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What if China just do nothing… Sit on the sideline and wait for Hong Kong to sink into complete total anarchy and chaos. At that point they would have the people's support to roll in PLA and restore order and "save the day" so to speak.
After weeks of this, I still feel for the HongKong people. But Hong Kong is not united enough for a revolution. And most important leaderless revolutions does not work. There is no plan after failing to beg and plead.
What if China just do nothing… Sit on the sideline and wait for Hong Kong to sink into complete total anarchy and chaos. At that point they would have the people's support to roll in PLA and restore order and "save the day" so to speak.
After weeks of this, I still feel for the HongKong people. But Hong Kong is not united enough for a revolution. And most important leaderless revolutions does not work. There is no plan after failing to beg and plead.
Honestly the cops are the only thing between Hong Kong and the PLA stomping in.
I suppose. But if you’re willing to cover up your face and attack people you’d think you’d want to make it count
Faces are covered because of facial recognition. You get caught o camera and six months down the road the cops arrest you at work and you disappear. The umbrella I thing would be more of a defensive weapon for things like pepper spray and it's something everyone already has.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
my heads spinning, dont even know what to believe any more
a few bad apples shouldn't represent all protesters but these violent outbreaks no longer seem isolated and mob mentality/anarchy seems to have become a desperate approach
if i were a foreign company i'd pull out ASAP, not worth the shit show
There's been speculation that some of the police are PLA soldiers in disguise. Or at least security officers sent down from China... No hard evidence that I've seen though, until now
That's the guy that got gang banged - literally. Banged on the head (& probably other heads)
You mean the man who tried to jump protesters with his 10 man gang then got his ass handed to him when the mob decided to fight back.
Lol I love it when mainlanders get a good beating. Triggers our resident commies. Advocating police brutality, massacre of unarmed citizens and sexual assault, but can't handle a little samurai shodown. Start shit, eat shit.
P.s. most of the weapons used to spank him were taken from his own buddies
What if China just do nothing… Sit on the sideline and wait for Hong Kong to sink into complete total anarchy and chaos. At that point they would have the people's support to roll in PLA and restore order and "save the day" so to speak.
After weeks of this, I still feel for the HongKong people. But Hong Kong is not united enough for a revolution. And most important leaderless revolutions does not work. There is no plan after failing to beg and plead.
They will never get the peoples' support. Not real people
The best hope is that this shows China how strong their compatriots can be, HK people persist against all odds. There is no sign of hope for their future, the governments are not only ignoring them, but provoking them and literally taunting them.
This is the kind of grassroots movement that becomes a revolution. And imagine tens of millions of people in China doing it, instead of a few million in HK...
I'm sure most residents in China don't think they have a reason to fight like this, but if the country is running out of money like people say they are, who knows
Lawyers marched today... Again this should remind everyone that it's not just students spending their summer protesting, or extremists throwing molotovs... Much of HK is behind the movement.
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp
The best hope is that this shows China how strong their compatriots can be, HK people persist against all odds.
This is the kind of grassroots movement that becomes a revolution. And imagine tens of millions of people in China doing it, instead of a few million in HK...
Which is exactly why China won't allow this to persist, it can't be shown that things like this can go unchecked
I can't imagine the protesters can't see this? They'll literally be forcing china's hand
Lol this commie thug got his ass beat. You can tell he is mainland, and shortly after the video starts he asks whether the reporter is from apple daily. Mainland being mainland. Fuck with the mob and the mob fucks you.
I watched the whole video. The guy who asked whether the reporter is from Apple Daily was a guy with a graphic white shirt and the badminton racket. I thought those were the kids.
Originally Posted by twdm
You mean the man who tried to jump protesters with his 10 man gang then got his ass handed to him when the mob decided to fight back.
P.s. most of the weapons used to spank him were taken from his own buddies
That video is so confusing. It looks like the same group of people from the beginning, who asked if reporter was from Apple Daily, who then decided to jump the guy with the white striped shirt.. and I guess someone gave him a different shirt(?). Clothes change at the end, but it looks like it's the same white striped polo shirt guy.
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we dont know the events leading up to the video, maybe the older guy did something unspeakable to the group
i dont know but sounds twdm was right up in there so maybe he can fill us in
but when i see someone defensiveless in a mercy position, and 10-12+ group continue to try and basically curb stomp him, that's how synergistic/mob mentality ends up killing went from peaceful reverse this bill protest to Mainlander lynching from twdm's sentiment
just like how the triad/thugs end up beating up seniors/kids instead of protesters, these hooligans will probably end up targeting anyone who's heard speaking Mandarin in the city when the adrenaline is going
these hooligans will probably end up targeting anyone who's heard speaking Mandarin in the city when the adrenaline is going
This isn't true at all. They've been chanting in mandarin, and I've seen them cheering people for yelling at cops in mandarin.
This isn't an anti-mainland protest, it's anti mainland government.
Unfortunately the camaraderie isn't going the other way, as the combination of brainwashing and stupidity is very dangerous, as we've seen in pro-HK protests in schools around the world
This isn't true at all. They've been chanting in mandarin, and I've seen them cheering people for yelling at cops in mandarin.
This isn't an anti-mainland protest, it's anti mainland government.
Unfortunately the camaraderie isn't going the other way, as the combination of brainwashing and stupidity is very dangerous, as we've seen in pro-HK protests in schools around the world
I applaud you for continousluy presenting the true intent of the protest from the begining.
But this is no longer the same peaceful protest in the beginning. Just look at all the social media stuff post online on both mainland and honger side. Its an all out race war. All the derergatory racist terms used on both side of the fence. Some of the terms honger used were absolutely disgusting. Calling mainlander racist terms that was used in colonial and japanese occupational days. Even some of the banner used in protest has straight up racist slangs in both chinese and english.
You and some core group of protester might see this as an anti CCP protest. There is vast group of people that are using this as a chance to voice their general anguish toward the society, toward mainlanders and to stir shit in general.
This is just providing CCP with all the propganda they need to paint the protest in the worse light possible. The general public in China is definitely not on Hong Kong side. How can they can when there are image of protesters holding up sign calling they "china pig". A very derogative term used by japanese during the second world war. I mean I feel angry looking at these clearly chinese looking people holding up sign denouncing their race and history. And I fully support their cause and what they are fighting for.
I know Skinny you consider Hong Kong your home and I completely see why you and the other hong kong protester are trying to fight for here. But this is ripping all chinese apart collectively. Just look at people making asumption based on someone's accent and they way they look/dress. No mainlander would feel safe right now in HK unless they can speak perfect hk style cantonese. And I'm sorry people are still claiming the city is not in a anti-mainlander mode right now?
This protest HAS affect the daily life of all Honger at this point. Its now impossible to carry on living in the town and not be involve somehow. Trying to drive through a blockade to go home? Wait while the protestor vandalize your car. I think saying the ENTIRE city is behind is a gross exageration. The entire city is now drag into this, those that have the means to leave are leaving to wait it out or for good. There is no place in the city to have the opposite opioion or to just to simply remain neutral. Just because the voice of the anti-government folks are louder doesn't mean there aint other voice. Some people truly just wants to be left along. If this carries on for another month or two, there WILL be more and more local support for PLA to roll in and restore order. Not neccesary because they are pro-CCP, they just want peace.
Thats why I continous to question, what is the next step here after pleading and pleading some more? Without a clear leadership it will just be total chaos and anarchy like right now. People taking advantage of the chaos to further their own personal agenda.
I'm sorry to break it to people but gandhi style peaceful protests don't work when dealing with authoritarian governments. Disrupting daily life is what has to be done. Look at what Mandela had to do.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
we dont know the events leading up to the video, maybe the older guy did something unspeakable to the group
i dont know but sounds twdm was right up in there so maybe he can fill us in
but when i see someone defensiveless in a mercy position, and 10-12+ group continue to try and basically curb stomp him, that's how synergistic/mob mentality ends up killing went from peaceful reverse this bill protest to Mainlander lynching from twdm's sentiment
just like how the triad/thugs end up beating up seniors/kids instead of protesters, these hooligans will probably end up targeting anyone who's heard speaking Mandarin in the city when the adrenaline is going
Uhh so curb stomping your attackers is the same as randomly attacking mandarin speakers? Did you see that guy even complain that they got the wrong guy? No, cause he knew he started shit and now he's reaping his rewards.
I didn't see you condemning the people who curb stomped innocent citizens in the yuen long attacks.
Plus here's context on what happened to one of the protesters who got attacked by this gang. This poor soul got shanked by the old dude's gang. He's lucky the mob didn't plaster his brains on the sidewalk.
I'm sorry to break it to people but gandhi style peaceful protests don't work when dealing with authoritarian governments. Disrupting daily life is what has to be done. Look at what Mandela had to do.
And just look at South Africa now..
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Thats why I continous to question, what is the next step here after pleading and pleading some more? Without a clear leadership it will just be total chaos and anarchy like right now. People taking advantage of the chaos to further their own personal agenda.
Yup. It's at a point where protesting has led to 10% of the extremist on either side causing shit. The moment you start vandalizing police stations, setting up blockades at arteries and disrupting is MTR.... it's has gone to shit.
Parliament building, then police stations, blocking tunnels.... ONE day it will get to a point of no return.