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06-11-2014, 06:13 PM
#3101 | In RS I Trust
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how to turn a G into a baby lol
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06-13-2014, 02:01 PM
#3102 | The Brown Reason
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man I've been making AVB peanut butter sandwiches for awhile ... and it usually never hits me. Today I decided to microwave my sandwich to melt the peanut butter and almost got paralyzed by the effects .. at a solid [4] right now and still rising, and i ate them at 11am
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Originally Posted by bcrdukes fuck this shit, i'm out | |
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06-14-2014, 03:05 PM
#3103 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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^how to make peanut butter
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06-16-2014, 10:58 AM
#3104 | The Brown Reason
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Originally Posted by RESN ^how to make peanut butter | take AVB, mix in with peanut butter of your choice, spread on bread, nuke in microwave, enjoy.
Works better if you don't vape your weed till its completely black/brown.
sidenote, 3 days of not smoking weed  I've been smoking everyday since ~February wowza
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Originally Posted by bcrdukes fuck this shit, i'm out | |
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06-16-2014, 11:09 AM
#3105 | My homepage has been set to RS
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AVB + Microwave = smell?
If it doesn't, will try this.
__________________ Quote: [17-03, 09:23] Amuro Ray is it normal for my dick to have things growing on it? | Quote: [15-05, 13:34] FastAnna You guise are like diet coke and I am the mentos
[15-05, 13:34] FastAnna Incredible. How easy it is. | Quote:
Originally Posted by murd0c I'm scared of spiders... When I see one I toss my cats at it | |
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06-16-2014, 11:17 AM
#3106 | The Brown Reason
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uhh not really if I'm honest. I nuked it for about 25 seconds and there was no discernible odor, GF didn't seem to notice it either (though it was ~an hour later)
It took about 3 hours to hit me though, which was really weird because in the span of about 5 minutes I went from zero to high
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Originally Posted by bcrdukes fuck this shit, i'm out | |
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06-24-2014, 11:31 AM
#3107 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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just wanna list this here,
i feel like no stoners would even look at misc section lol |
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06-24-2014, 09:34 PM
#3108 | ESKETIT
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I have a Omicron V2.5 vape pen with 5 brand new coils/tanks for sale or trade
havent used it in over a year and found it while cleaning Omicron v2.5 Vaporizer Kit - PlanetVape
works awesome for budder/wax/oils
make me an offer.
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06-24-2014, 10:22 PM
#3109 | In RS I Trust
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I haven't used mine in ages as well
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06-29-2014, 07:26 PM
#3110 | The Brown Reason
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I'll leave this here Ejmix | eBay
basically you can use this to dissolve your concentrates into a liquid that is compatible with ecig vapes .. i ordered a bottle, better not be some unicorn juice for $30/50 mL but I've spent more on crappier things before
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Originally Posted by bcrdukes fuck this shit, i'm out | |
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06-30-2014, 01:19 PM
#3111 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Well, we're all fucked. Quote:
Six years after federal law changes gave police new powers to compel suspected drug-impaired drivers to take roadside sobriety tests, watchdogs say the system has been ineffective, resulting in few charges.
But there is no consensus as to what should be done about it.
A B.C. technology company is producing what it says will be the first commercial marijuana-detecting breathalyzer, but a prototype is still a few months away from release and needs further testing.
The advocacy group MADD Canada recently went to Parliament Hill to push the idea of random roadside saliva testing — a system already in use in Australia and Europe but is likely to draw concerns about civil liberties here.
And unlike the 0.08 per cent blood alcohol concentration threshold, there’s no scientific consensus about how much consumption of certain drugs will cause impairment, further complicating matters.
“Were moving forward. We’re not quite there yet,” said Doug Beirness, an impaired-driving research consultant in Ontario.
The current challenges aren’t a complete surprise, Beirness said. Just look at the introduction in 1969 of the national breathalyzer law to combat drunk drivers. It was fraught with growing pains, and lawyers are still arguing the reliability of the devices today.
“Any piece of technology will be challenged. And it will be challenged almost continuously.”
Under 2008 Criminal Code amendments, an officer who suspects a driver may be impaired by drugs can demand that the driver take part in a physical co-ordination test, known as a Standardized Field Sobriety Test.
If the driver fails that test, the officer can compel the driver to go to the police station for a lengthier evaluation by a certified drug-recognition expert.
If, at the end of that evaluation, the expert believes the driver is impaired by a particular drug, the expert can order the driver to submit a blood, urine or saliva sample to confirm the presence of that drug.
“Unfortunately, the new drug-impaired driving law has proven to be very costly, time-consuming, and cumbersome to enforce and prosecute,” says an article published this month in the journal Traffic Injury Prevention and written by Western University law professors Robert Solomon and Erika Chamberlain.
The article said only 1,126 drug-impaired driving charges were laid in Canada in 2012, which is less than two per cent of the total impaired driving charges that year.
Further, the article said, “Canadian courts remain skeptical about the link between the presence of drugs in a driver’s system and the actual impairment of his or her driving ability.”
Enter the Cannabix Breathalyzer, a handheld device for detecting marijuana being developed by B.C. technology company West Point Resources, which went public last Thursday.
Company officials say their device will be able to tell within minutes whether a person has consumed marijuana within the past two or three hours and can help bolster the observations of officers in the field.
“The likelihood of conviction goes up a lot more,” said company president Kal Malhi, a retired B.C. RCMP officer who spent four years working in the drug section.
Plus, he said, blowing into a device is not as invasive of a test as saliva or urine tests.
But the device is only in the prototype stage and needs to go undergo scientific review. Some observers are skeptical.
“With all work that was done in Western Europe and Australia, if there was a reliable breath test for cannabis, I would’ve thought it would’ve (already) been pursued in the EU,” said Solomon, who is also legal adviser for MADD Canada.
Convinced that the current system for detecting drugged drivers is “not working,” the advocacy group is appealing to federal lawmakers to adopt a system similar to what’s been in place for years in Australia and parts of Europe — the random roadside screening of drivers for certain illicit drugs using saliva swabs.
“If the evidence out there is overwhelming and good we should adopt it, rather than re-invent the wheel,” Solomon said.
Such a tactic is an effective deterrent, Solomon added, because it sends a message that you can be “tested anytime, anywhere.”
But random testing will surely run into civil liberties challenges, experts say. Canada has never allowed random alcohol breathalyzer testing.
“If you can’t test randomly for alcohol, there’s no way on earth you going to test randomly for drugs,” Beirness said.
The debate doesn’t end with what detection tools or methods work best. There’s also no consensus over how much of a certain drug one has to consume before they become impaired.
Some have said 5 nanograms per millilitre of blood should be the limit for cannabis, while others have said it should be 10.
“The jury is still out,” Beirness said.
At least a dozen U.S. states have opted for a strict zero-tolerance policy where the detection of any amount of drug in one’s system could lead to criminal sanction.
But critics have said such an approach could lead to a perception that the policy is less about traffic safety and more about going after drug users.
The Canadian Society of Forensic Science’s drugs and driving committee has received funding from the RCMP and the Ontario transportation ministry to assess the reliability of saliva-based roadside drug testing and to investigate the establishment of limits for drugs.
Until they come out with their findings, young people will continue to believe that it’s better to smoke a couple of joints and drive than have a couple of beers because they’re less likely to get caught, Solomon said.
“Unfortunately, they’re right.”
| Canada?s drug-impaired driving law ?cumbersome to enforce and prosecute,? watchdogs say |
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06-30-2014, 03:03 PM
#3112 | The Brown Reason
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Originally Posted by Knight_KB | I doubt this will even effect us. Say they invented the technology tomorrow, it would still take them 5-10 years before a reliable device that would stand up in court is released -- I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be cruising around high as a kite buying mcdonalds at 35, then again, who knows what the future holds haha
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Originally Posted by bcrdukes fuck this shit, i'm out | |
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06-30-2014, 05:53 PM
#3113 | In RS I Trust
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Originally Posted by dhillon09 I doubt this will even effect us. Say they invented the technology tomorrow, it would still take them 5-10 years before a reliable device that would stand up in court is released -- I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be cruising around high as a kite buying mcdonalds at 35, then again, who knows what the future holds haha | I'm 32 and I still do but thats mainly leaving a friends house now I cook what food I want rather then mcdonalds
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06-30-2014, 06:14 PM
#3114 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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I've had my fair share of close calls driving baked, so I treat it like booze. I won't take a chance tbh.
The only problem though, after two hours I'm sober, yet that test may say otherwise Lol.
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06-30-2014, 06:20 PM
#3115 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by murd0c I'm 32 and I still do but thats mainly leaving a friends house now I cook what food I want rather then mcdonalds | but cooking involves effort |
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06-30-2014, 06:45 PM
#3116 | In RS I Trust
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Originally Posted by Knight_KB but cooking involves effort  | good thing I aint a burn out stoner then
I just smoked two joint and now I'm smoking nachos with the left over meat I have from going to Memphis Blues yesterday |
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06-30-2014, 07:48 PM
#3117 | In RS I Trust
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See wasn't even joking |
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06-30-2014, 11:16 PM
#3118 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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that looks better than most instagram post.
im hungry, i hate you
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07-01-2014, 12:19 AM
#3119 | I bringith the lowerballerith
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I'll just leave this here
__________________ Girl, I jus' wanna watch some Bob Ross witchu |
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07-01-2014, 10:02 AM
#3120 | In RS I Trust
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Originally Posted by LookitsMarkA that looks better than most instagram post.
im hungry, i hate you | You should see the food pics I post on IG then hahaha
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07-02-2014, 04:40 AM
#3121 | My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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got my micro g pen last week and it's pretty amazing for budder and shatter. all things considered (size, portability, user friendly, cost) i'd say it's 9/10
main thing for me was when i'm on the go and it takes 30 seconds to load tops. i just use the ladle and bong at home.
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07-02-2014, 09:09 AM
#3122 | My homepage has been set to RS
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I have no issue with the "Cannabix," as said above it will be afew years before it gets brought out for public use.
All I want is to get my hands on 1 once it comes out, so I can run my own tests on it.
__________________ Quote: [17-03, 09:23] Amuro Ray is it normal for my dick to have things growing on it? | Quote: [15-05, 13:34] FastAnna You guise are like diet coke and I am the mentos
[15-05, 13:34] FastAnna Incredible. How easy it is. | Quote:
Originally Posted by murd0c I'm scared of spiders... When I see one I toss my cats at it | |
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07-02-2014, 11:44 AM
#3123 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by vafanculo I've had my fair share of close calls driving baked, so I treat it like booze. I won't take a chance tbh.
The only problem though, after two hours I'm sober, yet that test may say otherwise Lol. | not sure how i missed this even though i responded after you did lol. i dont drive when im stoned either. i used to all the time when i was younger but back then i also used to smoke during the day. now i only smoke in the evenings/night after work to chill out. same thing on the weekends, dont like smoking during the day, it just bogs me down too much. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hot Karl got my micro g pen last week and it's pretty amazing for budder and shatter. all things considered (size, portability, user friendly, cost) i'd say it's 9/10
main thing for me was when i'm on the go and it takes 30 seconds to load tops. i just use the ladle and bong at home. | only thing that sucks about the micro g pen is that the heating elements last a month tops.
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07-02-2014, 03:56 PM
#3124 | The Brown Reason
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^ I got a cheaper alternative in the mail. Will let you guys know how well it works but the atomizer only cost $5 with 2 replacement coils, and replacement coils are $4.20 for a 5 pack (yes, actually $4.20 lol). Does require an ego threaded battery (Ecig type) but that can be found for ~$10.
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Originally Posted by bcrdukes fuck this shit, i'm out | |
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07-02-2014, 07:14 PM
#3125 | My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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I don't mind the $12 replacement coils. I don't want an element that lasts for too long.
I'd expect long use simply because I just use it when I'm out. It receives no home use.
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