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Old 12-01-2018, 10:44 PM   #1076
I subscribe to the Fight Club ONLY
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Originally Posted by Berzerker View Post
What would happen to the world if the US pulled all it's troops out from every country? How many Billions/Trillions per year would this save the US taxpayers? What would change on a global scale?
On paper, they'd save a gazillion ton of money. In practice, I think the results will be disastrous -- for both the US and the RoW.

First of all, the US have roughly 200k troops deployed outside of the US. The total size of the US military is ~2.1M. So can it absorb an extra 10% of staff all of a sudden? If not, it needs to discharge them, and that could be an expensive problem in itself.

Like it or not, the US Navy is the world marine police. If all of their overseas troops are withdrawn, there is nobody around to ensure safe passage with the sea routes, and a lot of stuff are transported by sea. As an example, I seem to recall that more than 50% of the world's goods travel through the South China Seas. Without a US marine presence, China would likely claim that whole area as theirs, and it is questionable whether they would continue to allow safe passage along the sea routes through South China Seas.

The Middle East will destabilize for sure, and gosh isn't that going to be lovely?
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Old 12-02-2018, 02:01 PM   #1077
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
So... honest question here... how is the fact that Trump is throwing out the notions of pardons and hinting at pardons and possibly even discussing pardons with people who are active witnesses not qualifying as witness tampering?

I don't get how he wasn't instantly charged with it. The things he has even hinted at more than qualify... it's no different than a member of H.A. saying something bad might happen to an individual who cooperates on an investigation, etc. That's witness tampering.

It seems ridiculous to me that he hasn't been rung up for those comments regardless of where you sit on the Trump fence.
I think it's becoming increasingly difficult for rational people to be calling for his head over his off the cuff comments. considering everything we're finding out about the previous administration and what could have been the current one. And much much more to come.
They did a good job at burying it. Not entirely difficult with a complicit media.
Regardless, everything in darkness inevitably comes to light. Eventually.
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Old 12-02-2018, 04:18 PM   #1078
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Originally Posted by welfare View Post
I think it's becoming increasingly difficult for rational people to be calling for his head over his off the cuff comments. considering everything we're finding out about the previous administration and what could have been the current one. And much much more to come.
They did a good job at burying it. Not entirely difficult with a complicit media.
Regardless, everything in darkness inevitably comes to light. Eventually.

off-the-cuff adjective
English Language Learners Definition of off-the-cuff

: not prepared in advance : done without planning or preparation

talking out of your ass
When someone says something stupid that they have no proof of. For example, "The Space Shuttle was destroyed by TERRORISTS!"
That asshat's talking out of his ass again
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Old 12-02-2018, 05:32 PM   #1079
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Still mad, huh?

FBI agents raided the home of a recognized Department of Justice whistleblower who privately delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a government watchdog, according to the whistleblower’s attorney.

The Justice Department’s inspector general was informed that the documents show that federal officials failed to investigate potential criminal activity regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and Rosatom, the Russian company that purchased Uranium One, a document reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation alleges.

The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges. Mueller is now the special counsel investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.
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Old 12-03-2018, 12:30 PM   #1080
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"Hello darkness my old friend"
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When I think about ewe, I touch myself
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Old 12-03-2018, 12:50 PM   #1081
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trump is only comfortable on stage in front of people who worship him down in the south or midwest. once he's around people who challenge him he wants to go home right now!!
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Old 12-03-2018, 01:37 PM   #1082
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He gotta go take a shit.
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Old 12-04-2018, 11:22 AM   #1083
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Old 12-05-2018, 02:32 PM   #1084
To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Found out this guy is a cyber security expert with his own firm. LOL!!!
Trump’s Cybersecurity Advisor Rudy Giuliani Thinks His Twitter Was Hacked Because Someone Took Advantage of His Typo
A missed space created a hyperlink in Giuliani’s tweet about the G-20 summit, which someone quickly took advantage of.
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 12-07-2018, 06:52 PM   #1085
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Ammon Bundy Quits Militia Movement, Defends Migrant Caravan
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 12-08-2018, 08:41 AM   #1086
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Anyone keeping up to date on the Yellow Vest movement? Anti Globalism is gaining traction and I for one am all for resisting globalism.

Berz out.
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Old 12-08-2018, 12:23 PM   #1087
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Originally Posted by Berzerker View Post
Anyone keeping up to date on the Yellow Vest movement? Anti Globalism is gaining traction and I for one am all for resisting globalism.

Berz out.
still going strong in france and spreading to other european countries. even after macron cancelled the tax. just proves that that's not what it was over, as the media tried to portray.
i think there are supposed to be a lot of protests today. even some in canada.

you can sign maxime bernier's petition against the un migration pact, which is scheduled to be signed by trudeau on monday.
still hardly anything in the media about it of course.

20 nations now have said they will not be signing it
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Old 12-08-2018, 01:23 PM   #1088
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I already signed it. The protests show the people DO have a voice!

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Old 12-08-2018, 02:09 PM   #1089
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Originally Posted by welfare View Post
still going strong in france and spreading to other european countries. even after macron cancelled the tax. just proves that that's not what it was over, as the media tried to portray.
i think there are supposed to be a lot of protests today. even some in canada.

you can sign maxime bernier's petition against the un migration pact, which is scheduled to be signed by trudeau on monday.
still hardly anything in the media about it of course.

20 nations now have said they will not be signing it

Surprised you are not at the local protest.
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 12-08-2018, 04:43 PM   #1090
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Originally Posted by welfare View Post
still going strong in france and spreading to other european countries. even after macron cancelled the tax. just proves that that's not what it was over, as the media tried to portray.
i think there are supposed to be a lot of protests today. even some in canada.

you can sign maxime bernier's petition against the un migration pact, which is scheduled to be signed by trudeau on monday.
still hardly anything in the media about it of course.

20 nations now have said they will not be signing it

Doesn't matter trudeau will sign it even if the whole nation saids no.
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Old 12-08-2018, 07:56 PM   #1091
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We, as a generation are too pretentious.

Fuck all the political correctness about race, age, gender... etc.

I mean... I'm all in support of equality. But this word in my dictionary means that everyone has potential and never have a prejudice about anything or anyone.

HOWEVER!!! It doesn't mean that everyone deserves the same treatment. Whatever one's looking to possess, be it respect, opportunity or in this case.. chance to migrate, these are privileges... NOT RIGHTS!!! And they are EARNED! Not taken!

Yes... I feel sorry for people who were born in Siria or whatever less fortunate places. However, it does not grant them rights to migrate. They should instead figure their way out. Go for a coup d'etat or something. It was YOUR COUNTRY's problem. The lack of actions by the people in YOUR COUNTRY created the shit in the first place.

Same thing goes for race, gender, ethnicity... etc. It's only fair for those who work EXTREMELY HARD in any "group" vs. those who don't give a shit and simply want to freeride the whole thing.
Nothing for now
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Old 12-08-2018, 08:20 PM   #1092
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Easy for you to say when you don't get bombs dropped on your head. Being oppressed/enslaved, etc. isn't a choice.
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Old 12-08-2018, 08:21 PM   #1093
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Yah I feel lost in today’s political climate... I’m nowhere near as far right as Trump, hell I don’t even like Andrew Scheer... but I’m not quite so lefty as Trudeau and I’m certainly not in agreement with most SJW’s and I’ve been forced to defriend some fucked up feminists before who you literally couldn’t talk to... I guess I’m pretty left leaning and I agree with many of Trudeau’s views but I have my limits for helping others and I’m definitely tired of being told I need to apologize for being a privileged (??) white guy... why can’t we just get along? Leave that shit in past generations where it belongs... I ain’t never held anyone back at work or otherwise, stupid to focus on the past instead of moving forward.

That said, even before Trudeau birthrighted SJW’s, Canada has ALWAYS been a country that doesnt favour people wanting to be successful... people in Canada are more likely to ask “why” when you say you want to make more money or be more successful than say “I do too!”... and that’s definitely one thing I’ve always admired about America, they’re hungry down there and you literally can be as big as your drive can make you. We’re all comfortable in our long johns holding beer cozies here just chilling. It is both a great thing about Canada and also very frustrating at the same time.

Great place to grow up, great place to be old.... maybe not that great for the parts in between though. That’s my take on things here.

We get too worked up about a few hundred or thousand additions from shitty places tho... hell if they can make the effort to move here and they’re vetted come on over! That’s what our forefathers did... good on them. I’d probably stop short of giving them literally everything upon arrival but other than that all the power to them.
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Old 12-08-2018, 09:16 PM   #1094
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Originally Posted by Hehe View Post
We, as a generation are too pretentious.

Fuck all the political correctness about race, age, gender... etc.

I mean... I'm all in support of equality. But this word in my dictionary means that everyone has potential and never have a prejudice about anything or anyone.

HOWEVER!!! It doesn't mean that everyone deserves the same treatment. Whatever one's looking to possess, be it respect, opportunity or in this case.. chance to migrate, these are privileges... NOT RIGHTS!!! And they are EARNED! Not taken!

Yes... I feel sorry for people who were born in Siria or whatever less fortunate places. However, it does not grant them rights to migrate. They should instead figure their way out. Go for a coup d'etat or something. It was YOUR COUNTRY's problem. The lack of actions by the people in YOUR COUNTRY created the shit in the first place.

Same thing goes for race, gender, ethnicity... etc. It's only fair for those who work EXTREMELY HARD in any "group" vs. those who don't give a shit and simply want to freeride the whole thing.
Canada has signed this charter. FYI.

"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world"

Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations

I do agree we can't be letting anyone in just because they're fleeing. Primarily because there'll be a good chance that who we're letting in will be terrorists/rebels/anarchists themselves.

We should be letting in people who are legitimately fleeing their situation and want to live a peaceful life where they can contribute to the community.
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Old 12-08-2018, 09:33 PM   #1095
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post

Surprised you are not at the local protest.
I watched like half of that... If that is what our country has become, I'm leaving the next chance I get.
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Old 12-09-2018, 12:03 AM   #1096
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Originally Posted by Nlkko View Post
Easy for you to say when you don't get bombs dropped on your head. Being oppressed/enslaved, etc. isn't a choice.
It's not called the U.N. Refugee pact
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Old 12-09-2018, 12:47 AM   #1097
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taking in a fraction of a percent of citizens from impoverished countries is not going to solve anything. And will cost this country a huge amount of money. It already has and we're not even close to this government's targets. Add to that Trudeau deficit spending, interest rates rising, inability to move our number one export, and the highest income to debt ratio in the developed world.
When is it a good time to start worrying?

And we're also taking working age citizens from these countries who could be beneficial to rebuilding their own.
By all measures, aside from the image of virtue, this is a really really dumb thing to do, IMO.

And instead of focusing foreign aid on investment in other countries for things like infrastructure, clean drinking water and electricity (the necessities. some of which people in our own country aren't privy to), this government has chosen to focus on gender equality and inclusiveness in their foreign aid spending.


Canada?s Feminist International Assistance Policy
Gold is the money of kings;
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Last edited by welfare; 12-09-2018 at 01:23 AM.
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Old 12-09-2018, 08:38 AM   #1098
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I agree with the latter half of your post, but the cost of people coming here I think is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things... we allow rich people over form other countries (China anyone?) and they just fuck with our systems anyway and contribute zero tax dollars besides sales tax shit to the country... which one is worse?

I agree foreign policy should focus on teaching other places to fish so they can feed themselves......... not how to asexually reproduce other gender neutral fishermXn lol
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Old 12-09-2018, 11:40 AM   #1099
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
I agree with the latter half of your post, but the cost of people coming here I think is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things... we allow rich people over form other countries (China anyone?) and they just fuck with our systems anyway and contribute zero tax dollars besides sales tax shit to the country... which one is worse?
So by making migration FOR ANY REASON a fundamental human right, it's going to help that situation?

This is a union of unelected, unaccountable officials dictating our immigration policy.
What about the rights of Canadians?

Objective 17 of the pact commits the government to “promote independent, objective and quality reporting of media outlets, including internet-based information, including by sensitizing and educating media professionals on migration-related issues and terminology, investing in ethical reporting standards and advertising and stopping allocation of public funding or material support to media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants, in full respect for the freedom of the media.”

And what happens when negative aspects of this policy arise? Will those be considered 'xenophobic'? Or 'racist'? Even if they are factual? And who decides this?

We keep being told "it's non binding". So then what would be the point of it?
The same was said of the Paris climate accord. It hasn't stopped us from putting severe strain on our economy because of it.
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Old 12-09-2018, 12:17 PM   #1100
what manner of phaggotry is this
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Interesting that trudeau basically bought the media in the weeks leading up to the signing, given the objective you just quoted isn't it.
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