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Old 11-06-2024, 09:03 PM   #7026
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Originally Posted by RevYouUp View Post
Had a work function today, everyone kept talking about how sad they are and how the dark days will come. Holy, like just move on with your life. One person left early and didn’t even come back. I don’t know how someone can be so emotionally attached to these things.
Do you ever think about the future beyond maybe the week ahead?
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Old 11-06-2024, 09:15 PM   #7027, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by Harvey Specter View Post
I'm pretty confident Trump would start a trade war. Which country he targets and how far he'd go is anyone’s guess. He's intent on taking a hard line with countries he believes are exploiting America.

He also seems motivated to project strength to his base, showing them that other nations fear American power. But this approach will easily drive up inflation again.
Probably get another trade war going with CHY-NA which will raise up the prices of goods at Dollar General where all the rural hicks live.

The return of the messiah who will lead us to promised lands! Also I dunno why Christians believe Trump is religious, he mocked them in the past.
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Old 11-06-2024, 09:19 PM   #7028
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
Do you ever think about the future beyond maybe the week ahead?
Yea I do.

It’s wild, the same people that talk about politics and all that jazz don’t have their life in check and blame the economy and the government for everything. Most (not all) of these people are in debt from their own actions and don’t look for change within themselves. They’re trying to keep up their lifestyles, buy things they can’t afford, don’t pursue anything with their lives other than low level jobs (I know there’s exceptions to that part, but the majority of the population is just straight up lazy). Blaming the government for this and that. I know the government does have an impact on us, but ultimately it’s up to the individual to take action on how they want to live their own lives.
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Old 11-06-2024, 09:27 PM   #7029
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Originally Posted by Harvey Specter View Post
I'm pretty confident Trump would start a trade war. Which country he targets and how far he'd go is anyone’s guess. He's intent on taking a hard line with countries he believes are exploiting America.
With Trump's campaign promise / plans to impose a 10% tariff on all US imports, and 60% tariff on all Chinese-made products, is there really just one (or a small handful) of countries that he plans on targeting for a trade war? Besides, Trump is precisely the kind of person that believes everyone else is exploiting the US unless they agree to giving 90% of the profits to the US.

For Canada and Mexico, I would assume that the USMCA should exempt us from that tariff BS -- at least until it is due for review in 2026.

To me, the semiconductor market is gonna be an interesting one because a LOT of US tech, many of which are highly profitable or innovative -- nVidia, ChatGPT, Apple, Tesla, etc. -- are totally dependent on TSMC manufacturing in Taiwan. Intel or domestic manufacturing has zero hope in catching up to TW TSMC on this front in the short and medium term. So the only way I see it is -- exemptions will be granted for a list of items that the US desires, with high end semiconductors being at the top of that list. But once the floodgate for exemptions is opened, I wonder how big it would open up to other goods.
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Old 11-06-2024, 09:40 PM   #7030
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
This is just a bizarre statement. I don't mean an offence by this, as in I'm happy for you that you made your bag, but you haven't had to work at an actual job-job in like 10+ years, and even when you did it was the type of job where you got flown around the world in first class dealing with extremely wealthy clients.

What makes you think you're in touch with regular folk? Or that you can tell people here that do work in and around regular people every day that they're the ones who don't know what's up?

Having a beer once or twice a year with your tenants =/= knowing regular folk.
Bahaha. People only see the easy side of my life.

What about when I have to put in 14+hrs a day for several months straight to make sure my contractors get the shit done before the deadline or I face hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties? Oh... they have done their 9-5, went out for dinners and are sleeping with their chick.

I put in easily 6hrs everyday going through emails listings and Co-Star system (kinda Bloomberg Terminal for CRE) and running through numbers to see if any listing that passes my criteria. And if something does, I need to prep presentation, which is another few hours a day, in order to present it to my clients.

Then I have to fly every so often to do field researches or meet with tenants, landlords or clients, barely have time to eat, and to top it off, my clients, those wealthy people you mentioned, giving me all sort of craps because something not going as planned.

Yes, I have the freedom to choose how many deals I want to make every year. If I get burned out, I just put a stop to notifications (assuming I'm done with whatever outstanding obligations) and I can just scratch my balls every day and the passive income would be enough to at least bring food to the table.

CRE is quite simple and relaxing if you want it to be. But if you choose to do it as a career and you want to make the most out of it, work is never ending and there is no working hour or holiday. It's not like CRE would suddenly cease to exist one day.

I talk to contractors, lawyers, accountants, landlords, tenants... etc almost on a daily basis. Many of them are struggling with their own stuff. And sometimes I become their outlet if I push too far.

So, I don't know what you do now for a living exactly, but I'm sure the amount of people, throughout all different social levels, that I talk to on a monthly basis is far more than what a regular person would do in an entire year.

Liberals have this "oh, people are struggling and help them" kinda philosophy. It's great on paper, but lefties have push it so far that they are doing in a kinda condescending way.

Economy is fucked? Doesn't matter as long as illegal immigrants are being taken care of. Discrimination is bad? Then let's make anyone who's not being discriminated to taste what's like to be discriminated.

Lefties are usually those who are either elites in our society or direct beneficiaries of liberal policies. But the people can no longer afford to continue with that. Most of us are all decent and nice people and we try to help others whenever we can.

But when your own survival is already on the line, and Dems are still saying "hey, if you don't help these people, you are BAD."... what are they supposed to do? They either feel guilty and push forward or seek change.

That's why I said Dems/libs are so out of touch with regular folks. Fucking stop pretending that you care. You are caring because that makes you feel "oh, I'm being the nice guy/gal", but you know what? Most of you have no fucking idea about what's really going on. It's nothing more than something to satisfy your own ego/guilt/benefit.
Nothing for now
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Old 11-06-2024, 09:49 PM   #7031
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Respect to Hehe, if you work hard in North America, don’t do stupid things financially, you’ll come out ahead. There’s literally so many ways to make money here (although money isn’t the most important thing, it definitely is the root of many problems).
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Old 11-06-2024, 10:20 PM   #7032
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Originally Posted by Hehe View Post
Bahaha. People only see the easy side of my life.

What about when I have to put in 14+hrs a day for several months straight to make sure my contractors get the shit done before the deadline or I face hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties? Oh... they have done their 9-5, went out for dinners and are sleeping with their chick.

I put in easily 6hrs everyday going through emails listings and Co-Star system (kinda Bloomberg Terminal for CRE) and running through numbers to see if any listing that passes my criteria. And if something does, I need to prep presentation, which is another few hours a day, in order to present it to my clients.

Then I have to fly every so often to do field researches or meet with tenants, landlords or clients, barely have time to eat, and to top it off, my clients, those wealthy people you mentioned, giving me all sort of craps because something not going as planned.

Yes, I have the freedom to choose how many deals I want to make every year. If I get burned out, I just put a stop to notifications (assuming I'm done with whatever outstanding obligations) and I can just scratch my balls every day and the passive income would be enough to at least bring food to the table.

CRE is quite simple and relaxing if you want it to be. But if you choose to do it as a career and you want to make the most out of it, work is never ending and there is no working hour or holiday. It's not like CRE would suddenly cease to exist one day.

I talk to contractors, lawyers, accountants, landlords, tenants... etc almost on a daily basis. Many of them are struggling with their own stuff. And sometimes I become their outlet if I push too far.

So, I don't know what you do now for a living exactly, but I'm sure the amount of people, throughout all different social levels, that I talk to on a monthly basis is far more than what a regular person would do in an entire year.

Liberals have this "oh, people are struggling and help them" kinda philosophy. It's great on paper, but lefties have push it so far that they are doing in a kinda condescending way.

Economy is fucked? Doesn't matter as long as illegal immigrants are being taken care of. Discrimination is bad? Then let's make anyone who's not being discriminated to taste what's like to be discriminated.

Lefties are usually those who are either elites in our society or direct beneficiaries of liberal policies. But the people can no longer afford to continue with that. Most of us are all decent and nice people and we try to help others whenever we can.

But when your own survival is already on the line, and Dems are still saying "hey, if you don't help these people, you are BAD."... what are they supposed to do? They either feel guilty and push forward or seek change.

That's why I said Dems/libs are so out of touch with regular folks. Fucking stop pretending that you care. You are caring because that makes you feel "oh, I'm being the nice guy/gal", but you know what? Most of you have no fucking idea about what's really going on. It's nothing more than something to satisfy your own ego/guilt/benefit.
Man you have it tough, I never knew. Sorry to hear about all this hardship, seriously.
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Old 11-07-2024, 12:40 AM   #7033
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Originally Posted by RevYouUp View Post
Respect to Hehe, if you work hard in North America, don’t do stupid things financially, you’ll come out ahead. There’s literally so many ways to make money here (although money isn’t the most important thing, it definitely is the root of many problems).
What ?!! Hell no man. What do you mean don’t do stupid things financially. You can literally eat at mcdicks value meal every single day but if you work a 50k a year job in Vancouver you’ll never own a house. What are these so many ways to make money ? If you have one plz share with bic baws as he’s obviously looking for some funds.

No man. You’re either born out of the right vagina and thus your life is easy street, or you have a horseshoe up your ass and buy in at the right time, or you marry into wealth.

Self made guys are far and few in between. Most people are struggling and struggling hard. I would know, I couldn’t buy a Patek yesterday (lousy chinaman wait list)!!! The struggle is real motherfuckers
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Old 11-07-2024, 12:50 AM   #7034
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Originally Posted by Badhobz View Post
What ?!! Hell no man. What do you mean don’t do stupid things financially. You can literally eat at mcdicks value meal every single day but if you work a 50k a year job in Vancouver you’ll never own a house. What are these so many ways to make money ? If you have one plz share with bic baws as he’s obviously looking for some funds.

No man. You’re either born out of the right vagina and thus your life is easy street, or you have a horseshoe up your ass and buy in at the right time, or you marry into wealth.

Self made guys are far and few in between. Most people are struggling and struggling hard. I would know, I couldn’t buy a Patek yesterday (lousy chinaman wait list)!!! The struggle is real motherfuckers
At least you can afford genuine watches
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Old 11-07-2024, 01:01 AM   #7035
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Originally Posted by RevYouUp View Post
Yea I do.

It’s wild, the same people that talk about politics and all that jazz don’t have their life in check and blame the economy and the government for everything. Most (not all) of these people are in debt from their own actions and don’t look for change within themselves. They’re trying to keep up their lifestyles, buy things they can’t afford, don’t pursue anything with their lives other than low level jobs (I know there’s exceptions to that part, but the majority of the population is just straight up lazy). Blaming the government for this and that. I know the government does have an impact on us, but ultimately it’s up to the individual to take action on how they want to live their own lives.
Me heading to work, not thinking about politics:

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When I think about ewe, I touch myself
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Old 11-07-2024, 05:12 AM   #7036
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Most people should just cope with the fact that you can't do anything about Trump being in power and move on with your life if you're actually getting that stressed out about it. Outside of this thread and maybe some small talk at work about how 'crazy' it is I don't allow something like this to affect my mood at all.

Four years from now the world isn't going to look like a Mad Max movie, stop with the doom and gloom.
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Old 11-07-2024, 05:42 AM   #7037
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Originally Posted by Badhobz View Post
What ?!! Hell no man. What do you mean don’t do stupid things financially. You can literally eat at mcdicks value meal every single day but if you work a 50k a year job in Vancouver you’ll never own a house. What are these so many ways to make money ? If you have one plz share with bic baws as he’s obviously looking for some funds.

No man. You’re either born out of the right vagina and thus your life is easy street, or you have a horseshoe up your ass and buy in at the right time, or you marry into wealth.

Self made guys are far and few in between. Most people are struggling and struggling hard. I would know, I couldn’t buy a Patek yesterday (lousy chinaman wait list)!!! The struggle is real motherfuckers
I’m saying in North America, there’s places to move to with a $50k salary where you can purchase a place. I know the quality of life might not be as great, but beggars can’t be choosers. People keep using one of most expensive places as a bench mark. You can’t blame the government for high costs of homes, it’s simply supply and demand.

Also, these people complaining are even too lazy to know what benefits we have in Canada. We literally have cheap schooling if you’re a citizen. There’s $1,000 to $1,500 grants per semester from student loans and the loan is interest free. Literally just pick a good trade school and you can make more than $50K a year. But these people go “I don’t have time for school while working full time”. People are always full of excuses lol

Last edited by RevYouUp; 11-07-2024 at 05:48 AM.
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Old 11-07-2024, 05:54 AM   #7038
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Originally Posted by MarkyMark View Post
Most people should just cope with the fact that you can't do anything about Trump being in power and move on with your life if you're actually getting that stressed out about it. Outside of this thread and maybe some small talk at work about how 'crazy' it is I don't allow something like this to affect my mood at all.

Four years from now the world isn't going to look like a Mad Max movie, stop with the doom and gloom.
Hey things are looking up for me in China possibly... Let him tank USA's economy, taking Canada and Europe with it. Someone has to take the top spot and I'll be here for it!
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Old 11-07-2024, 06:03 AM   #7039
14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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Originally Posted by RevYouUp View Post
Respect to Hehe, if you work hard in North America, don’t do stupid things financially, you’ll come out ahead. There’s literally so many ways to make money here (although money isn’t the most important thing, it definitely is the root of many problems).
That's such bull shit. The lady that cleans my house works way harder than I do and she doesn't live an easy life. My fourth car is way nicer than her only car, and if her car brakes down she's going to have major issues.

Badhobs is totally right, though I have no idea what a Patek is. Some kind of soup that sell out in Richmond?
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Old 11-07-2024, 06:27 AM   #7040
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But IIIIIII worked hard and I'm doing fine so that means EVERYONE has had the same opportunities as me right?! RIGHT?
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82 View Post
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
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Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 11-07-2024, 06:55 AM   #7041
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It's easy to credit your "hard work" when you just ignore how you got into the position to do that work and all the people who work way harder than you for way less money. I work with a ton of people who work a hell of a lot harder than doing 6 hours of emails and the odd spurt of 14s and they make fuck all.
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Originally Posted by maksimizer View Post
half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF.
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reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z
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OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry:
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Old 11-07-2024, 06:56 AM   #7042
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Originally Posted by Dbone View Post
60% tariffs on cheap Chinese good mean he's going to tax the shit out of the poor.

Tax breaks on tips? Do people ever claim enough in tips to even pay tax?
Elon Musk & other billionaires for the 2024 tax year: "All our income is in tips!"
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In Mike we Trust
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Old 11-07-2024, 07:05 AM   #7043
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I never said anything about this is about me. All that I said was towards the general population. I’m not giving specific demographic, age, gender here.

I’m not doing well either lol. I don’t own a home, drive 10-15 year old Hondas. I’m not complaining.

I respect that lady, she’s working hard and deserves more. Is she complaining about life though? I’m sure she can afford food on the table if she’s working hard, but ultimately it’s on the individual for their own decisions. “Oh my Family this, oh the government this, oh the economy this”.

We’re not all born into wealth, but you can take control of your own future here if you were born here or even immigrated here. IMO, we live in one of the best countries in the world. I’m happy to call Vancouver my home and am privileged to live here.

The average person is dumb (I’m not saying I’m above average), especially nowadays. Even with so much information out there, they choose to live in their own bubbles and don’t look for self-improvement. They blame everyone but themselves. Nowadays, most people (not all) seek instant gratification, are entitled, whiners, lazy, think emotionally and without logic and have the EQ of a 5 year old. I know people that don’t even know what CPP is and says “fuck CPP, I need the money now”. They don’t even know that their employer matches their contributions.

If you’re making $50K, home ownership shouldn’t be the first thing on your mind. I doubt this person making $50K would even know the difference between a RRSP, TFSA or FHSA. The first thing they should think about is how can I increase my income, how do I learn new skills beneficial to my growth financially or personally. If they can’t even do that, that’s okay. They chose to not do that and can’t blame anyone but themselves.

Home ownership seems to be what everyone thinks they deserve, but renting isn’t all that bad. If assuming this imaginary person making $50k doesn’t give a fuck about home ownership, they can make it work renting $1,500-$2k and stretch the remaining $1K for food or whatever for every month. It’s not a great life, but they chose to be in that situation. They can live a single life and just do whatever their choices lead to. But, if they really want to own a place, they can find a partner or another forever alone bro/gal that also makes $50K, they can work together to own a home with a gross income of $100K eventually if they budget and are financially savvy.

Last edited by RevYouUp; 11-07-2024 at 07:15 AM.
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Old 11-07-2024, 07:16 AM   #7044
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Originally Posted by underscore View Post
It's easy to credit your "hard work" when you just ignore how you got into the position to do that work and all the people who work way harder than you for way less money. I work with a ton of people who work a hell of a lot harder than doing 6 hours of emails and the odd spurt of 14s and they make fuck all.
Good for you. You made the right decisions in life to put yourself in that situation. Working hard doesn’t mean working smart.
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Old 11-07-2024, 07:17 AM   #7045
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Originally Posted by RevYouUp View Post
I’m saying in North America, there’s places to move to with a $50k salary where you can purchase a place. I know the quality of life might not be as great, but beggars can’t be choosers. People keep using one of most expensive places as a bench mark. You can’t blame the government for high costs of homes, it’s simply supply and demand.

Also, these people complaining are even too lazy to know what benefits we have in Canada. We literally have cheap schooling if you’re a citizen. There’s $1,000 to $1,500 grants per semester from student loans and the loan is interest free. Literally just pick a good trade school and you can make more than $50K a year. But these people go “I don’t have time for school while working full time”. People are always full of excuses lol
50k was middle class just 10 years ago. sad that they are considered beggars now.
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Old 11-07-2024, 07:18 AM   #7046, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by MarkyMark View Post
Most people should just cope with the fact that you can't do anything about Trump being in power and move on with your life if you're actually getting that stressed out about it. Outside of this thread and maybe some small talk at work about how 'crazy' it is I don't allow something like this to affect my mood at all.

Four years from now the world isn't going to look like a Mad Max movie, stop with the doom and gloom.
This, good advice. I was bummed out for a day or two ... like you said, nothing I can do about it, I didn't get a vote (even if I did, I'd be on the losing side). It is what it is, let the historians leave the commentary on this period of US/Global history. The sun is out, the world didn't blow up. It's all theatre and tbh, affects me personally or financially very little.
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Old 11-07-2024, 07:23 AM   #7047, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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How is everyone's stock portfolio doing after Cheeto's election win? The biggest post-election stock market gains in history.

That fucker Elon had a $26.5 billion increase in his net worth yesterday.

Wednesday wasn’t just a good day for Donald Trump. The wealth of the world’s 10 richest people also soared by a record amount, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaire Index.

The biggest gainer was Elon Musk, the world’s richest person and one of Trump’s most outspoken and dedicated supporters, whose wealth jumped $26.5 billion to $290 billion Wednesday, according to Bloomberg. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ wealth grew $7.1 billion a week after defending his decision to withhold the Washington Post’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. Oracle cofounder Larry Ellison, another Trump supporter, saw his net worth rose $5.5 billion Wednesday.

Other gainers include former Microsoft executives Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, former Google executives Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett. Although none of those billionaires endorsed a candidate this year, they have spoken in favor of Democratic candidates and causes in the past.

Collectively, the top 10 richest people gained $64 billion.
Go Canucks go!
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Old 11-07-2024, 07:35 AM   #7048
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Originally Posted by underscore View Post
It's easy to credit your "hard work" when you just ignore how you got into the position to do that work and all the people who work way harder than you for way less money. I work with a ton of people who work a hell of a lot harder than doing 6 hours of emails and the odd spurt of 14s and they make fuck all.
Yea.. what you’re describing it literally any place of work.
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Old 11-07-2024, 07:38 AM   #7049
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Originally Posted by pastarocket View Post
How is everyone's stock portfolio doing after Cheeto's election win? The biggest post-election stock market gains in history.

That fucker Elon had a $26.5 billion increase in his net worth yesterday.

Wednesday wasn’t just a good day for Donald Trump. The wealth of the world’s 10 richest people also soared by a record amount, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaire Index.

The biggest gainer was Elon Musk, the world’s richest person and one of Trump’s most outspoken and dedicated supporters, whose wealth jumped $26.5 billion to $290 billion Wednesday, according to Bloomberg. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ wealth grew $7.1 billion a week after defending his decision to withhold the Washington Post’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. Oracle cofounder Larry Ellison, another Trump supporter, saw his net worth rose $5.5 billion Wednesday.

Other gainers include former Microsoft executives Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, former Google executives Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett. Although none of those billionaires endorsed a candidate this year, they have spoken in favor of Democratic candidates and causes in the past.

Collectively, the top 10 richest people gained $64 billion.
I did a bit of research prior to the election and US equities and the Nasdaq have historically went on tears during any election year, regardless of the results as it lends itself back to some stability VS the run up to the election

Hit record highs in the last 2 days myself hehe
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Old 11-07-2024, 07:48 AM   #7050
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Hehe is literally the personification of "born on 3rd base, act like they hit a triple"

Nothing wrong with that by that way, but the way people here are talking about cleaning ladies and passive income I'm thinking most of us were born at least on 1st or 2nd base. Just have some sense of self awareness folks.

Still a card carrying member of the SFC :)
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