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twitchyzero 04-11-2017 12:15 PM

UNIQLO Metrotown opens this fall

UNIQLO confirms first Vancouver-area store to open at Metrotown -

talked about for years, affordable Asian fit clothing at last SeemsGood

Mr.HappySilp 04-11-2017 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by twitchyzero (Post 8834786)

Not sure if I will fit in them. Last I check even large is too small for me when I shop in HK/China. Their seleive is too short

pastarocket 04-11-2017 12:20 PM

Their clothing is stylish. :thumbsup:

winson604 04-11-2017 01:03 PM

I went to Uniqlo for the first time last year in Bellevue I think it was, or maybe Portland I forget. Anyway, it was ok but with that said, having more options is never a bad thing.

jlo mein 04-11-2017 03:28 PM

For Uniqlo stores in North America is the sizing the same as the Japanese stores?

Expresso 04-11-2017 03:34 PM

No its larger. Still prefer Asia sizing.

ilovebacon 04-11-2017 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by pastarocket (Post 8834790)
Their clothing is stylish. :thumbsup:


please show me something from their site that is stylish

will068 04-11-2017 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by jlo mein (Post 8834842)
For Uniqlo stores in North America is the sizing the same as the Japanese stores?

When I was in the UK, the Uniqlo UK shirts were a size bigger than the Uniqlo Philippines shirts I have.

I would assume the North America sizing would be a size bigger for the shirts versus the Asia sizing.

SkinnyPupp 04-11-2017 05:06 PM

Uniqlo was cool about 10 years ago, they have gone really downhill now though

Also if you're taller than 5'8" forget wearing most of their tops.

If you have legs that are thicker than the average arm, forget about wearing their pants

That is unless they use different sizing in the west...

Liquid_o2 04-11-2017 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8834876)
Uniqlo was cool about 10 years ago, they have gone really downhill now though

Also if you're taller than 5'8" forget wearing most of their tops.

If you have legs that are thicker than the average arm, forget about wearing their pants

That is unless they use different sizing in the west...

Perfect for my weak little body :awwyeah:

PuYang 04-11-2017 05:13 PM

Just asked my dad to bring back some Uniqlo undershirts from Taiwan after realizing they don't ship to Canada.

If the sizes are similar to the asia market, then the S size is perfect for me! (for undershirts). For me, it's sorta one of those situations where you find one that works, so you buy multiples at once from the same brand.

When I buy clothing here from many brands, I have to go for XS. I have fairly narrow shoulders and short arms :[

twitchyzero 04-11-2017 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8834876)
Uniqlo was cool about 10 years ago, they have gone really downhill now though

now that I think about it I haven't stepped in one for few years
style or fit and finish? or both
quality can't be worse than H&M

SkinnyPupp 04-11-2017 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by twitchyzero (Post 8834892)
now that I think about it I haven't stepped in one for few years
style or fit and finish? or both
quality can't be worse than H&M

Mostly style but that's just my opinion. Especially the t-shirts, they used to get really great licences and their shirts would have interesting unique art. Now they're just big logos like you'd find at wal mart or something.

68style 04-11-2017 06:08 PM

I was just in Tokyo and they had tonnes of custom shirts from various musical and graphic artists that were super unique and designed by the artists... maybe depends where you go?

SkinnyPupp 04-11-2017 06:25 PM

They have some series that are cool, but trust me it was REALLY cool 10 years ago. Especially the video game franchises and nostalgic movies. They used obscure references that only fans of the franchise would understand, but were still cool t-shirts overall, rather than childish video game or star wars shirts

Teriyaki 04-11-2017 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8834893)
Mostly style but that's just my opinion. Especially the t-shirts, they used to get really great licences and their shirts would have interesting unique art. Now they're just big logos like you'd find at wal mart or something.

Agreed o the licensing stuff being kind of meh, the Disney series in particular continues to be extremely uninspired.

Just came back from NYC flagship store and they had quite some selection of MoMa shirts and they actually did have some nice designs this time for both guys and girls. In fact, le gf bought a shirt.

Not sure how I feel about this actually. Uniqlo was always fun to checkout when travelling around the world, and their prices made it always affordable to add key pieces to your wardrobe. Now that they're opening in Vancouver though, it loses a bit of that exclusivity. I'll still probably end up buying a tonne of shit there regardless though:awwyeah:

ae101 04-11-2017 06:51 PM

Heat tech jackets, love those as they are light and super warm

SkinnyPupp 04-11-2017 06:53 PM

Actually there's one thing that will always be good are the undershirts and underwear. Their heat tech stuff is great. I have a pair of joggers that are super warm and comfy, but don't fit quite right as expected. But they're joggers so whatevs LUL

ImportPsycho 04-11-2017 07:36 PM

Looks like home outfitter spot.
Good, that over priced rip off store needs to go

twitchyzero 04-11-2017 08:47 PM

I think it's been gone for some time

meanwhile all Target/Zellers space is still a ghost town 2 years later...I don't see those being reoccupied any time soon

Raid3n 04-11-2017 10:13 PM

in the fall it's a Halloween store lol

donk. 04-11-2017 10:19 PM

If you buy shit from H&M or Old Navy, this is the same garbage for you.

Visited in japan, 2/10

ssjGoku69 04-12-2017 08:10 AM

I feel their styles won't work well with my plump curves

pastarocket 04-12-2017 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by ilovebacon (Post 8834857)

please show me something from their site that is stylish

That's a stylish jacket from Uniqlo HK. :troll:

jackmeister 04-12-2017 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by donk. (Post 8834979)
If you buy shit from H&M or Old Navy, this is the same garbage for you.

Visited in japan, 2/10

Except Uniqlo stuff usually lasts after 10 washes. Can't say the same for H&M.

More like a 6/10

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