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GabAlmighty 05-24-2017 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by originalhypa (Post 8843237)

good call!
Father in laws transcend cultures. Every father needs to know his son in law has got what it takes to protect his princess and her offspring regardless of where they're from.

But, we live in a world of equality nowadays?

LP700-4 05-24-2017 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by fliptuner (Post 8843230)
I wonder what kind of tongue lashing he's getting for not jumping in before his father - or even worse, his wife's father.

Why u no be a man? :troll:

Maybe he wasn't even there....:whistle:

Just a thought.

originalhypa 05-25-2017 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by GabAlmighty (Post 8843252)
But, we live in a world of equality nowadays?


While this is becoming more true, the vast majority of ladies still like when a man holds a door open for her. Or better yet, when a man jumps in the water to save her child.

Do you know what salt water does to Gucci pants!?

Acura604 05-25-2017 02:24 PM

close to 25,000,000 views on his youtube channel

donk. 05-25-2017 06:01 PM

this thread is SAVAGE


Mr.Money 05-25-2017 08:41 PM

i think someone showed this thread to the group of people it happened to and saw Youtube Ad's income was racking up 20 grand in ad money viewership and wanted in on it..

Can't Take the Cheap out of Chinese.

Mancini 05-26-2017 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by bobbinka (Post 8842899)
not that one in red

Smart sea lion is going to come up the other side and take her from behind.

Mancini 05-26-2017 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Infiniti (Post 8842796)
Family slammed for 'reckless behaviour' after sea lion drags girl into water in Richmond, B.C. - British Columbia - CBC News

"You wouldn't go up to a grizzly bear in the bush and hand him a ham sandwich, so you shouldn't be handing a thousand-pound wild mammal in the water slices of bread," Kiesman said."


I've seen people get out of their cars and approach bears to take pictures.

Mancini 05-26-2017 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by 604STIG (Post 8843200)
When I first saw the video my first thought was "oh ya, they gonna look to sue somebody" I just couldn't figure out who? Whoever runs the harbour, perhaps? Then I heard on the news this morning that they're suing the guy that recorded the incident for posting it without their consent.:rukidding::facepalm:

Harbour Authority outright said they're stupid.

Mancini 05-26-2017 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by subordinate (Post 8843203)
boggles my mind.......

It's shown through history..stay fucken quiet, out of news, and it'd die down. Suing only makes him more of an asshat and story known.

Ironically, efforts to save face usually result in losing more of it.

JSALES 05-27-2017 08:56 PM

Girl is being treated for "seal finger" disease

Girl Grabbed By Sea Lion In B.C. Being Treated For Dangerous Infection

ZN6 05-27-2017 09:21 PM

I blame disney for planting images of friendly animals everywhere. Reality check: even bunnies in the wild are feral and will bite the shit out of you unexpectedly. Quick sue disney. There needs to be more films like the Revenant. Animals can fuck you up, even domesticated ones.

Ch28 05-27-2017 09:27 PM

I blame the parents for not taking a more proactive approach to the entire situation. There's no way in hell that I'm letting my kid get so close to a wild animal if I were in their shoes.

It's like parents that go shopping (you see this while grocery shopping all the time) and let their kids wander around all by themselves, and then get all flustered and worried when they don't see their kid anywhere close to them.

Use some common sense and exercise a certain degree of caution when you're out with your kids.

Mr.HappySilp 05-27-2017 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mancini (Post 8843510)
I've seen people get out of their cars and approach bears to take pictures.

You should see more news from China. People getting out of their card when they are in a nation park where lions are just coz she had an arguement with her bf/husband. BF/Husband got out of the car to get her back in but got drag by a lion.

Or people trying to save $20 of an entrance fee to a zoo climb over a wall into a lion den and die coz of lion attack.


Originally Posted by Ch28 (Post 8843704)

Use some common sense and exercise a certain degree of caution when you're out with your kids.

Common sense is rare these days.

ssjGoku69 05-29-2017 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Acura604 (Post 8843385)
close to 25,000,000 views on his youtube channel

that's like a $50k-60k video PogChamp

AzNightmare 05-30-2017 09:18 PM

Look at that subscriber increase

FerrariEnzo 05-31-2017 07:03 AM

talk about lucky guy... he should try his luck at the lotto

StylinRed 06-01-2017 04:27 AM

He didn't have ads on it until it passed the 17m mark maybe even higher?

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