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Old 02-26-2012, 07:53 PM   #1401
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Originally Posted by murd0c View Post
It's not that hard to get, I can get it pretty easily
Just curious on a couple things...

how much does it cost?
how much do you take?
how do you take it? (smoke it?)

Originally Posted by Teh Doucher View Post
make it yourselves, its actually not that hard.
I've made aspirin before in a chem lab and that was under guidance with all the necessary equipment and our prof still told us NOT to take any of it because it still wasn't safe.
I can't see myself making and taking a drug that could fcuk me up pretty good.
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Old 02-26-2012, 07:55 PM   #1402
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i think i made a lot of people on this thread interested in this now
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Old 02-26-2012, 08:41 PM   #1403
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Originally Posted by mx703 View Post
Just curious on a couple things...

how much does it cost?
how much do you take?
how do you take it? (smoke it?)

I've made aspirin before in a chem lab and that was under guidance with all the necessary equipment and our prof still told us NOT to take any of it because it still wasn't safe.
I can't see myself making and taking a drug that could fcuk me up pretty good.

no clue
no clue
and you can either snort it or smoke it out of a pipe or bong. If you snort it the effect will last a whole lot longer then smoking it.
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Old 02-26-2012, 09:09 PM   #1404
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its very life changing. like ulic said, you will have so many questions about things, you might have an answer for most things but completely wont make sense to someone if you explain it. i didnt experience what ulic have about the after life thing i experienced memories that i never had including a grandfather i never saw. but then again, its different for people? ulic saw abstract, i saw molecules and atoms while my eyes were open and saw shit i wish i could understand while my eyes were shut.

for people the pmed me about the source, make them.. and instead of using chemicals, use lemon juice as an acid, and zippo fuel to extract the alkaloids. it takes a while to do though, thats prolly why no one sells it.
take 5mg smoking it is nasty... try to mix it with weed if you do. it hit me in literally 20 seconds and lasted 23 mins on the dot.

lastly, dont take my word on what you will see were not all the same.
example, my biggest wtf is there was a recipe/ blue print of something that im still trying to understand.

Originally Posted by DanHibiki View Post
^^^^Oh my goooooood

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that shit cray
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Old 02-26-2012, 09:12 PM   #1405
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As detailed as possible!! lol this shit is so interesting to me.
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Old 02-26-2012, 09:16 PM   #1406
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I really want to try some now, I really need a mind altering experience at this point of my life.
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Old 02-26-2012, 09:43 PM   #1407
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lol so i guess "you can solve the puzzle of life" comes out of something then

friend might have been onto something
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Old 02-27-2012, 03:42 AM   #1408
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Originally Posted by mx703 View Post
Just curious on a couple things...

how much does it cost?
how much do you take?
how do you take it? (smoke it?)

I've made aspirin before in a chem lab and that was under guidance with all the necessary equipment and our prof still told us NOT to take any of it because it still wasn't safe.
I can't see myself making and taking a drug that could fcuk me up pretty good.
it costs quite a bit, 25-30 bux a hit.
the chemical is finicky, you might lose a lot or all of it in the process of figuring out how to take it properly. it isnt for people who are gonna cheap out of cant blow through a few hits to figure it out.
you vaporize it and inhale, through a meth pipe. if you have a volcano with an extra head dedicated for DMT (cuz the taste and smell will never wash out), then use that, that's the best method.
ive also heard of people using weed ash, putting some in a bowl of a bong, then putting the dmt ontop then putting more ash ontop (you cant use direct flame on it, it will destroy the DMT). you have to vaporize it.
like i said, it's a finicky drug.

Originally Posted by flip28 View Post
its very life changing. like ulic said, you will have so many questions about things, you might have an answer for most things but completely wont make sense to someone if you explain it. i didnt experience what ulic have about the after life thing i experienced memories that i never had including a grandfather i never saw. but then again, its different for people? ulic saw abstract, i saw molecules and atoms while my eyes were open and saw shit i wish i could understand while my eyes were shut.

for people the pmed me about the source, make them.. and instead of using chemicals, use lemon juice as an acid, and zippo fuel to extract the alkaloids. it takes a while to do though, thats prolly why no one sells it.
take 5mg smoking it is nasty... try to mix it with weed if you do. it hit me in literally 20 seconds and lasted 23 mins on the dot.

lastly, dont take my word on what you will see were not all the same.
example, my biggest wtf is there was a recipe/ blue print of something that im still trying to understand.
yeah i've read a lot about making it myself, but in the end i decided not to. i don't have a dedicated lab, the chemicals i'd have to play with could be dangerous and the fumes could be dangerous too. if i had a basement or whatever, i might try, but meh. it's not something you do habitually. hell, i only did it once and that was... fuckin 2 years ago... and it felt like yesterday.

it's fucking intense. so intense you probably wont wanna ever do it again. well you're curious, but it's not something you need to do. probably take a lifetime to reflect on it. i said i'd do it once a year, but i still feel that i've not fully reflected on my trip.

i'd find it almost offensive if someone did it just to trip out and get high, that person would also probably be a total whack job. i dont know anyone that could do that. it's NOT "fun". lol.

flip28 you only did 5mg?

i did research and asked people that tried, and i found 25mg to be a low trip, not a "break through" (where you pass out and enter "that" world).

i actually did it twice. 25mg, i was fully conscious and i saw beautiful patterns and an entity visited me (the same one that visited me in my full trip), lasted me a few minutes and kinda faded away.

but i wanted to break out. so 55-60mg was the true hit to totally pass out and go the full blown trip.

55mg hit me... real fast. i wouldn't have even taken the 3rd toke if someone didnt command me to. it hits you very fast, and it's very "strange" and uncomfortable. I woke up and the first thing someone said to me was "you were out for 3minutes and 44 seconds".

lol. 3minutes? thats it? it felt like a lifetime. an eternity. time didn't matter there. where you go is eternal. i could have woken up in a hospital, and a nurse could have been beside me and told me i was passed out in a coma for 10 years. my friend could have told me i was passed out for 3 days. or 3 seconds. i woulda believed any of those answers. time has no relevance where you go.

after you wake up, visualization wise, it's like a super duper heavy LSD trip, except it fades really fast, within a minute or two. then you feel very connected and euphoric (not like MDMA, but like natural euphoria, feeling of true happiness, satisfaction, no wants, no needs etc). and that feeling of satisfaction lingers and tapers off after about 50-60minutes and you're completely down.

i can totally say it's not for everyone. if you're very locked into reality, and unwilling to let go, or fear death, i can totally see this scarring someone psychologically for life.

it was the most terrifying, most horrifying, most intense thing, i have ever experienced, and i doubt i will ever experience anything close to this. not even if i was offered a ride in the space shuttle to and back from the space station. the realisation that you're dying, and then dead is near unbearable. and that you can't do jack shit about it, the only thing you can do is fight it for all of eternity, or accept it and let go. i don't know how many people can actually accept it.

i prepared for 6.5 months, i meditated every night and told myself that i had to accept death and embrace it. because i knew i'd confront it when i did DMT. when the day came, i was still horrified, but i guess somewhere in the back of my mind, i let go, the realisation that nothing in this life really matters once you're on the path to death anyway clicked in and that helped a lot.

immediately when i realised this, i entered the "alien" world, and it was the most blissful, divine place i have ever seen. it was like a higher beings realm, and my mere human soul or whatever was allowed to take a peak for a bit.

Originally Posted by Alpha v2 View Post
lol so i guess "you can solve the puzzle of life" comes out of something then

friend might have been onto something
no, DMT is very alien. it kinda steers you in the right direction, but then opens up the doors to a katrillion new questions. kinda like "the more you know, the less you know".

if you want to solve puzzles and meaning of life and that stuff, LSD is the complete opposite of DMT. it's very personal and not alien at all.
LSD=very personal.
DMT=completely alien.

needless to say, it was the biggest life changing thing in my life and it all happened within 4 minutes.

I am now buddhist and for all of you that have followed my posts for years, know i was super anti religious. i was very conforming to science and "if it i cant see it, it dont exist" or "if it cant be proven, its not real". but i'm totally not like that anymore.

it's one thing to have someone tell you about it, and it's another thing to actually be there.

to this day, i can tell you, i will swear on my grave, i was there. wherever that was. i WAS there.
not my physical body, but my soul, or consciousness or whatever. something i can't explain.

if you guys are serious about it read up on all these threads:

for the semi lazy (the lazy can forget about this drug, it aint for you)
download DMT the spirit molecule documentary (piratebay it or something)
and if you're more inclined and want the juicy details, read the actual book, it's written by a doctor.

LOL, i can say this, it will change you. some people dont wanna change, so consider that first.
not only will it change you, consider the fact that when you change, others will perceive you differently.
you could lose friends. or girlfriends, or whatever.

i've had two friends lose friends/gf's

one took DMT and changed a lot, he ditched almost all his friends, because he viewed them as living a life that would put them in a lower state of life (Buddhist view) and pursued a buddhist life, and has become completely vegan and tried to give up on women (sex) but lol, he says that one is super hard.
another took DMT then LSD a few months later, and changed so much, his gf thought he was a totally different person, and dumped him.

too many people ask me retarded questions like
"can you party on it?"
"what's sex on it like?"
all i can do is look at the ground and shake my head. totally asking the wrong questions. seeking a cheap thrill, or a quick path to pleasure, or something, if that's what you're seeking, just do some PCP, smoke some crystal meth or go jerk off. DMT is totally not like that. I don't even bother talking to those types any more.

i had a friend who really wanted to try, and convinced me that he was actually wanting to try for more than just a cheap thrill. needless to say, he had a big party to go to that night, and after he did it, he didnt go to that party, and he talked to me for a few hours, then went home, and disappeared for a while, and just focused on work and "what had to be done". he also went from what i consider borderline alcoholic, to almost not drinking ever. he'll drink at someone's birthday, that's about it.

sorry to thread jack this weed thread. last time there was a thread dedicated to DMT and other psychedelics it got deleted really fast.

Last edited by Ulic Qel-Droma; 02-27-2012 at 04:02 AM.
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Old 02-27-2012, 09:09 AM   #1409
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lol 5mg, mah bad 55 is right. but then again we didnt have any scale available, all eyeballed

well explained though. nothing can prepare you with what kind of experience you will have.
my only advice is, itll be kinda useless to prepare your self imo because you actually forget about the moment you took the drug and go to a altered dream. Grab a memo pad and a pen infront of you so you can right it down, one of my friends didnt and he forgot wtf happen.

ulic, its prolly just me but, did you happen to have that feeling of energy overflow around you. like you can see people radiate energy. (see this? one of the shit u cant explain and wont even make sense) pretty much like this, but worst.

p.s making thc cyrstals atm- weeds great.
vape weed= get baked
already vaped weed = extract the excess crystals
2X win

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^^^^Oh my goooooood

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that shit cray
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:49 PM   #1410
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Anyone know where I can grab some DMT? After reading this I'm dying to try it, PM me if there's any stores or places in Van that has it.
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Old 02-27-2012, 01:50 PM   #1411
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Now I really want to try this drug.. But should I 2 weeks for my classes begin? lol..
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Old 02-27-2012, 03:08 PM   #1412
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i'm not sure how to use spoiler tags, but this post is directed at Ulic's post (4 posts above).

I forgot where or what i read a long time ago, but it was said that the pineal gland in the back of our brain naturally releases DMT during our sleep? And whatever i was reading, mentioned that it somehow connected that to the buddhist religion, and how meditation is a way to naturally release DMT into yourself to experience the trip you are describing.

do you have any insight on this, ulic?

also, for anyone wanting to buy it, PM me.. i DO NOT make or sell this stuff directly, but i can lead you to the right place..
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Old 02-27-2012, 03:40 PM   #1413
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i love what i turned this thread into
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Old 02-27-2012, 10:29 PM   #1414
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i guess this proves that weed is really a gateway drug huh
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Old 02-27-2012, 11:05 PM   #1415
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I guess your comment proves your a sheep in the flock who believes the BS you hear from the "professionals"
There's times in life where I want a relationship, but then I cum.
[23-08, 13:17] nabs i've gripped ice boy's shaft before
[26-08, 13:50] Jesusjuice is this a sports car forum? why are there so many hondas?
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Old 02-27-2012, 11:30 PM   #1416
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LOL @ the people failing me cause i am right... i knew i would get failed by the people who wanted to try the drug... funny shit.. well yeah i guess its true that it is a gateway drug to certain people, i smoke weed my self for 7 years but i sure would never try any other drug, sure my friends have done coke but i stay away from that shit..
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Old 02-27-2012, 11:34 PM   #1417
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@gretzy: u could say Tylenol then is a gateway drug.. it's just choice and people can take 6 Tylenol and get high.. :|

Alcohol is a gateway substance then aswell.. :|
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Old 02-27-2012, 11:36 PM   #1418
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sorry i take that back, after thinking about it i realized i have done other drugs shortly after trying weed, shrooms and xtc... nothing else though... so yes weed is a gateway drug!!
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Old 02-27-2012, 11:40 PM   #1419
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You don't seem to realize that YOU made the choice. Not the drug. Sheep goes baaaaaaah
There's times in life where I want a relationship, but then I cum.
[23-08, 13:17] nabs i've gripped ice boy's shaft before
[26-08, 13:50] Jesusjuice is this a sports car forum? why are there so many hondas?
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Old 02-27-2012, 11:52 PM   #1420
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yeah i made the choice when i was high on weed hahah
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Old 02-28-2012, 01:12 AM   #1421, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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I would say Weed is a way of altering your conciousness to the point where you begin to ask questions about anything and everything. Your awareness is somewhat heightened on a sub concious level that you begin to notice things.

For example when your really high and you watch informational things like documentaries you'll either be laughing, not paying attention, or your really into it and absorbing the information and sorting it out in your head.

Once you see past the fluff and distractions that we are bombarded with on a daily basis you'll feel better and know what you need to do and how to do it.

Imagine if weed is actually like nzt from the movie Limitless only not as over exagerrated and mind enhancing. But to a certain degree it is?

example my whole life my left eye has a bit blurry vision because of the shape of the cornea. But when I'm really high and my eyes are super red my vision is sharper only my body function isn't so sharp because of the heavy couch lock feeling from high CBD levels.
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Old 02-28-2012, 07:49 AM   #1422
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Originally Posted by gretzky View Post
i guess this proves that weed is really a gateway drug huh
Originally Posted by gretzky View Post
LOL @ the people failing me cause i am right... i knew i would get failed by the people who wanted to try the drug... funny shit.. well yeah i guess its true that it is a gateway drug to certain people, i smoke weed my self for 7 years but i sure would never try any other drug, sure my friends have done coke but i stay away from that shit..
Originally Posted by melloman View Post
@gretzy: u could say Tylenol then is a gateway drug.. it's just choice and people can take 6 Tylenol and get high.. :|

Alcohol is a gateway substance then aswell.. :|
Originally Posted by gretzky View Post
sorry i take that back, after thinking about it i realized i have done other drugs shortly after trying weed, shrooms and xtc... nothing else though... so yes weed is a gateway drug!!
I agree.

weed, or any drug is a gateway drug.

lots of people I know, weed wasn't even the first drug they tried, but it most certainly came as a quick second lol.

hell, booze and cigarettes are gateway drugs too at a certain level.

every drug is a gateway drug, it just depends how you use it. and how you perceive it when you are taking it.
I'd say taking any drug for recreational reasons is a gateway drug.
even taking drugs to enhance performance is a gateway drug. i know people that pop amphetamines to study, or concentrate at work or handle large projects. some even snort coke at work to keep awake and power through high demand environments.

what's the difference between that and someone slamming 20 coffees back at work, and cringing and shaking the next day when they don't get any?

there are the SHEEP that just take anything the doctors prescribe.

half the parents with ADHD kids don't even know their kids are taking amphetamines. yeah the same shit in ecstasy. i walked into my doctors office and 30minutes later i had a bottle of 30 5mg tablets of dextroamphetamines.

he's given me benzodiazepines and a list of other things. all of course i did my research on. but then I wonder, how many moms and dads, gramps and grandmas, just blindly take this stuff without knowing... they're actually taking "hard drugs", the same "hard drugs" they're seeing on the news.

yeah I know people that get high of cough syrup too. the main chemical in there DXM, the one that suppresses the part of the brain where it makes you wanna cough. apparently you get crazy vivid dreaminess (you think it's a dream, but it's real life). hella bad for your body.

Originally Posted by Nismo200SX View Post
I would say Weed is a way of altering your conciousness to the point where you begin to ask questions about anything and everything. Your awareness is somewhat heightened on a sub concious level that you begin to notice things.

For example when your really high and you watch informational things like documentaries you'll either be laughing, not paying attention, or your really into it and absorbing the information and sorting it out in your head.

Once you see past the fluff and distractions that we are bombarded with on a daily basis you'll feel better and know what you need to do and how to do it.

Imagine if weed is actually like nzt from the movie Limitless only not as over exagerrated and mind enhancing. But to a certain degree it is?

example my whole life my left eye has a bit blurry vision because of the shape of the cornea. But when I'm really high and my eyes are super red my vision is sharper only my body function isn't so sharp because of the heavy couch lock feeling from high CBD levels.
i agree, but there's a certain point where you become a paranoid... well... almost schizophrenic. questioning everything. there's motives behind everything. reasons behind everything, patterns behind everything.

and all these motives and reasons and patterns are man made, with intent. not naturally occurring, and usually of evil intent. we all know a few people like that. and then of course they just spend hours and hours talking and dreaming up theories, but never doing anything about it, except going back to smoking pot lol.
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:51 AM   #1423
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Originally Posted by Ruff Ryd@s View Post

I forgot where or what i read a long time ago, but it was said that the pineal gland in the back of our brain naturally releases DMT during our sleep? And whatever i was reading, mentioned that it somehow connected that to the buddhist religion, and how meditation is a way to naturally release DMT into yourself to experience the trip you are describing.
with the right meditation you can go to a state where you want to be if you have been there before. if not its a little harder to do.
your brain is powerful. this is why placebo works on people.

try this if you have done weed and actually felt "mantra" the music/sound energy.
(quick brief: you felt so trippy to the point the beat of the music starts to move your head by it self)
listen to a 500+hz music with your headphones on
meditate (dont do a bs mediation or it wont work)

keys to meditation,
focus on your breathing and the music.
if you have even the slightest distraction, like your gf for instance, it wont work.
keep focus in the music, and if successful you will feel the mantra.

one of the shit i realize is that many cultures have a similar way being at the state and if you think about it and to most, its meditation. meditation= pineal gland. pineal gland?= dmt.

for example,
why do the olden african tribe sing and dance while one of them is meditating?? is it connected to mantra?
why do islamic meditation involves humming? is it mantra?
why do the monks prefer a quiet place and hear natural sounds? is it mantra?
did jesus really served wine at the last supper? or was his "blood" actually alkanoid drink?
was moses really talking to a bush? or was he up at the mountain smoking some weed?

i have so much questions LOL... sometimes a friend and i just sit there and exchange thoughts.
just go try dmt, this shit is hard to explain.

dat thc

Originally Posted by DanHibiki View Post
^^^^Oh my goooooood

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that shit cray

Last edited by flip28; 03-02-2012 at 12:36 PM.
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Old 03-04-2012, 12:35 PM   #1424
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Has anyone had much experience with flavoured herb?

My buddy got his hands on some cotton candy kush. It smelled and tasted like cotton candy. It was pretty amazing.

Though, you could only taste it during the first quarter of the joint, after that the taste was gone. I guess once it starts burning the flavour gets lost.

I'm assuming it was a sativa blend as the high was pretty light and clear. So i'm not sure if it was actually a kush. Or maybe the flavour changes it? I don't know.
Anyone else have any experience with the flavoured stuff?

it was $90 for a 1/4 fyi. Pricey, but I guess it's a novelty thing?
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Old 03-04-2012, 12:36 PM   #1425
Los Bastardo owned my ass at least once
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wtf 90 for a quarter? lol thsa fucked up
yeah i had some lemon kush back than and it actually tasted like lemon, the high is usually weaker for flavoured weed though.. weird
[08-12, 00:25] Iceman-19 the owner was someone i knew. trusted him. that blew up in my face like i was a 19 year old jap girl at a bukkake party.
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