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Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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I know someone that just got an excessive and evasion. Car was impounded. Cop said he was clocked going 110 in a 50. Pulled over blocks later. Said his valentine one never went off so not possible he was clocked.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
I know someone that just got an excessive and evasion. Car was impounded. Cop said he was clocked going 110 in a 50. Pulled over blocks later. Said his valentine one never went off so not possible he was clocked.
Also I've heard that instead of giving VIs they're giving excessive and evading tickets now LOL. So if they can't give you a VI they're giving you the latter.
Not sure how many cases of this tho.
It was posted on the Dubberz Facebook group. The guy said the police officer gave him a box 2 for being too low.
He has an exhaust as well but not sure how loud.
re: excess speeding & evasion:
you mean they had to chase after him?
he must've been flying down a 50 zone
yeah that has nothing to do with VI...more like don't want people to kill another doctor making left turns
So now vpd are just handing out excessive and evasion tickets?
Forgive me but this is really starting to sound like a reach.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
lol we don't even know the half the story of a single case and you're already making conclusions?
Were you responding to me?
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: North vancouver
Posts: 13,054
Thanked 33,228 Times in 7,811 Posts
Failed 217 Times in 165 Posts
Originally Posted by R1CED`
^ the Audi has 99 problems but wheel gap aint one
re: excess speeding & evasion:
you mean they had to chase after him?
he must've been flying down a 50 zone
yeah that has nothing to do with VI...more like don't want people to kill another doctor making left turns
No. I mean no one went after him and a different cop pulled him over away from where it apparently happened.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
Been lurking this thread but just logged in to say if anybody know the owner of the black S13 (mismatched paint, maybe over fenders, maybe rocket bunny style wing and gold volk gtc looking wheels) in front of the Porsche dealer on terminal to be careful driving around.
Was following two officers in a grey crown Vic eastbound on terminal, when they came to a dead stop next to your car and held up traffic for about 10-15 seconds both officers turned their heads right at your car, before speeding up again and quickly pulling into the self storage car wash area and turning around.
Watch out my dude, feeling like it’s us vs them out there, and hoped I could help one of our own.
Been lurking this thread but just logged in to say if anybody know the owner of the black S13 (mismatched paint, maybe over fenders, maybe rocket bunny style wing and gold volk gtc looking wheels) in front of the Porsche dealer on terminal to be careful driving around.
Was following two officers in a grey crown Vic eastbound on terminal, when they came to a dead stop next to your car and held up traffic for about 10-15 seconds both officers turned their heads right at your car, before speeding up again and quickly pulling into the self storage car wash area and turning around.
Watch out my dude, feeling like it’s us vs them out there, and hoped I could help one of our own.
I messaged the owner of that car. Thanks for the heads up!
I am new to RevScene since my latest VI. Figured I might as well give my account considering the situation at hand.
I got a Box 1 VI from Officer Cain on October 24th, just North of E49th on Kerr st. I was driving my 1992 BMW 325I which by alot of people's standard would be considered something along the lines of a Hotboi vehicle (7* Front 4* rear, Cut fenders, seats, steering wheel, gutted, Hood pins, ETC.) Its not my first Box 1, likely wont be my last. For the record I WITHOUT A DOUBT DESERVED A VI, if you go by the letter of the law. That being said I am the first person to point out the fact that I pass countless 2001 Honda Civics with rust holes in the rockers and brakes that you can see the scoring on from the next lane. In my eyes, those are the people that SHOULD be getting a VI, for having an "Unsafe Vehicle", where as I spend 4 nights a week under my vehicle, doing maintenance and ensuring that it performs to a T for my needs. But that is a whole different discussion.
I was pulled over by Officer Cain, in his unmarked mid-sized SUV while heading South-bound, in traffic, minding my own business at around 9:00 am. He immediately told me that he would be presenting me with a Box 1 VI and the vehicle would be towed. He took some photos, asked me some questions that very quickly proved that he knew damn near nothing about the MVA or cars in general. He performed a sort of "road-side Inspection" by asking my to turn on my headlights, highbeams, turn signals and brake lights. All of which worked flawlessly. He then asked me to "pull my handbrake all the way up, and then "put the car in gear and let off the clutch"... Nothing happened, he then asked me to "give the car some throttle" and once my car began to creep through the 25 year old handbrake, he informed me that "this was not acceptable" and it was another point against me towards a VI. He also mentioned that "visible camber" was one of the reasons he knew my car was "illegal", which is one of the most unaware and unknowledgeable blanket statements I have ever heard. How many vehicles from factory have "visible camber"? He then went back to his vehicle where he wrote my ticket ($109) and a VI which stated that it "must be done at a BMW Dealer". He then proceeded to ask me if my horn worked (Aftermarket button on a Momo Leather Wheel), and once I showed him that it did work, he then scratched out the line on the VI notice about "no horn". After all of the nonsense that came out of his mouth and the fantastic line of "I know alot about cars because I hand out plenty of VIs", he proceeded to tell me that he had called a tow truck and it would be here soon. At which point he told me to put my 4-way flashers on and he left the scene. I was in the right line, on a right hand turn, in morning traffic... After about 20 minutes and watching as 3 different vehicles locked their brakes up and nearly re-ended my car, the tow truck showed up and I was immediately asked "where is the officer" to which I replied "he left", to which the tow truck driver replied "Weird, I would have just left it if was me". I then towed the vehicle to my place of work and am in the midst of getting it to pass a VI at the shop of my choosing as an officer cannot tell you where to get the VI done.
I want to stress again... My car was ABSOLUTELY deserving of a VI visually (aggressive ride hight and camber) so I am not for a second saying I have an issue with that. I am however here to tell my story of how Officer Cain treated me like another check on his to-do-list and fed me a massive amount of bullshit MVA information and demonstrated that he has no idea of what makes a vehicle safe or dangerous, then left me in the road (with no plates) to cause havoc on Kerr Street for over 20 minutes.
It is clear that Officer Cain is acting out of spite and making decisions that are unfair and without cause (at times). I see it as a simple situation of if he wants to treat me like a piece of garbage then I will do the same to him. I will pass a VI at the facility of my choosing and be back on the roads shortly. Whether he likes it or not. I will also be running video from now on any and every-time I interact with a cop, especially VPD.
Maybe this helps people, maybe not. Figured I would share. If anyone wants more info on my situation please feel free to message me and I will try to check back and answer as soon as possible.
Well, if they had to chase after him and say he was 1-2 blocks down. No shit he's not gonna know the cop was trying to pull him over LMAO.
I recently heard a story that a friend got pulled over for doing 60km/hr, because the cop had to do 100km/hr to catch up. No shit?? Physics LOL.
Happened to me on King George Blvd a few blocks before 64, where its 60 and drops to 50. Cop said he had to go 90kmh to catch up to me. Didn't give me a ticket because he recognized me from somewhere else, but I told him Im gonna have to explain why he had to go faster if I'm further up lol.
Perks of being known by police; you get left off tickets majority of the time.
Cons of being known by police; you're known by police. (Not gang related or anything bad but just known.)
I want to stress again... My car was ABSOLUTELY deserving of a VI visually (aggressive ride hight and camber) so I am not for a second saying I have an issue with that. I am however here to tell my story of how Officer Cain treated me like another check on his to-do-list and fed me a massive amount of bullshit MVA information and demonstrated that he has no idea of what makes a vehicle safe or dangerous, then left me in the road (with no plates) to cause havoc on Kerr Street for over 20 minutes.
Sorry... but he took your license plates and drove away? Left you with a car that has no plates? What kind of fuckery is that? You're liable for everything that happens at that point nevermind another cop could come by and give you a $600 ticket for no insurance.
I doubt a handful of complains would have an effect on anything, but if the volume on the same officer builds, I suspect that would probably have some sort of effect?
Has anyone tried making a formal complaint to the VPD regarding the officer's actions?
From what it sounds like, it is the unprofessional and aggressive actions of a small group of officers that are making everyone upset. And since the officer's name is listed on the ticket (as well as all over this thread) I don't see how it could do any harm.
My apologies, maybe this topic has been touched on in the last 39 pages. But I haven't been following this thread too closely.
There is a 99.9% chance that you won't get your inspection fee back. Or the cost of the VI itself, towing fees, etc. BUT if it's anything like most law enforcement agencies, a supervisor does have to read it, speak to the officer, follow up, etc. Especially if there are more than one or two complaints about said officer....
Generally speaking some of these VPD officers sound like they're type of dudes who couldn't stand up for themselves in high school and have to take their anger out on others. Deeply rooted psychological problems, I'm surprised VPD doesn't conduct the same amount of screening as the RCMP when checking for this (friends in RCMP, they've talked about their experience and respect the work they do, real police work).
Not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. Don't @ me.
I'm so stance my roof rack got a roof rack
Sorry... but he took your license plates and drove away? Left you with a car that has no plates? What kind of fuckery is that? You're liable for everything that happens at that point nevermind another cop could come by and give you a $600 ticket for no insurance.
To my understanding you still have insurance even if the plate is missing, so at most you could only get dinged for failure to display insurance. I think it is possible for them to seize your plates but I would be surprised if they ever actually had the tools on hand to do it.
If I'm wrong here though just go buy some security bolts and then nobody will be able to remove your plates without a funky tool.
__________________ 1991 Toyota Celica GTFour RC // 2007 Toyota Rav4 V6 // 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1992 Toyota Celica GT-S ["sold"] \\ 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD [sold] \\ 2000 Jeep Cherokee [sold] \\ 1997 Honda Prelude [sold] \\ 1992 Jeep YJ [sold/crashed] \\ 1987 Mazda RX-7 [sold] \\ 1987 Toyota Celica GT-S [crushed]
Originally Posted by maksimizer
half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF.
Originally Posted by RevYouUp
reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z
Originally Posted by Good_KarMa
OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry:
I am preparing something to send to the Minister of Transportation and the VPD to express my concerns regarding the MVA and the VPD's execution of its clauses. Specifically, I'd like to focus on the issues of 1) wheel alignment / camber, and 2) clearance height / vehicle lowering, and I'd like to get a little help from everyone.
I've skimmed through the MVA a couple of times, and the only thing that I can find with regards to lowering / ride height is Section 7.091 regarding clearance height. I remember some of us have thrown around the "allowed to change ride height by +/- 1" line here in this thread, but I absolutely cannont find any referene of it or any sort of lowering in the MVA. I want to get this right in my letter of conern, so I am asking RS to help. Is that just some random BS certain officers are throwing around when they VI you, or is that written somewhere in the MVA?
Please advise. I will share the finished piece here before I send it out.
I got a Box 1 VI from Officer Cain on October 24th
, just North of E49th on Kerr st. I was driving my 1992 BMW 325I which by alot of people's standard would be considered something along the lines of a Hotboi vehicle (7* Front 4* rear, Cut fenders, seats, steering wheel, gutted, Hood pins, ETC.) Its not my first Box 1, likely wont be my last. For the record I WITHOUT A DOUBT DESERVED A VI, if you go by the letter of the law. That being said I am the first person to point out the fact that I pass countless 2001 Honda Civics with rust holes in the rockers and brakes that you can see the scoring on from the next lane. In my eyes, those are the people that SHOULD be getting a VI, for having an "Unsafe Vehicle", where as I spend 4 nights a week under my vehicle, doing maintenance and ensuring that it performs to a T for my needs. But that is a whole different discussion.
I was pulled over by Officer Cain, in his unmarked mid-sized SUV while heading South-bound, in traffic, minding my own business at around 9:00 am. He immediately told me that he would be presenting me with a Box 1 VI and the vehicle would be towed. He took some photos, asked me some questions that very quickly proved that he knew damn near nothing about the MVA or cars in general. He performed a sort of "road-side Inspection" by asking my to turn on my headlights, highbeams, turn signals and brake lights. All of which worked flawlessly. He then asked me to "pull my handbrake all the way up, and then "put the car in gear and let off the clutch"... Nothing happened, he then asked me to "give the car some throttle" and once my car began to creep through the 25 year old handbrake, he informed me that "this was not acceptable" and it was another point against me towards a VI. He also mentioned that "visible camber" was one of the reasons he knew my car was "illegal", which is one of the most unaware and unknowledgeable blanket statements I have ever heard. How many vehicles from factory have "visible camber"? He then went back to his vehicle where he wrote my ticket ($109) and a VI which stated that it "must be done at a BMW Dealer". He then proceeded to ask me if my horn worked (Aftermarket button on a Momo Leather Wheel), and once I showed him that it did work, he then scratched out the line on the VI notice about "no horn". After all of the nonsense that came out of his mouth and the fantastic line of "I know alot about cars because I hand out plenty of VIs", he proceeded to tell me that he had called a tow truck and it would be here soon. At which point he told me to put my 4-way flashers on and he left the scene. I was in the right line, on a right hand turn, in morning traffic... After about 20 minutes and watching as 3 different vehicles locked their brakes up and nearly re-ended my car, the tow truck showed up and I was immediately asked "where is the officer" to which I replied "he left", to which the tow truck driver replied "Weird, I would have just left it if was me". I then towed the vehicle to my place of work and am in the midst of getting it to pass a VI at the shop of my choosing as an officer cannot tell you where to get the VI done.
I want to stress again... My car was ABSOLUTELY deserving of a VI visually (aggressive ride hight and camber) so I am not for a second saying I have an issue with that. I am however here to tell my story of how Officer Cain treated me like another check on his to-do-list and fed me a massive amount of bullshit MVA information and demonstrated that he has no idea of what makes a vehicle safe or dangerous, then left me in the road (with no plates) to cause havoc on Kerr Street for over 20 minutes.
It is clear that Officer Cain is acting out of spite and making decisions that are unfair and without cause (at times). I see it as a simple situation of if he wants to treat me like a piece of garbage then I will do the same to him. I will pass a VI at the facility of my choosing and be back on the roads shortly. Whether he likes it or not. I will also be running video from now on any and every-time I interact with a cop, especially VPD.
Maybe this helps people, maybe not. Figured I would share. If anyone wants more info on my situation please feel free to message me and I will try to check back and answer as soon as possible.
Back in the day we had "white knight". He was a member of RS and would scope out modified cars online. He was like an evil, living "spotted" thread. He pulled guys over and knew their mods from seeing them online, and would happily throw the book at them.
There's always going to be rogue officers, guys with their own agendas. It's too bad you're being targeted by this jerk.
Back in the day we had "white knight". He was a member of RS and would scope out modified cars online. He was like an evil, living "spotted" thread. He pulled guys over and knew their mods from seeing them online, and would happily throw the book at them.
There's always going to be rogue officers, guys with their own agendas. It's too bad you're being targeted by this jerk.
On this note, I wouldn't be totally surprised if Cain is creeping this page on the daily/weekly.