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Old 02-22-2024, 05:30 PM   #6076, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by whitev70r View Post
Part of the BC budget today, free IVF treatments ... get ready for lots of twins.
Oh yeah the condo market with all the affordable, widely available 1br + den will be perfect for new parents who got free IVF.
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Sonick is a genius. I won't go into detail what's so great about his post. But it's damn good!
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Old 02-22-2024, 06:21 PM   #6077
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Originally Posted by Badhobz View Post
We literally don’t need anymore Public relations about how “giving” Canada is. We should be an asshole country that charges all these migrants a million dollars to get a chance at entering the country. Just a chance, if you can’t past the interview get the fuck out.

They did that to my parents. Either you came because you had an employable skill or you came with cash. In the early 90s all the mainland chinese who came out were doctors or lawyers or some sort of a useful human being. Not the trash refugees they are letting in nowadays.
I don't want anyone coming with cash. You want to buy your way in? Fuck off. Seems like you're doing fine where you are.
Just bring skills, and most importantly, let these people actually use the fucking skills they bring.
You're going to get beheaded for your sexual preferences? Come on in. You are a doctor? Come on in. You have 23 million dollars in an offshore bank account and are going to claim zero income while you live in a point grey mansion? Here's a ticket back home.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82 View Post
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 02-22-2024, 06:23 PM   #6078
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yeah true, i also agree with that. Fucking assholes with offshore money is a major cause of our housing bubble. But at least those people arent draining our medicare/social services unlike taking in a "family" consisting of 8 fucking syrians of which none of them are working (too young) and are on the government tit.
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Old 02-22-2024, 07:27 PM   #6079
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Originally Posted by Badhobz View Post
yeah true, i also agree with that. Fucking assholes with offshore money is a major cause of our housing bubble. But at least those people arent draining our medicare/social services unlike taking in a "family" consisting of 8 fucking syrians of which none of them are working (too young) and are on the government tit.
They totally are. They pay no taxes, get their free healthcare, and often these fucks get social benefits as low income individuals would, because they claim nothing here in Canada.
I'd rather be paying some of my hard earned money to help those suffering have some semblance of safety as opposed to some slave labour factory owners get free shit.
I'm happy to help those less fortunate, I sure as fuck don't want to help those more fortunate.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82 View Post
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 02-22-2024, 07:34 PM   #6080
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I assume you’re talking about the rich fuckers.

They pay taxes man. They don’t pay them here but they spend like retards and that goes into tax revenues. Same with their property tax they gotta pay on their million dollar homes.

They sure as shit not getting welfare as they don’t qualify based on their residential address alone. One look at their property value and no fucking way they would qualify for social services. My broke as shit parents couldn’t even get on the government tit cuz their apartment was over the value of what they deem as “acceptable”.

Even if they get Medicare shit, so what. Get in line like the rest of us. These rich fuckers all pay to go offshore for their medical needs. Ain’t nobody got time for a 8 months mri.
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Old 02-22-2024, 07:55 PM   #6081
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The cons want Canadians to trust companies that mistreat and abuse women.

Conservative MP Says He Trusts Porn Companies Won’t Leak Digital IDs of Canadians Who Visit Porn Websites

One of Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative MPs says Canadians who visit porn websites can trust companies won’t leak their personal information or viewing histories if a plan to mandate digital IDs for porn websites becomes law.

According to Conservative MP Garnett Genuis, the invisible hand of the free market would prevent such data breaches from ever happening in the first place.

This week, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre raised eyebrows after affirming his party’s support for controversial legislation introducing a digital ID system to verify the identity of anyone accessing pornography on the Internet.
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 02-22-2024, 08:18 PM   #6082
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I for one welcome to new immigants.

Because I enjoy my Tim Horton's order being more fucked up than I thought possible.

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When I think about ewe, I touch myself
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Old 02-22-2024, 10:07 PM   #6083
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Originally Posted by GS8 View Post
I for one welcome to new immigants.

Because I enjoy my Tim Horton's order being more fucked up than I thought possible.

Me: Why is there a hashbrown in my steeped tea?

Dillpicklepreet: Yes
Maybe you should breed 5 or 6 more kids to fill the worker gap at tims.
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 02-23-2024, 05:46 AM   #6084
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Originally Posted by GS8 View Post
I for one welcome to new immigants.

Because I enjoy my Tim Horton's order being more fucked up than I thought possible.

Me: Why is there a hashbrown in my steeped tea?

Dillpicklepreet: Yes
i got no problem with east Indians to be honest. The majority are hard-working and will try and get ahead by any means possible. Given how intense their culture is regarding academic excellence, no wonder so many turn out to be huge successes
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Old 02-23-2024, 06:54 AM   #6085, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
Maybe you should breed 5 or 6 more kids to fill the worker gap at tims.
Isn't that what the IVF funding is for?
Originally Posted by skyxx View Post
Sonick is a genius. I won't go into detail what's so great about his post. But it's damn good!
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Old 02-23-2024, 07:38 AM   #6086
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Half of people convicted of crimes and sentenced to any sort of actual sentence In Canada end up reoffending within 3 years says a new study:

We are such a joke lol.

How long till Trudeau pardons Pickton?
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:07 AM   #6087
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Isn't that more of a commentary on how the entire concept of jails and the interventions (har har) leading up to it are completely inept and ineffectual than anything else?

I'm not saying I know what the answer is, but the USA throws people in jail at a rate that would embarrass any other modern country and their crime rate is off the charts compared to here...

The same judicial system has existed over every form of government since Canada began, no particular political party has changed it in any significant way.
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:09 AM   #6088
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Man Trudeau must have worked real hard in his first few weeks in office to let all those people out in 2015. Definitely his policies that created that problem.
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Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
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seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:34 AM   #6089
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
Isn't that more of a commentary on how the entire concept of jails and the interventions (har har) leading up to it are completely inept and ineffectual than anything else?

I'm not saying I know what the answer is, but the USA throws people in jail at a rate that would embarrass any other modern country and their crime rate is off the charts compared to here...

The same judicial system has existed over every form of government since Canada began, no particular political party has changed it in any significant way.
I think the problem is, your average law abiding citizen is the victim as we try and figure out how to solve these issues. Whether it be property crime, violent crime, etc. the victim is left holding the bag while the criminal is almost always allowed to walk, to a point where it’s comical and a complete insult to the victims and their families. See: Randall Hopley, and countless others.

People who reoffend hundreds of times are hit with punishments with no teeth.

I’ve said this a million times before but is it so hard to severely punish people who commit violent/gun crime. Trudeaus gun legislation is a complete fucking joke in terms of effecting violent/gun crime because it does nothing to address the actual problem, no govt. has ever done anything to solve it.

If you have an unregulated, illegal, handgun in your possession, like the story I posted a while back about the kid with chronic convictions who got caught with a loaded handgun on the skytrain after his what, FITH time getting caught?

Ok, now you’re going away for 5-10, there’s no questions, there’s no leeway in your sentencing. You clearly cannot learn a lesson, you are a scourge to society, you NEED to be away from the public. But of course not, they are released back into society almost instantly.
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:40 AM   #6090
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I agree with you, but the 2 things you're talking about aren't related to one another?

Habitual offenders should be handled in an increasingly punitive manner, ie: the kid with the gun 5-6-7 whatever it is times.

That has nothing to do with gun control though, at least not yet... I can't say whatever restrictions are in place 'make sense' to gun nuts, it probably doesn't the same way car restrictions would sound out to lunch to enthusiasts of cars like us... it takes a long time for a ban on something to take effect and for all the built up supply that already exists in the country to slowly dwindle or lack of maintenance/upkeep out and there's always going to be some people who find ways to bypass it, but the costs and difficulty of doing so keep getting higher and more difficult as time goes on until eventually it is effective in its goal.

Social issues aren't light switches. They're 10+ year processes.
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:45 AM   #6091
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Controlling legal guns doesn’t affect illegal guns though lol.

With the US next door gun control measures in Canada are like sticking your finger in the dam. You are only effecting law abiding people. They could enact insanely strict gun control measures here, I wouldn’t care, I don’t have any of the “scary” guns I hunt and I shoot clays. Do whatever you want frankly. It won’t change buddy guys blasting each other nor would it likely put a dent in the crime

The only actual deterrent that would ever work is incredibly harsh penalties.

Look at places like Singapore etc. there’s no drug crime, there’s no street level drug marker etc. because you’re -done- if you get caught. If you have an illegal gun what a criminal record, there is nothing you’re trying to do other than cause physical harm to others, period.
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:47 AM   #6092, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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^ serious question. What are some viable options or solutions? Obviously, our jails are full to the brim, staffing at detention centres are constantly short - shittiest place to work ever. Cost to house, feed, healthcare for offenders are off the charts per person. Is there any other countries doing something creative, helpful, and effective other than put people in jail?

I know our method of putting reoffenders back on the street is ineffective but there has to be a 3rd way.
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:52 AM   #6093
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But do we want to become a totalitarian society like Singapore? I've been there, it's... nice... but it's not what I would call a fun place. Unless you're quite wealthy that is.

Do you also want the government telling you that you can't chew gum when you walk around the city?

Do you also want to pay $100,000 for a Toyota Corolla?

Do you want to have segmented parts of the city where service workers live in barracks and slums?

The reason our justice system is the way it is, is to try and find a balance between reform and punishment with an element of human rights and fairness... there's no cheat code that deletes a person from the planet because they fucked up and picked up a bag of weed 1 day or thought getting a gun would be cool. It doesn't always work, but the drawbacks that come from a totalitarian style justice system and the type of government that would prescribe to it are too great to outweigh the random violence encountered in our society in my opinion.

Improvement can definitely be made, cases sometimes need revisiting with fresh eyes... but throwing people down a well and pretending they never existed isn't an answer.
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:59 AM   #6094
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
The cons want Canadians to trust companies that mistreat and abuse women.

Conservative MP Says He Trusts Porn Companies Won’t Leak Digital IDs of Canadians Who Visit Porn Websites
you can't even trust sony to keep your info safe let alone a shady online pr0n site

1 rat shit ruins the whole congee
You cannot live the life of a whore and expect a monument to your chastity
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Old 02-23-2024, 09:00 AM   #6095
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Originally Posted by whitev70r View Post
^ serious question. What are some viable options or solutions? Obviously, our jails are full to the brim, staffing at detention centres are constantly short - shittiest place to work ever. Cost to house, feed, healthcare for offenders are off the charts per person. Is there any other countries doing something creative, helpful, and effective other than put people in jail?

I know our method of putting reoffenders back on the street is ineffective but there has to be a 3rd way.
The answer is typical to most Canadian issues imo. Throw money at it.

Develop a rehabilitation system, job training, effective reintegration into society, education, treatment for addiction, mental illness, etc.

The govt. will come out in the news ie. Eby and make some comment about how he’s appalled that some fucking criminal is let out and goes and reoffends immediately, it’s like yea no shit, our system is made for that type of scenario.
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Old 02-23-2024, 10:40 AM   #6096
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But you're just allowing yourself to be manipulated by what a news agency shows you... not what the actual facts are.

How many people are released from prison every day? What percentage re-offend immediately?

You only hear about the ones that go wrong in a big way... a nicely packaged story once a week about xyz guy who got out of prison and then got high as fuck and stole a car and crashed into a bus stop Mildred was sitting at. You don't hear about the other 900 people who got let out and then started trying to piece their life back together, find a place to live, find a job... all while saddled with a criminal record and likely no or even less family support than they had before they got put away?

But that's a boring story until they do something GTA because they can't get anywhere or have anything in a system that's totally broken unless your parents support the shit out of you or you've got major hookups right? And then suddenly you feel like society is full of miscreants just waiting to take a piece of your action. It's simply not true, just fear mongering at its worst.
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Old 02-23-2024, 11:15 AM   #6097
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That link I posted has extensive data on re-offenders?

And even if that was only from 2015, I’d bet money it’s far worse now.
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Old 02-23-2024, 12:11 PM   #6098
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Recidivism is a known issue in much of the modern world, esp after the convicted person has gone through the jail system (or its youth equivalents), but at least according to the Canadian sources that I've read, the severity of the problem is difficult to define. There is data to suggest that it is more common among youths and the indigenous population though.
Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
The answer is typical to most Canadian issues imo. Throw money at it.

Develop a rehabilitation system, job training, effective reintegration into society, education, treatment for addiction, mental illness, etc.

The govt. will come out in the news ie. Eby and make some comment about how he’s appalled that some fucking criminal is let out and goes and reoffends immediately, it’s like yea no shit, our system is made for that type of scenario.
The biggest problem with what you're suggesting here is cost, and right now in Canada, we are already buried in debt up to our eyeballs. While Turd deserves a lot of blame on this, he is not the only PM responsible for our current debt levels, and PMs and governing parties from the past bear just as much responsibility as Turd does.

So the only way to finance this is to raise more taxes, and of course we all know how popular that will be among voters. Esp at the federal level, anyone proposing meaningful tax increases would have exactly a zero percent chance of getting elected, and we know how many politicians love to NOT get elected.
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Old 02-23-2024, 12:36 PM   #6099
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Thing is, if we hadn’t had given Ukraine 15 billion dollars, an investment with virtually zero return (which will look much worse if Russia eventually succeeds) those 10’s of billions would have just been squandered on sonthing else anyways. So we might as well add to the debt if we can actually achieve sonthing.. which, given the track record of all govt. is unlikely, but money and funding are really the only things that can enact change.
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Old 02-24-2024, 07:39 AM   #6100
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Speaking of which..

- 320 million in new military support

- another 2.4+ billion in loans

- 80 million for demining
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