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Old 10-08-2010, 05:36 PM   #226
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Originally Posted by Vansterdam View Post
hooooooooooook it up =D

bong(s)? lol how many do you have
got excited about roors for a bit. Honestly bongs give me a fucking headache. I broke one roor as soon as I got it. I got 2 roors (nothing amazing) and one random bong from Amsterdam cafe. have a silver surfer vaporizer and a volcano. too many pipes. rolling machine. way too many rollies etc.

on that note was not aware that you can not buy blunt wraps anymore!
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Old 10-08-2010, 05:41 PM   #227
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I'm switching to strictly being an alcoholic LOL

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Old 10-08-2010, 05:42 PM   #228
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well if ya want to sell any let me know I'm always down to pick up another bong
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Old 10-08-2010, 05:43 PM   #229
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^all these years of smoking weed with the same people. would feel bad not giving them some of the memorabilia
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Old 10-08-2010, 05:50 PM   #230
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i was wondering. How often do you guys clean your bong?

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Old 10-08-2010, 06:01 PM   #231
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Originally Posted by ws6ta View Post
^all these years of smoking weed with the same people. would feel bad not giving them some of the memorabilia
No questions asked I would do the same but if I ever quit I would just box it up and keep it for when I'm a old senile fuck wanting to relive being younger

Originally Posted by Mr.Campo View Post
i was wondering. How often do you guys clean your bong?
when its dirty, I really like to keep my shit clean but I also use a ash catcher so the bong stays clean.
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Old 10-08-2010, 06:02 PM   #232
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did you buy the ash catcher ? how does it work? just attach it on to your bowl?

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Old 10-08-2010, 06:07 PM   #233
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it's basiclly another chamber that you fill with water that attaches to your bong and your bowl goes in the ash catcher which is filled with water and traps all the ash.

heres a good vid

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Old 10-08-2010, 07:52 PM   #234
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Originally Posted by Vansterdam View Post
the paranoia imo is caused by the type of strain your smoking (sativa or indica)

i think it can also be caused by bongs and shit if your not use to em lol
yea, i understand. some strains get me hella spooked, but others strains just relax me and lets me play games with ease. I dont think its about bongs or whatnot, because i've had many a bong hit. To answer your question, at my buddies house we have about 10 broken glass bongs, a fucked up hookah, some DIY bongs (the worst of the bunch, fucking plastic ghetto shit this was when we were stupid little kids that didnt want to shell out 150+ for a nice glass bong) Had a 3 footer before, but it died after 3 months. buddy tipped it over by accident

Originally Posted by jaguar604 View Post
The paranoia is from a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia.
Maybe. Maybe not. dont really care ATM.

Originally Posted by ws6ta View Post
Agree with everything you have said 100%. Some strong willpower there to just stop cold turkey.
Well before i actually quit i was contemplating for a long time on quitting. I never actually stopped the whole time, but i knew it was bad for me. Many a time i told myself i would quit, with a joint in my mouth and rolling blunts with my crew. I would talk the talk, but lady jane would never let me walk the walk. I voiced my opinions to a few of my friends and they were supportive of me, and they wanted to quit too. But when i just stopped cold turkey, they just kept going. guess it wasnt their time yet.

And I know what you mean by being tempted. Before, i used to still go to my buddies house to hang out, and i''d be in rotation every time. those bastards always try to goad me into it, but you gotta know where to put your foot down lol yaa i had to leave my pipe at my friends, just because it makes it so easy to fall back into the vicious cycle if you have the tools within arms reach. its like impulse shopping, but for stoners. LOL

Originally Posted by ws6ta View Post
The feeling of being high and doing some random pointless shit is AWESOME. the problem is when you don't want the awesomeness to end LOL
LOL thats the shit right there. only, i hate it when theres a smoking hot girl, and i clam up because im tripping massive.

Originally Posted by ws6ta View Post
on that note was not aware that you can not buy blunt wraps anymore!
yea, the assumption was that not enough people were buying them for tobacco, but for illicit means. its fucking ridiculous. if theres a demand, there should be a supply.

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Old 10-08-2010, 08:09 PM   #235
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I have tons of blunt wraps I'm happy I stocked up LOL
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Old 10-09-2010, 03:13 AM   #236
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Originally Posted by murd0c View Post
I have tons of blunt wraps I'm happy I stocked up LOL

Originally Posted by ws6ta View Post
on that note was not aware that you can not buy blunt wraps anymore!

heheheh i got about 100+ in my fridge for special occasions
(let me know if you need any )

if you plan to quit i think you should hook me up with all your papers/ rollies

i promise ill put em to good use!

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Old 10-09-2010, 03:17 AM   #237
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Originally Posted by Mr.Campo View Post
did you buy the ash catcher ? how does it work? just attach it on to your bowl?

i wanted a roor + roor ashcatcher for sooooooooooooooooo long.

then i found out ROOR USA(after almost 15 years?), sold the company back to ROOR GERMANY.. (heard roor germany wanted to keep their style simple)

so the former ROOR USA company is now called "SHELDON BLACK"

i wanted the roor ashcatcher for so dam long!!!

then i found out that soverignty 4arm perc ashcatchers are WAYYYYY BETTER!

or even get a TORO trashcatcher 8arm/circ ( AWESOME)


keep in mind the glasses you buy at a local store are usually not 14mm/18mm(exact) downstems... most high-end brands are designed usually for perfect fitting... although there ARE ashcatchers that will fit your glass... its best if you just bring ur piece to the store and see if the ashcatcher fits perfectly or not.. saves you alot of time/hassle
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Old 10-28-2010, 10:00 PM   #238
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the paranoia and panic attacks that you suffer aren't worth it. i dont find it relaxing at all.
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Old 10-28-2010, 10:29 PM   #239
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Nice bar WS6TA
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Old 10-29-2010, 05:01 PM   #240
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gotta quit weed or at least cut down. not getting shit done at allllllll. Always burnt out

Man the first time i smoked weed, i laughed so hard i past out
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Old 11-06-2010, 08:29 PM   #241
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an 8th lasts me 2 months lol
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Old 11-06-2010, 09:02 PM   #242
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I was putting my bong back into my car and was dumping the water out of my bong. and forgot the bowl in the bong. It dropped out and broke on the floor. SO CHOKED!

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Old 11-09-2010, 10:02 PM   #243
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woo i can roll cones perfectly now!!!
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Old 11-14-2010, 01:04 AM   #244
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From the time I was 15- to mid 20's I smoked a lot.... more then most less then some. Then I started to smoke less and drink more to the point I started only smoking on special occasions B-Days, New Years, camping etc. I have always been really into snowboarding, bmxing, mountain biking etc.

Well it turns out those years of doing extreme sports caught up to me just over a year ago. Out of the blew my NECK really started bothering me. So after doctors finally believing me, they realized yes I was in pain. So for a year I was being feed Oxycotton, Purks, Tramacet... The tramacet seemed to work the best out of all of them, but the side effects started doing more damage then help, started getting, irritability, mood swings,insomnia, gut rot, and not to mention liver damage. Also one of the other side effects was muscle cramping so the more I took it helped with the pain, but it made my muscles super cramped and tense making the problem worse. This is the part that sucks, I went to 2-3 doctors and not one of them would sign my papers for medical marihuana? WTF They had no problem giving these harsh narcotics with even harsher side effects but you think one of them would actually help no way. I really don't understand this??? As this is an approved form of pain relief for the spinal, stomach issue's and pain I have. I still yet to find a doctor to sign off but luckily I got a hold of my CT and X-ray results and this was good enough for the compassion clubs helped me to get a club card.

So my first hit after I got my supply it was amazing how much it helped. It was like my muscles were an over inflated ballon... with in minutes of taking a couple hit's I felt my muscles finally relax I just melted into my couch.

So it turns out all that smoking when I was younger helped with the crashes and spills, letting the muscles relax and repair them selves.

Weird thing now that I'm older, have a wife, 2 year old son and a second kid on the way. I have to sneak off and smoke one... Growing up being a social smoker this is hard to do by myself. I don't know if it was all the issues with the doctors giving me grief trying to get a card or having to sneak off to smoke one. Even though my Natural Path Doctor thinks it's the lesser of two evils, I feel like I'm a criminal??? Even though I have a card, I get weird looks from the neighbors, and I usually go through my 8 hour work day in pain. As I don't want to manage a retail store all Baked and having to deal with customers, looking at me all Baked like WTF... why does this guy smell like pot while working?

Society is so stupid and preprogrammed with the government and propaganda that weed, pot, marihuana(not sure wh we spell it like that in Canada) etc is so bad when it's 99% safer then alcohol. How many people have you heard from die from overdose of marihuana, or smoking causing a crash. Most pot smokers are like man wow I'm going way to fast, unlike alcohol makes you think sure I'm fine to drive, or I'm drunk and invincible so I'll speed take some jumps etc. I'm not saying you should go out and get blasted and drive but it's more like taking an Advil or Tylenol.

Like anything in life I think moderation is best... as if you over do anything it's bad for you.

Any thoughts or comments?
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Old 11-14-2010, 01:31 AM   #245
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Originally Posted by t_sack View Post
gotta quit weed or at least cut down. not getting shit done at allllllll. Always burnt out

Man the first time i smoked weed, i laughed so hard i past out
You might not be burnt out but deficient in magnesium, vitamin D and B 12. I thought I was just getting older and lazy (before I started smoking pot again) I always felt tired and un motivated and went to a Natural path doctor. I was a skeptic about it but since I was so tired of being injured I gave it a try. If it wasn't for the issue of my neck I would fell 100% better, healthier, then I have in years. Warning it's not cheap but with in 2 months I lost 10-15 pounds, eat healthier, drink less and just all around feel better. Also have you ever tried infrared saunas? It really helps out sweat out toxins and rejuvenates you.or some heat yoga would work too and get to look at some hotties while you are at it.
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Old 11-14-2010, 02:31 AM   #246
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Originally Posted by dasnowman View Post
You might not be burnt out but deficient in magnesium, vitamin D and B 12. I thought I was just getting older and lazy (before I started smoking pot again) I always felt tired and un motivated and went to a Natural path doctor. I was a skeptic about it but since I was so tired of being injured I gave it a try. If it wasn't for the issue of my neck I would fell 100% better, healthier, then I have in years. Warning it's not cheap but with in 2 months I lost 10-15 pounds, eat healthier, drink less and just all around feel better. Also have you ever tried infrared saunas? It really helps out sweat out toxins and rejuvenates you.or some heat yoga would work too and get to look at some hotties while you are at it.
How stoned are you right now?
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Old 11-14-2010, 06:28 AM   #247
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Originally Posted by dasnowman View Post
From the time I was 15- to mid 20's I smoked a lot.... more then most less then some. Then I started to smoke less and drink more to the point I started only smoking on special occasions B-Days, New Years, camping etc. I have always been really into snowboarding, bmxing, mountain biking etc.

Well it turns out those years of doing extreme sports caught up to me just over a year ago. Out of the blew my NECK really started bothering me. So after doctors finally believing me, they realized yes I was in pain. So for a year I was being feed Oxycotton, Purks, Tramacet... The tramacet seemed to work the best out of all of them, but the side effects started doing more damage then help, started getting, irritability, mood swings,insomnia, gut rot, and not to mention liver damage. Also one of the other side effects was muscle cramping so the more I took it helped with the pain, but it made my muscles super cramped and tense making the problem worse. This is the part that sucks, I went to 2-3 doctors and not one of them would sign my papers for medical marihuana? WTF They had no problem giving these harsh narcotics with even harsher side effects but you think one of them would actually help no way. I really don't understand this??? As this is an approved form of pain relief for the spinal, stomach issue's and pain I have. I still yet to find a doctor to sign off but luckily I got a hold of my CT and X-ray results and this was good enough for the compassion clubs helped me to get a club card.

So my first hit after I got my supply it was amazing how much it helped. It was like my muscles were an over inflated ballon... with in minutes of taking a couple hit's I felt my muscles finally relax I just melted into my couch.

So it turns out all that smoking when I was younger helped with the crashes and spills, letting the muscles relax and repair them selves.

Weird thing now that I'm older, have a wife, 2 year old son and a second kid on the way. I have to sneak off and smoke one... Growing up being a social smoker this is hard to do by myself. I don't know if it was all the issues with the doctors giving me grief trying to get a card or having to sneak off to smoke one. Even though my Natural Path Doctor thinks it's the lesser of two evils, I feel like I'm a criminal??? Even though I have a card, I get weird looks from the neighbors, and I usually go through my 8 hour work day in pain. As I don't want to manage a retail store all Baked and having to deal with customers, looking at me all Baked like WTF... why does this guy smell like pot while working?

Society is so stupid and preprogrammed with the government and propaganda that weed, pot, marihuana(not sure wh we spell it like that in Canada) etc is so bad when it's 99% safer then alcohol. How many people have you heard from die from overdose of marihuana, or smoking causing a crash. Most pot smokers are like man wow I'm going way to fast, unlike alcohol makes you think sure I'm fine to drive, or I'm drunk and invincible so I'll speed take some jumps etc. I'm not saying you should go out and get blasted and drive but it's more like taking an Advil or Tylenol.

Like anything in life I think moderation is best... as if you over do anything it's bad for you.

Any thoughts or comments?
start doing it medical styles. bake with your pot. it sounds like you need long term physical relief. a properly rationed brownie or whatever should do the trick.

however body stones are a very different animal and would require some guinea pigging for you to figure out a good amount. probably not reasonable for you to attempt since you're married w/ a kid.

an easier solution is to start using a pipe so your hands and shit don't stink. weed itself is the stinkiest version of itself. if you are smoking some hash, oil or budder it's much more potent, quicker and far less heatier.

take a few quick hits of a concentrate and it'll do you far better then smoking a j or even a bowl of weed. also, if you're gonna use a pipe for weed, clean it often and don't pack the bowl with a joint and puff on it like popeye.

just put in a small amount, what you should be able to finish in 1 hoot. it stays tastier and you do not want a giant cherry in the bowl. also, get a glass pipe. metal is shitty and gross. just put it all into a little tupperware container and you've got your travel pack. combo out with visene, sunglasses or even a pair of non perscription normal glasses for work. and you're good.

oh just keep gum at all times and some cologne so any residual smell will be gone. (not a bad thing to have around you anyawys) if you have to puff on a joint before work or some other deal, be smart about it. make sure you can go wash your hands properly within 1 minute of blazing. have a shirt you can change into etc. PLAN AHEAD and you can be a ninja smoker too. a vaporizer in your garage would probably be perfect for you. go to the marijuana party hq and try the volcano if you've never vaped.

seriously though, don't worry about weirdos. it's vancouver and you're an adult smoking for medical purposes. but i reckon you have to be a bit more cautious with a kid.
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Last edited by Hot Karl; 11-14-2010 at 06:31 AM. Reason: i love how you capitalized "Baked" like it's a medical condition
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Old 11-19-2010, 04:17 AM   #248
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Went to the amsterdam cafe for the first time yesterday that place is sick. Can someone explain tho, why don't cops just walk in or chill outside and bust ppl or take your weed away?
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Old 11-19-2010, 05:32 AM   #249
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Originally Posted by Alpine50 View Post
Went to the amsterdam cafe for the first time yesterday that place is sick. Can someone explain tho, why don't cops just walk in or chill outside and bust ppl or take your weed away?
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Probably same reason they don't rush massage parlors while some guy is getting a blowjob behind a closed door. They only want to bother with high trafficking situations.

But I think they do a minor rush once in a blue moon to send a message out.
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Old 11-19-2010, 04:12 PM   #250
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Oh ic makes sense
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