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Old 11-06-2018, 07:36 PM   #26
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I dunno, I kinda agree with slower speeds on the S2S

the uphill curves after Squamish on a clear summer evening I along with another vehicle had tire blow outs from a football-sized rock...can't speak for the other vehicle but I was doing 100kph speed limit and eyes firmly on the the time I saw it I thought it was a water bottle but in the split second decided it was safer running over it instead of swerving...not exactly a fun or safe place to swap tires in pitch black (good thing I had LED flares in my wheel well)

tl;dr there's tons of sweeping curves and you know in the winter people will attempt them near 100km/h with bald/summer tires...if this cuts down on the accidents and the subsequent bottlenecks, i'd rather get to my destination 5-10 minutes slower than have one evening where I get home 2 hrs later

but maybe keep the straightways at 100km/h or more

people who live in Squampton...too bad so sad
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Old 11-06-2018, 08:07 PM   #27, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Oh hey, look at that. The news is simply reporting the NDP cash-grab press release instead of researching the facts. If you forget anything else, remember this chart going forward. "Speed above posted limit" doesn't even fall in top 10 factors on provincial highways.
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Old 11-06-2018, 08:21 PM   #28
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^ road condition, driving too fast, weather, road kills totals to 22% and is related to the speed though...and at 100 and 90 in curves on improper tires then yeah...explains all the vehicles in the ditch and that dreaded red line that goes on for miles on the google maps

I for one think there should be more speed traps at Lions Bay and Britannia....most are blowing through 30-40+ over

Last edited by R1CED`; 11-06-2018 at 08:28 PM.
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Old 11-06-2018, 09:03 PM   #29, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Related to the speed, not related to the speed limit. The maximum speed limit is based on ideal conditions, if you're trying to travel the speed limit in the winter on a cold wet night in the fog, the issue is not the speed limit, it's the speed you're traveling.

Reducing the speed limit due to increased traffic accidents implies that the CAUSE of those accidents was the speed limit set too high for the road design, which in none of the cases is proven true by the accident reports.
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Old 11-06-2018, 09:09 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by CCA-Dave View Post
The maximum speed limit is based on ideal conditions, if you're trying to travel the speed limit in the winter on a cold wet night in the fog, the issue is not the speed limit, it's the speed you're traveling.
agreed, but the majority will still carry their usual speed even in deteriorating condition

it's like drivers in Quebec, they'll do 90 on a sunny day in July and 90 in a snowstorm in Feb but at least they're on proper tires

maybe have more digital/dynamic speed limits...even if someone on page one says they're not always set to conditions
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Old 11-06-2018, 09:54 PM   #31
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people speed in these highway
nothing changed
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Old 11-07-2018, 06:18 AM   #32
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Fuck me. I thought we were finally getting somewhere. 2 steps forward, 3 steps backwards.

And they still haven't addressed raising the speed limit through Lions bay, where a highway inexplicably dips to 60km/h despite the fact that the road construction/engineering doesn't change whatsoever.

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Old 11-07-2018, 07:32 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by meme405 View Post
Fuck me. I thought we were finally getting somewhere. 2 steps forward, 3 steps backwards.

And they still haven't addressed raising the speed limit through Lions bay, where a highway inexplicably dips to 60km/h despite the fact that the road construction/engineering doesn't change whatsoever.
AFAIK, Lions Bay was pretty opposed to the highway expansion... their section of the S2S actually got some special asphalt that reduces noise
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Old 11-07-2018, 07:43 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by meme405 View Post
Fuck me. I thought we were finally getting somewhere. 2 steps forward, 3 steps backwards.

And they still haven't addressed raising the speed limit through Lions bay, where a highway inexplicably dips to 60km/h despite the fact that the road construction/engineering doesn't change whatsoever.
That's because every weekend in the summer, some idiot biker rides beyond his limits and crashes.. Literally every weekend. I haven't ridden the S2S in a long time, its slow, congested, and tonnes of speedtraps. I'd rather hit up some slower curved backroads.. Ill keep my speeds to the track.
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Old 11-07-2018, 09:07 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by R1CED` View Post
not exactly a fun or safe place to swap tires in pitch black (good thing I had LED flares in my wheel well)
Your post had me thinking about the road after dark, and you're right, it's dark from Squamish to Whistler. I know the road so well, I could draw you a map based on memory, but I tend to go a lot slower on that stretch after dark. Imagine the tourists and out of town folk who aren't familiar with the road.

It's a funny place to drive though. Kind of like Mulholland Drive in LA, where you have a huge difference between the local residents who have been driving those roads for years, and the tourists who just want to see the views. I was doing 35mph on Mulholland a few weeks ago, and was being tailgated by a Bentley GT. The speed limit is 25mph, btw. Same goes for the S2S. What's worse is when you're driving behind someone in the single lane and the minute it splits into two lanes, they hit the throttle. Fuking Albertans..... But I digress.

Originally Posted by AstulzerRZD View Post
AFAIK, Lions Bay was pretty opposed to the highway expansion... their section of the S2S actually got some special asphalt that reduces noise
Lion's Bay is also one of the wealthiest postal codes in the country. Lots of powerful people call Lion's Bay home, and if that speed limit isn't an indication of the 1% taking advantage of their place in life, then I don't know what is.

Originally Posted by Dragon-88 View Post
I haven't ridden the S2S in a long time, its slow, congested, and tonnes of speedtraps.
This is where I disagree with you. Peak hours, sure. The S2S is a shitshow.
But I've had so many nice 8pm drives to the condo, where I set my adaptive cruise to 100kmh, and simply focus on the curves. It's a beautiful highway, ruined by driver's lack of skill, confidence, or an abundance of ego.
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Old 11-07-2018, 09:34 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by RRxtar View Post
120km/h on the connector is as fucking safe as you can get, and lowering it to 110 makes absolutely no difference.
It's especially pointless when a) most vehicles can't even do 110 along most of it and b) in good conditions you can easily do well over 120 along the connector and lower Coq (with a few exceptions) without issue. Or so I've been told.

Originally Posted by R1CED` View Post
^ road condition, driving too fast, weather, road kills totals to 22% and is related to the speed though..
Related to speed, but not to the speed limit. If the speed limit is 120, but the conditions are crap and you should be going 50, but you instead go 70 and crash, the cause of the accident was your speed but you were not exceeding the speed limit.
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half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF.
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OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry:
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Old 11-07-2018, 09:42 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by originalhypa View Post
What's worse is when you're driving behind someone in the single lane and the minute it splits into two lanes, they hit the throttle. Fuking Albertans..... But I digress.

That's when you double downshift and pass those fucks. But then you'd be passing on the right.

Originally Posted by originalhypa View Post
But I've had so many nice 8pm drives to the condo, where I set my adaptive cruise to 100kmh, and simply focus on the curves. It's a beautiful highway, ruined by driver's lack of skill, confidence, or an abundance of ego.

Cruise control scares the shit outta me. Isn't it known to not use cruise control on curves (and rain)? Or is that a myth?
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Old 11-07-2018, 10:07 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS View Post
That's when you double downshift and pass those fucks. But then you'd be passing on the right.
And you know the fat girl from Canmore would be gunning her Sunfire as I pull up on her left.

Cruise control scares the shit outta me. Isn't it known to not use cruise control on curves (and rain)? Or is that a myth?
Maybe plebeian cruise may not work in those scenarios, but us fancy folk have sonars and radars to go with our RRSP's and cabins at the lake.

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Old 11-07-2018, 10:20 AM   #39
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They already have variable speed limit on certain sections of the S2S, isn't that good enough?

Here's an interesting read:
Did BC?s speed limit increase lead to more deaths? | Sustainable Transportation Lab

From the article:
Table 4 in the paper shows that observed speeds at traffic count stations on the affected segments (where speed limits increased) increased by less than the observed speeds on non-affected segments. This is true for mean, median, and 85th percentile speeds, and it seems inconsistent with a theory that the increase in speed limits led to higher actual travel speeds and therefore to more adverse outcomes.
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Old 11-07-2018, 11:28 AM   #40
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This comment from Reddit pretty much sums it up:
  • The stats for the study came after 2 of the worst snow winters in decades.
  • They counted crashes not directly on the highways, but on neighboring streets off the highway as well.
  • They used gasoline sales in the area as the measure of traffic (despite there being automated count and speed stations).

Average speeds actually went down after the change due to abnormal winters. Raising the speed limits in 2014 came with zero real-world effect - because that's the speed most everyone was driving since 2004!!! How can they claim that raising the speed limits raised the collision numbers when the real-world travel speeds stayed the same or went down?
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Old 11-07-2018, 12:04 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by originalhypa View Post
Your post had me thinking about the road after dark, and you're right, it's dark from Squamish to Whistler. I know the road so well, I could draw you a map based on memory, but I tend to go a lot slower on that stretch after dark. Imagine the tourists and out of town folk who aren't familiar with the road.

It's a funny place to drive though. Kind of like Mulholland Drive in LA, where you have a huge difference between the local residents who have been driving those roads for years, and the tourists who just want to see the views. I was doing 35mph on Mulholland a few weeks ago, and was being tailgated by a Bentley GT. The speed limit is 25mph, btw. Same goes for the S2S. What's worse is when you're driving behind someone in the single lane and the minute it splits into two lanes, they hit the throttle. Fuking Albertans..... But I digress.

Lion's Bay is also one of the wealthiest postal codes in the country. Lots of powerful people call Lion's Bay home, and if that speed limit isn't an indication of the 1% taking advantage of their place in life, then I don't know what is.

This is where I disagree with you. Peak hours, sure. The S2S is a shitshow.
But I've had so many nice 8pm drives to the condo, where I set my adaptive cruise to 100kmh, and simply focus on the curves. It's a beautiful highway, ruined by driver's lack of skill, confidence, or an abundance of ego.
Yes I agree during the Peak hours. But the speed traps i've seen all throughout the day.
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