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Old 06-18-2018, 10:35 PM   #326
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
Cheap Chinese goods. You think trump supporters are going to be happy when the prices go up at their local dollar store?
I'd say it's the ones who aren't his supporters who will be much more upset.
Then again, there really is no pleasing them
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Old 06-19-2018, 12:14 AM   #327
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
Cheap Chinese goods. You think trump supporters are going to be happy when the prices go up at their local dollar store?
The US market is WAY too big before those taxes (reflected on WHOLESALE pricing) hit consumer/retail pricing. China could literally go bankrupt before US prices show any significant movement.

TBH, I have to applaud Trump to playing all his cards right.

First, announce all sort of incentives to US corporations.

Second, light some spark with China on trade war.

Third, kinda relax on the whole ZTE issue knowing Congress would veto the crap out of him (think if his original intention was to actually kill ZTE, how can he get full bipartisan support on this? Play dumb and get the Congress to "fight" him)

Fourth, have the FED to announce that they are willing to go ABOVE target inflation rate as full capacity employment rate (a place where US economy is at now) would allow this to happen.

Finally, go full on trade war with China (everyone else are really just collateral damage... because they know how diversified China is on the worldwide scale. So, the only way to put serious pressure on China is to block everyone)

This is what I am seeing now. Not sure if these were all part of the plan... if they really were... I'm shocked.

China is really fucked now. They either bow to the demands of US, or face pressure from everywhere:

Demand? no one else can effectively replace US consumption.

Supply? with China becoming expensive to produce, companies who are sensitive to costs would start moving elsewhere. US doesn't care if they don't move back to US... at least the other economies would far more easily accept their demand. Once they are gone China would lose all the supply chain advantage it had accumulated over these years.

Debt servicing cost: FED rates affect everywhere. No way around it.

Inflation: again, FED rates at play.

China can no longer have the cake and eat it too. They want everywhere to "freetrade" with them while putting incredibly high barriers to access their market.

Similar thing goes with NAFTA. The idea of free trade is that each party takes the production that they are most effective of. In the perfect world, it's in the benefit of everyone.

Fuck the dairy supply management, our many oligopolies/monopolies in our economy. Why do we have to effectively subsidize CDN farmers for their incompetence? We get lower quality at higher prices and benefit what? A very small percentage of Canadians. I'm a Canadian too. Why don't other Canadian benefit me as well? They are not less capable or more vulnerable than I am in any shape or form. Then if I don't get it, neither should they.
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Old 06-19-2018, 05:10 AM   #328
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^ You had me until the last part, you do realize this is the very ideal that sets Canada apart from other countries right? Socialism that’s not really socialism.. helping others out even if it doesn’t benefit you or even costs you a bit.

Yoi literally just said fuck what gives Canada its identity... weird
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Old 06-19-2018, 08:29 AM   #329
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
^ You had me until the last part, you do realize this is the very ideal that sets Canada apart from other countries right? Socialism that’s not really socialism.. helping others out even if it doesn’t benefit you or even costs you a bit.

Yoi literally just said fuck what gives Canada its identity... weird
So, you are saying that the Canadian identity is to artificially distort the market so that a small percentage of people can be lazy as fuck while the rest of Canadians just try to be nice and get along with it??? I'm not a born and bred Canadian but that's not the Canadian identity that I have known before making the decision to become one.

The Canadian identity is to work hard to become better for ourselves, our family and ultimately our society by helping others while we can.

I agree with you on the helping others part. I'm all in for supporting the dairy industry to succeed by becoming MORE productive, but this whole quota system is broken as fuck. They lack of any incentive to become more productive because even if one producer decides to work harder and create more AND/OR better product, he/she can't sell it on the market because the amount and pricing are fixed.

See where I'm going with this? Trudeau can make a timeline to abolish supply management while putting a heavy incentive for farmers to grow and become more productive or better/more diversified. Farmers with large operation can grow bigger as they are volume-focused. Smaller farms can focus on high quality niche products demanding higher prices. This creates diversity in the market and drives out farmers whose operation isn't efficient and shouldn't be in this business in the first place.

With the current supply management system, you are NOT allowed to be better even if you wanted/abled to. Last time I checked, this is not what Canadian value is about.
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Old 06-19-2018, 09:17 AM   #330
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Your statement wasn't dairy specific in the end though, it said "I'm a Canadian too. Why don't other Canadian benefit me as well? They are not less capable or more vulnerable than I am in any shape or form. Then if I don't get it, neither should they." which is a super non-Canadian set of ideals. It is, however, very, very American (Republican).
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Old 06-19-2018, 10:42 AM   #331
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I focused on dairy because it was a clear example. But the same thing can be said in many other oligopolies/monopolies we have.

The original intention of these artificial barriers was to ensure an industry can be sustained even given the much smaller CDN market.

However, the system no longer need to be in place and all they are doing is hurting the industry.

US chose to subsidize their dairy industry instead of going supply management. Meaning that everyone pay their share of supporting the industry. The riches pay more, while poor pays little to none. Everyone pay a low price at local stores. As for diversity, at any sizable supermarket in US, you can find at least 8 or more options for milk alone (and I mean same milk, say whole milk vs. other whole milk in different brand/size/grade). Fancier supermarket like Wholefood would have like 20 (I'm not exaggerating) of anything from regular to super organic grass-fed shit.

We, otoh, make everyone paying higher price at store. The poor effectively pay a disproportional share of the subsidy. We have only a few brands and types to choose from.

The supply management was originally created to sustain the dairy industry without making a huge hole in the gov't budget while allowing SMALL FARMS to survive.

We now have the fewest amount of farms (just a tad over 10k last time I read, down from around 30/40k in the 80s) with the majority of the quota being bought by big corporations. Thus, you really have to wonder, are we really protecting the farmers or just the interest of a few companies that hire farmers.

I am all in support of a Canadian industry (not just dairy... but anything), but I despise any regulation that serves no meaningful purpose other than creating an unfair advantage to a small group of people. Set it free and let it roam.
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Old 06-19-2018, 03:24 PM   #332
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
you do realize this is the very ideal that sets Canada apart from other countries right? Socialism that’s not really socialism.. helping others out even if it doesn’t benefit you or even costs you a bit.
If you believe that part of Canada's identity is to help others out, even if it doesn't benefit you, that is precisely the argument against subsidies.
The number of people hurt by subsidies, although invisible, vastly out number those who are helped by subsidies, despite being more visible.

Even if Canada's identity is, as you say, helping others at a cost to yourself, then the dairy farmers should be willing to take a hit for the betterment of every other Canadian.
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Old 06-19-2018, 05:27 PM   #333
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Trump is having the time of his life. Never has he had so much power. He says/tweets something and the stock market, business and world leaders, the whole world, for that matter, react so quickly. He may be the biggest dickhead of all time, but he is milking it for all it's worth. So much attention. One day, it's gonna get him killed.

What would he be remembered for? Biggest dickhead and troll of all time. Hopefully he doesn't hurt too many people along the way. With great power comes great responsib.......... who are we kidding he doesn't give a rat's ass for anyone except himself. There's the holy trinity (the father, the son, and the holy spirit); the trinity of man (man imitating god 666); then there's the trinity of trump (me, myself, and I).

There's a special place in hell for him.

god bless
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Old 06-19-2018, 07:12 PM   #334
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Originally Posted by MG1 View Post
Trump is having the time of his life. Never has he had so much power. He says/tweets something and the stock market, business and world leaders, the whole world, for that matter, react so quickly. He may be the biggest dickhead of all time, but he is milking it for all it's worth. So much attention. One day, it's gonna get him killed.

What would he be remembered for? Biggest dickhead and troll of all time. Hopefully he doesn't hurt too many people along the way. With great power comes great responsib.......... who are we kidding he doesn't give a rat's ass for anyone except himself. There's the holy trinity (the father, the son, and the holy spirit); the trinity of man (man imitating god 666); then there's the trinity of trump (me, myself, and I).

There's a special place in hell for him.

god bless
Hahaha... I'm surprised the usually cool grandpa has so much hate on Trump.

Trump is a political newb. He doesn't understand the concept of diplomacy and just does whatever the fuck he pleases.

Make no mistakes though, I don't think he is out there to mess with this new power he was given by US citizens. He's just out there to do what he feels like doing.

We all (well, at least most of us) had said it some time in our life that "oh, if I were the xxx (sub any major position in gov't in), I'd do this and this." He just had his chance to really do it without any previous political burden on his shoulder.

Right or wrong, the history will judge him one day... as of now... let's just go with it and see how all this whole shitshow pans out.
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Old 06-19-2018, 07:48 PM   #335, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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This fucking Cheeto-head is causing so much pain for parents and children through their separation under the zero tolerance immigration policy!!!

-absolutely gut wrenching photo of the two year girl who cannot be with her parents because of the idiot in the White House!

These are not detention centers. These are internment camps. This is disgusting, inhumane treatment of people, especially children by the U.S. government.

No decent human being can defend this immigration policy unless it's attorney general Jeff Sessions.

Fuck you Trump! There is a special place in Hell for this piece of shit.

Go Canucks go!

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Old 06-19-2018, 08:45 PM   #336
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Originally Posted by pastarocket View Post
This fucking Cheeto-head is causing so much pain for parents and children through their separation under the zero tolerance immigration policy!!!

-absolutely gut wrenching photo of the two year girl who cannot be with her parents because of the idiot in the White House!

These are not detention centers. These are internment camps. This is disgusting, inhumane treatment of people, especially children by the U.S. government.

No decent human being can defend this immigration policy unless it's attorney general Jeff Sessions.

Fuck you Trump! There is a special place in Hell for this piece of shit.
Calm down junior. I'm willing to bet you didn't do any research on the subject beyond swallowing up what Mamma CNN pukes in your mouth.
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Old 06-19-2018, 08:52 PM   #337, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by GS8 View Post
Calm down junior. I'm willing to bet you didn't do any research on the subject beyond swallowing up what Mamma CNN pukes in your mouth.
You lost that bet junior.

Who needs CNN when Global News BC has a story on this zero tolerance policy?

My daily fix of news during the daily commute to work is News1130 radio. Oh wait, they have an article about zero tolerance policy too!
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Old 06-19-2018, 09:25 PM   #338
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Originally Posted by pastarocket View Post
You lost that bet junior.

Who needs CNN when Global News BC has a story on this zero tolerance policy?

My daily fix of news during the daily commute to work is News1130 radio. Oh wait, they have an article about zero tolerance policy too!

Youngest migrants held in 'tender age' shelters - NEWS 1130
And what is your suggestion, considering what wasn't working prior, they do instead?
hundreds of stories on this and not a single idea.
It really boggles my mind that so many people can be 'enraged' without asking the most basic question: "Why"
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Old 06-19-2018, 09:39 PM   #339
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Some of the largest coffee names are made in the U.S., such as Maxwell House, Folgers and Starbucks.
Second Cup is a Canadian retailer with cafes across the country. The company does not grow its own coffee beans, but you would still be supporting a Canadian coffee retailer.
Other brands, such as Kicking Horse coffee, are made-in-Canada options that also practice fair-trade.

You can ditch the American-made whiskey, such as Jack Daniels and Jim Bean, for some Canadian quality liquor. Crown Royal and J.P. Wiser’s Deluxe are both are Canadian-made whiskies.
And then you have the Canadian beer companies to choose from (albeit only brewed here), such as Molson Canadian, Labatt Blue and Alexander Keiths (not to mention all the local craft beers across the country).
If you’re a wine drinker, then you’re also in luck, as many liquor stores are stocked with provincial products from wineries in Ontario, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Quebec (to name a few).

In 2014, Heinz closed its plant in Ontario and moved to the U.S. However, French’s is a brand that uses Canadian ingredients that you can get behind for your BBQs this summer.
Maple Syrup
The big maple syrup brands such as Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Buttersworth are American companies, but there are a lot of Canadian-made alternatives — just look for the “made in Canada” label on the bottle.

Eighty per cent of the world’s maple syrup is produced in Canada, with over 10,000 maple farms and more than 44 million maple taps, according to Statistics Canada.

Orange Juice
Minute Maid orange juice (although owned by American company Coca-Cola) is made in Peterborough, Ont., so you’re helping out Canadian market when purchasing it.

Toilet paper
Charmin, Scott and Cottonelle are the big U.S. brands for toilet paper products, but there are Canadian options.
One is Cascades, a Quebec-based tissue paper manufacturer, which operates several plants within the province and Ontario.

Liberté is also produced in Quebec, and has an added bonus by using local dairy.
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Old 06-19-2018, 10:07 PM   #340
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Originally Posted by pastarocket View Post
You lost that bet junior.

Who needs CNN when Global News BC has a story on this zero tolerance policy?

My daily fix of news during the daily commute to work is News1130 radio. Oh wait, they have an article about zero tolerance policy too!

Youngest migrants held in 'tender age' shelters - NEWS 1130
CNN is getting closer and closer to TMZ levels of journalism.

Trump is merely enforcing a law that's been in place thanks to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that states when an illegal is detained and faces criminal proceedings, the child cannot accompany them. Currently as is, Trump is doing the zero tolerance to send a message to future crossers. Do I think that'll work? Not really but the point still stands that the US Govt is merely enforcing an existing law as much as they can. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

If the violator attends court and pleads guilty, chances are they'll be sentenced to time served all in the same day. Meanwhile HHS is taking care of the children as is required by the same law. Eventually parents and children are reunited and sent to ICE.


Illegal entry - Misdemeanor
Illegal re-entry - Felony

It's a sticky moral situation that can only be fixed by congress but looking at this as a harmless outsider, I see Dems jumping on this for that golden hero opportunistic movement of using children as shields for their moral superiority. This whole process was happening while Obama was still in office so why were no law changes made way back then?
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Old 06-19-2018, 10:24 PM   #341
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The zero tolerance policy started in April by choice of the Trump administration which has resulted in 2,000 immigrant children separated from parents during six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

It can also end by choice.

Friday, April 6, 2018
Attorney General Announces Zero-Tolerance Policy for Criminal Illegal Entry
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Old 06-19-2018, 10:37 PM   #342
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Originally Posted by iwantaskyline View Post

It can also end by choice.
People can also "choose" not to enter illegally.

And again, no viable solution suggested
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Old 06-19-2018, 10:41 PM   #343
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Thanks for the fail (whatever it was for)

I fully know Trump started the zero tolerance policy (never disputed that) but is acting upon an existing process and going full speed with it.

Hmm, the WAPO article requires me turning my adblocker off. I think I'll skip that .

Anyway, this thread sucks but keep preaching whatever knowledge you have. It might fix the world one day.
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Old 06-19-2018, 11:09 PM   #344
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New Trump talent discovered:

Getting the libs to care about things that happened under Obama that they completely ignored during his 8 years in office.
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Old 06-20-2018, 01:16 AM   #345
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there should be some ground rules in this thread so it doesn't turn into an absolute shit show like the last one that got deleted

no CNN sad piano music omg think of the children videos
no The Young Turks
no Globawl news
no HuffPost
no Fox anything
no WSJ
meme or image only post = 7 day ban

NYT and WaPo are barely acceptable

make revscene censored again
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Old 06-20-2018, 04:30 AM   #346, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by welfare View Post
And what is your suggestion, considering what wasn't working prior, they do instead?

hundreds of stories on this and not a single idea.

It really boggles my mind that so many people can be 'enraged' without asking the most basic question: "Why"

Welfare, I will try to answer “Why” in terms of why people are still entering the US illegally despite the zero tolerance policy.

Do not assume that I did not ask myself this question when I made my last post on this thread.

The United States is still seen by many people in developing countries as a developed country that can give people the opportunity to have a better quality of life. A better quality of life in terms of better job opportunities and for families a better education for their kids compared to Mexico and many countries such as those in Central and South America.

Therefore, people from countries such as Mexico will do anything they can to enter the US, legally or illegally.

For example, four of my cousins immigrated legally to the US over twenty five years ago through family sponsorship of one of my aunts and uncles. This part of my extended family lived in Venezuela for well over a decade.

We all know what kind of a shit show Venezuela is in terms of standard of living (jobs, economy, crime).

As for suggestions to reduce illegal immigration to the US in a viable way, I do not have one.

Having said that, Trump’s proposal of building a wall on the US and Mexico border and recuperating some of the construction costs from Mexico is not a viable solution either.

Do some people really think an expensive wall will be an effective deterrent against illegal entry through the US/Mexico border?

People would just think of other ways to enter the US illegally.

Let’s see how effective this zero tolerance policy is as a deterrent against illegal entry to the US.

Can somebody show us statistics, data, on the number of people entering the US illegally through the US/Mexico border before and after the zero tolerance policy?

Is there any data available?

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Old 06-20-2018, 08:37 AM   #347
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Originally Posted by pastarocket View Post
Welfare, I will try to answer “Why” in terms of why people are still entering the US illegally despite the zero tolerance policy.
not the rhetorical question.
"why", as in why is this admin doing this. because no reasonable person should think that anyone wants to separate families if their is a better alternative.
the fact that the media and dems are essentially saying "separating families is terrible", by way of hundreds of articles and broadcasts, something that everyone agrees with, and not suggesting an alternative, and that people aren't even asking themselves "why" and whether there is a better alternative, is testament to the levels of blind manipulation.

As for suggestions to reduce illegal immigration to the US in a viable way, I do not have one.

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thank you. that is all i was looking for
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Old 06-20-2018, 08:45 AM   #348
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meanwhile I'm sitting here till Trump builds a goddamn Gundamn to protect the space.
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Old 06-20-2018, 08:56 AM   #349
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Trump admin's 'tent cities' cost more than keeping migrant kids with parents

WASHINGTON — The cost of holding migrant children who have been separated from their parents in newly created "tent cities" is $775 per person per night, according to an official at the Department of Health and Human Services — far higher than the cost of keeping children with their parents in detention centers or holding them in more permanent buildings.
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Old 06-20-2018, 08:58 AM   #350
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Looks like Trump finally caved in.

Trump: Will sign 'something' to keep families together

Both first lady Melania Trump and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen reportedly had roles in the changing course.
The first lady has been working for several days behind the scenes, encouraging the President to keep families together, a White House official told CNN. Melania Trump has had several private conversations with her husband, pushing him to do all he can to keep families at the border intact, whether via a legislative route, or acting alone to stop the process, the official said.
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