A while ago I left the moon roof open overnight, and it rained, causing water to gather on top of the headliner assembly, soaking it, and deforming it. Now it sags and looks like this:
I've now removed the headliner from the car, and I'm going to try to reform the sagging part by getting it went enough that it doesn't hold its shape, and pressing it down with some blocks of wood while it dries, so that it hopefully dries and hardens up in the shape it originally was in.
I don't know if this will be successful, but I'll post the result, here. The headliner assembly cardboard is already pretty flimsy feeling, so I hope it can take this kind of manipulation.
If anyone has a cheap 96 - 00 Civic headliner assembly (with the moon roof cutout), I might be interested in purchasing it, if this doesn't go smoothly.