D7200 body and Nikon lenses
Upgrading camera to FX and decided to sell my DX setup or maybe looking to trade for a Fuji set up if the offer is reasonable.
- 12 Month old D7200 about 6000 clicks - 900$ - With warranty. The grip on the camera show signs of usage. The issue is fixable under warranty if sent to Nikon.
- Tokina 11-16mm f.28 DX- Version 1. No focus motor built in . Missing Lens Hood 450$
- 18-200mm VRII DX f3.5-5.6 - Still has warranty - 550$
- 35mm DX f1.8G - Still has warranty - 175$
- Neewer VK750 II i-TTL Speedlite Flash with LCD Display - Brand new. Used once for a shoot. (Free with bundle)
Bundle price: 1900$
All lenses are in pristine condition. No scratches on the elements on the lenses. Everything is in mint condition. Camera lenses and body have boxes and all accessories.
Price is firm.