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Please. Can’t they actually discuss anything meaningful? Like if you don’t agree with the way Trump proposes on some issues, convince voters how their version is actually better. Instead, we have these pointless attacks that obscure the actual truth: lefties have no fucking idea on policies.
Don't complain when you play the game and it backfires. You've been the one promoting that Biden is too old. Now that the "you're too old" to run campaign gets turned around you complain they can discuss anything meaningful.
I'd strongly suggest to actually give a listen instead of just reading what MSM or the Harris campaign has to say.
The first hour or so was just ok as it's Trump talking mostly... but the second hour, the last 45min or so was great. Just listening to two influential people sharing their thoughts on topics back and forth unscripted and purely straight out of their mind.
And if you actually listen to it, you'd actually find Harris' response extremely lame and rude. It's like they cannot comprehend the idea that people could have a conversation about important topics.
The liberal way is always like "trust me, my way is the best, better than any of other proposals" in the most condescending kinda way. When in fact, by having a long and thorough discussion, we can take the best out of both sides of the argument and find the best outcome by considering both sides.
what are you talking about?
They're both batshit crazy. If this is what is "straight out of their minds" the rest of the people on this planet should be extremely worried about giving either of them a taller soapbox to stand on.
Here's the full transcript BTW. I highly suggest you DON'T listen to the full interview but read it instead. With the buffoonery of these two guys not visible or audible it's much clearer that what they said in any section last night makes even less sense.
Can you find a highlight? I'd like to know which section really resonated with you to make you think that this was a reasonable, educational interview.
I didn't think I could like either of these guys, or the situation less. The best part of this interview is it further validates my feelings about both of these men.
Again, how many of you actually listened to the chat?
You are basically cherrypicking something out, without giving the whole context of it.
The nuclear bomb part, IIRC, was discussing about nuclear power. We have this taboo on using nuclear when the alternatives that US are using are far worse for the environment.
Let's not even talk about that the latest generation of nuclear power plants are a million times safer than Fukushima and Chernobyl.
If any of you actually bothered to listen to it, without any prejudice of anything, it's actually a very meaningful conversation between two of the most influential people on Earth exchanging their opinions unscripted.
This shows the true character of people.
Whereas Harris hasn't taken any press interview without first given the questions so that her team prepares it meticulously. And all the interviews that she has done (I've watch tons, from start to finish, so no, I'm not cherry-picking) that she didn't have the questions beforehand are always the follow: word salad for 30secs and then somehow related it to LGBT, abortion and gun control.
She has no idea about how to actually improve the life of people. Her mind is filled with this woke virus and she wants to do everything she could to stay in power in order to carry out the agenda. She doesn't even care about the topics that she talks about. It's just something her team decided that would get her votes. That's it.
i read the interview from start to finish - did you? or did you just listen to the word salad and put together your own dialogue based on every tenth word that came out of their mouths?
yes - there was more to the nuclear section. Trump suggested that if Nuclear Power was rebranded as Elon Power than it would be more digestible for American citizens to accept. He also freely admits that he knows nothing about nuclear power ("that's not my world") and then goes off on a tangent about nuclear warming and how somehow he'll avert WW3? what does that even mean?
The entire section of the interview was just a bunch of unrelated words stuck together that make no sense - and that's without the staggering tone deafness of the Hiroshima reference.
btw - you don't really believe that Trump and his team weren't given full questions/subjects/preparation for this interview beforehand do you? this was an open book test and Trump still couldn't keep it together
"woke mind virus" reference? you know that isn't a thing right? INB4 you call me a sheep
i can't figure you out - if you get a kick out of gaslighting people on an all but abandoned message board, you do an OK job at it I guess.
unrelated and unimportant - i'm 100% pro nuclear power
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Originally Posted by Hehe
Again, how many of you actually listened to the chat?
You are basically cherrypicking something out, without giving the whole context of it.
The nuclear bomb part, IIRC, was discussing about nuclear power. We have this taboo on using nuclear when the alternatives that US are using are far worse for the environment.
Let's not even talk about that the latest generation of nuclear power plants are a million times safer than Fukushima and Chernobyl.
If any of you actually bothered to listen to it, without any prejudice of anything, it's actually a very meaningful conversation between two of the most influential people on Earth exchanging their opinions unscripted.
This shows the true character of people.
Whereas Harris hasn't taken any press interview without first given the questions so that her team prepares it meticulously. And all the interviews that she has done (I've watch tons, from start to finish, so no, I'm not cherry-picking) that she didn't have the questions beforehand are always the follow: word salad for 30secs and then somehow related it to LGBT, abortion and gun control.
She has no idea about how to actually improve the life of people. Her mind is filled with this woke virus and she wants to do everything she could to stay in power in order to carry out the agenda. She doesn't even care about the topics that she talks about. It's just something her team decided that would get her votes. That's it.
These guys could talk about digging a hole to the center of the earth to lower ocean levels and you'd fucking eat it up man. You live on this high horse of faux intellectualism but you're nothing but a contrarian. It's this belief that you are somehow smarter than everyone because you just believe the opposite.
It fills the stereotype that encapsulates the mid to far right of "just double down every time you are wrong" and never give in bullshit. The entire identity of these two and their followers are just that. If you're wrong, just lie. Lie to others, lie to yourself, and then pretend it makes you strong.
It's so funny because you talk to those of us that think these guys are grifters that we somehow idolize Biden or Kamala or Trudeau or whoever like you idolize trump, but we don't give a shit about them. They just suck less than these fucking morons.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
Again, how many of you actually listened to the chat?
You are basically cherrypicking something out, without giving the whole context of it.
Whereas Harris hasn't taken any press interview without first given the questions so that her team prepares it meticulously. And all the interviews that she has done (I've watch tons, from start to finish, so no, I'm not cherry-picking) that she didn't have the questions beforehand are always the follow: word salad for 30secs and then somehow related it to LGBT, abortion and gun control.
I read the entire transcript as much as it hurt my brain to do so.
This part was especially telling and directly counter to your point:
"And by the way, you think Biden could do this interview? Do you think that Kamala could do this interview? They would take a pass. No, they could not. They don’t need Elon. They don’t need Elon screaming out questions.
It’s pretty sad when you think that somebody that does this for a living can’t answer a question or is afraid to do an interview. And in her case, with a very friendly interview, she’s got all friendly interviewers. It’s pretty.
He's literally calling Kamala Harris out for what he's literally sitting there doing but pretending in his mind that it's not the case. Elon IS his friend, IS his friendly interviewer, Screaming out questions? What? If lobbing 100% pre-screen softballs at Trump is screaming out interrogation questions, well, welcome to distorted reality I suppose.
Elon's answer to all that word salad is especially telling: "Yes."
Like that's all you got big boy? "Yes."
I ain't watching the interview but did he put his fingers into a triangle under his nose while looking seriously ahead as if pondering in deep thought when he said that to sum up that portion? lol
Please. Can’t they actually discuss anything meaningful? Like if you don’t agree with the way Trump proposes on some issues, convince voters how their version is actually better. Instead, we have these pointless attacks that obscure the actual truth: lefties have no fucking idea on policies.
i don't know what planet you're living on where you think lefties discuss policy less than righties. seriously go to the drop in clinic and ask them to flush out your ears.
She has no idea about how to actually improve the life of people. Her mind is filled with this woke virus and she wants to do everything she could to stay in power in order to carry out the agenda. She doesn't even care about the topics that she talks about. It's just something her team decided that would get her votes. That's it.
I mean, on one hand, lefties are going with someone who used to call herself California's top cop.
On the other hand, the righties, the party of law and order, are going with the CONVICTED FELON and RAPIST who currently flies around on his old buddy, Jeffrey Epstein's private jet.
The other day Trump had to land in Billings instead of Bozeman b/c he hasn't paid his bill from 2020 with the Bozeman airport so he wasn't allowed to land there. This is the case for over a dozen cities where Trump can't visit b/c he owes them money (he owes Minnesota over $500k) and can't rent any facilities or can't land his airplane.
Again, how many of you actually listened to the chat?
You are basically cherrypicking something out, without giving the whole context of it.
The nuclear bomb part, IIRC, was discussing about nuclear power. We have this taboo on using nuclear when the alternatives that US are using are far worse for the environment.
Let's not even talk about that the latest generation of nuclear power plants are a million times safer than Fukushima and Chernobyl.
If any of you actually bothered to listen to it, without any prejudice of anything, it's actually a very meaningful conversation between two of the most influential people on Earth exchanging their opinions unscripted.
This shows the true character of people.
Whereas Harris hasn't taken any press interview without first given the questions so that her team prepares it meticulously. And all the interviews that she has done (I've watch tons, from start to finish, so no, I'm not cherry-picking) that she didn't have the questions beforehand are always the follow: word salad for 30secs and then somehow related it to LGBT, abortion and gun control.
She has no idea about how to actually improve the life of people. Her mind is filled with this woke virus and she wants to do everything she could to stay in power in order to carry out the agenda. She doesn't even care about the topics that she talks about. It's just something her team decided that would get her votes. That's it.
I'm apolitical so this is a side question:
What is your avatar supposed to be? It looks like a sperm holding a narutomaki.
Nothing better than hearing a couple of rich dicks bragging about buying a company and firing 75% of the workforce. That really brings in the votes. If musk was so smart he would have expanded the business so there was more work for them to do.
musk and trump are just people who use money to be bullies. musks ai venture is going to be a huge failure because he brings nothing new to the table. He can guy all the gpu's he wants but nvidia will always have more. Right now they are analyzing 80 years worth of video a day.
I hear trump can't come to Canada because he is a convicted felon.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
Again, how many of you actually listened to the chat?
You are basically cherrypicking something out, without giving the whole context of it.
The nuclear bomb part, IIRC, was discussing about nuclear power. We have this taboo on using nuclear when the alternatives that US are using are far worse for the environment.
Let's not even talk about that the latest generation of nuclear power plants are a million times safer than Fukushima and Chernobyl.
If any of you actually bothered to listen to it, without any prejudice of anything, it's actually a very meaningful conversation between two of the most influential people on Earth exchanging their opinions unscripted.
This shows the true character of people.
Whereas Harris hasn't taken any press interview without first given the questions so that her team prepares it meticulously. And all the interviews that she has done (I've watch tons, from start to finish, so no, I'm not cherry-picking) that she didn't have the questions beforehand are always the follow: word salad for 30secs and then somehow related it to LGBT, abortion and gun control.
She has no idea about how to actually improve the life of people. Her mind is filled with this woke virus and she wants to do everything she could to stay in power in order to carry out the agenda. She doesn't even care about the topics that she talks about. It's just something her team decided that would get her votes. That's it.
"Woke mind virus"?! You're using your overlords terms now?!
Funny enough, you are very similar to Musk/Trump in many ways -- a nepo baby detached from reality.
The fact Trump has been flying around in Epstein's actual plane really just distills what kind of weird reality we're in right now.
Some are theorizing he's doing it on purpose to mess up with SEO algorithms, in that if you search Trump/Epstein you'll find articles on him renting his jet, as opposed to the deviant underage sex allegations he has linked with the man.
Very similar to how Boris Johnson used to do the same by flooding the zone with bullshit:
The fact Trump has been flying around in Epstein's actual plane really just distills what kind of weird reality we're in right now.
Some are theorizing he's doing it on purpose to mess up with SEO algorithms, in that if you search Trump/Epstein you'll find articles on him renting his jet, as opposed to the deviant underage sex allegations he has linked with the man.
Very similar to how Boris Johnson used to do the same by flooding the zone with bullshit:
Logan Paul did this exact thing last week, after suing a journalist for outing one of his crypto scams. About half a day after filing, he filed a fake lawsuit against his wrestling opponent, which ate up the top google results for the first few days. Google puts headlines above everything else, and it was considered "news"
Trump has been calling Harris “nasty” in public and has repeatedly called her a “bitch” in private, the New York Times’s Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan reported. Trump responded to the report — by insulting Haberman. “Maggott. Hag. Erman,” he called her at a rally in Bozeman, Mont. Lest one think that was an off-the-cuff slip into insults, he repeated it on Truth Social.
And that was one of the milder insults he floated in Bozeman. President Joe Biden was “Crooked Joe or Sleepy Joe,” he posited, polling the crowd. Harris was “Crazy Kamala,” a “bumbling, communist lunatic,” “Comrade Harris,” “grossly incompetent” and in possession of “a very low IQ.” Biden administration officials were “stupid.” Former Republican New Jersey governor Chris Christie was “a fat pig.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was “Pocahontas.” Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) had “got the biggest stomach I have ever seen. … Stomach brimming out like a big slob.”
On his social media site and in fundraising emails, Trump kept the insults flowing through the week: “Sleepy Joe … Fake News and low self-esteem leakers. … Radical Left Losers, Fascists and Communists. … Crooked Kamala. … WHAT A JOKE SHE IS!!! … The stupid people are at it again!”
Biden, he said, has a “very low IQ. He had a low IQ 30 years ago, by the way. But now he might not even have an IQ at all. There’s nothing on the board that goes as low.” The “stupid” Biden, he added, is “close to vegetable stage, in my opinion.” Furthermore, Trump said Biden, “the worst president in history,” “could barely walk” and can’t lift a beach chair.
Trump is pathetic and so is anyone who would support him. If you were a conservative minded person but still a decent person, you'd do anything in your power to get rid of him.