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Not sure if welfare is playing dumb here, or whether you really don't see why the US is stepping in. I also disagree with StylinRed's view that China isn't too concerned about the situation in Hong Kong.
The key factor is, the Hong Kong protests are happening right at the same time when US and China are engaged in their trade war, and Trump desperately needs a win here so that he can have something to give to the American voters in the upcoming US presidential election. In that sense, Hong Kong is serving as ammunition to get China to cave in on US' demands.
Hong Kong is responsible for helping China to raise ~70% of their foreign investment fundings. There is no other Chinese city capable of taking over this role in the foreseeable future, so especially given how tight money is now in China, China has almost everything to lose if the US or the Western world imposes any sort of sanctions on Hong Kong, so you can bet they (and esp Boss Xi) is very concerned.
Originally Posted by welfare
isn't the stability of Hong Kong quite important to China economically?
I can't see why, from an economic aspect, the US would want to step in.
Would seem this is a sort of gift for them.
Originally Posted by StylinRed
It's not as important as it was, and the fact china's like /shrug about it suggests they aren't too concerned
And yeah dissaray is probably a good thing in the US's eyes, which is why trump butting in, stirring the pot, to prolong this, seems possible
And that's also why, those inside China, believe it when the state news is saying there's foreign influence
Note, Fanny Law is a member of the ExCo, the top ADVISING committee for the chief executive... Maybe that's why Carrie Lam is doing such a shit job at handling this whole ordeal.
TL;DR notes:
-Fanny Law goes to a talk show to say she has evidence that a 14-year-old is offering free sex to protestors. Her evidence is from "the daughter of a friend of a friend"
-Netizens have already found out that this "quote" was first published on a pro-beijing news source on facebook (Insiders News). They were also responsible for spreading the rumour that the family of the lady who was shot in the eye was paid 300k USD to keep their mouth shut.
-her name is trending in HK forums. She is now hiding under a rock.
Corruption, dirty money, sexual exploitation of women... Those are all things that exist in the world of a corrupt mainland politician. It's all totally normal to her and her people. Of course she assumes that's what protesters and normal citizens are into as well. She just doesn't know any better; she's an ignorant moron.
-Fanny Law goes to a talk show to say she has evidence that a 14-year-old is offering free sex to protestors. Her evidence is from "the daughter of a friend of a friend"
There is a sense of participation, a sense of community for these teens / protesters to take part of. When, usually males, go and destroy MTR, or billboards, they get a sense of praise, accomplishment, recognition from the group and girls. There are a bit of heroism perspective going on within the band of brothers. So yes, has this become a platform for people to meet yes and creating relationship... but "offering free sex"... that's bullshit.
Not to call out Stylinred (though he deserves it in this case, with his obtuse, ignorant, and actually infuriating comments on the subject) but here's a report on that kid who got his skull bashed in, finger broken, and shoulder broken by 6 cops at Tai Po station the other day:
He wasn't causing any trouble whatsoever. He was just in the station passing by. The reason he ran from the cops wasn't because he was avoiding being arrested for committing a crime.
He was running for his life, as were all the other people there. And as we saw, they had good reason to do so. These cops were looking for blood, and they got it.
These cops are actually literally by-the-book definition of terrorists.
I know you won't take back your message; you already said something about being a devil's advocate of sorts, but fuck you for doing that. Terrorists don't need any sort of fucking advocate ok?
Not sure if welfare is playing dumb here, or whether you really don't see why the US is stepping in. I also disagree with StylinRed's view that China isn't too concerned about the situation in Hong Kong.
The key factor is, the Hong Kong protests are happening right at the same time when US and China are engaged in their trade war, and Trump desperately needs a win here so that he can have something to give to the American voters in the upcoming US presidential election. In that sense, Hong Kong is serving as ammunition to get China to cave in on US' demands.
Hong Kong is responsible for helping China to raise ~70% of their foreign investment fundings. There is no other Chinese city capable of taking over this role in the foreseeable future, so especially given how tight money is now in China, China has almost everything to lose if the US or the Western world imposes any sort of sanctions on Hong Kong, so you can bet they (and esp Boss Xi) is very concerned.
The US is stepping in?
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
The goal is to introduce some accountability on China's part. There is already an existing act which treats HK as a separate entitiy from the rest of China (most countries have something like this to deal with HK after the hand over), but this new one will hold China accountable in order for HK to maintain those privileges.
Regardless of the propaganda you see, HK is still very VERY important in terms of international economy. If countries like USA start treating them like any other mainland city, China is doomed.
Doesn't seem like HK independence.
Also, i don't know how well that would benefit trade negotiations with China.
Trump hasn't been very vocal about HK. Not sure he supports that bill.
Time will tell, i guess.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Corruption, dirty money, sexual exploitation of women... Those are all things that exist in the world of a corrupt mainland politician. It's all totally normal to her and her people. Of course she assumes that's what protesters and normal citizens are into as well. She just doesn't know any better; she's an ignorant moron.
Been seeing the phrase comfort woman being thrown around in some articles in regards to Fanny Law's interview. Did she actually say that in chinese or english anywhere?
Her view on "free sex" is backward as fuck already. She is another level crazy if she actually did equate with the actual tragedy that is comfort woman during war times.
Been seeing the phrase comfort woman being thrown around in some articles in regards to Fanny Law's interview. Did she actually say that in chinese or english anywhere?
Her view on "free sex" is backward as fuck already. She is another level crazy if she actually did equate with the actual tragedy that is comfort woman during war times.
I think the submitted question used the term, to which she responded "We have confirmed that this is a true case."
So I don't think she explicitly used the phrase, but kind of did in a way, since that's what the question used.
In any case, it's disgusting that she's even doing this. Absolutely despicable
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Heard she doubled down today too, when asked to backup her claims, she simply said she couldn't as she wanted to protect the young girls from ridicule oO
Not to call out Stylinred (though he deserves it in this case, with his obtuse, ignorant, and actually infuriating comments on the subject) but here's a report on that kid who got his skull bashed in, finger broken, and shoulder broken by 6 cops at Tai Po station the other day:
He wasn't causing any trouble whatsoever. He was just in the station passing by. The reason he ran from the cops wasn't because he was avoiding being arrested for committing a crime.
He was running for his life, as were all the other people there. And as we saw, they had good reason to do so. These cops were looking for blood, and they got it.
FUCK, 9 HK police officers jump the high school kid (he doesn't look armed with armour or a weapon). 1 of them grabs his leg and 3 come in after. 12 Fucking baton hits to his head.
Since they are in a group bang, they use their fucking full force to bash his skull open, since no one can really see who hits the hardest. A few officers with double hits.
9 on 1, seriously?
When the kid doesn't protect his head anymore, you can feel that he is losing his consciousness.
It's like if they don't catch anyone, they won't seem like they are doing their job, according to their superiors.
People have adopted a new national anthem, and have been singing over top of China's anthem whenever possible. Here they are at tonight's World Cup qualifier vs Iran
Edit: yes it's from pro china outlet, that's the point
They also claimed that HK protesters would be setting off bombs and terrorist attacks on US soil on 9/11
(actually the protests are being held off for one day, to show solidarity with the victims of terrorism in the US)
If you have a critical mind, these Chinese news outlets should be considered like news from The Onion. What you're seeing is not stuff that can/will happen, but stuff that they want the brainwashed masses to THINK should/will happen.
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Uh did you watch the video?
The point is, is that China is starting to call for the use of face masks in protests to be made illegal
So we may see that come down the pipeline in the future for HK, and the problem with that, is it would be difficult to argue against since its something that's prevalent in the West
The point is, is that China is starting to call for the use of face masks in protests to be made illegal
So we may see that come down the pipeline in the future for HK, and the problem with that, is it would be difficult to argue against since its something that's prevalent in the West
TF did you guys think the point was?
Wait and see if it happens
China doesn't actually make the laws here, as much as they try
No face masks? How would HK and internet celebrities/tycoons be able to shop around hong kong?!
it's not saying no face masks at all ever. it's saying no face masks when participating in a demonstration or protest.
or at least that's what all the laws they quoted are about..
The emotion coming through in some of these clips gives goosebumps'
Most of us here know the feeling of singing "O Canada" along with thousands of others... The sense of community and pride is awe-inducing. But Hong Kong people have never ever had that feeling. They are finally getting to feel that, and you can sense their emotions through even these crappy phone videos. It's pretty amazing.
Cops have been leaving them alone (so no violence, imagine that), but they did try to bait the Sha Tin protesters (to no avail this time)
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp
Not to call out Stylinred (though he deserves it in this case, with his obtuse, ignorant, and actually infuriating comments on the subject) but here's a report on that kid who got his skull bashed in, finger broken, and shoulder broken by 6 cops at Tai Po station the other day:
He wasn't causing any trouble whatsoever. He was just in the station passing by. The reason he ran from the cops wasn't because he was avoiding being arrested for committing a crime.
He was running for his life, as were all the other people there. And as we saw, they had good reason to do so. These cops were looking for blood, and they got it.
I know you won't take back your message; you already said something about being a devil's advocate of sorts, but fuck you for doing that. Terrorists don't need any sort of fucking advocate ok?
Sorry I actually didn't read this until today, thought It was the same post as the page before, well fuck, glad the news investigated and brought that to light, because you know some ppl would've thought the way I painted it, with just the evidence we had before, but that's not possible now with these revelations. Definitely can't let my mom go back to HK now, maybe next year
I had a conversation with some new friends yesterday night (up till 3 am) about the whole HKG protest here in China
I don't play politics much over here, but me and friends all agree that most of the ppl have already forgotten the main reason why there was a protest, why they all started to protest in the first place
Now it has become way for ppl to express their feelings through violence from both parties
I'm all pro for peaceful protest, but shits gotten a little out of hand with protesters destroying mtr stations and police beating down random strangers
I went up to a cute chick and asked her if she'd let me take a photo of her for $30 she slapped me, she said to me that "I AIN'T A WHORE!"
But other than that I have seen every car on display in DTP just by cruising about in Richmond, thank you very much for collecting them together and get someone to sing a cover for "fuck you".
Originally Posted by Neva
wtf man? what the hell kind of women do you go for? spca is for animals not dates...