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Old 07-22-2019, 08:46 PM   #426
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extradite them all to china for punishment.

oh wait.

all seriousness this is just crazy. they seem like kids.. wtf
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Old 07-22-2019, 09:54 PM   #427
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Originally Posted by Razor Ramon HG View Post
I think regardless of this situation and their relationship, it's been proven with videos and pictures that the HK police were working together with the triads the other day.

Now how many of those are actually PLA in disguise, I don't know.
They don't need PLA in disguise, China uses these thugs to do "the dirty work" all the time in China. They did the exact same thing in Mong Kok in 2014.

Every step they take is to try to get the protesters to act violent. So far it hasn't worked, but they keep pushing and pushing, and eventually they are going to fight back. That's when we finally get martial law.
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Old 07-22-2019, 10:11 PM   #428
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
They don't need PLA in disguise, China uses these thugs to do "the dirty work" all the time in China. They did the exact same thing in Mong Kok in 2014.

Every step they take is to try to get the protesters to act violent. So far it hasn't worked, but they keep pushing and pushing, and eventually they are going to fight back. That's when we finally get martial law.
Oh, my bad, I meant how many of the HKPF are actually PLA in disguise.

I was reading how some of those thugs were paid around 500HKD to beat people up. One of the dudes had a heart attack after chasing someone.

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Old 07-22-2019, 10:21 PM   #429
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Yeah honestly that guy dropping dead like a sack of shit is the only thing that keeps that night from being a total tragedy. Probably one of the best cases of karma I've ever seen!
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Old 07-23-2019, 12:19 AM   #430
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Had a great chat today with a friend. Can there be a triad that's patriotic?

Can't a group of triad be really protective?
Imagine this, this triad is loyal to his home town, Yuen Long, and if you know, your friends & family is being jeopardized, wouldn't you have the right to defend & protect?

Why can't I kick the shit out of people / protesters (regardless of which side you're on)?
If you're going to ransack my business, you be sure I'm going to call my buddies to beat the shit out of you if you want to cause a riot in my town?
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Old 07-23-2019, 12:45 AM   #431
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post
Had a great chat today with a friend. Can there be a triad that's patriotic?

Can't a group of triad be really protective?
Imagine this, this triad is loyal to his home town, Yuen Long, and if you know, your friends & family is being jeopardized, wouldn't you have the right to defend & protect?

Why can't I kick the shit out of people / protesters (regardless of which side you're on)?
If you're going to ransack my business, you be sure I'm going to call my buddies to beat the shit out of you if you want to cause a riot in my town?
Since the very first anti-gov protest started in June, has there been any businesses that was ransacked by protesters? As far as I have seen, only the LegCo building received any kind of significant damage. And even then, the damages were very selectively applied, and almost always signified some sort of political meaning.

The Central Police office was defaced during the seige, but again, no damages to nearby businesses at all.

Even form the Shatin confrontation, I don't recall any businesses reporting any meaningful damage. The New City Plaza itself had to deal with a lot of clean up and Lennon Wall type of stuff, but again, where is the business damage that you speak of?

Lastly, note in the Yuen Long, the mob beating occurred when protesters were returning from the protest. They were more or less on their way home, along with other regular people who were just going about their day. What indication does anyone have that they will ransack businesses in Yuen Long?
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Old 07-23-2019, 12:51 AM   #432
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@Skinny take a look at this video, this explains all. I want your thoughts on this.
This video is in Cantonese
In short, any country that wants to challenge the US to be #1 will end up like... 1. Japan currency went sky rocketed in the 76's then fell to rock bottom. 2. Iran, oil rich (was a very prosperous city) 3. 2008 financial downturn goal is to take down the Euro. 4. Trade War, want to boost RMB, thus boosting import and decreases export. Targeting Hong Kong to start a revolution.
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Old 07-23-2019, 01:38 AM   #433
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Classic and still rings true
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Old 07-23-2019, 01:38 AM   #434
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post
Had a great chat today with a friend. Can there be a triad that's patriotic?

Can't a group of triad be really protective?
Imagine this, this triad is loyal to his home town, Yuen Long, and if you know, your friends & family is being jeopardized, wouldn't you have the right to defend & protect?

Why can't I kick the shit out of people / protesters (regardless of which side you're on)?
If you're going to ransack my business, you be sure I'm going to call my buddies to beat the shit out of you if you want to cause a riot in my town?
It's one thing to protect your business but to attack random people and kick the shit out of people on a train? How is that helpful?

Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 07-23-2019, 03:30 AM   #435
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post
Had a great chat today with a friend. Can there be a triad that's patriotic?

Can't a group of triad be really protective?
Imagine this, this triad is loyal to his home town, Yuen Long, and if you know, your friends & family is being jeopardized, wouldn't you have the right to defend & protect?

Why can't I kick the shit out of people / protesters (regardless of which side you're on)?
If you're going to ransack my business, you be sure I'm going to call my buddies to beat the shit out of you if you want to cause a riot in my town?
So you're saying that it's OK to completely fabricate a reason to be violent towards the protesters? Yuen Long was never under any threat. Nothing had happened there before. No families were ever jeapordized (and they wouldn't be if there had been protests), no legit businesses have ever been threatened damaged (aside from defacing pro-government businesses, but again no looting or rioting, just messaging, and protesting against the "pharmacies" that help smuggle drugs and goods into China). There were no protests planned there. They just set up since a lot of people were coming home from the protests in CWB.

So "regardless of which side you're on" it's wrong to be "patriotic" or "loyal" if that means beating up old people, pregnant people, or fuck, anyone. You aren't "protecting" anything, you are just being a violent criminal.
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Old 07-23-2019, 04:01 AM   #436
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Originally Posted by Bahhbeehhaaaa View Post
@Skinny take a look at this video, this explains all. I want your thoughts on this.
This video is in Cantonese
In short, any country that wants to challenge the US to be #1 will end up like... 1. Japan currency went sky rocketed in the 76's then fell to rock bottom. 2. Iran, oil rich (was a very prosperous city) 3. 2008 financial downturn goal is to take down the Euro. 4. Trade War, want to boost RMB, thus boosting import and decreases export. Targeting Hong Kong to start a revolution.
That's something I'd expect from CiC, not you
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Old 07-23-2019, 04:47 AM   #437
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karma sucks eh

Junius Ho's parents gravestone was vandalised.

he really fucked with the wrong people.

story goes.. he didnt pay up for the attacks on Sunday. So they fucked with his parents gravestones

don't wish to see this happen to anyone tho, but this is what happens when you make a deal with people who shouldn't even be a part of this mess
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Old 07-23-2019, 05:03 AM   #438
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Originally Posted by Tim Budong View Post
karma sucks eh

Junius Ho's parents gravestone was vandalised.

he really fucked with the wrong people.

story goes.. he didnt pay up for the attacks on Sunday. So they fucked with his parents gravestones

don't wish to see this happen to anyone tho, but this is what happens when you make a deal with people who shouldn't even be a part of this mess
It's way more likely that some anti extradition people did that, don't you think?
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Old 07-23-2019, 05:39 AM   #439
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
It's way more likely that some anti extradition people did that, don't you think?
Most likely. I was there to fuck up his tsuen wan office, but by the time I got there they were already pounding down his glass walls.

Was taken from outside his office just before they smashed it up. Couldnt get a closer pic cause the other protesters didnt allow pictures.

Last edited by twdm; 07-23-2019 at 05:46 AM.
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Old 07-23-2019, 07:14 AM   #440
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Right now at the Tuen Mun Rural Committee building:

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Old 07-23-2019, 09:36 AM   #441
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post
Had a great chat today with a friend. Can there be a triad that's patriotic?

Can't a group of triad be really protective?
Imagine this, this triad is loyal to his home town, Yuen Long, and if you know, your friends & family is being jeopardized, wouldn't you have the right to defend & protect?

Why can't I kick the shit out of people / protesters (regardless of which side you're on)?
If you're going to ransack my business, you be sure I'm going to call my buddies to beat the shit out of you if you want to cause a riot in my town?

You always chat with a "buddy" or "friend"... why can't you just say it's your opinion?

Everyone in YL and around the NT are staying at home with shops closed early because of the triads.

Last time I've checked, YL and NT area was pretty calm and quiet even when the protests were happening. But because of their efforts, protests will be shifting to NT lol.
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Old 07-23-2019, 09:41 AM   #442
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I don't agree on taunting Yuen Long pharmacies because they sell stuff to mainland china people. Just a regular business selling milk power, Ferrero Rocher chocolates etc. Just a typical grey marketing shit. Not different than going to 先達 (Sin Tat) buying a grey market cell phone, heck I've done it a few times. No different than us buying shit in Asia and bringing it back to Canada.


If a supremacist group (dressed in whatever color), decides to go to Richmond's Aberdeen / Parker place to protest for whatever _____insert whatever reason... and you come close to my friend / family's business jeopardizing (verbally attacking, or trying to tell me to close shop), you'll be sure I'll be outside defending.

I'm NOT condoning running onto the Canada Line to hit random strangers, I'm not going to beat on any fat pregnant woman.

I'm just saying I have all the right to defend my business & my family.
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Old 07-23-2019, 09:51 AM   #443
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post
I don't agree on taunting Yuen Long pharmacies because they sell stuff to mainland china people. Just a regular business selling milk power, Ferrero Rocher chocolates etc. Just a typical grey marketing shit. Not different than going to 先達 (Sin Tat) buying a grey market cell phone, heck I've done it a few times. No different than us buying shit in Asia and bringing it back to Canada.


If a supremacist group (dressed in whatever color), decides to go to Richmond's Aberdeen / Parker place to protest for whatever _____insert whatever reason... and you come close to my friend / family's business jeopardizing (verbally attacking, or trying to tell me to close shop), you'll be sure I'll be outside defending.

I'm NOT condoning running onto the Canada Line to hit random strangers, I'm not going to beat on any fat pregnant woman.

I'm just saying I have all the right to defend my business & my family.
I know "sui foh" is pretty commonplace in HK and pretty much a part of shopping culture here. But this isn't quite the same thing. It's not simply a couple people coming down to buy some milk powder now and then. It's obviously a pretty big problem, and not just because the people are from China. I don't live near the border, so I can't say that I've experienced it myself, but I can only imagine what it must be like up there. I've seen the NON illegal cross border shopping, and it's insane during holidays. It's probably like that, or worse, every day in these towns. At least it's bad enough that it's a pretty big deal politically...

I think these people just want police and customs to just enforce their own laws. Call it what it is - illegal smuggling - even if it's not a "serious offense" it's still an issue. If they did this, the daily visitors to these areas would probably go down like 80% and locals would enjoy a more peaceful life

So anyway, it's crime, and who generally organizes crime? Why should we care about these people being affected by protests? They should technically be in jail!

As for other businesses and families in the area being affected, who do you think are protesting against the smugglers and pharmacies in the first place?

And in your theoretical situation of attacking people protesting against (let's say the Richmond school district decided to start forcing kids in school to sing the China national anthem) because they're blocking you from getting a bubble tea or some shit... well you're in the wrong there (even if you somehow avoid hitting non protesters), that's all that needs to be said to that...
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Old 07-23-2019, 10:32 AM   #444
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Most of the ppl making money off of these water goods (sui foh) are hk citizens.

It’s like the iPhone craze back in the day. All the phones bought just so people bring it back to China to flip.

But man what a childish thing to do to vandalize the grave? What’s the pt? Guy will just replace it. Might as well go big and dig his family up. He has enough money to replace the tomb.
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Old 07-23-2019, 10:35 AM   #445
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Originally Posted by highfive View Post
Most of the ppl making money off of these water goods (sui foh) are hk citizens.

It’s like the iPhone craze back in the day. All the phones bought just so people bring it back to China to flip.
I doubt that's true, but even if it was, it is irrelevant what their nationality is.
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Old 07-23-2019, 10:52 AM   #446
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post
I'm NOT condoning running onto the Canada Line to hit random strangers, I'm not going to beat on any fat pregnant woman.

I'm just saying I have all the right to defend my business & my family.
You just did condone these actions.

So when the natives recently protested against the trans mountain pipeline, you believe the oil company now has the right to send hired thugs to beat them up?

Seriously, you're fucking messed up. If you ever run a business, please do tell me the address. I'll come and see if you back up your words.
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Old 07-23-2019, 10:56 AM   #447
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
And in your theoretical situation of attacking people protesting against (let's say the Richmond school district decided to start forcing kids in school to sing the China national anthem) because they're blocking you from getting a bubble tea or some shit... well you're in the wrong there (even if you somehow avoid hitting non protesters), that's all that needs to be said to that...
I was going to be epic and say protestors "Go back to your country .... we don't want you dirty laundry money, F U with your nice cars and increase in house values" Storms into Richmond & malls and gets violent.... I would defend rightfully.

I can't see it happening ever in Canada.. but you get my drift.
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Old 07-23-2019, 01:58 PM   #448
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
I doubt that's true, but even if it was, it is irrelevant what their nationality is.
I'm just saying, years ago a lot of hk people were buying water goods to bring it up to China to flip for money. There were tv shows interviewing these grannys and and uncles and they say how they make few hundred bucks a day and they get to go have dim sum in china and all. I agree, it doesn't matter what nationality they have but I agree the whole water goods thing is a culture between HK and China. Back in the day it was even bigger, I remember my parents telling me how some of their aunts and uncles used to bring different kind of goods up to China just because they don't have it there and they need those supplies for their families.

Now it's more for profit. That's all.

It only gotten worse is when there were formula shortages and people in HK felt that there should be some sort of control on it.
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Old 07-23-2019, 04:05 PM   #449
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Here a bit of an insight on water good seller as I was once a part-time seller

It's started off with my few friends wanting stuff like milk powders and stuff like cuz they don't trust companies in China (even if it's the same brand overseas), shortly after iPhone 4s quickly due to demand and also the fact that most ppl prefer hk version of the iPhone (even to this day)

Business wasn't bad as I did make a $5000 profit in a once normal items I bring back are Apple products and few ps4s/games as well shoes

So yesterday my friend from China got this in one of his group chats (mind u this is a kpop and jpop group chat)

Me and my friend are not associated with both parties and don't take part in any of the riots/protests (I'm in China)

there is suppose to be an "gathering" later at admiralty station early in the morning today, but I'm not too sure how real information is as

My friend (same friend in China) also got a call for the attack at yuen long station, they told $500 up front just beat a bunch of useless youth in yuen long and we're all the way up in Guangzhou China (he didn't take part as he does not believe in violence and also $500 from mainland to hk for a day is pretty much pointless since he losing for this trip lol)

Originally Posted by hk20000 View Post
I went up to a cute chick and asked her if she'd let me take a photo of her for $30 she slapped me, she said to me that "I AIN'T A WHORE!"

But other than that I have seen every car on display in DTP just by cruising about in Richmond, thank you very much for collecting them together and get someone to sing a cover for "fuck you".

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wtf man? what the hell kind of women do you go for? spca is for animals not dates...
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Old 07-23-2019, 04:09 PM   #450
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
It's way more likely that some anti extradition people did that, don't you think?
Word on the street on the tomb vandalism is -- it is extremely unlikely for anyone other than local Yuen Long people did this. Specifically, it had to be someone familiar with the graveyards, and specifically familiar with Ho's parents' tomb because of the difficult and rugged landscape that leads to the tombs. Additionally, if you are not a local villager, nobody really ventures into these "local villages" since they are not particularly welcoming of outsiders to the point that they may not let you through / go into the village.

Adding that all up, it is unlikely for protesters to pull of this act of vandalism.
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