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Old 07-21-2019, 10:23 PM   #401
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post
If you watch one of the videos; one of the bald police officer (at night time, while waiting for the police bus to pick them up) was being SUPER calm being interviewed by all these "reporter" (which is literally everyone with an iphone; as there are tons of fake "reporter" badges being sold online now).

It's very difficult when you get TONS of people swarming you asking you questions.
"Why are you not doing your job and making an arrest"
"You say you don't know.... how are you call yourself a cop"
"Is that how you do things... Why haven't your team providing support to the innocent"

ANY NORMAL human being would LOVE to give them their piece of mind.
I don't care what professional training you have had in cadets / academy to control your temper...
It's like being GRILLED by your MOTHER FOOKING GF/BF....Rapid firing questions you want to defend and falcon punch that bitch / a-hole but you just can't...
Are you actually defending the police in this situation? Random citizens being beat up by thugs and the police officer acts like nothing happened. White-shirt protesters holding metal bats and poles and the police said they didn't see anything and let them all go. Is it really hard to believe that even the reporters are angry at the situation?

There is so much wrong with the situation that I'm wondering if there's any signs of intelligence in that brain of yours.

I'll be joining any protest to burn those fuckers down in the coming week.

Last edited by twdm; 07-21-2019 at 10:29 PM.
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Old 07-21-2019, 10:28 PM   #402
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero View Post
Britain failed the people of Hong Kong for believing the communists would honour basic law
nobody should be surprised here. It's ignorant to even think China would uphold their own laws cuz they have such a great fucking record of doing that.

I'm so glad I left.
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Old 07-22-2019, 12:05 AM   #403
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All of this happened for real. It looks like the triad movies that I watched when I was a kid, but all of it happened for real.

God bless Hong Kong...
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Old 07-22-2019, 12:49 AM   #404
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Shops are closing in Yuen Long malls today, as the triad/mainland thugs are starting to appear again. Since they have no worries about being arrested, they think they can do whatever they want. The public just has to react to that. And they're doing that by getting the fuck out.

China was saying that they were going to change how they dealt with Hong Kong without using military force... I didn't expect this though.
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Old 07-22-2019, 01:06 AM   #405
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People going to the police station to report crimes as witnesses

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Old 07-22-2019, 01:14 AM   #406
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The gangs are definitely being ordered and paid to do so by the gov't.
But I find it odd that the protesters are willing to attack the police so violently, yet run from, and allow themselves to be beaten by, punks
Beating gangsters attacking you isn't going to look worse than beating police trying to maintain order

Long vid
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Old 07-22-2019, 01:26 AM   #407
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
But I find it odd that the protesters are willing to attack the police so violently, yet run from, and allow themselves to be beaten by, punks
That's because they aren't "attacking the police so violently" except for one case where (possibly) a cop (he had no uniform, just a police shield) threw himself into a crowd of them

If you paid any attention whatsoever to facts and not propaganda, there's no way you could think the protesters are being violent towards police. They will try to hold lines and push back against the police by tossing umbrellas in their direction, but that's been it. The police have been trying to get them to be violent more and more for the last month, but they haven't bitten. We even saw that guy eating punches and getting KO'd.

It's the same thing here. The protesters aren't looking for a fight, they're just trying to express themselves. The fact that they didn't fight back should show you just that.

Also a lot of the people injured were press, lawmakers, and at least one pregnant women who got knocked out when her husband was trying to protect her. Rumors are she lost her baby, but who knows.
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Old 07-22-2019, 06:20 AM   #408
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Yes, HK is quickly turning into a shithole now...Wait until they start coming back to Vancouver then the locals will have something else to complain....

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Old 07-22-2019, 06:24 AM   #409
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Wonder how all of this is affecting HK real estate prices. Better tell my father in law to sell his house in HK before it all goes to shit.
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Old 07-22-2019, 08:07 AM   #410
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Originally Posted by fetched View Post
Yes, HK is quickly turning into a shithole now...Wait until they start coming back to Vancouver then the locals will have something else to complain....

Vancouverites wish they were back in the days of just complaining about hongers.

They didn't know how good they actually had it until they got a taste of mainlanders
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Old 07-22-2019, 10:05 AM   #411
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I've lived in Richmond since 1979 and I never complained about hongers once... I was in like Grade 2 or 3 when immigration really picked up and all those people are still friends of mine to this day.

Many went back to HK because of way better money making opportunities, but when we were kids before cell phones and you met everyone's parents on the regular, every single one of those families I ever met that came here, came here to be Canadian and integrate and worked their ass off to learn English and had the same basic interests in society as westerners from what I could tell. Maybe a bit tougher on their kids with the piano and after-school activities and education pressures, but that's it. They really appreciated the lifestyle here and wanted to be a part of it.

Very different attitude from what followed after.................................
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Old 07-22-2019, 10:13 AM   #412, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
I've lived in Richmond since 1979 and I never complained about hongers once... I was in like Grade 2 or 3 when immigration really picked up and all those people are still friends of mine to this day.

Many went back to HK because of way better money making opportunities, but when we were kids before cell phones and you met everyone's parents on the regular, every single one of those families I ever met that came here, came here to be Canadian and integrate and worked their ass off to learn English and had the same basic interests in society as westerners from what I could tell. Maybe a bit tougher on their kids with the piano and after-school activities and education pressures, but that's it. They really appreciated the lifestyle here and wanted to be a part of it.

Very different attitude from what followed after.................................
Maybe because you were younger. The boom happened when I was in Highschool and this coincided with the boom of Richmond. You're right though, they came and integrated. Learned our language and embraced our culture but I wouldn't say they were welcomed with open open arms right off the bat. Most who came had money and the way some of them acted didn't sit well with others but to be honest it wasn't so different with anyone else who had money but the difference was the large influx all coming from a single race. I went to Churchill so our school at the time was like 90% Chinese a lot of which were Hongers. Parents lived in HK while the kids had the entire house to themselves, their allowances were in the thousands, they were already getting Mercedes and BMW's before they even turned 16. Most of them were cool though because they really had an interest to integrate right away. I became friends with a lot and it wasn't long before the groups of people were mixed CBC and Hongers. Even till this day my friends consist of mixed CBC and Hongers who really at this point are not different than CBCs anyway.

With that said, the reaction towards the Mainlanders are far different than the Hongers and Twangers that came in the 90's for sure, not even close.
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Old 07-22-2019, 10:16 AM   #413
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^ I agree, I don't think the city itself welcomed them with open arms, lots of stories of kids in school having nicer cars than the teachers and just like any society there were some snobby kids and some troublemaker kids... just for myself personally, I never thought poorly of them.
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Old 07-22-2019, 10:40 AM   #414
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People worry way too much about how much others pay for their cars... You can be the nicest, most humble down to earth 18 year old, but if you drive a BMW, somehow you're an asshole... Who cares?
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Old 07-22-2019, 10:44 AM   #415, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by 68style View Post
^ I agree, I don't think the city itself welcomed them with open arms, lots of stories of kids in school having nicer cars than the teachers and just like any society there were some snobby kids and some troublemaker kids... just for myself personally, I never thought poorly of them.
Yea, same. Were some of the kids cocky? You bet, but they to me represented a very small percentage of them. Most of them were very normal people who already had a certain level of English but I was one of those CBC's that actually spoke Canto so I got a long with them instantly. The funny thing is some of my friends will sometimes ask if we still consider them Hongers and what would we actually define as a Honger now.
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Old 07-22-2019, 10:51 AM   #416
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Originally Posted by winson604 View Post
Maybe because you were younger. The boom happened when I was in Highschool and this coincided with the boom of Richmond. You're right though, they came and integrated. Learned our language and embraced our culture but I wouldn't say they were welcomed with open open arms right off the bat. Most who came had money and the way some of them acted didn't sit well with others but to be honest it wasn't so different with anyone else who had money but the difference was the large influx all coming from a single race. I went to Churchill so our school at the time was like 90% Chinese a lot of which were Hongers. Parents lived in HK while the kids had the entire house to themselves, their allowances were in the thousands, they were already getting Mercedes and BMW's before they even turned 16. Most of them were cool though because they really had an interest to integrate right away. I became friends with a lot and it wasn't long before the groups of people were mixed CBC and Hongers. Even till this day my friends consist of mixed CBC and Hongers who really at this point are not different than CBCs anyway.

With that said, the reaction towards the Mainlanders are far different than the Hongers and Twangers that came in the 90's for sure, not even close.
That's because in HK and TW you still have manners and common sense. With a lot of mainland Chinese that does not happen (IE letting their kids poo in a garbage bin in Richmond center or wash their stinky feet using the fountain that was suppose to wash your hands), getting their family to stand in a parking lot spot so others can't use it while they slowly come around with their cars, instead of waiting for waiters to come by they simply yet half way across the restaurant to get serve, etc etc..... or simply like to cut in line and when things don't go the way they like they simply cry racism, like to show off their wealth.
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Old 07-22-2019, 11:01 AM   #417, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp View Post
That's because in HK and TW you still have manners and common sense. With a lot of mainland Chinese that does not happen (IE letting their kids poo in a garbage bin in Richmond center or wash their stinky feet using the fountain that was suppose to wash your hands), getting their family to stand in a parking lot spot so others can't use it while they slowly come around with their cars, instead of waiting for waiters to come by they simply yet half way across the restaurant to get serve, etc etc..... or simply like to cut in line and when things don't go the way they like they simply cry racism, like to show off their wealth.
Bingo, it really made all the difference in the world that aside from some small things that they were more or less the same with their mannerisms etc
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Old 07-22-2019, 11:29 AM   #418
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
The gangs are definitely being ordered and paid to do so by the gov't.
But I find it odd that the protesters are willing to attack the police so violently, yet run from, and allow themselves to be beaten by, punks
Beating gangsters attacking you isn't going to look worse than beating police trying to maintain order

Long vid

yep, there are clips showing people getting in and out of vans with $500 bills. It wouldn't be surprising if this was supported by mainland forces.
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Old 07-22-2019, 01:17 PM   #419
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Lol, Junius Ho is supposedly scared for his life now and wants to flee to the US.

Can't make this shit up.
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Old 07-22-2019, 01:24 PM   #420
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Originally Posted by Razor Ramon HG View Post
Lol, Junius Ho is supposedly scared for his life now and wants to flee to the US.

Can't make this shit up.
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Old 07-22-2019, 01:27 PM   #421
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Originally Posted by Razor Ramon HG View Post
Lol, Junius Ho is supposedly scared for his life now and wants to flee to the US.

Can't make this shit up.
Any sauce?

If he loves China so much why doesn't he flee to China? As Regina Ip said, if you go oversea, they won't love you.

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Old 07-22-2019, 01:38 PM   #422
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Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp View Post
Do a google search and you'll find a lot of crap about him. Essentially he talks out of his ass, but still has strong support from triads and extreme pro-china organizations.

TL;DR of his recent events:

1. He was filmed shaking hands and congratulating triad members on performing the train attack on passengers.
2. Afterwards, in his interview with the press, he continues to support the triads and said the attackers were just defending their "home".

He has a bunch of other shit that is too long to list here, but from my recollection:

-He falsified his bar association membership in UK/Singapore
-He has taken selfies in the high court when it is prohibited.
-At a protest a few years ago, he told his supporter to kill those who support HK independence.

Last edited by bcedhk; 07-22-2019 at 01:47 PM.
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Old 07-22-2019, 06:44 PM   #423
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Originally Posted by bcedhk View Post
Any sauce?

If he loves China so much why doesn't he flee to China? As Regina Ip said, if you go oversea, they won't love you.

No confirmed sauce, just something making the rounds around the internet.

On side note, this is interesting.

Junius Ho shaking hands with a thug who has a police officer wife.

Pretty much confirms how fucked up it is.
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Old 07-22-2019, 07:25 PM   #424
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Originally Posted by Razor Ramon HG View Post
No confirmed sauce, just something making the rounds around the internet.

On side note, this is interesting.

Junius Ho shaking hands with a thug who has a police officer wife.

Pretty much confirms how fucked up it is.
holy shit... if this is true the collusion is beyond fucked up. Hong Kong can pretty much be written off already.

But it could be that the husband who would obviously be supporting the police decided to take matters into his own hands against the protestors.
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Old 07-22-2019, 08:40 PM   #425
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Originally Posted by EmperorIS View Post
holy shit... if this is true the collusion is beyond fucked up. Hong Kong can pretty much be written off already.

But it could be that the husband who would obviously be supporting the police decided to take matters into his own hands against the protestors.
I think regardless of this situation and their relationship, it's been proven with videos and pictures that the HK police were working together with the triads the other day.

Now how many of those are actually PLA in disguise, I don't know.
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