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Spoon 05-21-2017 02:28 PM

So cute.

Verdasco 05-21-2017 03:31 PM

that shit can happen to canadian born citizens too.... lol @ blaming FOBS

the look of her face drowning was fuckin scary though......

and chinese grandpa / grandmas are athletic as fuck for their age

guy just went full superhero mode on that pick up

Badhobz 05-21-2017 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Spoon (Post 8842754)

That's insane. It's a friggin sunfish! Not only are those things ultra rare but they are almost entirely bone. To see that thing just chomp on the bone like a cracker .... Imagine that little girl.

CivicBlues 05-21-2017 03:44 PM

Nice reflex.

Grandpa was probably in the Red Guards and beat the crap outta bourgeoisie back in the day.

k we done with stereotypes mm'kay?

First the dog kicker, now this. Bad month for animals and fobs.

CivicBlues 05-21-2017 03:46 PM

I know Sea Lions =/= Seals but reminded me of this. Don't want to fuck with Seals either.

Badhobz 05-21-2017 03:49 PM

That's what Vancouver has become. A whole bunch of racist fuckers from both sides of the fence. Everyone puts on this friendly hipster smile but in reality the communities are pretty segregated and people like it like that.

StylinRed 05-21-2017 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8842701)
I'm not even sure that guy was with them.. They took off immediately and he just sort of walked away as well

Yeah the little girl freaked out afterwards and called out for him (Wai gong, grandpa, mothers father) then he said don't worry etc someone probably answered this already lol

AzNightmare 05-21-2017 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Verdasco (Post 8842758)

and chinese grandpa / grandmas are athletic as fuck for their age

guy just went full superhero mode on that pick up

Thanks to all the tai chi they do every morning at the parks.

tiger_handheld 05-21-2017 06:17 PM

I think this seal/sea lion needs to be put down, like Harambe was. It's a danger to society


Hondaracer 05-21-2017 07:17 PM

It's become quite the meme

Infiniti 05-21-2017 08:23 PM

Family slammed for 'reckless behaviour' after sea lion drags girl into water in Richmond, B.C. - British Columbia - CBC News

"You wouldn't go up to a grizzly bear in the bush and hand him a ham sandwich, so you shouldn't be handing a thousand-pound wild mammal in the water slices of bread," Kiesman said."


Presto 05-21-2017 08:31 PM

They were smart to GTFO, quickly. This kind of news goes worldwide. It's on CNN, now.

SkinnyPupp 05-21-2017 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Spoon (Post 8842754)


SkinnyPupp 05-21-2017 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Presto (Post 8842798)
They were smart to GTFO, quickly. This kind of news goes worldwide. It's on CNN, now.

I've seen it as memes on reddit, FB 2 or 3 times, and instagram several times as well. I'm just glad we were able to get the original source posted here rather than resorting to reposting a meme version SeemsGood

whitev70r 05-21-2017 09:27 PM

Dayummm ... some dude is overnight rich. Youtube video is on front page of USAToday, ABC News, CBC, CTV, Toronto Star, and of course, the local ones. 5.5m view and trending. Guy is not even related ... just a bystander.

jdmhaze 05-21-2017 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by whitev70r (Post 8842808)
Dayummm ... some dude is overnight rich. Youtube video is on front page of USAToday, ABC News, CBC, CTV, Toronto Star, and of course, the local ones. 5.5m view and trending. Guy is not even related ... just a bystander.

I wouldn't say hes "overnight rich". He has a viral video, probably made some money from it, but rich? I don't think so.

danned 05-21-2017 09:50 PM

Manic! 05-21-2017 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by whitev70r (Post 8842808)
Dayummm ... some dude is overnight rich. Youtube video is on front page of USAToday, ABC News, CBC, CTV, Toronto Star, and of course, the local ones. 5.5m view and trending. Guy is not even related ... just a bystander.

You think any of those news agency's paid him?

Gh0stRider 05-21-2017 11:10 PM

some new signage was installed

SkinnyPupp 05-21-2017 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Manic! (Post 8842816)
You think any of those news agency's paid him?

6.5 million views at $2 CPM is like $13K from Youtube so far. This might his 13m by the time people forget about it.

Not "overnight rich" but a nice payday for being at the right place at the right time, and worrying more about your phone than saving a little girl SeemsGood

AzNightmare 05-22-2017 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8842821)
and worrying more about your phone than saving a little girl SeemsGood

When something like that happens so fast, not sure what you expect. He obviously reacted when his hands went over the lens and someone who wasn't as occupied doing something (like filming) had already jumped in. It also looked like he was one of the hands helping to pull up the grandpa back up.

Just becuase the camera was aimed at the action doesn't necessarily mean he was attached to it and wasn't using his own eyes to assess and try to help if he could.

SkinnyPupp 05-22-2017 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by AzNightmare (Post 8842827)
When something like that happens so fast, not sure what you expect. He obviously reacted when his hands went over the lens and someone who wasn't as occupied doing something (like filming) had already jumped in. It also looked like he was one of the hands helping to pull up the grandpa back up.

Just becuase the camera was aimed at the action doesn't necessarily mean he was attached to it and wasn't using his own eyes to assess and try to help if he could.

I know I was being facetious (hence the emote)

That old dude jumped in so quick you can't blame anyone around for "not being the hero"

asian_XL 05-22-2017 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Gh0stRider (Post 8842819)

no simplified chinese signage? FailFish

Spoon 05-22-2017 05:29 AM

^probably intentional :fullofwin:

Manic! 05-22-2017 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8842821)
6.5 million views at $2 CPM is like $13K from Youtube so far. This might his 13m by the time people forget about it.

Not "overnight rich" but a nice payday for being at the right place at the right time, and worrying more about your phone than saving a little girl SeemsGood

That's if he has turned on youtube monetization. Also I don't think he gets paid if a person is using add blocker.

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