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Old 01-26-2025, 09:18 PM   #7826
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If Trump is inline with this sort of thinking and he's just letting it go public, good luck to him if he sends the military out to directly defend him and his oligarchy.

The popcorn eaters will really enjoy a military coup, won't they?
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Old 01-26-2025, 09:33 PM   #7827
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I used to think China would be the top power in the world by the end of Trump's term, but it may happen in just the first few months!
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Old 01-27-2025, 07:04 PM   #7828
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it's fake ffs.
now what?
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Old 01-27-2025, 09:13 PM   #7829
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Hearing now that they're slapping tariffs on Taiwan semiconductor chips now?
What in the world? So that 5billion investment into "AI" just lost 25% of its buying power on physical hardware? Literally speedrunning stupidity I can't even.
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Old 01-27-2025, 09:43 PM   #7830
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Originally Posted by Teriyaki View Post
Hearing now that they're slapping tariffs on Taiwan semiconductor chips now?
What in the world? So that 5billion investment into "AI" just lost 25% of its buying power on physical hardware? Literally speedrunning stupidity I can't even.
I was just gonna post this myself. Felon 47 really has no fxxking clue how the World works.

Over 90% -- or maybe even over 95% -- of all the most advanced semiconductor chips are manufactured by TSMC. The bleeding edge stuff are literally all made in Taiwan bcos nobody else in the whole world has the technical know how and the deep pockets required to pull it off. It isn't like US companies (Intel) or Korean companies (Samsung) aren't trying -- Intel has tried but they just couldn't get it done -- I think they are still stuck at the 7nm stage, which is several generations behind. Samsung can technically produce the same generation of chips as TSMC, but their yield rate is much lower, and hardly anyone commissions them to produce semiconductor chips (which is why TSMC makes well over 90% of the most advanced stuff).

It isn't just computers and graphics cards either. All those AI data centers, smart phones, EVs -- think Tesla here at least, but probably others too. The list is going to be very, very long.

TSMC has just started running their Arizona fab (ie. factory) recently, but they are still in the process of ramping up to the target yield rate. IIRC, the Arizona fab is also only designed to manufacture the last gen mature products. The current gen and next gen stuff are all still being done in Taiwan because TSMC's primary R&D talent pool are all in Taiwan, and they can only pull of the slave-driving work culture in Taiwan.

What all of this means is -- prices for anything that need these advanced semiconductor chips are going to go up significantly -- at least by the amount of the tariff, which is rumoured to be 25 - 100% for now. Even for the TSMC chips that are made in Arizona, their prices are going to go up bcos of the basic laws of supply and demand. And fabs isn't something a manufacturer can just set up in a hurry. Even the TSMC fab in Arizona was a long time coming. If TSMC were to build another fab in response to Trump's tariffs on TW-made semiconductor, Trump would have stepped down first before the new fab is able to produce a single chip.

Felon 47 really has no fxxking clue how things work. And everyone will suffer bcos of that.
Originally Posted by westopher View Post
The whole world has gone down a road no one can recover from, and it's nothing to do with governments, it's because so much of the general public is so fucking stupid.
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Old 01-28-2025, 09:33 AM   #7831
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I had to google what felon 47 is looool

But everything so far with Trump has shown he doesn't got a lick of clue with how the economy works. He acts on impulse and will hurt himself while trying to hurt you.
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Old 01-28-2025, 09:45 AM   #7832
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It has begun !!! foreign assistance is stopped, and google maps is actually going to rename the gulf of mexico to the gulf of america. Christ, this is so horseshit.
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Old 01-28-2025, 09:47 AM   #7833, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by Traum View Post
I was just gonna post this myself. Felon 47 really has no fxxking clue how the World works.

Over 90% -- or maybe even over 95% -- of all the most advanced semiconductor chips are manufactured by TSMC. The bleeding edge stuff are literally all made in Taiwan bcos nobody else in the whole world has the technical know how and the deep pockets required to pull it off. It isn't like US companies (Intel) or Korean companies (Samsung) aren't trying -- Intel has tried but they just couldn't get it done -- I think they are still stuck at the 7nm stage, which is several generations behind. Samsung can technically produce the same generation of chips as TSMC, but their yield rate is much lower, and hardly anyone commissions them to produce semiconductor chips (which is why TSMC makes well over 90% of the most advanced stuff).

It isn't just computers and graphics cards either. All those AI data centers, smart phones, EVs -- think Tesla here at least, but probably others too. The list is going to be very, very long.

TSMC has just started running their Arizona fab (ie. factory) recently, but they are still in the process of ramping up to the target yield rate. IIRC, the Arizona fab is also only designed to manufacture the last gen mature products. The current gen and next gen stuff are all still being done in Taiwan because TSMC's primary R&D talent pool are all in Taiwan, and they can only pull of the slave-driving work culture in Taiwan.

What all of this means is -- prices for anything that need these advanced semiconductor chips are going to go up significantly -- at least by the amount of the tariff, which is rumoured to be 25 - 100% for now. Even for the TSMC chips that are made in Arizona, their prices are going to go up bcos of the basic laws of supply and demand. And fabs isn't something a manufacturer can just set up in a hurry. Even the TSMC fab in Arizona was a long time coming. If TSMC were to build another fab in response to Trump's tariffs on TW-made semiconductor, Trump would have stepped down first before the new fab is able to produce a single chip.

Felon 47 really has no fxxking clue how things work. And everyone will suffer bcos of that.
Cheeto's nickname should also be Dumbass 47! He is driving up the prices of computers, gaming accessories, cellphones, and cars.
Go Canucks go!
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Old 01-28-2025, 09:50 AM   #7834
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But will us poor Canucks get a deal on the extra inventory?
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Old 01-28-2025, 09:58 AM   #7835
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I thought about the possibility of us (Canada) -- and the RoW, for that matter -- getting cheaper semiconductor chips than the US.

If the export price from TW remains the same -- say USD $100 per chip, for discussion's sake. If US slaps a 50% tariff on it, and Canada has no such tariffs, then the cost for the US is gonna be USD $150, while it is still USD $100 in Canada.

The scenario doesn't seem likely because it would create a black/gray market to buy chips in Canada, and funnel them to the US through unofficial channels for profit. And when that happens, Doofus 47 would lash out again to levy more sanctions / tariffs on us. But it is remotely possible, and it would make for a better Canadian export to the US than fentanyl and illegal migrants with security risks LOL~
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The whole world has gone down a road no one can recover from, and it's nothing to do with governments, it's because so much of the general public is so fucking stupid.
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Old 01-28-2025, 10:05 AM   #7836
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So is NVIDIA going to short change Canada on new GPU's because they want to get as many GPU's to America as they can before the tariffs hit?
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 01-28-2025, 10:33 AM   #7837
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From a strictly business perspective, doing that would make sense. The imminent tariffs will push up the current demand for those semiconductor chips in the US, pushing US sale prices higher. So if nVidia diverts more of their supply to the US, they'll earn higher profits.

In the mean time, reducing supply to Canada (and other places) will also drive up prices here (and elsewhere). So that's another win for nVidia.

And when the US tariff comes into effect, US demand will drop. nVidia can then re-divert the supply of chips back to Canada (and RoW) where demand had been high due to low supply. And then they rake in a 3rd win.

Man... who knew Econ 101 would actually come in handy LOL~?
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The whole world has gone down a road no one can recover from, and it's nothing to do with governments, it's because so much of the general public is so fucking stupid.
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Old 01-28-2025, 10:54 AM   #7838
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I don't get it... does Trump not have advisors that explain what will happen when he imposes these tariffs? Or he just doesn't care, and goes ahead with his ideas anyway?
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Old 01-28-2025, 11:11 AM   #7839
y'all better put some respeck on my name
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Within the last 12 hours, Trump froze federal funding, the Medicare portal is down impacting 72 million Americans, and the White House claims they have no idea why.

France offered to send troops to Greenland to fight off a US invasion.

A nutjob was arrested at the Capitol building with Molotov cocktails and knives because he wanted to kill the Treasury and Defense Secretaries.

Despite claiming he would cut funding to Ukraine, the US is transferring missiles from Israel to the Ukrainian military.

And finally, the feds announced a pause on rate cuts, which goes against what Trump wants.
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Old 01-28-2025, 12:06 PM   #7840
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Feds are supposed to be independent of the whoever that's in power, am I correct? I guess Trump could theoretically get the head of fed sacked.

I think there's a lot that happens in the US gov't that's not strictly in control of the president?
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Old 01-28-2025, 01:29 PM   #7841
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What's funny is that the current Fed chairman Jerome Powell was appointed by Trump in 2017 (and then re-appointed for a second term by Biden in 2022)

It's assumed the president does not have legal authority to dismiss the chairman. However, it has not been tested in Court (and well, we know how those have been going lately)
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Old 01-28-2025, 01:30 PM   #7842
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(Canadian) David Lin was talking about this today with Ben Cowen.
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Old 01-28-2025, 01:42 PM   #7843, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Props to Minnesota governor Tim Walz for saying something about the US government's freeze on federal grants and loans funding.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz — the former running mate of former Vice President Kamala Harris — called the pause on federal grants and loans a “reckless action,” by the Trump administration.

“It will not stand, it cannot stand,” Walz said Tuesday. “It’s an outrageous power grab.”

Walz said he’s spoken to Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith for help, along with congressional Minnesota leaders.

“I know you have a lot of questions. I have a lot of questions cause not one damn person thought this through,” Walz said. “Agencies are preparing to implement because unlike Donald Trump, we follow the law.”
Go Canucks go!
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Old 01-28-2025, 02:08 PM   #7844
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This is heart breaking. This is exactly why ….
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Old 01-28-2025, 03:16 PM   #7845
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Trump's own supporters are finding out that he doesn't give a damn about them. It was never about right vs. left or making America great again; it's always been about Trump, his friends, and family making a few more billion before he sails off into the sunset.
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Old 01-28-2025, 04:07 PM   #7846
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Are Trump supporters really regretting their votes though? And are there enough of them feeling that way?

Sure, ICE officers going in to arrest and deport people is making the news. Freezes on grants and loans are making the news. Medicaid payments pause is making the news. Advanced semiconductor products already shooting up in prices is making the news.

But at least on a personal level, I haven't seen Trump voters coming out to express how they are regretting their decisions to vote Trump, bcos the decision is biting their own a$$es now. At most, I just see a small portion of them not really cheering for the Trump policies anymore.

Back then with COVID, every now and then you'd see an antivaxxer expressing regret when they are dying on their last breathe, or have their lungs completely fxxked up.
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The whole world has gone down a road no one can recover from, and it's nothing to do with governments, it's because so much of the general public is so fucking stupid.
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Old 01-28-2025, 04:16 PM   #7847
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Originally Posted by Traum View Post
Are Trump supporters really regretting their votes though? And are there enough of them feeling that way?

Sure, ICE officers going in to arrest and deport people is making the news. Freezes on grants and loans are making the news. Medicaid payments pause is making the news. Advanced semiconductor products already shooting up in prices is making the news.

But at least on a personal level, I haven't seen Trump voters coming out to express how they are regretting their decisions to vote Trump, bcos the decision is biting their own a$$es now. At most, I just see a small portion of them not really cheering for the Trump policies anymore.

Back then with COVID, every now and then you'd see an antivaxxer expressing regret when they are dying on their last breathe, or have their lungs completely fxxked up.
It's like asking religious people to speak up against their church
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Old 01-28-2025, 05:21 PM   #7848
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Originally Posted by Traum View Post
Are Trump supporters really regretting their votes though? And are there enough of them feeling that way?
He's got a solid base that will support him to the very end, no matter how badly he screws up the country. For them, seeing immigrants getting rounded up is enough to make them turn a blind eye to everything else, even if it directly affects them.

He'll continue to flood the zone and create chaos until he can't anymore.
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Old 01-28-2025, 07:48 PM   #7849
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Project 2025 - if you haven't at least read the Wikipedia page, you should to understand what's going on.
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Old 01-28-2025, 09:26 PM   #7850
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Originally Posted by Traum View Post
Are Trump supporters really regretting their votes though? And are there enough of them feeling that way?
A comment I've heard about why most Trump supporters are going to stick by Trump's side is that they don't care what Trump does to them (or for them) but instead they care what Trump is doing AGAINST those "other" people. As long as Trump fucks those people more (the immigrants, the gays, the trannies, the socialists etc) they'll stick with Trump.
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