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Old 10-03-2018, 10:17 PM   #901
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Originally Posted by welfare View Post
so apparently the usmca deal has a clause where the three have to report if any are going to engage in free trade with "non market" countries. obviously referring to china. and that if so, the agreement could be cancelled. sounds like a pretty big stipulation.
It basically made impossible for MX/CA to sign any FTA with China.
Nothing for now
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Old 10-04-2018, 06:32 AM   #902
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Originally Posted by RRxtar View Post
so you think he raped Mrs Ford?
At the end of the day, who knows?

IMO I don't think either Ford nor Kavanaugh have a clear memory of what transpired that night. Imagine trying to remember, with perfect detail, something that happened 35 years ago when you were drunk. I'm 25 and I can't even begin to imagine recounting the specifics of one drunken encounter, #MeToo or otherwise, that I had with a female during my high school years. Let alone expecting people more than twice my age to perform the same task.

What I do have issue with is the way Kavanaugh is defending himself. From the videos I've seen online, the lack of judicial temperament demonstrated by Kavanaugh and his clearly partisan rants against the Democrats, should disqualify him from presiding over the highest court in the land. After what I've seen, I wouldn't want this guy presiding over justice theatre...
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Old 10-04-2018, 08:21 AM   #903
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He possibly don't remember. The accuser possibly don't remember.

However, once you're going for a job like Chief Justice, your record is expected to be spotless because your character influence your ruling which affects many many lives and that job is for life. Sitting there saying shits like "I like beer", "I still like beer", "I don't remember", what are you even doing, guy? He's clearly not cut out for this job and it's not political regardless whether the allegation is true.

They should find somebody else who probably lean right the same way with a spotless record.
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Old 10-04-2018, 09:18 PM   #904
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Old 10-04-2018, 09:29 PM   #905
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So Ford lied about her fear of enclosed spaces, her fear of flying, possibly her answers regarding advise on polygraph testing, all four of her witnesses contradict her testimony, she refuses to release her therapists notes, fbi find zero corroborating evidence, and yet mobs still protest the kavanaugh confirmation.
Maybe Milano should take the protests over to Clinton's house. The president whose multiple accusers of actual rape and sexual assault had actual credible evidence.
But i guess he had the right "temperament" for her.
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Old 10-04-2018, 09:46 PM   #906
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Originally Posted by welfare View Post
So Ford lied about her fear of enclosed spaces, her fear of flying, possibly her answers regarding advise on polygraph testing, all four of her witnesses contradict her testimony, she refuses to release her therapists notes, fbi find zero corroborating evidence, and yet mobs still protest the kavanaugh confirmation.
Maybe Milano should take the protests over to Clinton's house. The president whose multiple accusers of actual rape and sexual assault had actual credible evidence.
But i guess he had the right "temperament" for her.
And that's why she is not a nominee for the supreme court. kavanaugh is and he lied.
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Old 10-04-2018, 11:04 PM   #907
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
And that's why she is not a nominee for the supreme court. kavanaugh is and he lied.
About what? His platoon of gang rapists? Or was it the ruthless ice cube attack?

Honestly, come this Saturday I'll be pretty dispirited when he's confirmed. It's been great fun laughing at all these raging hypocrites and lunatics who've come out for this sideshow
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Old 10-04-2018, 11:36 PM   #908
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Originally Posted by welfare View Post
About what? His platoon of gang rapists? Or was it the ruthless ice cube attack?

Honestly, come this Saturday I'll be pretty dispirited when he's confirmed. It's been great fun laughing at all these raging hypocrites and lunatics who've come out for this sideshow
He lied about his drinking.
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 10-05-2018, 10:04 AM   #909
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maybe he's completely innocent and Dr. Ford got the wrong man, but blaming the democrats for a hit job and that this is some sort of conspiracy for revenge on the Clintons and for Trump winning the election, should disqualify him from being a fair and "unbiased" Supreme Court judge

That and his obvious lying about his highschool/college years. He could've just owned it and said he's not the same person anymore,but instead his denials & pretending to be a choir boy just makes him have zero credibility
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Old 10-05-2018, 10:51 AM   #910
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This, thank you Nlkko. I'm absolutely appalled and confused that "conservatives" cannot understand this very basic point.

At this point the Ford allegations (which I believe are completely damning) are completely irrelevant at this point. I said this from the first place.

This man has shown quite clearly that he lacks the tactfulness, professionalism, and temperament to hold a position on the highest court of the land, for life. I would go as far to say, I wouldn't want this guy presiding on any court case for that matter.

No one has even proven what type of record this guy even has in the first place, please show me his "credible" history, what major cases and decisions has this man been even a part of to deserve this position? Other than being a born and bred Federalist Society lackey?

He's shown that he's a liar, he's shown that he's partisan, he's shown he carries a poor temperament, he's been called angry, a bully from the people who know him personally through college.

I'm sorry, but being a Supreme Court justice isn't a job for Joe Blow, this is a job interview and he failed terribly.

As I had thought, the FBI investigation was a sham, I called it right from the start, it was merely an excuse used to allow the Republicans to vote him in.

As it looks like based on the vote this morning, Kavanaugh make in fact be voted in, if he does, we truly are seeing a banana republic in the works in terms of the current US Government.

We will see what happens tomorrow, but this is an absolute embarrassment.

Originally Posted by Nlkko View Post
He possibly don't remember. The accuser possibly don't remember.

However, once you're going for a job like Chief Justice, your record is expected to be spotless because your character influence your ruling which affects many many lives and that job is for life. Sitting there saying shits like "I like beer", "I still like beer", "I don't remember", what are you even doing, guy? He's clearly not cut out for this job and it's not political regardless whether the allegation is true.

They should find somebody else who probably lean right the same way with a spotless record.
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Old 10-05-2018, 11:35 AM   #911
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Originally Posted by mikemhg View Post
This, thank you Nlkko. I'm absolutely appalled and confused that "conservatives" cannot understand this very basic point.

At this point the Ford allegations (which I believe are completely damning) are completely irrelevant at this point. I said this from the first place.

This man has shown quite clearly that he lacks the tactfulness, professionalism, and temperament to hold a position on the highest court of the land, for life. I would go as far to say, I wouldn't want this guy presiding on any court case for that matter.

No one has even proven what type of record this guy even has in the first place, please show me his "credible" history, what major cases and decisions has this man been even a part of to deserve this position? Other than being a born and bred Federalist Society lackey?

He's shown that he's a liar, he's shown that he's partisan, he's shown he carries a poor temperament, he's been called angry, a bully from the people who know him personally through college.

I'm sorry, but being a Supreme Court justice isn't a job for Joe Blow, this is a job interview and he failed terribly.

As I had thought, the FBI investigation was a sham, I called it right from the start, it was merely an excuse used to allow the Republicans to vote him in.

As it looks like based on the vote this morning, Kavanaugh make in fact be voted in, if he does, we truly are seeing a banana republic in the works in terms of the current US Government.

We will see what happens tomorrow, but this is an absolute embarrassment.
I am reading this and it feels funny when I remember jeff session is the attorney general
That guy looks like a scared, partisan, clueless weasel and he holds a position far more important than 1 of 9 supreme court justice.
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Old 10-05-2018, 01:28 PM   #912
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What does it matter what Sessions looks like? How does one "look" partisan? It's what he does that matters. Even he goes against Trump at times and sticks to the law in an unbiased manner, despite being an obvious Southern Republican. I don't think anyone can say the same for Kavanaugh, he can and will be bought (many allegations of gambling debts... $60,000-$200,000 on supposed baseball tickets dubiously explained away... a void of information surrounding where he suddenly got money from to buy his current residence)... and he can and will sway his decisions based on personal prejudice (detailed in his own defensive rant).

The man's a shitshow compared to dozens of other equally qualified applicants... but he allows the Republican Party to control the highest court in the USA... more importantly the court that will eventually be faced with deciding whether or not the current sitting President can be charged for a variety of crimes committed while in office.
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Old 10-06-2018, 11:17 AM   #913
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I get what he's saying about Sessions appearance. Let's be honest here, his accent, his look, his persona represents a caricature of a Southern plantation owner, he's akin to a person who has come from a different era. I mean jesus, this guy was denied the ability to become a judge, because he was considered too racist, come on now.

Don't get me started on Jeff Sessions, the garbage this guy is putting forward on the war on drugs, turning back prison reform has disgusted me. He's a dangerous character, don't let his occasional "quips" at Trump dissuade you from that.

Originally Posted by 68style View Post
What does it matter what Sessions looks like? How does one "look" partisan? It's what he does that matters. Even he goes against Trump at times and sticks to the law in an unbiased manner, despite being an obvious Southern Republican. I don't think anyone can say the same for Kavanaugh, he can and will be bought (many allegations of gambling debts... $60,000-$200,000 on supposed baseball tickets dubiously explained away... a void of information surrounding where he suddenly got money from to buy his current residence)... and he can and will sway his decisions based on personal prejudice (detailed in his own defensive rant).

The man's a shitshow compared to dozens of other equally qualified applicants... but he allows the Republican Party to control the highest court in the USA... more importantly the court that will eventually be faced with deciding whether or not the current sitting President can be charged for a variety of crimes committed while in office.
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Old 10-06-2018, 03:17 PM   #914
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Kavanaugh confirmed.
Democrats blame Avenatti
(CNN) Senate Democrats believed they had Brett Kavanaugh on the ropes.

Christine Blasey Ford had just revealed her identity and was prepared to testify in public, detailing her allegations that Kavanaugh had tried to sexual assault her more than three decades ago. On top of that, a New Yorker article had just revealed that a second woman, Deborah Ramirez, was accusing Kavanaugh of exposing his genitals to her while they were college students.

Then came Michael Avenatti.
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Old 10-06-2018, 03:26 PM   #915
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Originally Posted by mikemhg View Post
I get what he's saying about Sessions appearance. Let's be honest here, his accent, his look, his persona represents a caricature of a Southern plantation owner, he's akin to a person who has come from a different era. I mean jesus, this guy was denied the ability to become a judge, because he was considered too racist, come on now.

Don't get me started on Jeff Sessions, the garbage this guy is putting forward on the war on drugs, turning back prison reform has disgusted me. He's a dangerous character, don't let his occasional "quips" at Trump dissuade you from that.
baby mikey doesn't like anybody not his colour
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Old 10-07-2018, 12:10 PM   #916
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Originally Posted by 4doorVIP View Post
baby mikey doesn't like anybody not his colour
Naw, just cats like you.
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Old 10-09-2018, 11:54 AM   #917
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hmmmm.... thoughts?

- she wants to run for President.
- she's fed up
- she wants a break
- Trump fired her

Nikki Haley is resigning as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. And the timing is raising eyebrows.

President Trump and Haley held a quickly arranged media availability Tuesday morning in the White House, shortly after Axios’s Jonathan Swan broke the news of her impending exit. Haley said her resignation was simply about needing a break after six years as South Carolina governor and two at the United Nations, and Trump said Haley even previewed a desire to leave as long as six months ago.

The two were obviously eager to downplay the idea that this was hasty. But if it wasn’t, that might make the timing even odder.

If this was long planned, it was apparently one of the best-kept secrets in a very leaky White House. The news reportedly blindsided those in the foreign policy establishment, the White House and even members of Haley’s staff.
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Old 10-09-2018, 12:37 PM   #918
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I was surprised to read about all her debts... why are all these high profile people so racked up in credit card debt and lines of credit??

I mean reported income between her and her husband of $270,000USD last year and living in cheap as fuck USA and they're still over a half a mill in the hole nevermind a mortgage?

You could even easily afford to live in Vancouver with that income
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Old 10-09-2018, 01:14 PM   #919
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Originally Posted by Acura604 View Post
hmmmm.... thoughts?

- she wants to run for President.
- she's fed up
- she wants a break
- Trump fired her

Nikki Haley is resigning as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. And the timing is raising eyebrows.

President Trump and Haley held a quickly arranged media availability Tuesday morning in the White House, shortly after Axios’s Jonathan Swan broke the news of her impending exit. Haley said her resignation was simply about needing a break after six years as South Carolina governor and two at the United Nations, and Trump said Haley even previewed a desire to leave as long as six months ago.

The two were obviously eager to downplay the idea that this was hasty. But if it wasn’t, that might make the timing even odder.

If this was long planned, it was apparently one of the best-kept secrets in a very leaky White House. The news reportedly blindsided those in the foreign policy establishment, the White House and even members of Haley’s staff.

Maybe she's watched too much House of Cards

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Old 10-09-2018, 01:32 PM   #920
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
I was surprised to read about all her debts... why are all these high profile people so racked up in credit card debt and lines of credit??

I mean reported income between her and her husband of $270,000USD last year and living in cheap as fuck USA and they're still over a half a mill in the hole nevermind a mortgage?

You could even easily afford to live in Vancouver with that income
Two words: lifestyle creep.

Still a card carrying member of the SFC :)
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Old 10-10-2018, 09:58 AM   #921
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Originally Posted by Acura604 View Post
hmmmm.... thoughts?


- she's fed up
- she wants a break
I'm thinking she is fed up.
There's too much of this going on in the oval office.

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Old 10-10-2018, 11:06 AM   #922
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great episode.
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Last edited by welfare; 10-10-2018 at 11:15 AM.
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Old 10-10-2018, 07:21 PM   #923
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So with the kavanaugh confirmation a success and the metoo mobilization now grinding down, is it safe to assume the next weapon out the democrats tool shed will be climate change? Or will they circle back to Russia?
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Old 10-11-2018, 09:46 AM   #924
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In big bold letters in the executive summary of the report "There is no single answer to the question of whether it is feasible to limit warming to 1.5°C and adapt to the consequences."

I searched for truth, and all I found was You
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Old 10-11-2018, 12:07 PM   #925
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Originally Posted by welfare View Post
So with the kavanaugh confirmation a success and the metoo mobilization now grinding down, is it safe to assume the next weapon out the democrats tool shed will be climate change? Or will they circle back to Russia?
So can trump go back to pissing on chicks and banging porn stars?

But in all seriousness heard trump had a great rally last night the best of all time. so good people in future civilizations in other galaxy's will be talking about it.

Today trump had an amazing meeting with kayne west. Many great idea's and gifs where shared. Looks like apple will be building the new air force one plane. It's going to the dopest ever.


Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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