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Old 04-05-2024, 02:52 PM   #6301
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Originally Posted by westopher View Post
I don't even know how to respond to such a stupid rationalization of something like this being stated in a fucking political platform. Cons have absolutely openly campaigned and attended rallies, pushed these ideas in public forums.
Do you know how government works? Did you know they do things on a regular basis that don't need to be advertised as a key point?
Just because I think this is beyond retarded to be something that someone would actively campaign upon, doesn't mean I think they shouldn't be allowed to take a stance on it.
What's fucking ridiculous is that politicians use these tactics to get the absolute dumbest fucks to hang on their platforms because it's the flavour of the day issue.
I had a random dude literally come up and start complaining to me about kids being too young to choose their gender and how everyone is cutting their dicks off and regretting it. Like, that isn't even real? Is that what your hot button issue is? Worry about poverty and inequality and food security and racism and housing and things that actually exist. The government has shown they don't have nearly enough resources to worry about what matters so don't waste fucking time on this please.
Morons like that are who this is aimed at. There's a difference between being triggered and calling out stupidity.

And guess what? They're winning by waging this stupid culture war of subterfuge.

I get the same problem with my conservative friends, all they want to talk about is gender pronouns, transexuals, and the grooming of children. None of which are salient issues.

Then they complain about lack of healthcare, lack of access to services, thinking PP will be their savior. Meanwhile completely ignoring the fact that he's stacked his entire cabinet with corporate lobbyists. They ignore that you can literally see what conservative governance brings you. Look at healthcare in Alberta (run by the cons), first thing they did was cut services and funding, compounding the very problem they profess to want fixed.

Lets talk about housing, look no further than Ontario, another province run by a conservative government. What does Ford do? Attempts to sell the greenbelt to his developer buddies to build luxury housing and golf courses, effectively doing nothing to help access to housing and affordability, a key issue in this country right now. The whole thing turned into a massive scandal of corruption.

The BC Liberals and Rich Coleman, covering up money laundering in casinos, selling the province to outside foreign money, now they want to pretend they're going to come back and fix the problem they created?

Fuck off.

How many times are people going to fall for these bloody tactics?
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Old 04-05-2024, 03:02 PM   #6302
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Well, things are bad enough that people are willing to try the cons to get away from JT and the liberals.

I’ll reiterate my previous point in that, if we can give 14 billion dollars to Ukraine, can we not setup support and recovery services? Or keep the ER’s in our country open? People look around and see crack heads pulling on crack pipes in every neighborhood now and wonder wow.. how did it get to this? Because people who WANT to recover and WANT support simply cannot get it. I have a very close family member now working in addiction support and recovery and he says it’s basically futile in that people will come in desperate to get clean, willing to try virtually anything, and the answer is always the same, maybe somthing will open up in 6 months.

But hey, I saw THIRTY Indian guys at YVR last night at 11pm on a Thursday waiting in the line for temporary residency/visas. Let’s prioritize these guys. One looked like he just got off a shift at the dust plant. Surely though he’s an educated, skilled, contributor to the economy. You know shit has REALLY hit the fan when JT is even wiling to admit a mistake

People are done with the liberals, regardless of these minor issues. It’s time for a change, and with things in the state they are currently in, I welcome any change for better or worse, because the current trajectory is still all downhill for your average person.
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Old 04-05-2024, 03:06 PM   #6303
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I don't disagree we need change, Trudeau and the Liberals have to go, they've been in power long enough.

At the same time, don't expect anything to change, and mark my words, once PP gets in, we'll still be complaining about all these issues years later.

The devil is still the devil, it's just more palatable when it's our own one.
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Old 04-05-2024, 03:10 PM   #6304
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Nothing ever changes, but if I don’t have to see JT whining on TV anymore that’s a step.

If we can have some even somewhat sound fiscal policies, criminal justice changes, etc. that’s somthing. I think even the most left leaning person is sick of seeing repeat rapists and people with thousands of convictions walk the streets and reoffend. I’d vote for a tough on crime policy all day long because we are sooooo far past this notion of “locking people up doesn’t work!!!”

Well.. we can’t even help the non-violent drug addicts, so what fucking hope is there to try and rehabilitate someone with hundreds of violent offences, or someone with multiple sexual assaults? There is none. We don’t have the resources or money to do so, so keep them away from general society for as long as humanly possible. .
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Old 04-05-2024, 03:14 PM   #6305
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
But hey, I saw THIRTY Indian guys at YVR last night at 11pm on a Thursday waiting in the line for temporary residency/visas. Let’s prioritize these guys. One looked like he just got off a shift at the dust plant. Surely though he’s an educated, skilled, contributor to the economy. You know shit has REALLY hit the fan when JT is even wiling to admit a mistake
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Originally Posted by Badhobz View Post
I only get turned on by professional whores where whoring is their profession. Not whores who are professionals. yuck, that means I have to actually listen to the shit that comes out of their mouth.
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Old 04-05-2024, 03:16 PM   #6306
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I'm down with the "tough on crime" rhetoric in the right situations.
Sexual and violent crimes, they never need to see the light of day again.
This goes beyond politics though and we are seeing it in the US, as well as we just saw here in B.C. with that stupid fucking decision about banning drug use from playgrounds "infringing on the rights of the user"
The courts, and court systems that are 150 years plus in the making will decide the answer, not the elected officials.
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Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
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seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 04-05-2024, 08:27 PM   #6307
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alex jones supports pp and so should you.

Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 04-06-2024, 12:31 AM   #6308
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Almost anyone but PP or JT... I wish............

If I had to get kicked in the nuts, JT is the least dangerous of the 2 though... I thought the Americans had bad choices between Biden and Trump, but Biden looks like a fucking genius compared to what we have up here.
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Old 04-06-2024, 07:56 AM   #6309
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highest prices in north america!!! i feel bad for that ferrari driving bimbo i met the other day.
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Old 04-06-2024, 08:21 AM   #6310
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It's okay, she feels bad for you with your bicycle and topless Toyota
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Old 04-06-2024, 09:52 AM   #6311
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Originally Posted by Badhobz View Post

highest prices in north america!!! i feel bad for that ferrari driving bimbo i met the other day.
When haven't we had the highest gas prices in North America? Like 1998?
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82 View Post
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 04-06-2024, 02:52 PM   #6312
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Don’t know if this instagram link will work but this is a big fucking LOL and goes to show how out of touch from reality JT is lol

“When most people think about building a home they think ‘dig a big hole and fill it with bricks and mortar’”

Ffs..yea.. we’re in BIG trouble :
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Old 04-06-2024, 08:07 PM   #6313
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
Almost anyone but PP or JT... I wish............

If I had to get kicked in the nuts, JT is the least dangerous of the 2 though... I thought the Americans had bad choices between Biden and Trump, but Biden looks like a fucking genius compared to what we have up here.
Are you fucking serious? God damn, I didn't know there are so many dumb people in Canada.. ugh..
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Old 04-06-2024, 10:23 PM   #6314
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The problem I see with lefty gov't is that they are becoming too much.

They get a say in everything we do in our life. How to raise our kids, how to think, how to behave... etc. All while acting like this saint that we should be all thankful for what they are doing.

FUCK THAT SHIT. Like... really... Fuck it.

Inflation? don't come to me with all the bullshit of covid, supply chain and whatever. The only entity capable of causing inflation in any currency is the central bank and the gov't that controls it. Only they can create money out of nothing. Every countries in the world had to deal with all the issues, but not everyone is dealing with record-high inflation. Why? Because their gov't didn't simply start handing out money like it's nothing. Handing out money doesn't solve the problem. If it did, the gov't can just give every citizen a million dollar and everyone would be rich.

No... you just devalue the currency by the same proportion of that handout. The handout actual ideology is that, ok... instead of some unfortunate, unprepared people have to suffer... let's all suffer (inflation affects everyone).

But the problem is that once you start, it's extremely hard to stop. What makes it ok to handout for this and not for that? And their favorite modus operandi "That's discrimination/racism/whatever fucking new word they came up now."

That's not how gov't should operate. An ideal gov't uses tax money to establish the environment (education, infrastructure, incentives... etc) and game rules (laws and regulations) for its people to succeed in whatever venture they want to take on as long as it's within it. Then it generates more tax, and rinse and repeat.

Instead, we pay more attention to what happens outside of our country (war in Ukraine, Israel, all the illegal immigrants... etc) than our own people. This is FUCKED UP. When was the last time Canada or US announced any major infrastructure investment? I'm not talking about small projects here and there. I'm talking about projects that might take decades to complete but it would alter the country forever. We still have ONE... just one freaking highway that cross the country. And it's not great. A lot of sections on hwy 1 is just single lane each way. Our medical care is overloading and short-staffed, our gov't agencies on simple things like RTB takes month to hear a case... and there is no permanent solution being offered by our gov't. Only bandaid stuff.
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Old 04-07-2024, 07:13 AM   #6315
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So glad i dont have kids.... bringing them into this shithole of a world is totally fucked.
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Old 04-07-2024, 08:02 AM   #6316, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by Hehe View Post
The problem I see with lefty gov't is that they are becoming too much.

They get a say in everything we do in our life. How to raise our kids, how to think, how to behave... etc. All while acting like this saint that we should be all thankful for what they are doing.

FUCK THAT SHIT. Like... really... Fuck it.

Inflation? don't come to me with all the bullshit of covid, supply chain and whatever. The only entity capable of causing inflation in any currency is the central bank and the gov't that controls it. Only they can create money out of nothing. Every countries in the world had to deal with all the issues, but not everyone is dealing with record-high inflation. Why? Because their gov't didn't simply start handing out money like it's nothing. Handing out money doesn't solve the problem. If it did, the gov't can just give every citizen a million dollar and everyone would be rich.

No... you just devalue the currency by the same proportion of that handout. The handout actual ideology is that, ok... instead of some unfortunate, unprepared people have to suffer... let's all suffer (inflation affects everyone).

But the problem is that once you start, it's extremely hard to stop. What makes it ok to handout for this and not for that? And their favorite modus operandi "That's discrimination/racism/whatever fucking new word they came up now."

That's not how gov't should operate. An ideal gov't uses tax money to establish the environment (education, infrastructure, incentives... etc) and game rules (laws and regulations) for its people to succeed in whatever venture they want to take on as long as it's within it. Then it generates more tax, and rinse and repeat.

Instead, we pay more attention to what happens outside of our country (war in Ukraine, Israel, all the illegal immigrants... etc) than our own people. This is FUCKED UP. When was the last time Canada or US announced any major infrastructure investment? I'm not talking about small projects here and there. I'm talking about projects that might take decades to complete but it would alter the country forever. We still have ONE... just one freaking highway that cross the country. And it's not great. A lot of sections on hwy 1 is just single lane each way. Our medical care is overloading and short-staffed, our gov't agencies on simple things like RTB takes month to hear a case... and there is no permanent solution being offered by our gov't. Only bandaid stuff.
you realize we have 1 sometimes 2 major cities in each province? Lol. A couple highways parallel to each other seems awesome. Unless you mean Yellowknife, Cambridge bay with a bridge to Baffin Island. That sounds alright too.(end sarcasm)
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Old 04-07-2024, 08:04 AM   #6317, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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So Crab Park has been cleaned up, 90,000 kgs of garbage & shit removed, city put gravel down, drainage and what appears to be dividers and provided consistent tents, cooking area. AND some don't want to return ... WTF? I mean I want to be compassionate and all but this is beyond my comprehension. Crab Park is prob some of the best real estate in Vancouver!



Damn ... it looks so nice there now, like a Provincial Park. Working folks can't even get rez at our Provincial Parks because it is in such high demand. As soon as reservation opens, people are on multiple devices trying to get a reservation.
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Old 04-07-2024, 08:33 AM   #6318
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lol all these homeless encampment cleanups are is just a maid service for them. Where do they think they are gonna go when they remove them? Homeless don't just disappear.
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Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
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seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 04-07-2024, 10:13 AM   #6319
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If there are actual spots for them inside shelters and temp housing, where, presumably there are resources available to them, and they continue to refuse and live in crab park, it’s simply time to start locking people up.

We’ve created a society where people can literally do whatever the fuck they want whether it be use playgrounds as their drug dens, use public areas as toilets, and use public parks as dumping grounds, with no repercussions. When is enough enough?

If you think it’s bad now, just wait till the weather gets better.
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Last edited by Hondaracer; 04-07-2024 at 10:28 AM.
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Old 04-07-2024, 11:10 AM   #6320
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Originally Posted by Hehe View Post
Inflation? don't come to me with all the bullshit of covid, supply chain and whatever. The only entity capable of causing inflation in any currency is the central bank and the gov't that controls it. Only they can create money out of nothing. Every countries in the world had to deal with all the issues, but not everyone is dealing with record-high inflation. Why? Because their gov't didn't simply start handing out money like it's nothing. Handing out money doesn't solve the problem. If it did, the gov't can just give every citizen a million dollar and everyone would be rich.
I just want to mention that printing money has its time and place. Bernanke was right in doing it during the 2007 - 08 Financial Crisis, and in one of his rare moments in doing something right, Turd also mostly did the right thing with handing out money to his own people for a change. CERB, CEBA, rent subsidy (for businesses) etc. became lifelines for a lot of people during the pandemic. I certainly think they contributed to the inflationary environment as well, but overall, the handouts did more good than harm.

As another example to dispel your suggestion that countries shouldn't have handed out money, all you need to do is to look at China. The Chinese gov didn't hand out money during COVID at all, and their economy has been in the dumps post COVID for the most part. N.American and European economies rebounded fairly quickly post COVID bcos people had enough money from being saved through the COVID era handouts. But the Chinese economy has largely failed to rebound because the Chinese gov's refusal to hand out money meant Chinese citizens had used up their own funds to sustain themselves during the lockdowns, and now they have no money to spend and rejuvenate their economy anymore.

I had been following the Crab Park clean up in the news, and I am disappointed to see the degree of entitlement and whining that many of the campers have shown. I understand how skeptical they are towards the municipal gov -- they have every reason to feel that way given what the municipal gov and police have done before. But the amount of whining was just incredible. It almost sounded like no amount of accommodation from the city could make them happy.
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Old 04-07-2024, 11:59 AM   #6321
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Originally Posted by hud 91gt View Post
you realize we have 1 sometimes 2 major cities in each province? Lol. A couple highways parallel to each other seems awesome. Unless you mean Yellowknife, Cambridge bay with a bridge to Baffin Island. That sounds alright too.(end sarcasm)
Highway is just one example I used it to show the lack of infrastructure. US has roughly 10x of our population, and their major interstates, just counting those that are 1000km or more, they've got 22. And those that I have been, it's at least 2lanes each direction at any point on them. If we count all that are called "interstates", they've got like 70.

But let's say building more hwys don't make financial sense. Ok... how about ports? How about adding capacity to our medical system?

It's a problem that we knew before COVID. The pandemic just highlighted how bad the situation actually was. And yet... nothing... not a single word about adding capacity.


China is facing a different problem altogether. Their economy is facing deflationary pressure. Where the economy has more supply power than it can consume (in both import and export). The true cause is exactly the opposite of ours, where they built too much infrastructure to facilitate trade. Therefore, creating downward pressure on pricing making money a hot commodity. This paired with the policy that President Xi is taking, where he cares more about of its people being reliant on the government than what's actually good for the economy.

They are in what's called the middle-income trap. The way to solve it is to relax on market control, and put emphasis on education, allowing the market to shift resources away from things that are already oversupplied. However, the Chinese gov't kept a hard control on what can and cannot happen in the economy and make policy changes overnight. They killed their education sector by not allowing companies to offer supplemental classes after the class driving that market underground overnight. No grandfather clause or time frame, just straight no.

So, if you look at other economies where handout did not happen (Japan, Taiwan, Korea, India... etc) other than some supplemental ones, they are doing just fine other than dealing with import-induced inflation.

I agree, some subsidies can be good. Not all handouts are bad in nature. But there has to be an accountability and balancing. You said CERB, CEBA, rent subsidy... yeah, those were good at the time given the total lockdown that we implemented on the market. However, once the critical moment passed, there should be policies that work on re-balancing the creation of so much currency. The billions that were handed out adds inflationary pressure to the economy. Thus, there should have been monetary tightening by a similar degree (gov't spending freeze/cut or whatever). Instead... they charged on and started giving out more money. And all for superficial things instead of investing in things that we realized that were severely lacking.

I'm ok with gov't spending money. But they need to account for a balance and the long term effect of the economy. The reason why we have sky-high housing prices is not because simply speculation, but rather, people don't see a better place to place their money given the environment that we are in. If you know the currency would continue to devalue due to inflation, what would you do? Of course it's to spend on things that have traditionally ride together with inflation.
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Old 04-07-2024, 01:03 PM   #6322
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China has a hundreds and thousands of problems all happening at the same time, and the issues you've cited are certainly happening as well. What I was alluding to was -- since the Chinese gov did not provide any sort of handouts to its citizens during their extended COVID era, its people have very little money and/or desire to spend now. Those that have burned through their savings have very little ability to spend now. With those that still have some money left, they know the gov will not look after them when shxt hits the fan, so they have no confidence/desire to pour whatever money they have into consumer spendings.

Given the pace at which the Canadian national debt has been growing, I think very few people would consider Turd to be a good financial steward lol~
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Old 04-07-2024, 01:05 PM   #6323
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China is never a comparable to anything.

People use it in this thread as some sort of constant liberal justification as in, things could be worse, we could be China. Which is completely irrelevant.
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Old 04-08-2024, 09:26 AM   #6324
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Originally Posted by whitev70r View Post
So Crab Park has been cleaned up, 90,000 kgs of garbage & shit removed, city put gravel down, drainage and what appears to be dividers and provided consistent tents, cooking area. AND some don't want to return ... WTF? I mean I want to be compassionate and all but this is beyond my comprehension. Crab Park is prob some of the best real estate in Vancouver!

Damn ... it looks so nice there now, like a Provincial Park. Working folks can't even get rez at our Provincial Parks because it is in such high demand. As soon as reservation opens, people are on multiple devices trying to get a reservation.
It's because these people don't want help, they want to live in garbage and dirt and do their drugs. Sadly you can't help people that don't want the help and there is nothing no one can do about it.
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Old 04-08-2024, 11:20 AM   #6325
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I've become so jaded that I will vote for anyone who will bring "law and order" and cut funding to all these non-profit organizations feeding off the poverty industry. Look at the salaries of the directors and where they live, it ain't cheap.

Let's face it, these drug zombies will never reintegrate into society. Ship them off to bowen island lord of the flies style.
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