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08-10-2019, 02:14 PM
#3451 | Banned (ABWS)?
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Originally Posted by clevernickname My run in with vpd today. Cambie and 41st two motorcycle cops pulled over a taxi. they were standing behind it. Traffic wasn't moving so I was there about 2 car lengths behind them. They were staring at my car. Traffic started moving, cop got in front of my car. I have no front plate.
Cop sked if I was alberta or BC. I said BC. told me to pull over.
Asked if I knew the laws about front plate, said yes sir.
Asked if I got a ticket before, said yes sir.
Asked why I didn't have it on, said some cops told me they didn't care.
He said well the law is the law and since I got a ticket before I could be looking at a VI to make sure it gets put on. Asked if I wanted that. I said no. Told me to mount it cause it would get unwanted attention from police.
Then complimented my exhaust, said he liked the throatiness. Said he had an 89 GT before. Got to talking. Now has an s4. Asked about what exhaust mods I did, catback or axleback, if it was a Borla, etc. Said to be careful cause my exhaust would definitely fail if he got his decibel meter out and that they're mainly targeting excessively loud cars and aggressive driving.
Anyway, he let me go without even checking my ID or running my plate. Got incredibly lucky.
Just thought I'd share. Was a really chill dude. YMMV. Gonna buy a lottery ticket and put my front plate on..
Maybe it paid off to be polite and honest or he was just in a good mood. | Wasn't it speculated Cain has a modified S4? Was that Cain in a very good mood? lol
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08-10-2019, 02:17 PM
#3452 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by AzNightmare Doesn't Cain have a modified S4? Was that Cain in a very good mood? lol | That's what I thought. But he said stock. Anyone have a pic or description of cain?
My guy was probably early to mid 30s, shaven beard, aviators, white, looked pretty fit, tallish.
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08-10-2019, 02:17 PM
#3453 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by trollface You are a brave man running around van with no front plate in the middle of all this. | You're sugarcoating it, i'm being dumb AF tbh.
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08-16-2019, 01:36 PM
#3454 | I subscribe to the Fight Club ONLY
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BURNABY (NEWS 1130) – Too many dangerous trucks are on Lower Mainland roads, according to Burnaby RCMP, which pulled a quarter of the commercial vehicles it stopped during another traffic blitz this month. Of the 65 trucks Mounties inspected in one day, 16 were taken out of service because of safety hazards, including one that was pulled over just the day before for not properly securing its load. In all, 55 drivers were given tickets and police identified 51 mechanical defects.
“What’s most surprising is the numbers we’re seeing of vehicles that are not in compliance,” Cpl. Daniela Panesar said. “I think what we’re seeing is maybe there is a lack of knowledge of what the requirements are and that is why some of these truckers are not following the regulations.”
(full story from the above link)
| I came across something like this yesterday on Marine Way, and there were multiple commercial trucks of different kinds being pulled over for this. The police (RCMP, I believe) as well as CVSE inspectors were on location, and this is the kind of vehicle inspection that I would support. Unfortunately, the traffic cop-only type of inspection, targetting sports / mod cars for the sake of simply being sports cars / mod cars -- is what most of us see on a regular basis.
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08-16-2019, 02:59 PM
#3455 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Traum, any update on the meeting with Cain, has the date and time been set and are you going?
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08-16-2019, 03:06 PM
#3456 | I subscribe to the Fight Club ONLY
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Originally Posted by FatalCloud Traum, any update on the meeting with Cain, has the date and time been set and are you going? | Unfortunately, not at all, and I know it is mid August already (as suggested by Cain and the lady in contact with him). I'm also getting tapped in multiple directions, esp from the home and family front, so I don't actually know when would be a good date/time for me to suggest even if I wanted to suggest something.
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08-17-2019, 09:12 PM
#3457 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
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Originally Posted by Traum
I came across something like this yesterday on Marine Way, and there were multiple commercial trucks of different kinds being pulled over for this. The police (RCMP, I believe) as well as CVSE inspectors were on location, and this is the kind of vehicle inspection that I would support. Unfortunately, the traffic cop-only type of inspection, targetting sports / mod cars for the sake of simply being sports cars / mod cars -- is what most of us see on a regular basis. | They actually blitz that area quite often. They even had the RCMP hiding amongst the CVSE guys catching speeders. Basically you'd see the CVSE guys and just a little further back, theres an RCMP with his radar when you arent suspecting. I saw it when i was on the other direction of traffic so I knew he would be there on my way back.
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08-18-2019, 02:04 AM
#3458 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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Cain was spotted a few days ago pulling over cars for VI, soutbound Boundary Road and SE Marine Dr.
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08-20-2019, 10:10 PM
#3459 | I subscribe to the Fight Club ONLY
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Hello RS,
I'd like to share the following news with you that I have just received earlier today from the OPCC: Quote:
Dear Mayor Stewart:
Re: Service or Policy Complaint #2019-004 (LEUNG)
On June 25, 2019, the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (OPCC) received a copy of your concluding letter to Mr. Rick Leung, dated June 25, 2019. Your letter detailed the steps taken with respect to the complaint submitted by Mr. Leung and provided reasons for your decision.
As well, you advised Mr. Leung of his right to request a review of the matter by our office if he disagreed with your decision. On July 12, 2019, the OPCC received a letter from Mr. Leung disagreeing with some of the Vancouver Police Board’s conclusions. According to Mr. Leung, he appreciated the preparation of supplemental in-service training by the Vancouver Police Department (VPD), but is still concerned about the fairness of the Notice and Order (N&O) process and mechanism. Mr. Leung also proposed that amendments to the relevant legislation should be made. Mr. Leung’s materials can be made available to you upon request.
The OPCC recognizes the need to ensure vehicles are safe to operate on our highways, and is aware of public concerns in relation to the VPD’s enforcement of the traffic rules and regulations with regard to those safety needs.
Having had the opportunity to examine the Board’s decision, this office recommends, pursuant to section 173 of the Police Act, that the Board consider a further course of action as follows:
1) To assess whether enforcement action taken by the Vancouver Police Department is arbitrary or is consistent with the relevant lawful authorities and department policies. It is recommended that a sample of Notice and Orders issued by the VPD be audited to determine the number of vehicles that were found to be in compliance with the law. This sample could include issues related to wheel alignment/camber and exhaust systems.
2) The audit should assess VPD compliance with departmental policy related to the driver’s choice of which Designated Inspection Facility (DIF) the driver chooses to use (VPD Regulations and Procedures Manual, s. 1.10.13(viii) – Traffic Violations – Unsafe Vehicles)
3) Determine whether any changes are required to VPD policy following this audit.
The OPCC takes no position on legislative amendments as that is not part of our mandate.
Andrea Spindler
Deputy Police Complaint Commissioner
Copy: Chief Constable Adam Palmer, VPD/PSS
| The contents of the letter are very slightly reformatted to make it easier to read here on the forum.
As I have mentioned at the time when my review request was sent to the OPCC, my expectations of anything useful coming out of the request were very low. So when the OPCC email came in, I was very pleasantly surprised to see that at least some aspects of my review request was granted. It does not address all the concerns that I have in either my original complaint, or in the subsequent review request; it also doesn't guarantee anything that would improve the unfortunate VI situation that we are still facing right now. But it does afford another opportunity to have the situation evaluated. Especially with the situation where the police officer is dictating which DIF(s) the inspection is to take place, I am blindly hopeful that we will see some small improvements there.
As far as item #1 is concerned, I don't actually know how that can be properly done (by the VPD, obviously). I can potentially see how an N&O-hit vehicle might leave a paper trail of failed inspections behind before finally passing the CVSE inspection. However, from just the paper trail alone, I don't see how anyone can accurately determine whether a vehicle has been issued an N&O when it is in fact compliant. My concern here is that the VPD will simply double down on its stance that at the time when the N&O was issued, the violations are there, but when the inspection took place, every problem they saw has already been fixed, so the N&O was justified.
For #2, I want to emphasis that my interpretation of the current MVAR is that the police have the authority to dictate which inspection facility (DIF) the vehicle is to be taken to for inspection. If you look at it that way, the police is complying with departmental policy! What I have been arguing, esp in the review request, is that the practice is unfair, both to the vehicle owner as well as all non-dealership DIFs.
I don't really know where these OPCC recommendations will lead us to, and the OPCC letter does not include a deadline by which the recommendations much be completed. From the audits that I have seen at work, they are always rather involved and a major PITA for everyone (other than the auditors). The results also take a bit of time to compile, so I wouldn't expect to hear from either the VPD or the OPCC about the results for a while. But for now, all I can say is that I am very, very happy to see that what started off as an angry lashing of the police has turned into something that has a realstic hope of changing the situation for the better.
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09-01-2019, 03:13 PM
#3460 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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i received a VI from Cain yesterday around the Rupert Station area.
10+ years of having my car with no issues, however my car bought pre-owned from the dealership with an aftermarket exhaust and reflectors (non-amber)
He asked if i did the mods myself , where i told him honestly it came with the dealership. At this point with my clean driving record , i thought maybe a warning, but no.
So i decided to do some online research on how to proceed on , what best course of action, and to find a shop to fix the issues. Then i came across this thread.
My thoughts: Was he just doing his job, yes (my thoughts yesterday) not so much today.
So, i'm curious now. Has Cain ever let someone off with just a warning?
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09-01-2019, 03:35 PM
#3461 | Media Officer / MOD
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Originally Posted by nismook i received a VI from Cain yesterday around the Rupert Station area.
10+ years of having my car with no issues, however my car bought pre-owned from the dealership with an aftermarket exhaust and reflectors (non-amber)
He asked if i did the mods myself , where i told him honestly it came with the dealership. At this point with my clean driving record , i thought maybe a warning, but no.
So i decided to do some online research on how to proceed on , what best course of action, and to find a shop to fix the issues. Then i came across this thread.
My thoughts: Was he just doing his job, yes (my thoughts yesterday) not so much today.
So, i'm curious now. Has Cain ever let someone off with just a warning? | Thing is he doesn't have to a VI is technically a warning. It basically states he believes there's something wrong and you'll have to go check it.
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09-01-2019, 03:43 PM
#3462 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by nismook My thoughts: Was he just doing his job, yes (my thoughts yesterday) not so much today.
So, i'm curious now. Has Cain ever let someone off with just a warning? | He probably is doing his job. But how word got up to management about this whole thing, is a different question.
Like Aznboi said, technically a VI is a warning. Just a drawn out process. He could have given you a Box 3 VI, which is just fix it, and show the cop. It's also not unheard of that, if VPD can't get you for a VI, they'll give you an excessive speeding and a bill for the impound.
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09-02-2019, 04:53 AM
#3463 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by nismook i received a VI from Cain yesterday around the Rupert Station area.
10+ years of having my car with no issues, however my car bought pre-owned from the dealership with an aftermarket exhaust and reflectors (non-amber)
He asked if i did the mods myself , where i told him honestly it came with the dealership. At this point with my clean driving record , i thought maybe a warning, but no.
So i decided to do some online research on how to proceed on , what best course of action, and to find a shop to fix the issues. Then i came across this thread.
My thoughts: Was he just doing his job, yes (my thoughts yesterday) not so much today.
So, i'm curious now. Has Cain ever let someone off with just a warning? | Pics of car?
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09-02-2019, 04:27 PM
#3464 | Captain Happy Bubble is my Homeboy
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Was just talking to my wife on the phone and she tells me that she saw White Lambo on Burrard and 12th approx 1hr ago, pulled over by 2 motorcycle officers. Officers were walking around taking a good look over the car. Owner was standing on side with papers in his hands. One of the officers then took a screwdriver and removed the plates.
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09-02-2019, 05:38 PM
#3465 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Yep the VI blitz definitely isn't over. Personally saw a mexi flush EK civic get VI'd yesterday on Robson and many more accounts just from yesterday alone.
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09-02-2019, 09:11 PM
#3466 | VAC Head Rotang Mod
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Originally Posted by Fei-Ji haha i can taste the cum in my mouth | |
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09-02-2019, 09:20 PM
#3467 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by Raid3n | Based on his IG, I would say, 100% deserves a VI. Thank you for doing your job.
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09-02-2019, 10:22 PM
#3468 | VAC Head Rotang Mod
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yeah this one i don't argue with. shit falling off and missing bumper cover
2020 ND2 Miata - Polymetal Grey, Red Nappa Leather
1993 Subaru WRX (2004 WRX engine, COBB access port)
2001 CBR600F4i My Feedback (10-0-0) Quote:
Originally Posted by Fei-Ji haha i can taste the cum in my mouth | |
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09-03-2019, 06:20 AM
#3469 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Lol dude, that car is a mess.
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09-03-2019, 07:09 AM
#3470 | RS Veteran
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What I find more interesting is his write up on that post.
"Unsafe vehicles can and will be removed from the road... Even if they are plated from out of Province"
I thought the assumption was they can't VI or tow cars that are out of Province.
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09-03-2019, 09:01 AM
#3471 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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but what about that lambo in the IG photos? Pretty sure those tire/suspension specs are not stock?
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09-03-2019, 10:43 AM
#3472 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by Traum I don't really know where these OPCC recommendations will lead us to, and the OPCC letter does not include a deadline by which the recommendations much be completed. | Recommendations are just that, recommendations.
The VPD, at their own discretion, may or may not elect to action the recommendations put forth by the OPCC.
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Originally Posted by jasonturbo Follow me on Instagram @jasonturtle if you want to feel better about your life | |
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09-03-2019, 12:31 PM
#3473 | Captain Happy Bubble is my Homeboy
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Extending VI to out of province vehicles?? Can anyone explain how he justifies that.
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09-03-2019, 01:07 PM
#3474 | I don't get it
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Heck no need to even look at the older RHD jdm cars thanks to Cain and Christensen now I barely even see R35's in van anymore.
Love to see him run into DOCZILLA
Last edited by Digitalis; 09-03-2019 at 01:26 PM.
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09-03-2019, 01:38 PM
#3475 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by Digitalis Love to see him run into DOCZILLA | He did run into DOCZILLA. He got a box 2. They're having a productive discussion apparently.
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