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^I had someone on my timeline post a meme about Biden being a "toucher".
These arguments by these rightwing meme sites are so bizarre, they are literally choosing arguments in which Trump is the weakest. So Biden is a "pervert" their proof is some silly videos of him being an old man and smelling some little girl's hair, meanwhile the "grab em by the pussy" guy is totally Kocher
Biden looked good in this debate, probably his best debate yet, but boy does he come off as old.
GGnoRE, I appreciate your posts, but until that story carries more steam, I really can't put much value. Biden has released his tax returns in its totality, if there's any corruption there, it would be easily found and reported on.
Who would I trust, the guy who is has provided his taxes and financial information, or the guy who's literally fighting tooth and nail, up to the supreme court to not do so? Isn't it blatantly obvious Trump has something to hide? Even if you support the man, don't you find it odd he's being so guarded about his financial ties? If it was any other person, you would see the smoke with the fire there. I had to laugh during the debate that he's still trying to use the "I'm being audited, I'll release it when I can"
When is that? You've been president for 4 years now, he claimed the same bullshit even prior to his election. Who the hell is audited for that long? There is no precedence that states he can't release his taxes while being audited. How do his supporters believe this utter garbage?
If Biden pulled the same crap with his financial ties, you damn well better believe I'd be critical of him.
Trump's comment about being the least racist person in the room, how utterly cringeworthy is that. Who even speaks like this? I've never in my life heard someone speak so hyperbolic as that, the bar has been set so low for this lowlife piece of garbage, it's completely insane to me. Just imagine a world where Obama would go on stage and utter the insane superlatives that Trump did/does in the debate, Republicans would be going insane
Ahahahaha.... let me pause for a sec......... ahahahaha...
Really mikey, we do need more people like you in this world. Ignorance is bliss.
I'm sure that if I were Biden, and I'm going to release my tax return to the public, I'm not going to make sure that there isn't anything remotely to find.
I'm also sure that among all the high $$$ individuals I've encountered in my life who have a perfectly clean CRA/IRS record of clearing of themselves every time they got audited by them also NEVER deal anything in the grey area.
Has no one ever gotten with a girl inside the club? There's a mutual attraction and you just start going at it.. You're not going "my dear... May I?"
Of course every man here has either gotten full consent before kissing or touching a woman, or she initiated it. Obvs.
15 years ago Trump was an ultra wealthy playboy, beloved by most. What he said was pretty much in line with what I'd imagine anyone in his position would say, think, or do.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Has no one ever gotten with a girl inside the club? There's a mutual attraction and you just start going at it.. You're not going "my dear... May I?"
You rapey fuck, how does that even relate. Do you also think women who get raped in clubs deserve it because they're there? What about women who wear slutty clothes? Girls walking home alone?
And to welfare, who grossly thanked this fucked up comment, the mental gymnastics you go through to suck Trumps dick is just incredulous.
This was in reddit a few days ago, tell me what you two sick fucks think of the guy in the video.
Of course every man here has either gotten full consent before kissing or touching a woman, or she initiated it. Obvs.
15 years ago Trump was an ultra wealthy playboy, beloved by most. What he said was pretty much in line with what I'd imagine anyone in his position would say, think, or do.
When I see your wife I will just go up and kiss her. Maybe but my hands between her legs and grap her by the pussy.
Because people with money can do what ever they want.
Do you guys need new furiture?
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
You rapey fuck, how does that even relate. Do you also think women who get raped in clubs deserve it because they're there? What about women who wear slutty clothes? Girls walking home alone?
And to welfare, who grossly thanked this fucked up comment, the mental gymnastics you go through to suck Trumps dick is just incredulous.
This was in reddit a few days ago, tell me what you two sick fucks think of the guy in the video.
I don't think you're grasping the simple concept of mutual attraction.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Of course every man here has either gotten full consent before kissing or touching a woman, or she initiated it. Obvs.
15 years ago Trump was an ultra wealthy playboy, beloved by most. What he said was pretty much in line with what I'd imagine anyone in his position would say, think, or do.
So if you were an ultra wealthy playboy, you would say, do, and think those things? And you would find that kind of behaviour acceptable?
__________________ Do Not Put Aftershave on Your Balls. -604CEFIRO Looks like I'm gonna have some hot sex again tonight...OOPS i got the 6 pack. that wont last me the night, I better go back and get the 24 pack! -Turbo E kinda off topic but obama is a dilf - miss_crayon Honest to fucking Christ the easiest way to get a married woman in the mood is clean the house and do the laundry.....I've been with the same girl almost 17 years, ask me how I know. - quasi
So if you were an ultra wealthy playboy, you would say, do, and think those things? And you would find that kind of behaviour acceptable?
It's classic deflection. Rather than address or answer to an issue, they just go "buh buh buh so and so did it! He belongs to this demographic and they all do it!"
But of course that only applies to Trump. When Biden does it he's a rapist.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
anyone not see a problem with the giuliani scene in new borat?
she's practically jumping on him
pretending to be a reporter her age was never disclosed (she's 24) and he's divorced
Not knowing someone's age is not a legal defense. Sorry judge I did not know she was 15 does not work. Even if the girl lies and says she's 18 when she is only 15 it's your responsibility to know. That's why rappers rap about checking ID.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
The actress is 24 so she’s not underage... but it doesn’t excuse him from being lecherous and using his position of power over others.
He’s just a gross example of a stupid perverted old man... did he do anything illegal? No... but nobody should watch that whole interview and not cringe or feel a bit ill.
The actress is 24 so she’s not underage... but it doesn’t excuse him from being lecherous and using his position of power over others.
He’s just a gross example of a stupid perverted old man... did he do anything illegal? No... but nobody should watch that whole interview and not cringe or feel a bit ill.
He did know her age. You can't just guess at those things. I can't sell lotto to anyone 25 or under without checking ID. BC lotto sends people in their early 20's to buy lotto. If we don't check ID we get in shit and can lose the right to sell lotto.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Originally Posted by inv4zn
You rapey fuck, how does that even relate. Do you also think women who get raped in clubs deserve it because they're there? What about women who wear slutty clothes? Girls walking home alone?
How does that relate to trump getting with random woman? (if he does) I would imagine it relates quite well
How does it relate with the women who have accused trump of sexual assault? It relates in that Trump probably assumes every chick is mutually attracted to him, and can't see that they aren't, so he just pounces
No one's saying the assaults are okay, which I'm assuming, you're assuming I'm saying, my point was, using the club as an example, that ppl just go at it with strangers, they're not asking each other for consent, it's implied by each others actions
And that's probably what's formed the basis of how trump thinks, and that attitude, given his celebrity and wealth, probably works for him quite often, so his ego is through the roof, so he sees everywhere he goes as a club setting, and begins assuming everyone he's attracted to is mutually attracted to him
And that can easily lead to a lot of trouble, probably why trump has so many more ppl accusing him of assault than Biden does, tbh I'm surprised that number is so low for trump, look at cosby or weinstein
How does that relate to trump getting with random woman? (if he does) I would imagine it relates quite well
How does it relate with the women who have accused trump of sexual assault? It relates in that Trump probably assumes every chick is mutually attracted to him, and can't see that they aren't, so he just pounces
No one's saying the assaults are okay, which I'm assuming, you're assuming I'm saying, my point was, using the club as an example, that ppl just go at it with strangers, they're not asking each other for consent, it's implied by each others actions
And that's probably what's formed the basis of how trump thinks, and that attitude, given his celebrity and wealth, probably works for him quite often, so his ego is through the roof, so he sees everywhere he goes as a club setting, and begins assuming everyone he's attracted to is mutually attracted to him
And that can easily lead to a lot of trouble, probably why trump has so many more ppl accusing him of assault than Biden does, tbh I'm surprised that number is so low for trump, look at cosby or weinstein
No dude, what your argument does is automatically assume that the women were somehow partially responsible, and there's some degree of understanding why Trump did these things.
Let's pretend you went to the home and garden show, and somehow your boss's uncle's second wife got you backstage tickets to meet Martha Stewart. You go in and she walks up to you, cups your balls, and gives you a peck on the neck. Do you shrug it off because she's rich and famous and probably doesn't know better, and because you should have had some weird mutual understanding that this could have happened?
How is any of that ok, at all? There is no consent by just being somewhere.
I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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No I don't mean to suggest that the women share some sort of responsibility, I don't know how that's being read into it, but that's not what I'm saying
my point that I didn't make in my initial msg, is that there are times where there is implied consent, but with someone like trump, or other celebrities, rich/powerful ppl, they experience this implied consent so often, and everywhere, that they start to think that anyone,and everyone just wants them, and that they can do whatever they want whenever they want, it's not that theyre all just out there to assault women, they're just so deluded with themselves that they think it's okay to be that way, bcuz based on their experience it has been.
But if you ask them is it okay to assault women they're like fuck no! Because they believe it's wrong,it's just that they don't think theyre doing that
So what am I saying? I don't think trumps preying on women purposely, he's just a victim of his own experiences, that has resulted in him preying on women unknowingly, doesn't make it okay in any way though mind you, I was just saying
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People’s personal experiences definitely dictate how they act, but that doesn’t absolve them from the responsibilities of their actions. Well, we all know it does, but it shouldn’t, and those who defend it are abhorrent.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
No I don't mean to suggest that the women share some sort of responsibility, I don't know how that's being read into it, but that's not what I'm saying
my point that I didn't make in my initial msg, is that there are times where there is implied consent, but with someone like trump, or other celebrities, rich/powerful ppl, they experience this implied consent so often, and everywhere, that they start to think that anyone,and everyone just wants them, and that they can do whatever they want whenever they want, it's not that theyre all just out there to assault women, they're just so deluded with themselves that they think it's okay to be that way, bcuz based on their experience it has been.
But if you ask them is it okay to assault women they're like fuck no! Because they believe it's wrong,it's just that they don't think theyre doing that
So what am I saying? I don't think trumps preying on women purposely, he's just a victim of his own experiences, that has resulted in him preying on women unknowingly, doesn't make it okay in any way though mind you, I was just saying
Are you claiming the affluenza defense?
trump claims to be a Christian.
The 10 commandments.
You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall make no idols.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Keep the Sabbath day holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
Portraying rich and powerful perps as victim and diverting discussion about the actual issue is THE definition of mansplaining.
Woman have been fighting for their voice to be heard, for this behaviour against them to stop for century now.
Ok but no, lets talk about why powerful people such as Trump is such a victims of his own experience, how this can happen to any other powerful men. What is their psychology why they decide to grab a random girl's private part. There must be a reason, oh may must be because poor boy is unable to empathize with the woman he harm because he is so powerful and rich he blanks out when it comes to considering other people's feeling.
Poor poor Trump, why is everybody railing against him. This is understandable behaviour for a man of his status.
Forgotten in the whole debate on WHY Trump does this, is the thousands if not million of nameless woman he has harm on his way. All that forgotten so we can focus of the "true" victim of this, Trump right?
It is 2020, we have had at least two century of research on why this happens. The relationship between ego and behaviour is literally the bases of the very first psychologist Sigmund Freud more than 200 years ago (which I might add was incredibly sexist/racist and now debunk). This is not new information for any adult (at least it shouldn't). What we haven't done is any concrete step toward eliminating or even facing this deep seated issue in society.
Here you see we are still having debates about why (really anybody that need this explain to them like it 5 has clearly been living under a rock for all of their adult live). Rather than a discussion about responsibility and change. Going back to the why is such a simple cop-out that has been use over and over and over and even as freakinn legal defence for rich men in the same predicament.
The harder issue and the real issue is what we can do about this. First step and apparently the hardest step is having these men take responsibility of their action. That is never going to happen if they can be allow to divert the discussion to why they are doing this.