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Old 02-24-2023, 10:35 AM   #4576
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Con members hanging out with a far right EU politician.
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Old 02-24-2023, 01:08 PM   #4577
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These cons make cons look bad ☹️
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Old 02-24-2023, 01:54 PM   #4578
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Originally Posted by Tegra_Devil View Post
These cons make cons look bad ☹️
That's because they are bad.

Funny fact Leslyn Lewis claims to be married with children but keeps them a secret. The name of here husband is not even public.
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Old 02-24-2023, 02:50 PM   #4579
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Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 02-24-2023, 05:17 PM   #4580
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Remember when I was told I “cherry picked” an article about the gun seizures in the DTEs over “numerous days” ?

Well this was all in one day, yesterday.
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Old 02-24-2023, 06:15 PM   #4581
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Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 02-25-2023, 06:48 AM   #4582
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
Remember when I was told I “cherry picked” an article about the gun seizures in the DTEs over “numerous days” ?

Well this was all in one day, yesterday.
I didn’t say you cherry picked, I said the media does.

Is it that hard to see the big picture?

You ban guns today, tomorrow there aren’t “no guns” anywhere. It takes years for the supply to dwindle down and access to become harder and harder.

Where does a DTES person even buy a gun? Answer — they didn’t. They stole it. If there’s less firearms around in home, there’s less to steal. Not that this is the point of a gun ban anyway.

Then you have or consider other factors like VPD politics. What have they been doing for years? Crying for more funding and getting political to get it. What better way for Howard to get the public scared and pressure Vancouver than to tweet a photo with a table full of knives and guns and FAKE guns by his own admission (thought he doesn’t bother to elaborate which ones were fake or how many). It’s propaganda at its finest. Be scared. Fear the homeless.

It’s kind of sad really and people don’t think critically anymore and just take the bait.
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Old 02-25-2023, 12:46 PM   #4583
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There's too many guns.
Don't take my guns away.
- the same person.
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Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
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seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 02-27-2023, 07:13 PM   #4584
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Poilievre dismisses claims he spoke to controversial German politician as 'categorically false'

Christine Anderson, a member of the European Parliament with the far-right Alternative fur Deutschland (AFD) or Alternative for Germany party, made the comments in a video posted to Twitter by the Western Standard media outlet.

In the video, Anderson is asked about her opinion of Poilievre, to which she responds, "I have spoken to him a couple of times, he seems to be a decent guy, and we need people that actually do think and go back to what democracy is all about and what elected representatives should do. It's to be elected by the people and then represent and act in their best interests."
I wonder who is lying.
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 02-28-2023, 09:41 AM   #4585
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Asking about Chinese election interference is Racist
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Old 02-28-2023, 10:11 AM   #4586
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In the continuing fallout over who Doug Ford invited to his daughter’s stag and doe, the PC Government House Leader accused the NDP of sending an operative to her wedding and being anti-Italian.
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Old 02-28-2023, 10:42 AM   #4587
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Originally Posted by unit View Post
jd13, do you also think that if a russian flew a huge flag off their car driving down the street that it only represents squatting, adidas, and vodka? also if they had a massive Z on the side of their car that it represents their love for zebras or dragonball? i don't understand how you think context doesn't matter.
Huh? My argument is that context DOES matter. Now the Russian flag situation is a bit different as they are literally at war. In a civilian context adding a Z is clear support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine as the Z is effectively an invasion stripe. No Z, then it's just a Russian flag. Just like anyone flying an American flag off their truck isn't automatically a Trump supporter. If people add on their own symbology or actions then those are their own.

Originally Posted by sonick View Post
I am glad you caught on. Both times you've forced into the conversation with the clear intent to twist and misconstrue my thoughts and words in attempt to drag the discussion into a mud-slinging rage-fest of illogical rhetoric. To your advice, in both cases I chose not to subject myself to such idiocy and so have simply dignified you with the response it deserved.
Because I told you the petition you posted doesn't have a hope of changing anything due to how toothless those are based on past precedent? No, you just post ignorant personal opinions and then can't back them up and get butthurt. You'll use emoji's or some keyword phrase and excuse as to why you can't defend your point. So yes we've now all 'caught on' It's a public forum and open thread there's no 'forcing' in to conversations. Other people have taken up the conversation for you now because you're incapable.
Originally Posted by inv4zn View Post
The Flag, has unfortunately become a vastly different symbol than the one it is meant to stand for. It is no longer apolotical, because rednecks have decided to use it to fit their own stupid motives.
Respect your answer, but has it? Or is it just someone's personal political beliefs buying in to that narrative? If this is the case then what do people with this train of thought think of the Dutch flag? Dutch farmers have been doing rolling blockades and occupations of cities for years now. They've been doing the exact same protest techniques as the Canadian truck convoy for what they perceive as government overreach while flying the Dutch flag off their tractors. To those who think the Canadian flag was hijacked by "redneck truckers", to you has the Dutch flag been hijacked by "redneck farmers"?

The point of all this: don't let partisan politics on any side change YOUR perception of the national flag. You should hold it in the highest regard as the symbol of your home. Posting things like Sonick did is just looking to perpetuate a belief that doesn't have to be, so they can feel justified with their opinion. Misery loves company. See the Canadian flag and think "yup that's where I'm from that's awesome" instead and see how much better your day is.
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Old 02-28-2023, 10:59 AM   #4588
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We are Canadian. 4 years ago you would never see cars with Canadian flags driving down the street. This is not something we do. It's what Americans do. People calling themselves patriots and freedom fighters are just copying American culture. I think it's un-Canadian.
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Old 02-28-2023, 11:00 AM   #4589
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Sorry for the double post but I just saw this.
Originally Posted by 68style View Post
You ban guns today, tomorrow there aren’t “no guns” anywhere. It takes years for the supply to dwindle down and access to become harder and harder.
This has worked stunningly well for illicit drugs

Originally Posted by 68style View Post
Where does a DTES person even buy a gun? Answer — they didn’t. They stole it. If there’s less firearms around in home, there’s less to steal. Not that this is the point of a gun ban anyway.
Oh come on now. They buy them from the same places they buy drugs: the black market. Are the firearms stolen? Yes! In the United States and then smuggled across the border. This is proven with data from police and government sources. People in the DTES who typically smash car windows to grab loose change and grab'n'dash whatever is closest to the doors in retail stores have not suddenly become sophisticated criminals creeping in to people's houses at night and cracking their gun safes.

Originally Posted by 68style View Post
Then you have or consider other factors like VPD politics. What have they been doing for years? Crying for more funding and getting political to get it. What better way for Howard to get the public scared and pressure Vancouver than to tweet a photo with a table full of knives and guns and FAKE guns by his own admission (thought he doesn’t bother to elaborate which ones were fake or how many). It’s propaganda at its finest. Be scared. Fear the homeless.

It’s kind of sad really and people don’t think critically anymore and just take the bait.
VPD politics aside I don't think it's propaganda to post seizures, it's policy. They've always done that. I also don't think anyone is saying fear the homeless (they shouldn't). What we should be fearing is the organized crime element that hides amongst them and has been allowed to flourish with no consequences due to soft on crime policies at every level.
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Old 02-28-2023, 11:46 AM   #4590
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Originally Posted by JDął View Post
Sorry for the double post but I just saw this.

This has worked stunningly well for illicit drugs
Yah drugs are totally the same as guns lol

Do you get addicted to holding a gun and will steal to get to hold another gun... does using a gun make your body fall apart/send you to hospital/send you into some kind of delusional fervor? Give your head a shake man jesus.

There's plenty of countries that gun bans have worked STUNNINGLY well in. PLENTY of them. The stats are there... not even sure why you bothered saying anything against it.
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Old 02-28-2023, 12:14 PM   #4591
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
Yah drugs are totally the same as guns lol

Do you get addicted to holding a gun and will steal to get to hold another gun... does using a gun make your body fall apart/send you to hospital/send you into some kind of delusional fervor? Give your head a shake man jesus.

There's plenty of countries that gun bans have worked STUNNINGLY well in. PLENTY of them. The stats are there... not even sure why you bothered saying anything against it.
Addiction vs firearm ownership isn't a comparison nor what I said, strong rant but the point was that the black market will find a way to deliver to criminals. To your other points a firearms ban will NEVER work with a porous border to the largest gun wielding country on the planet. The hard drugs all come in the same way, across the border or via ports. Legal firearms owners in Canada aren't the ones committing the crimes so targeting them with policy is misplaced to begin with. Targeting and actually imprisoning the organized crime will help the DTES. Meanwhile the LPC have REDUCED minimum sentences for gun crimes. A gun ban in Canada is smoke and mirrors, you're being sold a lie.


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Old 02-28-2023, 12:19 PM   #4592
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300 million guns across an artificial line that thousands of people cross a month without even being questioned lol..
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Old 02-28-2023, 12:29 PM   #4593
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Can you systematically stop young, disenfranchised people, from taking from others, that which they should be building for themselves?

Nah. Not with a legal handgun ban. Nor a blanket legal gun ban.

We're arguing about whether to use Fiji bottled water or Dasani bottled water to fight a forest fire. Whatever the solution is, its not a sweeping policy change, its going to take decades.

Sadly also hinges on what the US is going to do about it too, over 4500 (edit: NOPE - over 8800) km's of mostly unmonitored land borders...

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Old 02-28-2023, 01:29 PM   #4594
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Weird how so many other countries in the world had such good results with it. Must be magic then?

Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
300 million guns across an artificial line that thousands of people cross a month without even being questioned lol..
This implies that everyone crosses with intention.

You can bring back beer or cigarettes or unclaimed goods too, but hardly anyone bothers to try for fear of getting caught. That's why people weigh their options and it's a small minority that participate.

I mean you guys can conjecture all you want... less guns is less guns is less guns.

I know you're all wa wa wa because you like having a gun to use, but I guess we'll never agree on that because I think owning guns is lame... so that's just me and you're just you. I can understand your point of view wanting to have a toy to play with as well, lots of people probably think some of my hobbies are lame too. Collecting model cars and Transformers doesn't ever lead to anyone getting killed though lol
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Old 02-28-2023, 01:42 PM   #4595
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The same people who say there's no point in putting stricter laws into gun ownership because they would just come from America would also argue there's no reason for stricter gun laws in America. It's not an objective view.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
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Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 02-28-2023, 02:25 PM   #4596
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Lol you guys have the EXACT same view on crime like ffs..

If the guns I own are ever on some sort of “banned” list everyone should be worried. Shooting sporting clays with a gun that holds 2 rounds or a rifle that can fire 5 rounds over a couple minutes, legally owned and possessed, locked in a safe, etc etc.

All I ever ask here is, could we please figure out these chronic violent offenders with hundreds of charges now using illegal guns in our city? Close to my home?

And the response is “lol buddy doesn’t want his guns taken away”

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Old 02-28-2023, 02:28 PM   #4597
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Originally Posted by westopher View Post
The same people who say there's no point in putting stricter laws into gun ownership because they would just come from America would also argue there's no reason for stricter gun laws in America. It's not an objective view.
Not I, I have discussed this in one of the threads around the time of the Uvalde mass shooting.

68style - You're willfully ignoring the single biggest factor as to why a ban here wouldn't work that all the data from official sources, from local PD's to the Federal Gov, points to being the problem. This isn't conjecture it's the facts, perhaps you didn't know what conjecture meant when you used it. So repeating that bans work elsewhere is as WA WA WA as it gets. Glad you just admit you hate certain hobbies and want them banned because you don't like them.
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Old 02-28-2023, 02:56 PM   #4598
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Where's all the data then?

How can you collect data on something that hasn't happened?

Isn't that the very definition of conjecture?

At least bans/severe restrictions in other countries HAVE happened and there is actual data to study.

Hmm let's see... Great Britain, Japan, Australia, New Zealand... combined population = 230 million people... total gun related deaths last year = 552 deaths

Canada population = 39 million people... 875 deaths

We're not awful here, but we could be a lot better... still 10x as much per capita as other countries population wise that have severe gun controls/restrictions... we should be down to ~90 deaths to match the same ratio as other countries who have similar legislation. Like I said, not horrible compared to our fugged up neighbours to the south, but not great either.

I wouldn't consider any of those countries to be gestappos with no freedoms either? Would happily live in any of them.
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Old 02-28-2023, 03:11 PM   #4599
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Here's the latest release for Gun Crimes in Canada.

The handgun freeze, retro-actively judging by previous numbers was the right move.

However, a previous release does clearly state that data on illegally obtained firearms, is sadly still lacking.

Of particular concern, there is currently little information available to determine the source of firearms used in crime: for example, whether a gun used in a crime was stolen, illegally purchased or smuggled into the country. This information is sometimes not recorded by police services, recorded inconsistently or, in some cases, the information is simply not available. For example, not all firearms are recovered from firearm-related homicides; consequently, only some of these guns are available for tracing.
Go figure, data about off-the-books illegal firearms would be hard to obtain. An illegal handgun shoots the same bullets as a legal handgun, sadly.

Don't think anyone here is arguing for looser gun control, though. Its just the massively hard to monitor border to the south, of which those four island nations don't have to deal with.

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Old 02-28-2023, 03:35 PM   #4600
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
Where's all the data then?

How can you collect data on something that hasn't happened?

Isn't that the very definition of conjecture?

At least bans/severe restrictions in other countries HAVE happened and there is actual data to study.

Hmm let's see... Great Britain, Japan, Australia, New Zealand... combined population = 230 million people... total gun related deaths last year = 552 deaths

Canada population = 39 million people... 875 deaths

We're not awful here, but we could be a lot better... still 10x as much per capita as other countries population wise that have severe gun controls/restrictions... we should be down to ~90 deaths to match the same ratio as other countries who have similar legislation. Like I said, not horrible compared to our fugged up neighbours to the south, but not great either.

I wouldn't consider any of those countries to be gestappos with no freedoms either? Would happily live in any of them.
Notice anything about your list? You made the point I was going to make on your own lol.
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