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Old 03-20-2025, 05:56 PM   #10051
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Most of what has been discussed here isn’t worth more than a skim but I can’t believe how insane some of you are in your assesment of Trudeau in his final days

“Hehe maybe I wouldn’t mind Trudeau sticking around!”

Oh.. you mean those 15 minutes when, He wasn’t even prime minister, he had no legislative power, he had nothing to lose, and nothing he would say could come back to bite him? Jesus fucking Christ.. this type of insanity is what worries me that the idiot Carney could actually get elected… but even then I can’t believe Canadians could be that stupid.

Trudeaus legacy, and thus the liberal legacy of this last decade will be one of unfulfilled promises, poverty, a broken immigration system, a healthcare system in crisis, and an inability to build independence for our nation when every warning sign was there after the first Trump presidency and Trudeaus liberals sat in back rooms with their fingers crossed hoping he wouldn’t get elected. That was their plan.

Trudeau will also be remembered for enabling the Palestinian genocide. There is as much blood on his hands as anyone’s. but hey, wealthy, influential, Jews are certainly more important than a hundred thousand women and children.

I don't even care to get into the minutiae anymore of how much worse we are today then previously in terms of fiscal responsibility, social aspects, etc. because frankly, I don’t care anymore. I’ve accepted that regardless of who’s in power they are going to be shovelling shit down your throat and telling you you’re great, so.. with that said, this is why I’m still voting conservative and I don’t even care that PP is a fucking clown without a platform and a clue. If everything is equal, and there is only a CHANCE of change, I’m voting conservative for bail reform, and overhaul of the criminal justice system. That’s it. And yes, they are the only semblance of hope to address this because Carney and the same cast of fucking idiots certainly will not.

Vancouver-area homeless numbers show sharpest spike between counts since survey began

“There was a nurse the other night at another facility that was actually choked unconscious,” said BCNU president, Adriane Gear. “What the media is reporting on, I would say, is a fraction of what’s actually taking place.”

“The data shows that 130 people associated with the encampment on Cartmell Road accounted for 734 police files,” Lee said, about investigations by the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment last year, with most of them from Chilliwack, Lee said.

Maybe you saw this sack of shit on the news, I grew up with this skid, career criminal, DOZENS of charges, sexually assaulted chicks as a minor that isn’t in the record, a CAREER CRIMINAL

He’s out on bail for running from the police, crashing his car, resisting arrest, and assaulting a police officer. He THEN performs multiple home invasions, beats the fuck out of the guy in the trailer park, gets arrested and taken to hospital, he then chokes out one of the cops who took him there, and BEAT THE FUCK out of a nurse there working on him.

We are a joke, this country is a joke.

We’ve turned into this liberal nightmare where crime rules, there are no repercussions for your actions, and there is no solution, period. We are so far passed trying to “fix” this. This isn’t even a matter of building resources and recovery into the system, WE ARE FUCKED and that’s not even starting on tariff shit and all Trump BS you guys are crying about

How about this

“To see it fall apart due to bad policy decisions that aren’t getting undone is frankly frustrating, sad and heartbreaking,” said Cabana Nightclub owner Dave Kershaw.

With business down approximately 60 per cent, the six operators of multiple nightclubs on or near the Granville Strip said they’ve got nothing left to lose.

“I’ve owned a bar on Granville since 1996 and I’ve never seen it this bad,” Kershaw told Global News in an interview.

I’m sure you guys who never go out, never leave Richmond or wherever you live are oblivious, albeit Richmond has their own issues but I worked for 2 of these guys in the mid 2000’s. They are veterans of the Vancouver nightlife scene and have been around for 30-40 years at this point. Granville street is the new downtown east side. Go have a look yourself.

My wife started working downtown again a few months ago and she spends $25-$35 a day just getting downtown taking Evo’s or Ubers because I won’t let her take the bus through the DTES. I can SEE downtown from my bedroom and she isn’t safe to take a bus for 8 stops. This isn’t about being fearful or unreasonable, this is about the chance that something happens to her going through an area of strung out, mentally ill people, and that slim chance of something serious happening to her isn’t worth the $20 savings. Pathetic situation.

The vast majority of people here will be stuck in mediocrity regardless of who is in power. So many people here are handcuffed to cars they can’t afford, mortgages that are over their heads, kids that they rely on subsidies and govt. handouts in order to care for. The SLIM chance a conservative govt. can enact change and actually create effect on basic issues such as personal safety is enough to get my vote. The rest is just fluff so many people think they patting themselves on the back for voting for when in reality, it’s only burying you deeper in this cycle.

Vote Conservative.
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Old 03-20-2025, 06:05 PM   #10052
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By the way, I know everyone is riding the Elon hate train and piling on is so trendy right now and no one can seem to be rationale anymore. However, as I said in the cybertruck thread, the full self driving it has is one of the more impressive things I’ve seen in a LONG time. And to just shit on it for the sake of this anti-Tesla/Musk movement is a bit disingenuous imo.

That shit works like magic and literally drove us 15 miles, drove in and out of Vegas hotel parkades, did a u-turn, and merged onto two separate highways all on its own.

Musk is a clown and I would never even consider buying a Tesla, but that FSD is legitimately impressive.
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Old 03-20-2025, 06:45 PM   #10053, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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welcome back hondaracer.

I just came back from the autoshow, the amount of fentanyl zombies on my walk there was ridiculous. I'm sure the province will ship them away to the interior for fifa in 2026 just like they did for the olympics in 2010.

I like mark carney but it seems it's going the same old policies as trudeau's government. No expansion of natural resources or reducing TFW/immigration.

Conservatives are more my values but instead of focusing on the economy and law & order they are gonna go deep into MAGA culture war things so they suck too.

I'll see the debates and the platforms and vote accordingly.

I thought you and jason would hold hands on WokeScene but now I'm here for the inevitable debate.
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Old 03-20-2025, 07:04 PM   #10054
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
By the way, I know everyone is riding the Elon hate train and piling on is so trendy right now and no one can seem to be rationale anymore. However, as I said in the cybertruck thread, the full self driving it has is one of the more impressive things I’ve seen in a LONG time. And to just shit on it for the sake of this anti-Tesla/Musk movement is a bit disingenuous imo.

That shit works like magic and literally drove us 15 miles, drove in and out of Vegas hotel parkades, did a u-turn, and merged onto two separate highways all on its own.

Musk is a clown and I would never even consider buying a Tesla, but that FSD is legitimately impressive.
It's not trendy to hate Nazis and wannabe Nazis; we've been doing it for like 80+ years.

The really awful trend that started in 2016 is that it became acceptable for some to NOT hate them.

Welcome back!
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Old 03-20-2025, 07:42 PM   #10055
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Welcome back Honda. I never thought I'd say this but I missed you.

I never thought you and Jason would be the same person and you put it so well in that post.
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Old 03-20-2025, 08:30 PM   #10056
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
I’m sure you guys who never go out, never leave Richmond or wherever you live are oblivious, albeit Richmond has their own issues but I worked for 2 of these guys in the mid 2000’s. They are veterans of the Vancouver nightlife scene and have been around for 30-40 years at this point. Granville street is the new downtown east side. Go have a look yourself.

My wife started working downtown again a few months ago and she spends $25-$35 a day just getting downtown taking Evo’s or Ubers because I won’t let her take the bus through the DTES. I can SEE downtown from my bedroom and she isn’t safe to take a bus for 8 stops. This isn’t about being fearful or unreasonable, this is about the chance that something happens to her going through an area of strung out, mentally ill people, and that slim chance of something serious happening to her isn’t worth the $20 savings. Pathetic situation.
It has become really bad in Toronto too. There used to be pockets of people like how you describe in very small parts of Toronto but now it has spread throughout the city. The drug dealers here literally stand outside of the safe injection sites and made those areas very unsafe. The catch and release is really bad too and CAMH literally lets lunatics with criminal records roam the street with no supervision.
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Old 03-20-2025, 08:39 PM   #10057
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Everywhere is bad. Winnipeg is bad. Where it’s -40.

I’m legitimately scared that we’ve essentially created a societal shift where this is now the norm. Where there is no consideration for recovery or rehabilitation (among the afflicted) because “regular” life for most people has become so far out of reach. you just give people a roof over their head and they cause havoc and destruction for everyone else because people do not give a fuck.

We have elderly ghouls clinging to life on the street

Honestly like Sims hard line approach of essentially round up’s and arrests seem like the only reprieve
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Last edited by Hondaracer; 03-20-2025 at 08:48 PM.
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Old 03-20-2025, 08:43 PM   #10058
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^ He’s alive !!!! Welcome back my brother. We missed you
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Old 03-20-2025, 09:31 PM   #10059
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Originally Posted by VRYALT3R3D View Post
Are the auto thefts in B.C. as bad as it is in Ontario & QC?
This is purely a matter of personal observation, following the news, and talking to people -- I don't think the BC/AB auto theft problem is anywhere as bad as ON or QC. Doesn't mean we don't have them, but we certainly don't have car jackers breaking down your front door to demand keys for the car parked on your driveway (never mind that it's a Rolls Royce, bcos no idiot in Metro Vancouver would leave their frickin Rolls Royce parked on the driveway). We also don't have idiot police officers telling us to leave our car keys at the front door so that car jackers won't break into your house to steal car keys.
Originally Posted by westopher View Post
The whole world has gone down a road no one can recover from, and it's nothing to do with governments, it's because so much of the general public is so fucking stupid.
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Old 03-21-2025, 12:30 AM   #10060
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post

Jason I’ve gotta ask why is it that literally, the only people I’ve ever run it to EVER that share the same thought train of you are all exactly the same?

Would your circumstances be different?
Fuck yeah, I was doing senior caregiving and won a corporate award for my work in getting a construction company COR certified, bringing them from a mess of paperwork to a paperless system, improved their dispatch software, and re-designed their onboarding process to be MUCH more streamlined and smooth. Shit was not perfect, it never is, but life was pretty cool right before COVID and I had bought a new-to-me turbo 5 speed convertible that I began to modify. Re-wired the dash and installed a digital gauge cluster, lots of fun stuff. Don't lump me in with dudes who never ran their own successful business for 15+ years.

Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
I will say, I agree with your takes to some degree on Israel and the “elbows up” idiocracy we see today. Almost everything I said about powerful Jews is coming to fruition with the genocide of the Palestinians. But hey, “they’re our allies” right??
Of course you agree with me on some of my takes, because I'm 100% right. When Trudeau says "I am a Zionist" and then you know what is happening in Gaza, the hypocrisy is completely off the fucking charts.

Like I said above, I was doing better in life after I quit porn, got a "real job" and really wasn't into any conspiracies or anything until COVID. I don't believe in flat Earth, I know what contails are, and the Queen wasn't a fucking lizard. You're lumping anyone skeptical of power structures into people who are nuts and never ran their own 10k a month business for 15+ fucking years. How quick do you guys forget that I was more successful than most of the people here for nearly 2 decades?

Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
Why don’t the “successful” well educated people in my life share these same views?
How many people have the time to look at things from a different perspective other than what they see on social media and their phones? What ADVANTAGE in life does it provide you to be skeptical? In fact, like you said, it doesn't. It IS interesting to do your own research and figure things out on your own. I worked like a couple hours a day for many, many years and got to pursue so many hobbies, read so many books, and taken an interest in many different things. I love reading about history and spend a ton of time doing that.

If you want to be the most successful, you'll conform the hardest. It is easy to be successful if you simply agree 100% with whatever the headlines are and you just focus all of your energy into making money. But how much of a soul will you have if you don't peek behind the curtain?

Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
I will say, I agree with your takes to some degree on Israel and the “elbows up” idiocracy we see today. Almost everything I said about powerful Jews is coming to fruition with the genocide of the Palestinians. But hey, “they’re our allies” right??
Because I am right on most of the shit I talk. Nobody is 100% correct.

Try going down the Eunuch rabbit hole and the parallels to modern day trans people are quite similar.

Oh, and where is my credit for making videos that show the decline of Vancouver, like how you spoke about in one of your more recent posts?

Watch the video I edited together, HondaRacer, with the sound on. We have gulags on our streets and nobody gives a fuck about the misery, suffering, and death... but OH BOY the NPCs are fired up about Tesla! Elbows up!

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Old 03-21-2025, 02:08 AM   #10061
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
Vote Conservative.
So you lump me in with the chemtrail clowns, and that's one thing I could let slide... but saying "vote conservative"? Now you've crossed the line, buddy.

Canadian conservatives are a cluster of weak-ass nerds.

Soulless, overdressed, they're rich only in cash and stale boomer platitudes that help noone and change nothing. They're the reason the right gets obliterated. No art, no culture, nothing more than recycled "invest" and "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" bullshit, spewed out like a wet fart after lunch at Arby's. Then here's my favourite part, just what alternatives do you have to actual art production? Crappy alt-right memes, tired Wojaks, and the same pathetic Pepes slapped on everything like we're back in the 90's and it's some whore's lower back. Where's the fucking charisma? Where is the goddamn panache? There is no vision of a better future. Little PP's biggest trick is stringing together dumb fucking verb the noun... and now that Trudeau's off the stage, PP's already shot his load before the gangbang even begun.

I could dismantle every weakness in conservative culture for three pages straight, but fuck it, let's just cut right into the rotten heart of this carcass: Little PP is nothing more than controlled opposition, a limp puppet with the magnetism of a shit-stained dog's asshole.

Here's the brutal, raw autopsy of what went wrong.

Politics is born from culture, and culture is forged in art. When your people produce no art, your politics are as dead as your sorry excuse for social capital. Every word you type, even your crummy forum comments, is supposed to be a spark of art, every little bit of human communication is like a little pebble dropped in a pond, and even those tiny ripples can be seen and felt, and change hearts and minds.

Meanwhile, the platforms are completely under the thumbs of far-left progressives serving the establishment. So when a so-called "organic" right-wing party drifts right enough to attract a motley crew of low-IQ, racist zealots, they are guaranteed to self-destruct from within. The PPC, for instance, wouldn't share my heart-wrenching videos on Vancouver's homeless crisis, nor do any of them engage with the account that filmed it, @vancitynews1, while the very same assholes are non-stop retweeting racist drivel from accounts like Blonde Bigot and that fucking loser PPC4Liberty, who now has 100k followers. Meanwhile, my honest work gets silenced. I was banned permanently just as I hit 1000 followers(again), and the bottom-feeders get to keep spewing venom. Ever notice the most racist white guys on social media never even have a single kid, all while complaining about being replaced?

This is Canada's perfect storm.

A country where conservatives churn out zero art, zero culture, don't have any kids, and not a scrap of social capital. Little PP epitomizes the modern conservative, a rich, nerdy, lifelong politician with all the flavor of stale oatmeal.

Unless conservatives ditch their soulless script and reinvent themselves, Canada is destined to slide even further into a dystopia: no guns, EVs only, travel restrictions, carbon credits, social credit scores, and more fentanyl zombies than ever before. Medically-assisted deaths for anyone too poor to afford life or medical care after a certain age. We're marching towards a nanny state so totalitarian it'll crush you before you knew what hit you. Ask anyone who resisted the COVID "vaccine" how that worked out for them.

As you know, and your wife who can't even take a bus 8 stops without a dark carnival of ghouls and meth wizards reach to pounce on her, we're already living among modern gulags and fentanyl zombies. The grim asylums of our streets are a human mural painted in pain, piss and shit-smears. Public decay is everywhere, some, like myself, believe it is even encouraged by the government... paraded as a cautionary tale. These are our public gibbets, they're the new grotesque spectacles, warning 9-5 normies that if you don't conform, you'll be next to be left rotting on the skid rows and in the rundown Trudeau towns of this once-great nation. So you can FAFO, if you want, or shut the fuck up, work your job, watch hockey, and, elbows up, eh?

And that's how Canada was lost.
Because the conservatives are too fucking brain-dead to inspire anything more than Milhouse's three-word slogans.

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Old 03-21-2025, 06:55 AM   #10062
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Yea.. didn’t read any of that sorry.
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Old 03-21-2025, 06:57 AM   #10063
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Old 03-21-2025, 07:21 AM   #10064
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Welcome back Honda, where did you end up going? Europe again?

Still a card carrying member of the SFC :)
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Old 03-21-2025, 07:27 AM   #10065
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South, Europe in June.
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Old 03-21-2025, 07:30 AM   #10066, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Honda, I apologize. I didn't know how good we had it until you disappeared and Skinny had to go to Temu to get the darkest timeline burnout version of Honda to fill the void.
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Sonick is a genius. I won't go into detail what's so great about his post. But it's damn good!
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Old 03-21-2025, 07:33 AM   #10067
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damn, I'm jealous. Why so coy? Don't want people to know you're enjoying a holiday based around economic disparity and exploitation that far exceeds anything at home?

Hah just kidding dude, hope you enjoyed yourself

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Old 03-21-2025, 07:36 AM   #10068
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Leave him alone between month long trips he can't even afford cheese on his burger in this expensive wasteland we live in
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Old 03-21-2025, 07:36 AM   #10069
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He still can’t tell how responsibilities are divided up between federal / provincial / municipal despite all the travels though lol

I mean…. PP ain’t gonna clean up East Hastings. Talk to Sim and Eby.

Missed you Honda
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Old 03-21-2025, 07:45 AM   #10070
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Honda is our Justin Trudeau, we didn't know how good we had it until TrumpS2k reared his head into this forum and took a giant dump on it.

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Old 03-21-2025, 10:21 AM   #10071
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Originally Posted by CivicBlues View Post
damn, I'm jealous. Why so coy? Don't want people to know you're enjoying a holiday based around economic disparity and exploitation that far exceeds anything at home?

Hah just kidding dude, hope you enjoyed yourself
See the messages above.

Can’t be critical of a liberal nightmare if you can afford to get on a plane a couple times a year.
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Old 03-21-2025, 10:31 AM   #10072
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Glad you're back Honda, I knew you were traveling, but good to see you return.

I actually agree with Jason's last post, he's clearly not a typical "conservative".

The social science book I'm reading actually discusses that idea -- how it's becoming much more difficult to profile people into basic silos. You might find an anti-vaxer, meanwhile being an ardent environmentalist, supports marriage equality, but loves Trump.

It's not so easy to paint people into what you would expect their political ideations to be nowadays.
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Old 03-21-2025, 10:50 AM   #10073
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It makes sense, each of those issues can definitely be put into a silo. Your stance on marriage and sex wouldn't affect your stance of climate change, or decisions on what works in an economy.

Though I could definitely see a link between mRNA vaccines, or vaccines in general with anti-LGBTQ+
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Old 03-21-2025, 11:14 AM   #10074
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Western democracies kind of just divy up all those issues though and force you to align with party A or party B.

Party C might be more viable for you personally but they are never an actual option.

What Jason is taking about doesn’t exist.
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Old 03-21-2025, 11:27 AM   #10075
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To be fair to the parties, I don't think they were the catalyst to divvying those up. Social media and probably a lot of foreign troll farms and just basic local morons have enacted that. Like in 2010-2015 I certainly wasn't concerned about conservative governments platforming on fucking gender or abortion or stupid shit like that. Gay marriage was a done deal and everyone had accepted it for the results, and I also didn't think left wing governments were going to import 500k Tim hortons employees to destroy the opportunity of home ownership either. Things were mostly economic and the programs as the result of those economic policies.
The parties latched on to what was trending on Twitter since then, and mostly in the last 5 years when they saw how polarizing things could be when everyone started living their life on the internet.
As soon as politicians started using Twitter as their main form of communication we saw a notable decline in the professionalism in politics. Instead of the smear campaign lasting just the election cycle it became the day to day M.O.
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Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82 View Post
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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