, just to see what it looks like. Enabling EVERYTHING PogChamp

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