So yesterday I replaced my spark plugs in my car (e90 335i)
I borrowed a friend's torque wrench to do the job...
everything went well and car drives fine afterward..
But today when I was looking at the torque wrench...i realize I mis-read the readings on the shaft and it was set around 15N-m higher than I intended...
The spark plugs calls for 23+/- 3 N-m. I thought I set it to 25N-m, but it ends up being more like 40N-m...
Is this..."kinda okay"? or going to be quite bad for the engine/spark plug?
The other thing is..beside using a toqrue wrench, I see some spark plugs manuf. and people suggests using finger tighten + 1/2 - 2/3 turn method.
I recall for pretty much all the spark plug, I only hand tighten it with a screwdriver and did about 1/4 turn before the wrench click. (If i had done 1/2 turn, the force would've been a lot higher...)
Also, when I took off 1 of the new spark plug installed with the 40N-m wrench. (wanted to check something) It came off much much easier than the old ones I took off. Tho the old ones were quite filthy and had some oils and carbon on the thread. I was actually worried the torque were too low.
Since everything seems fine now...should I even bother taking everything out and re-torque all the spark plug?