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Old 07-15-2019, 11:31 PM   #351
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Originally Posted by Badhobz View Post
HKPD might have lost their minds but i shudder to think of the alternatives where the people's army come rolling in once HKPD conceded they lost control of the situation.
Meant to reply to this earlier, but kept on forgetting.

Exclusive: China's PLA signals it will keep Hong Kong-based troops in barracks
WORLD NEWSJULY 9, 2019 / 12:54 AM / 7 DAYS AGO

HONG KONG/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Chinese military commander responsible for Hong Kong has assured a Pentagon official that Chinese troops will not interfere in the city’s affairs – an apparent signal that they will stay in their barracks amid renewed political upheaval.

Of course, I would never trust a goddamn word from Communist Chinese officials or PLA, but this is what the PLA commander for Hong Kong has said. Given the PLA hierarchy, this is extremely unlikely to be just the Hong Kong commander mouthing off by himself. Had he not been given the blessings to do so by the higher ups, he would never dared to say stuff like this.
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Old 07-16-2019, 12:39 AM   #352
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Don’t think pla will interfere unless it gets even worse. Hong Kong had their fair share of riots back on the 60s similar to this. Gurkhas were sent in when the leftist riots were settting bombs and shit.
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Old 07-16-2019, 12:56 AM   #353
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another protest in admiralty for the 21st
so.. right beside the PLA
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Old 07-16-2019, 09:15 AM   #354
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post

I asked a few retired HK officers, "why did they shut down the trains, why don't they let people escape with exits."
"It's all about containment. Their training is similar to lock down for school shootings or proper term is hold and secure. Protestors running around different areas every 15 minutes from 1 mall to another playground to another exit is never a good scenario; no police / training is going to be good enough to deal with. With social media, you'll see people saying we didn't move fast enough and it's the honest truth; no army / peace officer would be able to direct on the fly when swarm of people are running left right and center"

cops were surrounded and protesters got out of control; non stop umbrella hitting cops. 3:24 - 4:15.
I don't know lets take the stanley cup riot in Vancouver as an example. What I saw in the media/people's youtbue/IG etc was the instead of containment our police force people into smaller group and forcing them disband afterwards. It seems to be a much more effective method than what the HK police/riot police are doing. Sure there are still some injuries but nothing like what's happening in HK. It is never good lock in bystanders along with protesters. I mean if I was a bystander and I was force to stay I would be pretty piss off at the cops. I would even go as far to say the HK police did this on purpose to piss off the protesters and make them fight the police thus, recording them and saying they are being violent. Just force them the disband and leave it at that.
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Old 07-16-2019, 09:25 AM   #355
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lol the irony
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MG1: in fact, a new term needs to make its way into the American dictionary. Trump............ he's such a "Trump" = ultimate insult. Like, "yray, you're such a trump."
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dapperfied yray so waisis

FastAnna you literally talk out your ass
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Old 07-16-2019, 09:37 AM   #356
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Originally Posted by yray View Post
Do you know anything about those riots?
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Old 07-16-2019, 09:53 AM   #357
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
Do you know anything about those riots?
bruh, its 1am... go to sleep

the irony is how it was backed by beijing in 1967... now the boomers that grew up during the riots are saying the current protests are backed by "foreign powers"
There's a phallic symbol infront of my car

MG1: in fact, a new term needs to make its way into the American dictionary. Trump............ he's such a "Trump" = ultimate insult. Like, "yray, you're such a trump."
bcrdukes yray fucked bcrdukes up the nose

dapperfied yraisis
dapperfied yray so waisis

FastAnna you literally talk out your ass
FastAnna i really cant
FastAnna yray i cant stand you
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Old 07-16-2019, 09:55 AM   #358
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Originally Posted by yray View Post
bruh, its 1am... go to sleep

the irony is how it was backed by beijing in 1967... now the boomers that grew up during the riots are saying the current protests are backed by "foreign powers"
Just chilling watching wrestling.. I was really wondering if you knew anything about them!
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Old 07-16-2019, 10:14 AM   #359
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The 1966 riot was because of raising star ferry fares and police corruption st that to time. Along with ppl having high living costs and economy not helping etc etc.

67 was more of a leftist movement. Gone to a pt where those protesters being backed back the communists govt that they were throwing bombs and shit. British sent in the military in the end. My mom told me how scary it was when she was a little girl.

In the end I think the higher ups at the hkpd and ce should be taking the blame. They basically put their frontline police officers to the fire. The inconsistencies of how hkpd enforces the law and contain the crowd through all the protesting created the mess today.

When the crowd is peaceful, you started arresting.

When the crown break and enter and vandalize legco, you don’t do shit.

Everyone is tired, stress the fuck out, and it hot as fuck yet all the higher ups are sitting back in their air conditioned rooms watching. I feel bad for the protesters, I feel bad for the press, I feel bad for the officers.
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Old 07-16-2019, 10:28 AM   #360
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Originally Posted by highfive View Post
Don’t think pla will interfere unless it gets even worse. Hong Kong had their fair share of riots back on the 60s similar to this. Gurkhas were sent in when the leftist riots were settting bombs and shit.
Reportedly, local protests have been planned on the weekends at least all the way through to the end of Aug now. The HKPD consists of ~34k personnel in total, but that includes auxillary officers as well as white collar staff. As a result of the recent protests, it is estimated that their Operations Wing (that handles crowd and riot control) has a headcount of somewhere between 5k - 10k. Given the increasingly disorganized and poorly planned crowd and riot control operations, I would not at all be surprised to think that at least the mental state, if not also the physical state, of the HKPD front line officers are fast reaching their limits. If protest organizers are able to organize multiple meaningfully sized local protests together on the same day, it would be extremely difficult at this point for the HKPD to respond to all of them simultaneously.
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Old 07-16-2019, 10:41 AM   #361
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Originally Posted by highfive View Post
The 1966 riot was because of raising star ferry fares and police corruption st that to time. Along with ppl having high living costs and economy not helping etc etc.

67 was more of a leftist movement. Gone to a pt where those protesters being backed back the communists govt that they were throwing bombs and shit. British sent in the military in the end. My mom told me how scary it was when she was a little girl.
I don't think it is appropriate to compare the 1967 riot to what is happening now. The level of civility you see with today's protesters aren't even on the same scale as those "real" rioting leftists from 1967. As you have pointed out, the 1967 rioters were planting bombs injuring and killing random people on the street, as well as carrying out targetted assassinations on prominant figures that speak against the riots. By and large, the today's protesters are entirely peaceful towards regular civilians, and it isn't until the Shatin protest where any sort of physical violence manifested. And even then the violence is entirely caused by the stupid tactics from the police.
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Old 07-16-2019, 02:17 PM   #362
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Protests back in 60 to the 90s as well as police force were very different. Not going to talk about pre-ICAC era, but before 2000s, people were respectful of police and authority. Rarely would you be taunting them, now in 2014 onwards, people lack the respect on HK police.

We would never ever taunt protest with umbrellas in Canada (and HELLSSSS no in 'Merica), but somehow HK... just went down the shitters.

You get pull off for speeding ticket, or you get a parking ticket here.. you take it (maybe not so much for parking ticket), in HK, people go ape shit "Diu lay lo mo" "why are you so fat and you're still able to be a police" "what's ur badge number you fucker"..
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Old 07-16-2019, 02:21 PM   #363
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Mom said in '67 they even burned a reporter alive, those' 67 riots were on a whole other lvl

Edit: if you want to read about those riots, they spanned 8 months
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Old 07-16-2019, 06:53 PM   #364
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^ That's how people should tell their gov't, I might offend a lot of people, but young Hongers are pussy, need to learn how to escalate the protests so the gov't will do something about it
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Old 07-16-2019, 07:52 PM   #365
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post

You get pull off for speeding ticket, or you get a parking ticket here.. you take it (maybe not so much for parking ticket), in HK, people go ape shit "Diu lay lo mo" "why are you so fat and you're still able to be a police" "what's ur badge number you fucker"..
Oh really?

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Old 07-18-2019, 01:46 PM   #366
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looks like even different news source report the incident differently.
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Old 07-18-2019, 03:10 PM   #367
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Originally Posted by Traum View Post
Reportedly, local protests have been planned on the weekends at least all the way through to the end of Aug now. The HKPD consists of ~34k personnel in total, but that includes auxillary officers as well as white collar staff. As a result of the recent protests, it is estimated that their Operations Wing (that handles crowd and riot control) has a headcount of somewhere between 5k - 10k. Given the increasingly disorganized and poorly planned crowd and riot control operations, I would not at all be surprised to think that at least the mental state, if not also the physical state, of the HKPD front line officers are fast reaching their limits. If protest organizers are able to organize multiple meaningfully sized local protests together on the same day, it would be extremely difficult at this point for the HKPD to respond to all of them simultaneously.
That's true. If the military comes in, man it's going to be a shit show.

Originally Posted by Traum View Post
I don't think it is appropriate to compare the 1967 riot to what is happening now. The level of civility you see with today's protesters aren't even on the same scale as those "real" rioting leftists from 1967. As you have pointed out, the 1967 rioters were planting bombs injuring and killing random people on the street, as well as carrying out targetted assassinations on prominant figures that speak against the riots. By and large, the today's protesters are entirely peaceful towards regular civilians, and it isn't until the Shatin protest where any sort of physical violence manifested. And even then the violence is entirely caused by the stupid tactics from the police.
I'm not comparing it but just saying once the govt notice an escalation of violence in the city, it'll give them excuse to ask the military for help. The peaceful protesters no, but once you see what they did at legco, shatin and more, they have no other reasons not to right?

Funny how 67, they said it was the communists backing the protesters, today they say it's the foreign governments. Either way, the regular citizens end up getting fucked ltr on.
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Old 07-19-2019, 02:24 AM   #368
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66/67 riot was about ferry prices, government corruption and stuff like that, while a bunch of left wing Beijing lovers started doing shit in crazy extreme ways

My dad saw shit he never forgot (he saw a little girls arm on a telephone wire as there were bombs going off), my our lawyer which is a very close family said his dad went out to the store one day during the riot times and never came as his father died during a bombing explosion

Originally Posted by hk20000 View Post
I went up to a cute chick and asked her if she'd let me take a photo of her for $30 she slapped me, she said to me that "I AIN'T A WHORE!"

But other than that I have seen every car on display in DTP just by cruising about in Richmond, thank you very much for collecting them together and get someone to sing a cover for "fuck you".

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wtf man? what the hell kind of women do you go for? spca is for animals not dates...
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Old 07-19-2019, 10:24 AM   #369
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Where are the live videos of RS "supporters" participating and fighting for a cause in this riot? SkinnyPupp is all rattled up as always.....China bad, China sucks, Chinese people dirty AF.....ugh....look at yourself in the mirror from time to time....

Stop spending hours looking for media that portrays your point as you're as guilty as the country you despise, and how many times have you deleted posts (very "China" of you) of others on RS to stop yourself from looking like a fool, especially when someone had too many likes on posts that completely destroyed's hilarious to see we have the next generation of keyboard heroes on RS hopping on the bandwagon of human rights.....

Isn't it clear that this protest isn't about the extradition bill? It is and has always been about a portion of hongers that cannot accept the fact that HK is part of China.

Well, stop starting shit...HK is a part of China. Deal with it.

Last edited by fetched; 07-19-2019 at 10:35 AM.
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Old 07-19-2019, 12:27 PM   #370
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Originally Posted by fetched View Post
Well, stop starting shit...HK is a part of China. Deal with it.
And the US use to be a part of the United kingdom. They dealt with it by throwing a tea party.
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Old 07-19-2019, 03:03 PM   #371
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Originally Posted by fetched View Post
Isn't it clear that this protest isn't about the extradition bill? It is and has always been about a portion of hongers that cannot accept the fact that HK is part of China.

Well, stop starting shit...HK is a part of China. Deal with it.
Based on what you've said, I think it is really rather pointless to try and convince you to look at the situation from a different perspective. But I will say a few things that I think are entirely factual, or as factual as they can possibly be.

You are correct that at this point, the protest is no longer "just about the extradition bill". First and foremost, as a direct quote of Lam, "the extradition bill is dead". At this point, I'd say that part of the ongoing protest is about police brutality and how they have clearly broken laws and violated their own operation protocols. Another major part of it is from the pent up frustration about how the HKSAR gov as well as the PRC gov have continued to ignore the wishes of the HK people, as well as following through on PRC's promises to not meddle in Hong Kong's affairs. We aren't even talking about asking for democracy or honouring the Sino-UK joint declaration. Hong Kongers -- esp the younger generation -- simply want China to stop fxxking Hong Kong.
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Old 07-19-2019, 04:42 PM   #372
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Originally Posted by fetched View Post
Isn't it clear that this protest isn't about the extradition bill? It is and has always been about a portion of hongers that cannot accept the fact that HK is part of China.

Well, stop starting shit...HK is a part of China. Deal with it.
Sorry bro u don't know jack shit about hongers or Hong Kong if u think like that

Hongers are protesting cuz this is a major game change and it's not even been 50 years yet, they promised 50 years unchanged but all of sudden they drop a bomb like this on us

If China understand what hongers wanted and gave us a little bit more respect instead of iron fist then we wouldn't have 2 million ppl on the street protesting for the same thing

U must really thank China and the hk government for that as I never seen hongers so united as one before the umbrella movement and I never thought I see it again

Originally Posted by hk20000 View Post
I went up to a cute chick and asked her if she'd let me take a photo of her for $30 she slapped me, she said to me that "I AIN'T A WHORE!"

But other than that I have seen every car on display in DTP just by cruising about in Richmond, thank you very much for collecting them together and get someone to sing a cover for "fuck you".

Originally Posted by Neva View Post
wtf man? what the hell kind of women do you go for? spca is for animals not dates...
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Old 07-19-2019, 06:01 PM   #373
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Originally Posted by ae101 View Post
Sorry bro u don't know jack shit about hongers or Hong Kong if u think like that

Hongers are protesting cuz this is a major game change and it's not even been 50 years yet, they promised 50 years unchanged but all of sudden they drop a bomb like this on us

If China understand what hongers wanted and gave us a little bit more respect instead of iron fist then we wouldn't have 2 million ppl on the street protesting for the same thing

U must really thank China and the hk government for that as I never seen hongers so united as one before the umbrella movement and I never thought I see it again
I think what Honger don't realize is that. This is not how China plays, they do not "give respect" to a territory that they consider under their governance.

CCP rules just like any Chinese dynasty that came before it. Dissonance are to either assimilate or be silence. Look more recently and see how Tibet has been dealt with.

Taiwan succeeded in the separation from China because they severe themselves physically, political, culturally and back by other international super powers. They had to go to the very extreme and garner forced respect from CCP (in that they let Taiwan be while still claiming sovereignty to Taiwan on an international stage).

Like other have said, HK protest has evolve from way more than the extradition bill to a general discontent over CCP's rules. Protestor really need to re-group and think about the end game here. Is Hong Kong really ready to stand on their own?

What is not posted here is the daily complaints from everyday Honger that neutral or even pro-CCP that just wants this to stop. Hong Kong at this moment still depend greatly on the CCP. Pork price has risen tenfold since the protest, CCP is already economically strangling HK and this protest is just giving them more reason to do so.

I hope notbody downvote me thinking i am pro-China. I am pro-democray and pro-peace. Let not lie to ourselves here. The only way the protestor will be satisfy is if Hong Kong has some form of democracy.

China will never grant HK the form of democrazy they crave. So what is the game plan? You know China is waiting for HK to 1) give up 2) escalate to greater violence so they can send in the actual army

If you look at actually locally done interview of all the protester in HK. This leaderless movement is just that leaderless, the city is divided. Despite what is shown in the media, I don't think Hong Kong is united enough for an actual war against CCP for the freedom they so desired

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Old 07-19-2019, 06:39 PM   #374
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China is currently working on completely reforming how they govern Hong Kong. We'll have to wait and see if that means they back off to pre-2047 ways (the way it's stated in the constitution) or if they strangle HK even harder.
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Old 07-19-2019, 06:46 PM   #375
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CCP respects taiwan/ROC?

more like the epitome of butt-hurt

they only haven't made a move on the island because US/Japan/SKorea/Philippines would be knocking on their door if they staged a military invasion
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