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Old 07-19-2019, 10:03 AM   #3401
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retarded...50 is too fast in the side street when both sides are parked to the brim with 1.5 car width of roadway left

i know people get failed for going too slow but is there a law you can't be 5kph under speed limit?
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Old 07-19-2019, 11:46 AM   #3402
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are tow hooks legal?

some idiot backed into me and i can't find the tow hook cover

getting a shop to paint a replacement would be costly

my insurance has low deductible but i want to retain original paint and not go through ppf again for a minor blemish
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Old 07-20-2019, 07:55 PM   #3403
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero View Post
are tow hooks legal?

some idiot backed into me and i can't find the tow hook cover

getting a shop to paint a replacement would be costly

my insurance has low deductible but i want to retain original paint and not go through ppf again for a minor blemish
not entirely sure of the answer to your question, but what type of car do you drive? towhook caps are usually fairly inexpensive, and come order by color (prepainted) from a lot of manufacturers
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Old 07-21-2019, 11:16 AM   #3404
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the part is inexpensive but comes unpainted

bought a touch-up spray can lol

others just use faux-cf wrap/hydro-dip or plastidip since it's sucha tiny piece
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Old 07-23-2019, 01:04 PM   #3405
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Originally Posted by J.Bell View Post
The law for side streets is 50km unless marked otherwise, regardless if there's a painted center line or not.

The motion was passed not long ago. I don't know why riding school doesn't know about updates but maybe some useful info to pass onto them. It effects Vancouver only but we could see it spread BC wide.
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Old 07-23-2019, 02:01 PM   #3406
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a pilot project doesn't mean it's the's still 50km, 30km is only on select roads anyways, not all side streets
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Old 07-23-2019, 05:39 PM   #3407
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Originally Posted by J.Bell View Post
I also disagreed with my driving school, and explained I would never drive 50km down a street like that, as it doesn't seem safe to me, but they do this everyday and explained ICBC wants you to drive as per the rules regardless of the situation. If the sign says 50km, you drive 50km and if there is no sign always drive 50km. He said you can easily fail for driving to slow, and that's the #1 reason people fail motorcycle drivers tests, driving too slow.
I can attest to this, I failed my motorcycle test the first time for going too slow.

Sorry, just trying to be safe...
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Old 07-23-2019, 10:00 PM   #3408
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I’d like to hear more from what comes out of this
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Old 07-24-2019, 12:34 AM   #3409
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Old 07-24-2019, 06:32 PM   #3410
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Originally Posted by JSALES View Post

I’d like to hear more from what comes out of this
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Old 07-24-2019, 11:01 PM   #3411
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Haha yah modified car registry with VPD to make sure we're all in compliance.........

Sounds like the car enthusiast version of German officers going door to door prior to WW2 asking Jews to identify themselves for their own safety.
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Old 07-25-2019, 05:44 AM   #3412
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Originally Posted by FatalCloud View Post
Perhaps this is true (I have no idea who the poster is) but he's implying Cain admitted to having a vendetta against people with modified cars. Not only that, he's taken this vendetta so far as to train a whole goon squad to execute this?

I still don't buy into the idea that a professional VPD member got a little butt hurt from some punk kid on the internet. Perhaps he's always been a problem cop. Maybe this is why he's stuck down in traffic where he can do minimal harm. I have no idea, and he certainly isn't going to tell us.

Also, 137 pages to arrive at Hitler. I suppose that's better than average?
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Old 07-25-2019, 05:44 AM   #3413
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And so you get inspected and add another car mod next month. What then? Self declare immediately?
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Old 07-25-2019, 08:40 AM   #3414
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Originally Posted by Dbone View Post

Also, 137 pages to arrive at Hitler. I suppose that's better than average?
I realize the gravity of what I said and hesitated to post it, but I qualified it saying it’s the car enthusiast version and therefore most People would understand I wasn’t making a direct comparison. I couldn’t personally think of another example where a group is asked to single themselves out to authorities nor did I say Cain = Hitler, just that the process of a group voluntarily “incriminating” oneself to an authority structure under the guise of making oneself safer is the identical process as that time in history.

If you have another comparable to use then please feel free to suggest it.

Originally Posted by Dbone View Post
Perhaps this is true (I have no idea who the poster is) but he's implying Cain admitted to having a vendetta against people with modified cars. Not only that, he's taken this vendetta so far as to train a whole goon squad to execute this?
I can only speak for myself, and maybe I'm jaded, but I felt a little bit sick reading the IG post. I have a very hard time believing after all the yelling, irrational statements and condescending behaviour to people that never deserved it (westopher comes to mind!) that suddenly Cain is so reasonable and respectful. Did all the complaints finally get through to him? Maybe. I highly doubt it though. The whole feeling I got from the description of the conversation the Skyline owner had with Cain was akin to a cuckold letting some guy fuck with his shit. "Yes sir, yes sir, it was so wrong of me to put wheels and springs on my car, of course sir, you are right, you know best, thank you for looking out for the safety of me and everyone on the streets, yes sir we should all be compliant with your discretionary interpretation of some vague rules, I will disassemble my car now and fashion it again in a way that you approve of. Thank you again for the ticket and the tow and informing me of how wrong I was to even think of modifying my car sir. Can we meet again for coffee so we can discuss more ways you can tell me I'm wrong in the future? Don't worry I will pay for the coffee too."

Fuck that, giving him all the power and validating him like that. Such a bitch move. I'm no tough guy and I'm not advocating being rude to the police, but Skyline owner thinks he's doing anyone a favour? He needs to give his head a shake. Mutual agreement on what is safe or not? Why do we as a community and the VPD have to have a proper understanding of each other and build a relationship on this issue? Because 1 stubborn officer decided its his reason for living? In my mind that understanding involves us just having to do whatever VPD says regardless of whether its actual law or not because there's zero recourse for the punishment levied against everyone who doesn't comply with what appear to be VERY discretionary rules open to interpretation by people who lack even basic mechanical knowledge. That's not a fucking relationship... that's just being pushed around. Does he even read his own words? Sigh...............

Traum did it right, challenged the rules themselves in an effort to make the laws clear so we know where we stand without any of this imaginary BS and trying to get something put in place where we have the ability to challenge the authority like any other traffic incident, keeping their powers in check. No one here wants to do things that are illegal, we just don't even know what legal is anymore! What Traum did is real democracy and positive change, whether he was 100% successful or not is irrelevant, he did it the right way and hopefully he won't be the last one to try.
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Old 07-25-2019, 09:03 AM   #3415
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Originally Posted by Traum View Post
Hello RS,

Unless something dramatically beyond my expectations happen, I think this post will mark the conclusion of my attempt to fight the VPD regarding their N&O practices.

As you may recall, after the Police Board Meeting about a month ago where the Police Board dismissed my complaint based on the VPD's recommendation, I have a 20 business day window to submit a response to the OPCC to ask for a review of the police board's decision. I have just finished writing up my rebuttal last night / this morning, and it was submitted to the OPCC this morning. If you are interested in what I have written, the 11 page letter is available here. IMO, this rebuttal is more hastily and more poorly put together, esp when compared against my original complaint. Unfortunately, this is how the circumstances have caused things to pan out despite my best efforts.

As I have probably stated here in the thread more than a few times, I continue to believe that the current VI system is severely flawed and unfair. I continue to stand by what I have written and said in both my original complaint, as well as the most recent rebuttal. Disappointingly, I think Chief Palmer's dismissive attitude as seen in the June Police Board meeting is indicative of how the VPD will view my complaint -- they do not fully understand where or how this is unjust, and quite frankly, they probably don't care. As such, I expect the VPD to more or less continue with their flawed "enforcement" of N&O as before, but as suggested by Jasonturbo, they will probably have smarted up a bit, and cleaned up their practices a bit so that any flaws in their enforcement practices wouldn't be as obvious, thereby giving us fewers excuses to pick on those flaws.

And in the end, maybe that is all my complaint can achieve. To have the VPD clean up their act a bit so that they will be more careful with their word choices when they try to pick on our rides. And for us, now that we are more aware of their practices of picking on us, we'll be more careful to maintain a lower profile so as to not draw as much attention to ourselves.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who have helped me throughout this complaint process. Whether it was providing me with information and suggestions, or sharing your stories or your friends' stories of how they have been unfairly picked on, I appreciate all the interactions that have come out of this. Especially in regards to the rebuttal report, I want to thank Aria Auto Service for their time and the research work that they have put into to help me put one of the rebuttal arguments together.

Good luck and safe travels.
I forgot to ask or see, did anyone bring up the fact that they were forcing people to go to the dealerships? and were re-issuing VIs to cars that didn't go to dealerships but went to any ICBC approved inspection facility?

one case being that Monique girl or whatever and her Jeep?
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Old 07-25-2019, 09:23 AM   #3416
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Might be that doczilla is an actual doctor and maybe there's mutual respect between emergency workers.

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Old 07-25-2019, 10:15 AM   #3417
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Originally Posted by E90M3 View Post
I forgot to ask or see, did anyone bring up the fact that they were forcing people to go to the dealerships? and were re-issuing VIs to cars that didn't go to dealerships but went to any ICBC approved inspection facility?

one case being that Monique girl or whatever and her Jeep?
Yes Traum brought this up extensively in both letters he wrote
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Old 07-25-2019, 10:52 AM   #3418
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I'm a little confused why JJ 'only' got a box 2. He's got significantly more drastic modifications to that GTR than many other cars that get box 1s. Why is it that the kid trying to get to work whose only car is an Integra on, say, coils with an exhaust (just an example, not an actual case), is getting a box 1, but this nutso GTR is getting a box 2 and being told to fix it in 30 days. Not to take anything away from JJ, but I would argue to the grave that that is a huuuge imbalance, placing a much larger burden on Integra kid than the box 2 on JJ. Is it the conversation that JJ had with Cain? Maybe the fact he's got, dare I say, clout, not just because he's big on IG (meh) but also being a doctor and therefore a valued member of society?

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I'm posting this as someone considerably closer to being Integra kid than JJ. I don't have money for a tow/impound, nor do I have the money to go for a "pre-inspection" to fix whatever needs to be done for the actual inspection, which I would also have to pay for. A box 1 would ruin me compared to him, transiting to work takes 50% longer ONE WAY than a return trip in a car, not to mention I have to pay the YVR fee on the Canada Line each day going in. Then I have to take the nightbus because my shift ends after the Skytrain does, which will take two hours itself. And then I have my other job on my days off that I thankfully carpool to to make ends meet. All of this extra time and extra money takes away from the time I could be using to fix my car, therefore lengthening the process. JJ's got other cars to drive, I think he'll be okay.

I don't mean to sound like a whiny bitch here, but I am horrified of the idea of getting a box 1. Seeing this interaction, although seemingly positive, doesn't make me feel better at all. And don't even get me started on that modified car registry idea.
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Old 07-25-2019, 10:57 AM   #3419
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The story made it seem like they've met before through a mutual friend and that's probably why he got leniency, imo.
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Old 07-25-2019, 11:08 AM   #3420
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Fast forward: Cain photography getting @ on Skyline owners IG after doing his wedding / baby photos / whatever... but still screwing other car owners on a the daily just for grins
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Old 07-25-2019, 01:28 PM   #3421
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
Fuck that, giving him all the power and validating him like that. Such a bitch move. I'm no tough guy and I'm not advocating being rude to the police, but Skyline owner thinks he's doing anyone a favour? He needs to give his head a shake. Mutual agreement on what is safe or not? Why do we as a community and the VPD have to have a proper understanding of each other and build a relationship on this issue? Because 1 stubborn officer decided its his reason for living? In my mind that understanding involves us just having to do whatever VPD says regardless of whether its actual law or not because there's zero recourse for the punishment levied against everyone who doesn't comply with what appear to be VERY discretionary rules open to interpretation by people who lack even basic mechanical knowledge. That's not a fucking relationship... that's just being pushed around. Does he even read his own words? Sigh...............

Traum did it right, challenged the rules themselves in an effort to make the laws clear so we know where we stand without any of this imaginary BS and trying to get something put in place where we have the ability to challenge the authority like any other traffic incident, keeping their powers in check. No one here wants to do things that are illegal, we just don't even know what legal is anymore! What Traum did is real democracy and positive change, whether he was 100% successful or not is irrelevant, he did it the right way and hopefully he won't be the last one to try.
Thanks for stating what is on many's minds - that slew of posts by JJ is much ado about nothing.

WHAT was discussed? What are Cain's issues? What reparations were brought up? Hello?

There was nothing in there of substance beyond a circle jerk between the two and JJ's own superiority of 'hey guys, I know a guy, check me out!'

Only thing missing from that IG post is a "don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe!" at the end of it.

My sincere thanks to Rick again for going through proper channels, striving for meaningful change, and truly seeking a resolve for the community as a whole rather than a self-promotional puff piece.
Feedback 11-0-0
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Old 07-25-2019, 01:44 PM   #3422
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Yah tell me about it, he acts all altruistic but if you dig into the comments on his photos he talks about possibly registering his car (illegally I might add) in Alberta, Washington or Nevada as a solution for himself to stay modified. Then someone challenged him on what was actually discussed and he blames the lack of details on space concerns trying to write on the IG platform. IG wasn't Twitter last time I checked bro.

What a goof. He can't even spell Cain properly half the time (he usually writes it as Caine).

Also, you need go no further than another example in his comments where he's acting oblivious to getting preferential treatment from Cain.... Skyline got let go without a tow while someone in a FR-S said they were pulled over right behind him and got towed. What are the chances some random FR-S was more illegally modified than a bagged GT-R? Very little... crooked ass cop.
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Old 07-25-2019, 02:02 PM   #3423
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Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS View Post
Might be that doczilla is an actual doctor and maybe there's mutual respect between emergency workers.

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He is an actual doctor.

“DOCZILLA” profiles Vancouver physician and automotive enthusiast, DR. JJ Dubec and his infamous Liberty Walk Nissan R-35 GT-R. With world-wide recognition in the automotive tuning scene, JJ’s GT-R has received endless praise from countless magazines and after market company endorsements (AirRex, Armytrix, Skyforged) as well as secured a strong fan base of millions of people including Japanese tuning legend, Wataru Kato Son of Liberty Walk fame.

Through the film, JJ describes his experiences of meeting Kato for the first time during his exclusive invite to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas. Kato also gives his personal insight into JJ’s GT-R build and talks about the meaningful impact his own modified cars have had on the automotive tuning world.
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Old 07-25-2019, 04:41 PM   #3424
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Oh wow. Wealthy people getting preferential treatment from law enforcement in Vancouver. That’s super weird.

I do want to be clear again though, in my experience the combative behaviour was not from Cain. He was very polite, even though he blatantly falsely stated the CVSE and MVA are the same thing to me in the interaction and the officer who stopped me gave me a ticket for being out of compliance with the MVA then cited a section of the CVSE.
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Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82 View Post
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 07-25-2019, 05:41 PM   #3425
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the whining on this page is seriously next level...the salt is too much

this has nothing to do with being privileged to get preferential treatment, VPD has pulled over plenty of high-end sports car for impound/VI...this is vancouver you don't think they've seen it all? they don't give a rats ass if you're in a mismatched tercel or a limited edition italian

again, if you got pulled over for 15 over, are you gonna stomp on the ground and throw a tantrum to the officer that someone else just blew past 20 over and didn't get pulled over?

i'm out of this discussion for good, if you guys think you have a better idea then follow through because we've now hit a new low turning against ourselves and ridiculing other enthusiasts

140 pages + almost a year later and it's still 95% crying, 5% actually putting it in action...thank you again to those who's put in time/effort for the community, everyone else just sell your car or cross vancouver off the map

off to a cuckoldry of a circle jerk now
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